Xbox360 HD DVD player at Sears for $4.97 YMMV


CAG Veteran
I tried doing a search to see if this was a repost and I'm not sure if you would qualify this posting as strictly "video game" related but here goes.

I work at Sears and I've been eyeing this Xbox 360 HD DVD player that for the longest was $49.97 (clearance). I've been there since May so I've been staring at it since then. Today on a whim I decided to check to see the price and BAM! $4.97. Needless to say I scooped it up!

Now YMMV on this one. More than likely your local Sears will not display this and it will be in a back stock room. Go to electronics and ask them to check this item number if they have it in stock.

Div #58 Item #91807

Now this price should be valid nationally since this is what rang up on the register and not a markdown by the store. More than likely your store doesn't have them since any concerned stock room manager will have by now pushed this inventory out when HD DVDs hit the tanker
Aww, Scorch, is your night ruined now because something was in the wrong spot? It's tough playing internet police, isn't it?

*hands you a crying towel*
[quote name='Rouzhokuu']Aww, Scorch, is your night ruined now because something was in the wrong spot? It's tough playing internet police, isn't it?

*hands you a crying towel*[/quote]

Don't be a douchebag. This has been talked about in the thread he linked to for quite some time.
[quote name='Rouzhokuu']Aww, Scorch, is your night ruined now because something was in the wrong spot? It's tough playing internet police, isn't it?

*hands you a crying towel*[/quote]

What the fuck are you going on about?
This should be moved to the DVD forum to do the most good. I'm sure there are people there looking for movie-related deals who don't read the Sears Clearance thread.
Yeah, I think that some amazing deal that is in a super long thread should warrant a new post, perhaps with a link to the original thread. Thanks OP
cool time to stock up on extra players in case mine die in the future and there will be nothing to play my precious hd-dvds in! ;)
Deserves its own thread. If i didn't already have two (bought when it was $20 (after $30 rebate), i would be scrambling to find this one.
Wow, folks are still interested in this? While sears probably has a low probability of payoff at this stage, is selling hd dvd 360 drives with a HD boxsets of battlestar galatica season 1 and Heroes season 1 for $50 or just with battlestar for $43...the listing doesn't mention that the unit comes with the king kong hd dvd, but after a certain point, MS stopped including that in with the drive.

So it not nearly the deal a $5 drive is, but it does come with some nice HD DVDs in the package and certainly is alot easier to find and purchase.
Found one myself. On the sticker on the HD-DVD player box:

360, HD DVD PLAYER $49.99
D58 M91807 P

The item number seems right.
By the way, I'm sure you all know this, but ignore the stickered price, as it did come up $4.97. The clerk told me, "Holy crap, I feel retarded for ringing this up for you!" as he went off into the back to find any more after I left, lol
My local sears is out of them, either that or the guy didnt wanna look for it(or wanted the last one for himself:bomb:). If anyone grabs an extra one to try and sell I'll paypal $15 for it shipped :D:applause:
Awesome deal. Haven't seen these at the local Sears, though, in a very long time. I always kept an eye out, figuring they would be clearanced out eventually, but they were gone months ago. If anyone sees any in the northern Jersey Sears (Jersey City, Wayne, Rockaway, etc.), let me know. Thanks.
Yes, this has been in the Sears Clearance thread for some time now, however, not everyone visits the clearance threads and this is a great deal! Extremely YMMV, though.
[quote name='Rouzhokuu']Aww, Scorch, is your night ruined now because something was in the wrong spot? It's tough playing internet police, isn't it?

*hands you a crying towel*[/quote]
LOL, what the hell?
Can you still find movies for it? Fry's near me had this massive HD-DVD sale. They clearenced out all their movies and were selling the add-on for 30 bucks. For 5 bucks, I'd bite on it, but I don't want to buy it and not be able to find movies for it.
[quote name='UberNinjaz']I honestly hope you people are buying it for "LOL look at what useless junk I got for $5!"...[/quote]

Hardly. My local Fry's is still stuffed with HD-DVDs, it's only a matter of time before they're selling them for a few dollars a piece. Granted, the selection is limited because the format has been discontinued, but you can still pick up some great movies that were previously released on HD-DVD.

If I found this at my local Sears I would scoop it up quick! $5 is a STEAL for high definition content.
Great deal if you can find some cheap HD DVDs. I bought 44 HD DVDs for about $2 each, and got a couple of these players off eBay. Nice alternative to paying considerably more for the Blu-rays, and amazingly, they don't start looking or sounding like crap just because HD DVD is a dead format!
I bought 2 more (had picked up 2 when they were on clearance at Kmart).

