Yet another Cell Phone suggestion topic


Ok, I'm going to get service through Verizon since I get a 20% discount through them for working at Best Buy. Right now I am planning on getting the Motorola E815. Does anyone have this phone and have anything to say about it, either good or bad? The other couple I was looking at were the Samsung SCH-a670, the Samsung SCH-a890, and the LG VX8000. I'm leaning heavily towards the E815 because of all of the extra features it has, but would love to hear comments about any of those. I know that most of Verizon's phones are like crippled out of the box, but I've found some ways around those online. Does anyone know how reliable the hacks are? I know they void the warranty because you are flashing the BIOS, but I might still consider doing it because it does uncripple the phone. Thanks.
Like I said before, get the treo 650 if u have the money to. And I think verizon has the best plan for that phone right now. $50 for 350 minutes with unlimited internet and text messaging. U can go anywhere on the web with the web browser
I dont really want anything that is like a PDA though. I'll have a laptop and everything, but I just dont want to carry around something like that.
Yeah....just checked my price on it...definetly don't have $350 lying around. All of the phones I listed were either free with contract, or less than $50.00.
r u trying to get it with a new service??? And r those 3 phones the phone that u really want??? What features does the e815 have that the others don't???
Yeah, I am getting them with new service. The amount of memory on the E815 is much greater, also, it will handle MP3s, and it is bluetooth compatible (even though the access to it is severely crippled).
bread's done