XBOX360 HD DVD Add-on w/9 HD DVD's $179.99 Shipped @


170 (100%)
This deal is huge, I figured it needed its own thread.

Get the XBOX360 HD DVD Add-on w/King Kong, choose 3 HD DVD's from the list, and then get the 5 free mail in HD DVD's for free as well, for a total of 9 FREE HD DVD's.

:360: Promotion Page

5 Free HD DVD's Link:

Thanks to Kane Robot and Prock.

[quote name='Prock']i just tried the deal with the xbox 360 hd dvd player with the movies the departed, 300 and the fountain. it came out to 179.99.

Items: $263.84
Shipping & Handling: $7.46
Super Saver Discount: -$7.46
Promotion Applied: -$55.90
Promotion Applied: -$27.95

Total Before Tax: $179.99
Estimated Tax: $0.00
Order Total: $179.99

edit: This is probably the best deal for the xbox 360 hd dvd player since you will get king kong (i believe), 3 free movies from amazon, and 5 from the mir offer.
Giving you a total of 9 free hd dvd movies.[/quote]
[quote name='alraydius']Like another guy asked, I jumped on the Best Buy deal last week...will Best Buy match on this deal, or only on B&M deals?[/quote]

Best Buy will not PM this deal...extremely YMMV if anyone suggestion, return it to Best Buy if you haven't opened it or buy it on and return the new one with the old Best Buy receipt.
[quote name='bigdsinferno']this seems pretty much dead for a most of the good dvd's.[/quote] except that it lasts until September 23rd, they'll get more stock in by then.
[quote name='rexflexall']After much deliberation I finally caved in this morning and bought the whole kit n' kaboodle. I got:

-Xbox 360 w/HDMI
-HD DVD player
-HDMI cable (was only $6 after shipping)

Got 12 movies in total I think:

-Happy Feet
-The Departed (gotta wait forever for it)
-Blood Diamond
-Superman Returns
-King Kong (included)
-Van Helsing (didn't want it but it was the only movie if i put it in my cart took off extra $27.95)

and the 5 mail away movies


Figured it was more worth it buying it this way than from the B&M. Doing it that way would have been $571 after tax with only 5 free movies and no HDMI cable.

I was waiting for a long time to see if a good deal would come this way soon with Xbox 360.....hope I made the right choice! :D[/quote]

That's're in for a world of fun now!
I am thinking about this, but I just paid $134 on my credit card, trying to think if I should throw this on. I don't know if a great deal like this will come along again for a long time.
Anyone checked to see if they've "fixed" this double-dipping of the discount because of the B2G1, like they seem to have done on the PS3 + BR discs?
[quote name='Oops! I did it again.']Ha, I did the same with the $8 thing. Didn't realize it at the time.

Doesn't matter, as I REALLY wanted the $19.99 title I got. Picked up Robin Hood (the $19.99 title), TMNT (another I would have instantly bought even had it not been a free title), and 300 (haven't seen it yet, figure seeing it in HD would be the best way to give it a shot).[/quote]

just to prove my CAG worth i emailed amazon and got the $8 back. yay for cheapness~
[quote name='Tastee Dong']I just tried HD player and 3 dvds 19.95. Total came out to $199.94, looks like no more B2G1. :cry:[/quote]Good to hear it's been confirmed, though it's bad that they fixed it. :cry:
The three DVDs for free was a glitch? Because when I placed my order, I wasn't getting the third title for free, but rather I was paying $8 for it. Then when I e-mailed Amazon to complain, they reduced that title's price so it would be free... but in the process removed the discount off another title (meaning I was now paying full price for that one) so I was now being charged EVEN MORE!

I had to have a lengthy phone call with a CSR just to get it back to the original "$8 over" price, which I may or may not have to dispute with the credit card company and/or Amazon when it gets to that point since I still have the original e-mail with the original total.

And to think this whole mess could've been avoided if I just went with three $27.95 titles which would've all came out for free. I might be done with Amazon for good after this.
Well I sent mine back, I didn't open it. But after reading reviews. It seems that not every movie looks great. I'll wait for another sell this holiday season.
[quote name='Indiana Jones']The three DVDs for free was a glitch? Because when I placed my order, I wasn't getting the third title for free, but rather I was paying $8 for it. Then when I e-mailed Amazon to complain, they reduced that title's price so it would be free... but in the process removed the discount off another title (meaning I was now paying full price for that one) so I was now being charged EVEN MORE!

