Yes.. I have a two part question


9 (100%)
I stopped jogging during the week, because I have to walk several miles around campus 3 days a week. I want to start running again, but i know that i need to give my legs a rest + protect my knees, and prevent shin splints etc.

Would anyone happen to know, If it would be bad to run 3 days a week that im not walking?

Also anyone know a place to buy low priced Birkenstocks? no im not going to be running in them :)
dude dont excersize too much youll burn youself out, I used too go to the gym every day religiously, now i go maybe 3 times a week, you cant overdo it, it could be doing more bad than good.
Well normally i wouldnt, and I don't want to train this hard. But I want to enter this local contest and it requires a decent amount of running.
how long would u go out running for? and yea it would be bad to over do it. maybe u could go running twice a week and build up? and for your Birkenstocks.. no clue
You can go running like 5 days a week and that is fine, just make sure to take a resting day once in awhile. And if your lifting too then try not to run as much.
You could run 5 days a week with no problem, but you wont actually gain speed by just running the same pace day in and day out.
One day a week you need to do sprint exercises, then the next day a nice pace medium run, then a slow long run, etc. the different type of running builds different muscles, going up a big hill once fast is as good for you as running 3 miles.
I used to run cross country and had no ill effects from running seven days a week. Just ease into it and make some of the days easy runs.
I ran cross country through high school and college. There is no problems with running 3 times a week. I would start by running every other day to give your legs rest in between.
Thanks guys!

Its mainly needed for endurance so I wont need to beat a certain time. The sprint thing once a week. I never really ran as a child, as I was slow etc. But played Hockey in HS. Right now I can run a mile around my neighborhood which is pretty flat without really being winded (at a steady jog type seed ) I want to at least have a similar endurance to people in the standard military etc as I believe it will be that difficult.

If anyone has military/cross country/football exp let me hear your drills.

We really didnt have alot of vigirous endurance training in hockey, i guess because of the skates.
Try fartleks....there a re a number of different ones, but try somrething like this. While running, jog at a normal pace for 2 minutes, then run at 3/4 race pace (fast) for :30 seconds. Keep repeating.
Do an "out and back" run. Give yourself 16 minutes running in one direction, then turn around and try to make the return trip in 14 minutes. That should help your speed and endurance.
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