Xenosaga Episode II Plot Discussion [Spoliers Within!]


Ok, so I finally finished playing through the main plot of XS2 last night, (haven't started the postgame stuff) and my first though was, "that's it?"

My Summary:

It seems like, from a story perspective, almost nothing happened in this entire freakin' episode. Basically, Albedo got the Y-Data and unlocked the way to Old Miltia. Then some Ormus organization tried to get the Zohar before the Federation or the Foundation could get it. They succeed and use it to activate some super weapon called Omega Prime. However, before the Cardinal can use it to rule the galaxy, the group known as Testament (presumably the true driving force behind everything) appears and stops him. At the end, Albedo fuses with U-DO so that Jr. can finally kill him. Then, the Ark of Abel appears and sucks up the original Zohar.

At the end, besides a whole bunch of flash backs, all that really *happened* is that Albedo died and became White Cloak, and the Ark of Abel took the Zohar. It seems like there are three "sides" to the conflict now. There is Testament/U-TIC, Dr. Yuriev, and our heroes (who incidentally don't seem to have much of a goal at this point since they don't even know who they are fighting, or what they are trying to achieve.)

My Questions:

1) What is the point of Ormus? They are introduced as some sort of great shadow organization, yet they are almost immediately defeated. It seems like their only purpose is to activate Proto Omega (whose real importance is probably that it allows Albedo to fuse with U-DO).

2) What is the point of the Albedo/U-DO thing from the plot point of view? I can understand that Albedo personally wants to connect with U-DO so that he can finally die. But in the grand scheme of things, the U-DO expansion is halted, and the Ark of Abel ends up taking the Zohar. It seems like everything returns to square one, except that instead of being inaccessable on Old Miltia, the Zohar is just unaccessable in a giant Gnosis instead.

If that was the whole point of this, why didn't Testament just go in there themselves as soon as Albedo opened the way to Old Miltia and free the Zohar themselves. That way, there's no dealing with Ormus, no dealing with Albedo or U-DO, and the whole damn thing would've ended much faster. The only result I can see from all this extra work is that Albedo finally dies so that he can be ressurected as the White Cloak (which is ironic, considering how much effort he went through to die in the first place). But Willheim made it clear that this was not the primary goal, but just because he felt it was "unfortunate" that Albedo had been assigned to the minor role of the "key holder" (presumably to Old Miltia).

3) What the hell is Dr. Yuriev up to? Presumably, this will be explained next episode. But it seems like when he was first introduced, they made it a big deal that he was not part of U-TIC (that scene where he killed all the U-TIC members at the base, and Pellegri looks shocked to see him alive), yet for the rest of the episode, he doesn't do anything. Apparently, he doesn't seem to care too much that Testament is achieving their goals. Which brings up the question, why the hell did he kill all those U-TIC people in the first place?

Well, those are just the thoughts that I had after finishing it. At the very least, it was a interesting, if flawed gaming experience. Now all I have to do is finish the post-game stuff, and I can move on to DMC3.
Wow, I have no clue what you're talking about. All I know is that I'm definitely not checking out this game.
Don't worry, I have no clue what I'm talking about either.

As far as the XS series has gone, it's mostly nonsense. It basically throws you into a world you don't understand, and then proceeds to ask questions faster than it can answer them.

At least XG started small (village), esclalated (war), and finally expanded to full scale (Deus). But XS has been very sloppy about the plot by comparison, IMHO.

Still if there any fans out there, I'd like to know their thoughts of what they think happened.
I own xenosaga episodeI , i kicked ass in the beggining never really got into it ,it's not the type of games i enjoy , but there are a million people who still love this game.
Well to be honest, I sort of got into XS purely on the faith that it would have as compelling of a story as XG did.

Gameplay-wise, I don't think that either XS has been as polished as I would have liked, but I was willing to look over it for a decent story.

After playing XS II, I wouldn't say Namco has lost my money yet. But I definately can see that nif you don't get hooked by the story, the gameplay isn't going to carry you through it.
Xenogears didn't have a compelling story. It's been the same psuedo-religion/philosophy bullshit since day one. In attempting to come off as a well- written, introspective, and provocative work it just becomes stupid. CHAOS'S REAL NAME IS ARAMAIC FOR JESUS! Holy CRAP that's so deep! I'd better go pick up a Nietzsche book now and pretend I understand it. I'm not making the assumption that you guys, specifically, do that but I know more than enough people who do to make the generalization. If you absolutely have to play it, wait until it's $4.50 at TRU.
I've pretty much given up on the story of XS. I just hope we manage to make it past Episode III so we can have a better cast of characters.