I had to have a lengthy phone call with a CSR just to get it back to the original "$8 over" price, which I may or may not have to dispute with the credit card company and/or Amazon when it gets to that point since I still have the original e-mail with the original total.

And to think this whole mess could've been avoided if I just went with three $27.95 titles which would've all came out for free. I might be done with Amazon for good after this.[/quote]Yes, the 3rd movie being free was a glitch. They've fixed it today.

The added wrinkle is that all three titles had to be in-stock for it to work, so you had to pick carefully by yesterday morning/afternoon to get three that would work. In the beginning, when everything was in-stock, it wasn't an issue.
^ Well one of my titles wasn't in stock, so I'm going to have to wait a couple weeks to see how they charge me. The CSR I talked to said I'd get credited back the difference, but since I sent out a nasty e-mail complaint about my price increase right beforehand (without knowing it was a glitch), another CSR might screw with my order even more.

I'm still going to return my Best Buy HD-DVD player, so if Amazon falls through, I just won't be doing HD-DVD after all.
[quote name='breakin2']I hopped on it! Thanks for the info. Now I have to bring my Best Buy HD-DVD to Best Buy and return it. Thank God I can return it right to the store and shipping was free.[/QUOTE]

I just did this.

I paid $193.xx for my HD DVD add-on from Best Buy with TMNT for free (since 300 was sold out they let me substitute).

I then ordered the HD DVD add-on from Amazon, with 3 HD DVD movies for $187 shipped to my door.

Took THAT 360 add-on (that I got from Amazon) back to Best Buy for a full refund. Best part was that they didn't ask for TMNT back, so I got to keep that as well. So I pretty much got the HD DVD add-on, 4 free movies right away AND 5 by mail.

Not bad!
[quote name='Graystone']Well I sent mine back, I didn't open it. But after reading reviews. It seems that not every movie looks great. I'll wait for another sell this holiday season.[/quote]

Wow Graystone, you missed out...sorry to hear. I don't know what titles turned you off but HD DVD movies is an experience you have to see not read about.
Pulled the trigger Wed night.

I got The Departed, 300, and Letters From Iwo Jima for $179.99 shipped. Backordered until late Sept because of The Departed. Still not positive I want to keep the order though....

Thanks OP.
I had jumped on the 300 + 360 HD-DVD deal about a week and a half ago, but after two copies of 300 didn't work, and I found this thread, I took the whole thing back ($197 and change including tax refunded). I rebought the drive with Corpse Bride, The Mummy (both of those for my fiancee), Serenity and the Firefly soundtrack (been wanting that for a while now...figured now is as good a time as any!) and it all came out to 213 bucks. Crazy deal. Saving on the tax alone made the ordeal worth it.

Thanks OP! ^_^

Now if I can just get a drive that will play 300... *sigh*
I jumped on the deal and also signed up for the free Amazon Prime deal so I received the addon and HD-DVDs (Road Warrior, 12 Monkeys, 40 year old Virgin) in two days. I don't need the extra 360 addon so if anyone wants it, I will sell it shipped for $159. PM if interested.
[quote name='GizmoGC']I just did this.

I paid $193.xx for my HD DVD add-on from Best Buy with TMNT for free (since 300 was sold out they let me substitute).

I then ordered the HD DVD add-on from Amazon, with 3 HD DVD movies for $187 shipped to my door.

Took THAT 360 add-on (that I got from Amazon) back to Best Buy for a full refund. Best part was that they didn't ask for TMNT back, so I got to keep that as well. So I pretty much got the HD DVD add-on, 4 free movies right away AND 5 by mail.

Not bad![/quote]

How come they didn't ask for TMNT back? Wasn't it on the receipt?
[quote name='Indiana Jones']How come they didn't ask for TMNT back? Wasn't it on the receipt?[/quote]

i did the exact same thing except w/ 300! it shows on the receipt as part as a promotion but i guess the CSR didn't even bother
bread's done