You Can't Spank Kids!!!


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According to this article, the state of Massachusettes is trying to pass a law that says you can't spank your kids. If you do and get caught, you will be put on the "child abusers" list with the rest of the psycopaths that do it for real. Is it me, or a lot of this "liberal" shit going too far? I am all for rights, and freedoms and what not, but cmon. I have 2 kids ( 3 and 7mth old ). I'll be damned if my kids walk all over me.
The whole thing is about limits, a quick swat is one thing, one that breaks blood vessels or leaves bruises is a whole nother matter.
[quote name='sweeetja713']The whole thing is about limits, a quick swat is one thing, one that breaks blood vessels or leaves bruises is a whole nother matter.[/quote]

Obviously. But would you be upset if you gave that quick swat and put on the registered child abusers list?
"If someone says there ought to be a law - there probably ought not be."

First libertarian stance on this - why do we need this legislation? From the get go I see more harm that it can potentially do. If you want to punish child abusers, deal with that directly. Passing a law saying "you can't spank your kids" is subjet to misinterpretation, and abuse.

Personal (i.e. anecdotal) account:
I have been spanked plenty as a child. I have deserved much more than I've gotten. I love my parents and have a much better relationship with them than any one of my friends. I am planning on not ever laying my hand on my child, as unrealistic and silly as this may be, the idealist stance is the least you can do when your next of kin is concerned.
[quote name='MarioColbert']
Personal (i.e. anecdotal) account:
I have been spanked plenty as a child. I have deserved much more than I've gotten. I love my parents and have a much better relationship with them than any one of my friends. I am planning on not ever laying my hand on my child, as unrealistic and silly as this may be, the idealist stance is the least you can do when your next of kin is concerned.[/QUOTE]

Wait til he or she either get's on whatever version of Xbox live is out there when they are old enough to understand and play video games and starts bitching for "Cholocate milk" or wait til they become rebellious teens.

Then come back here and say "I still didn't spank them"
[quote name='Leek']Spanking, yes. But not beating[/QUOTE]

btw did you get a spanking from the EB employee when you tried to scam them from your little scheme you posted the other day??!?!
It won't ever pass because everyone has been spanked, so thsi thing is just more bullshit like when some "woman" from GA or AL last year tried to ban Harry Potter for teaching Satan's religion. She claimed it was a seperation of church and state. She then finished the article with "I think The Bible show be in every classroom".

A few fucknig idiots makes everyone look bad.
[quote name='vasco']

According to this article, the state of Massachusettes is trying to pass a law that says you can't spank your kids. If you do and get caught, you will be put on the "child abusers" list with the rest of the psycopaths that do it for real. Is it me, or a lot of this "liberal" shit going too far? I am all for rights, and freedoms and what not, but cmon. I have 2 kids ( 3 and 7mth old ). I'll be damned if my kids walk all over me.[/quote]

How is this a liberal law? Last time I checked:

Liberal: favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, esp. as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.

Conservative: disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.

In short, this doesn't really fall under any pretense, as I imagine the time-honored tradition of beating the shit out of your child's ass when they fuck up is quite the amount of freedom.

And in all honesty, they need it. Beating your kid's ass worked until a bunch of bleeding heart groups cried that it was physical abuse (that's the fucking point), and should be a crime. That led to the huge increase of popularity of Boot Camps becoming the new big "parenting device", a law banning spanking your kids is about as retarded as a national gun ban.

In short, the government needs to stop telling us how to raise our kids, and parents need to stop pointing fingers when their kids fuck up and shoot up a school.

At this rate, parents will have to sign a document at the moment of birth stating:

"I will not fuck up this gift from God."


And for the record (if it matters):
I'm a Liberal Democrat
[quote name='ITDEFX']Wait til he or she either get's on whatever version of Xbox live is out there when they are old enough to understand and play video games and starts bitching for "Cholocate milk" or wait til they become rebellious teens.

Then come back here and say "I still didn't spank them"[/quote]

I've had one of the best days ever today, and this post just hit the homerun. Perhaps if I was in a gloomy mood I wouldn't find it so funny that your top reason for spanking a child is them being dicks to you while on XBOX LIVE, but the more I think about it, the more it's clear to me.

I think it's a good time to send an email to to the legislators in MA.

The best thing about being a non-citizen, is that you still get to participate all you want, and you don't even have to do it in your own state! Let's pretend that I didn't say that.
The reason I said "liberals" was cuz MA is like the biggest liberal state in the country. Since it's their lawmakers trying to bring about this law, I went ahead and said it. God knows my hand has swatted my 3 year old son's ass plenty of times. But he now does things when I tell him once. Mom on the other hand... since she is not much of a spanker, he walks all over her. Only when I'm not around though. And for those that say you won't lay a hand on your kids you either are A) lying out your ass or B) Don't have the experience with kids of your own when they throw that nice and hard Tonka truck at you.
[quote name='vasco']The reason I said "liberals" was cuz MA is like the biggest liberal state in the country. Since it's their lawmakers trying to bring about this law, I went ahead and said it. God knows my hand has swatted my 3 year old son's ass plenty of times. But he now does things when I tell him once. Mom on the other hand... since she is not much of a spanker, he walks all over her.[/quote]Really, now? Because she is not a spanker, he walks all over her? You are sure of this? You have... you have thought on this issue? You are sure that there is no other fucking reason? Besides spanking, you two are exactly the same? There is no other reason for this difference in behaviour in your son? Have you figured out how much I love italics yet?

