YES! Fullmetal Alchemist!!


14 (100%)
from magic box:

- UNCONFIRMED: Square Enix is planning to bring the popular PS2 action RPG Full Metal Alchemist to US later this year, the US version will be renamed to Fullmetal Alchemist & the Broken Angel.

2 days later...

- Square Enix announced its E3 lineup:
Front Mission 4 (PS2) - June 15, 04
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time (PS2) - August 04
Fullmetal Alchemist & The Broken Angel (PS2) - Spring 05
Final Fantasy XII (PS2) - TBA 2005
Final Fantasy XI: Chain of Promathia (PS2/PC) - Autumn 04
Kingdom Hearts II (PS2) - TBA
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (GBA) - Autumn 04
Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (DVD) - TBA

Im so happy!! it's my favorite anime right now!

and the best part is, I got a day secured for E3 so I get to firsthand that sh*t!!

I think squeenix is gonna have one of the best shows this year jus by that lineup alone (altho PSP is on my list as well)
I think there have been rumors that the anime will be over here sometime in 2004, so I'm sure it will get here before the game does.
Front Mission 4 (PS2)
Got to have them all if it coming out ;)

Star Ocean: Till the End of Time (PS2)

Fullmetal Alchemist & The Broken Angel (PS2)

Kingdom Hearts II (PS2) - TBA

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (GBA) -
[quote name='Masterkyo']Front Mission 4 (PS2)
Got to have them all if it coming out ;)

Star Ocean: Till the End of Time (PS2)

Fullmetal Alchemist & The Broken Angel (PS2)

Kingdom Hearts II (PS2) - TBA

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (GBA) -[/quote]

What was the point of this post?
I'm personally not too excited about Full Metal Alchemist, but I guess I can understand the excitement. I never thought it'd make it here, personally.
They are bringing full metal alchemist stateside. There was an article about it in Newtype USA one or two issues ago

Naruto won't come out here in US but Naruto 2 will release in America later this year or push back till 2005.

Naruto 2 Only for GC & PS2

FMA just got licensed by Funimation...

I found this out while I was not paying attention in class by using the intenet...

anyway this means new episodes will be hella hard to come by, unless you wait til next year... itll be aired on cartoon network october.

I dont have the link on me, but it's in the ps2 section of IGN
ok I somewhat thoroughly played thru the demo for this game at E3 (I Played thru all the parts but not in their entirity) so here's my report.

The first part was about Ed and Al in a train station fighitng a bunch of dudes. it was a tutorial like level so it'd say "hey Ed, u should do this" then it would instruct you how to do it.

Second part was a typical field battle. Chase some fool by fighting everyone that gets in your way. Since it's an open environment there's a lot of things u can transmute around you.

Last part wasa boss battle with this big frog thing. The camera was kinda iffy for this part, but that was before I figured out how to manipulate the camera (I played this part first). The boss was very strong so the strategy was supposed to be making him eat stuff. I was able to transmute bombs but couldnt figure out how to get them into his mouth.

so how does the game play? the controls are like:
X jumps
square attacks
trianlg does something...
circle transmutes (uses alchemy)
R2 makes u roll and dodge
R1 gives commands to Alphonse

jumping, dodging, and attacking u can figure out, altho w/ attacking only 1 button this becomes somewhat a button masher

transmuting things. you hold O to charge up your level, uf you just press circle Ed transmutes a small wall in front of him. Hold it past level 1 and you create a rock spike that attacks the enemy. While you're holding O though things in the environment will become highlighted with icons above them telling you what you will get if u transmute them, either weapon for Ed, Al, or a turret. You press triangle to jump onto the turret and can shoot away with it until it runs out of ammo.

Using Al. Al acts on his own but if you press R1 you will call him to you. When he is close to you and you press R1 he tackles in the direction he is facing. If you transmute a weapon for him, pressing R1 by the button makes him come and grabit. That was about it...

overall the game is nothing too special but it's still good. The gameplay isnt anything spectacular and the story will not be the end all storyline of the year. But it is still kinda fun and since it's FullMetal Alchemist any fan will definately like it!!

in other news, Squeenix was only showing their trailers to people who could get a ticket, which I was unable to get. I didnt get to see FF12 and Kingdom Hearts 2 trailers... (if anyone can point me to an online resource thanx!) KH2 wasnt on hands on play either, but Chain of Memories was which wasnt so great. Front Mission 4 looked cool, but I didnt play it. Star Ocean 3 was awesome!
This is crap gayimation is so stupid I watch the show with Sub titles its a great show How ever the game is gonna suck when it comes here b/c if it comes to america it sucks the plot of the game will be changed to something stupid b/c they can't show them trying to bring back their mother to much blood I will buy the game only b/c iI am a big fan of the show. Now as for naruto Again the show kicks ass however the game will never have a good story mode if you have read the manga like I have you will see it would be like 6 disks if they where to include every thing in the story. It will be cool to fight as Naruto and Sakura and Rock Lee and Kiba but it will only be good for its fighting style and battle mode Again I will buy this game only b/c Naruto is the best anime i have ever seen. Kh 2 i have nothing bad to say about it but it will be good I just hope they make light on what we all missed in Kh final mix a very rare virsion of kingdom hearts that includes several things thats where left out for info on all kh stuff head here there is all the Kh stuff you will need to know and thats about it im done ranting here anyway to go back to my point if it came from japan to america it is edited and suck more then before
My god, the fansubs really are gone. :shock: I think I'm going to cry. :( Does anyone know if there's a manga version of FMA?

Does anyone know if there are plans to release it as a DVD series? I really don't want to watch a dubbed version, and if it airs on Cartoon Network you know parts of it are going to be censored.

DragonGod, I don't know if they would actually censor the videogame. Square doesn't usually do that. It's just the anime itself that will probably be censored, and then just when it's on TV. (By the way, I don't normally criticize grammar on the internet, but you might want to try not to use run-on sentences. I had a lot of trouble reading your post. Your first sentence can actually be written as eight separate sentences.)
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