I really don't have much interest in HD-DVDs, but they work great as external drives on a PC if you want to rip CDs unattended or if you just want a spare drive for playing DVDs (as a side-note, they seem to do a much better job at reading scratched discs than either of my internal drives).
[quote name='UberNinjaz']I honestly hope you people are buying it for "LOL look at what useless junk I got for $5!"...[/quote]

Do we honestly need one of these posts in every thread that concerns HD-DVDs? There are still a lot of cheap movies out there to get. I've got about 25 movies, now, and have never paid more than like $7. You can't beat that for a high-definition movie. Also, the remote alone is worth more than $5, especially now that the 360 is becoming a much better media hub with the Netflix integration. So, please, could we pass on the attempts at funny quips about HD-DVD?
[quote name='UberNinjaz']I honestly hope you people are buying it for "LOL look at what useless junk I got for $5!"...[/quote]

5$ is worth it even if you don't play HD-DVDs. You can use it with your 360 to play normal DVDs and save wear on your drive. It also comes with the 360 remote control which is worth 10-20$ alone.
[quote name='Bad']5$ is worth it even if you don't play HD-DVDs. You can use it with your 360 to play normal DVDs and save wear on your drive. It also comes with the 360 remote control which is worth 10-20$ alone.[/QUOTE]

If nothing else, it's quieter than the internal 360 drive, which is nice for movie playback.
Indeed. This thing has a few different users, plus you get the remote. $5 is a steal. I paid $50 for the drive back when they pulled the plugged and got a $30 rebate. Probably the best $20 I ever spent.
The HD-DVD drive is a no brainer at this price or even higher prices. The remote alone is great and there are hundreds of great HD-DVDs that can be had for $5. Many HD DVDs have all the special features of the more expensive 2 and 3 disc DVD versions plus exclusive interactive features.
Not to mention the combo discs, so even if the player dies and you don't have an HD DVD player, you can still play the DVD side. Of course, only some HD DVDs are combos...
[quote name='UberNinjaz']I honestly hope you people are buying it for "LOL look at what useless junk I got for $5!"...[/quote]
Well, I would probably use it as an external DVD-ROM drive for my netbook. I heard it works so we'll see.
[quote name='Tee_Ken']Well, I would probably use it as an external DVD-ROM drive for my netbook. I heard it works so we'll see.[/quote]

If it works please post, I just picked up a netbook and was thinking about ordering a DVD for 5 bucks would be killer.
I would only buy it if I thought I could sell it on Ebay a couple of years from now to a collector. There will always be someone who is willing to overpay for a format that is dead in gaming.
just checked at two sears in north texas area and both were OOS. looked up item numbers in computer and everything. :cry:
[quote name='ryne candy']I would only buy it if I thought I could sell it on Ebay a couple of years from now to a collector. There will always be someone who is willing to overpay for a format that is dead in gaming.[/quote]

It was never involved in gaming, apart from attaching to the 360.

This very YMMV, especially here in Los Angeles County. I will end up purchasing it at Fry's at a later time.
You know something.... it kinda makes me mad that I've been on the lookout for this player for 6 months at a cheap price. The uniontown PA area is wiped out of everything that is a good deal when it comes to anything gaming related.

I missed the opportunity to get it when K-Mart was having this sale, and just last month (I'm talking end of November) Sears all of the sudden had two of these drives just sitting there. I had a cashier ring one up and it was still 49 bucks. Checked again a week later, still sitting there collecting dust. Then, the DAY that this is posted in the Sears clearance thread, I head straight up to the mall only to find both drives gone. Its like I can never catch a break!
just went to a Sears here in So cal and they just looked at me funny when i asked about it.... good luck to all on this one!!
Thanks OP. Got the last one for $4.97 at the Victorville, CA Sears. The look on the salesperson's face was priceless. The HD DVD player was in the glass case (same spot it's been in for the last 6 months or more) and was still stickered for $49.99.
No problem guys I love helping out! Like I said I've been eyeing this since May when it was still ringing $49.97.

Just a FYI this was the version that came with King Kong and remote. I didn't even know it came with a remote but I won't even use it since I have a Harmony 550 and it works flawlessly with this player.

If you don't purchase this soon (within the next 15 days at most) you'll probablly be out of luck on this. There's a certain point where Sears will tell the stores to pull merchandise that they have on inventory and send back to their vendors. At this price I can predict that they'll be sending these back soon.
FYI, Blockbuster's website has HD-DVDs on sale for about $7 a piece. Shipping is very reasonable too. I bought Assassination of Jesse James & The Fountain since they're combo format, and shipping was under $2 for both. Of course there's tax also so...
So I went by the Sears in Sacramento today. Their computer said they had one, but the clerk I asked almost immediately - upon seeing the price - told me that the computer was likely incorrect and that they were out of stock. He said he'd go look and for about 5 minutes he did. He came back empty. I admit to being a bit suspicious, but ah well.
bread's done