Xbox Series S/X Re-stock Thread


29 (100%)
Xbox Series X & S Pre-Orders - Start Tuesday 9/22 at 8AM PT, 11AM ET

Xbox Series X - $499.99


Best Buy


Microsoft Store



Xbox Series S - $299.99


Best Buy


Microsoft Store



Wario64 wrote on Twitter:

some numbers I heard for GameStop per-store allocations for Xbox Series preorders:
Series X - 6-12 per store
Series S - 2-4 per store— Wario64 (@Wario64) September 21, 2020

Stores may also have a Microsoft financing program available called XBox All Access:

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I was able to grab an X off Target this morning.

Anyone have experience with them to see how they handle pre order deliveries? Is expecting it on release day too optimistic?
Target is the best in the business. Plus you get that 5% red card discount. Though they usually don't ship until release day, like most places.

I was able to grab an X off Target this morning.

Anyone have experience with them to see how they handle pre order deliveries? Is expecting it on release day too optimistic?
Both my PS5 and Xbox Series X from Target says it will arrive days after launch. Whether that will change though as we approach launch I am not sure since this is my first time with them.

Just made a non-signed-in order at BB with in-store pickup... score!  Will have to add missing Rewards Points later, but day-one pickup is likely better than Amazon, so I may cancel that previous success if all goes well with Best Buy.  Thanks to the fellow CAGs posting their stories here on both orders!!

I was able to grab an X off Target this morning.

Anyone have experience with them to see how they handle pre order deliveries? Is expecting it on release day too optimistic?
I got a Project Scorpio from them. iirc it didn't arrive on release day. I got a PS5 from them and the shipping says to expect it to arrive at least the say after release, up to a week after.

Just made a non-signed-in order at BB with in-store pickup... score! Will have to add missing Rewards Points later, but day-one pickup is likely better than Amazon, so I may cancel that previous success if all goes well with Best Buy. Thanks to the fellow CAGs posting their stories here on both orders!!
thanks so much for that tip. Finally got through.

I was not able to get one from the MS store. The site kept crashing. I saved up enough MS credit to buy an Xbox Series X.  I guess I'll wait until 2021 to get one. Congrats to everyone that got one.

I got a Project Scorpio from them. iirc it didn't arrive on release day. I got a PS5 from them and the shipping says to expect it to arrive at least the say after release, up to a week after.
Yeah, I have 11/11-11/16 as the expected delivery date. I was hoping that was just a placeholder but Ill keep my expectations in check.
I managed to get an order through best buy after spamming the pre order button. I now have both the ps5 and new xbox pre ordered through best buy and now I can relax and wait for the consoles to ship to my home.

I feel like there's been more successes with XBOX release today than there were for PS5. I hardly saw any successes that night.
Totally. Spent 6 hours that night getting my 2 PS5 preorders. I had the S and X in 45 minutes and probably could have ordered several more if I wanted. Heck BB is still available this late.
It is safe to order two of the same thing at best buy even tho it says the below.  the first order is in, can 2nd order is in checkout

'This item is limited to 1 per customer.'

Got through using the BB mobile app. Had a $300 gift card there so they were basically my only option. Luckily I've been on a conference call all morning for work so I just muted my phone and spammed add to cart for an hour and it finally worked. Now awaiting cancellation.

I was able to do a store pickup order at Best Buy (was anyone that got an order recently able to do shipping?). More of a fall-back in case I cannot get one through MS store (I've had it in my cart since they went live but could never checkout, now I can checkout and they're soldout :bomb:). Placed one shortly after they went live with GameStop but the order was cancelled. 

I feel like there's been more successes with XBOX release today than there were for PS5. I hardly saw any successes that night.
Its hard enough to arrange a lunch right now with everyone working from home, I cant imagine how hard it is to coordinate a console launch with dozens of retailers at the last second
I was able to do a store pickup order at Best Buy (was anyone that got an order recently able to do shipping?). More of a fall-back in case I cannot get one through MS store (I've had it in my cart since they went live but could never checkout, now I can checkout and they're soldout :bomb:). Placed one shortly after they went live with GameStop but the order was cancelled.
Yeah I don’t trust GameStop when it comes to limited stock type of items. They will cancel your order over any little thing.
Got through using the BB mobile app. Had a $300 gift card there so they were basically my only option. Luckily I've been on a conference call all morning for work so I just muted my phone and spammed add to cart for an hour and it finally worked. Now awaiting cancellation.
You are the fucking man after trying all morning doing it on the mobile app worked within a few minutes. Thank you!
Was back to trying to add one to my cart at BB after all the issues and kept getting an error. Come to find out, it was still sitting in my cart from all the attempts earlier then things were messed up. Was finally able to choose inshore pickup at my local store. 

Of course now people are saying that they are getting cancellations notices so I fully expect to receive one too since it was so late in the day. 

Got a cancel notice from BB that they are out and need to cancel.
This is why I’m keeping my MS and Amazon orders for now. I’d rather get it from BB, but it seems there’s a lot of orders going through right now. Most might not get completed.
This is why I’m keeping my MS and Amazon orders for now. I’d rather get it from BB, but it seems there’s a lot of orders going through right now. Most might not get completed.
Correct. Have backups. Worst case scenario is you sell to a friend or coworker or whatever who wasn't able to grab one. If I get both PS5s, I know one of my coworkers said he'd buy it off me for a slight markup. And I get to keep my credit card points ha

So I got one at my GameStop this morning every store in my area got six X models and two S models except mine which got four and one respectively. So I think employees reserved two before the store even opened. I was third in line so I was fine they tried to up sell me on everything before they let me just preorder the console. So glad to be almost done with GameStop hopefully this goes smoothly at launch.
I had given up at around 10am PT.  Had it in my cart but couldn't check out.  Over an hour later, I came back to give it another go.  GOT ONE, whoohoo! Wasn't successful with any other retailer.  Best Buy came through for me for both PS5/Series X.

Edit: Crap, I'm reading the previous post about orders getting cancel.:(

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The reason people pay excessive amounts on eBay is because they have a lot of money and value their time more than the money. I sincerely doubt anyone on this forum is paying marked up prices on eBay, and unfortunately those who do pay those prices aren't coming here to read our thoughts about trying to eliminate price gouging middle men.
I was never saying that it was feasible to fix this problem. I was only saying what it would TAKE to fix it. People with loads of money are always going to use that money to get what they want - even to the detriment of those beneath them financially. I don't have an answer - and if I did, half of you would probably just label me a socialist anyway :whistle2:

Are Xbox One X even available in store anymore?
None at Target but last nite on Amazon refurbs were $400 & new were $500 (i think they stopped production of X1X a few months ago) so this made me want the XSX even more!

I read somewhere that due to Pandemic that console purchases were way up!!

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I was never saying that it was feasible to fix this problem. I was only saying what it would TAKE to fix it. People with loads of money are always going to use that money to get what they want - even to the detriment of those beneath them financially. I don't have an answer - and if I did, half of you would probably just label me a socialist anyway :whistle2:
What problem are stores trying to solve? They sold all their merchandise. I doubt they care what happens to it once that happens. They don't care if a gamer gets it versus a bot.

They sold out. What more does a store want?

If anyone has trouble with Best Buy, try adding an extra controller to your cart. I did and it finally went through after hours of trying.
Snagged the Series X at Microsoft earlier and had to run an errand right next to the local Gamestop.   Right on the door was a sign saying they were sold out of all PS5/XSX but still went inside to look around.   Turned out they still had a Xbox Series S still available for preorder.   Kind of surprised but grabbed it too since they are offering $125 trade in for my old slim xb1.

bread's done