But Namco will probably shit can it before then.
Reality's Fringe]Xenogears didn't have a compelling story. It's been the same psuedo-religion/philosophy bullshit since day one. In attempting to come off as a well- written said:
Wow, no offense, but it sounds like you're the one who's taking this too seriously.

Xenogears had an interesting story because it was driven by characters and their relationships. If you're looking for "well-written, introspective, and provacative" story from a video game, you are have very unrealistic expectations.

When I say XG is compelling, I mean that it compelled me to play through to the end, because the story kept "uncovering" more plot to push me forward. I don't mean that it changed my view on religion; it's a video game, it has compelling gameplay.

As far as XS is concerned, you'll notice I didn't mention anything about religion or "deepness." In fact, I agree with everyone else that XS is basically nonsense so far, and that the storyline is really falling apart.

I'm not sure what the point of your post was, but I'm tempted to mark it as a Troll, because you are the only one in the thread that has brought up anything about the religious siginificance of the game. If that is how you feel about it, that's fine, but whoever you're responding to, it isn't anyone in this thread.
[quote name='terribledeli']I've pretty much given up on the story of XS. I just hope we manage to make it past Episode III so we can have a better cast of characters.

But Namco will probably shit can it before then.[/quote]

Oh yeah, that reminds me, does anyone else absolutely hate Shion now? I swear, they totally amplified her whiny bitchiness to new levels in this one. Everytime there's a cut scene with her, I absolutely dread it, because I know its going to be nothing but "Why me?", "I don't understand!", "I can't take it anymore", "No KOS-MOS!", ... on and on forever.

Other than halliciniating angels, I don't even see how she did anything useful in this episode.
Xenosaga II is a 25 hour long sidequest - insane disappointment, and I don't know how I got suckered into high expectations in the first place

[quote name='MightySlacker']Xenosaga II is a 25 hour long sidequest - insane disappointment, and I don't know how I got suckered into high expectations in the first place


Agreed. The rumor at the time was that XS Ep. 2 was suposed to be part of Ep. 1 (because the original promos of Ep. 1 had Jin fighing Margulis). But they ran out of time, so they ended up splitting the game in two. It may be just a rumor, but after playing it, I'm inclined to agree. There was not enough plot substance for this to be an entire standalone game.
Yeah that's pretty apparent in Disc 1. When it asked for Disc 2 I though my PS2 was broken. A flashback, you get chased through town, you get to wander around town doing useless sidequests, then go into MOMO's subconcious, and...that's it? Are you fucking kidding me?

I wish they would have kept it with Ep 1 - that way the voices wouldn't blow. The sadder part is that they'll put out another snazzy trailer, and I'll fall for it again when Ep 3 comes out. fucking Namco

I just got to the submerged city and I'm seriously considering just giving up on this.

There was so much that could've been done...they could have filled us in on some holes in Episode 1 and covered way more ground in this one than they did. but there's so much filler and some of the dungeons drag on like a huge tangent. and the mini games are not fun at all.

this series is starting to look like some kind of joke!

It's like Namco just said: "Let's make up a whole sci-fi world with it's own sci-fi vocabulary, have a sci-fi/spiritual story take place, and NOT explain ANYTHING to the gamers and see if they fall for 6 episodes of it!"

all the running around is getting to me too...just did the sidequest where you have to unlock traps in MOMO's mind...that was brutal. Maybe it's getting to me because the music is so bad and that there's only one track for each map? yeah, i think that's it.
the pool of magic system is crap too..it forces you to learn all kinds of stuff you don't want and it homogenizes the characters. speaking of the characters, they are begining to get to me...perhaps it's cause the voice acting and scripting are both B-grade. how many cringe worthy lines are in this one? I don't know but once again, it makes XS look like a huge joke.

but......the battle system is kinda alright =P hopefully Ep.3 is a resurgence. they have their work cut out for them and a lot of fans have spoken.
[quote name='MightySlacker']Xenosaga II is a 25 hour long sidequest - insane disappointment, and I don't know how I got suckered into high expectations in the first place


I totally agree, then they throw a damn scene like the Omega System being born and I get sucked back into the game. I don't know which parties from the original XG team came over, but obviously it wasn't anyone that had to do with making decent RPG gameplay; hell give me 2 step encounter rates and 30 second battles over this mindless boost, combo, repeat nonsense...

EDIT: Then of course I finish the game tonight and get sucked into waiting for Part 3. Damn you Monolith!!!
bread's done