What I'm getting at here is that his acting out around her means dick all with regards to spanking Vs not spanking. I'd bet my Wii that spanking isn't all that she doesn't do.
Maybe his son's growing up to be a "get in the kitchen and make me a sandwich" kind of asshole.

Or maybe it's genetic, I don't know.

From what I've heard they didn't really expect it to pass, they just wanted to bring up the issue for debate.

In any case I fail to see why spanking kids is some kind of requirement as lots of people seem to think it is. I was hardly spanked and I've turned out a hell of a lot better than plenty of kids who were spanked a lot (and probably less violent). It's not a black-and-white choice between spanking and giving in to all of your child's desires.
[quote name='SpazX']From what I've heard they didn't really expect it to pass, they just wanted to bring up the issue for debate.

In any case I fail to see why spanking kids is some kind of requirement as lots of people seem to think it is. I was hardly spanked and I've turned out a hell of a lot better than plenty of kids who were spanked a lot (and probably less violent). It's not a black-and-white choice between spanking and giving in to all of your child's desires.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I agree. I was spanked and it didn't really make me any more compliant with my parents, so I'm not sure that spanking is the great thing everyone makes it out to be. Just don't give in to your kids all the time and you should be fine.
[quote name='HotShotX']How is this a liberal law? Last time I checked:

Liberal: favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, esp. as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.

Conservative: disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.

In short, this doesn't really fall under any pretense, as I imagine the time-honored tradition of beating the shit out of your child's ass when they fuck up is quite the amount of freedom.

And in all honesty, they need it. Beating your kid's ass worked until a bunch of bleeding heart groups cried that it was physical abuse (that's the fucking point), and should be a crime. That led to the huge increase of popularity of Boot Camps becoming the new big "parenting device", a law banning spanking your kids is about as retarded as a national gun ban.

In short, the government needs to stop telling us how to raise our kids, and parents need to stop pointing fingers when their kids fuck up and shoot up a school.

At this rate, parents will have to sign a document at the moment of birth stating:

"I will not fuck up this gift from God."


And for the record (if it matters):
I'm a Liberal Democrat

He means LEFTIST, not liberal

In the truest sense of the word, yes, liberals believe in maximum individual freedom. Todays "liberals" as they are called want nothing of the sort and are misnamed so frequently so as to re-connotate the word liberal to mean the exact opposite of it's original definition.
And the pussification of America's youth continues. Spanking is nothing. When I talked back to my parents as a kid, I got a swift smack across the face.
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']And the pussification of America's youth continues. Spanking is nothing. When I talked back to my parents as a kid, I got a swift smack across the face.[/quote]

I've seen similar comments a million times and I still don't know just what it's supposed to mean.

How are America's youth pussified, what are the consequences, and how does smacking them around help that?
I think some kids need the living shit beat out of em. I'm serious, not just a spanking, like a serious beating that will leave an impression on them. Maybe even death if its lookin like they're on track to be a psychopathic killer. Just nip the problem in the butt before that little devil child does real damage.

Seriously though, we dont have anything to worry about. Discipline and other uniquely "family related" matters have never been subject to statutory regulation. The USSC has upheld a parent's right to raise their kid pretty VERY broadly. So much so in fact that they have ruled that a parent has complete control over even such matters as whether Grandparents can have visitation. The right to privacy leaves family matters in the family's hand and methods of discipline are uniquely within those recognized parental rights.
The law is completely retarded even though I could NEVER spank either of my kids (doesn't mean I haven't wanted to though). I can't think of a single reason for them to ever think I'd harm them in any way.
I think spanking works for very young kids but anything beyond 5 yrs old, forget it. The thing about spanking is that the older you start, the more difficult it is to convey the difference between physical punishment to physical abuse. If you give a gentle but stinging swat to a 1 yr old's hand for stealing his older sister's cookie, he's gonna realize that he did a bad thing. Do the same thing to a 10 yr old and he'll see it as getting off w/ a light punishment. Do the same thing to a rebellious teen and he'll laugh in your face.

The key to spanking lies therein in doing it at a young age so the child develops respect for the parent's authority. As the child gets older, other non-physical means will most likely work because of that earlier discipline.
[quote name='jaykrue']I think spanking works for very young kids but anything beyond 5 yrs old, forget it. The thing about spanking is that the older you start, the more difficult it is to convey the difference between physical punishment to physical abuse. If you give a gentle but stinging swat to a 1 yr old's hand for stealing his older sister's cookie, he's gonna realize that he did a bad thing. Do the same thing to a 10 yr old and he'll see it as getting off w/ a light punishment. Do the same thing to a rebellious teen and he'll laugh in your face.

The key to spanking lies therein in doing it at a young age so the child develops respect for the parent's authority. As the child gets older, other non-physical means will most likely work because of that earlier discipline.[/QUOTE]

I don't think it has as much to do with respect for authority as it does to convey the understanding that their are consequences for one's actions and decisions. Even children over the age of five aren't functioning, rational creatures, and need to be kept in check from emotional overload and the unconscious nature of their decision to behave in a certain way.

From personal experience, I know my almost 8 year old son is a great kid and more well behaved than any of his friends. Still, from time to time he doesn't think about his actions and sometimes willingly disregards a direct command to stop a particular behavior.

Sometimes, short term consequences like a slap or a spank work much better than a future consequence like taking away the videogames when we get home. Kids just can't think that far into the future for it to be a deterrent and/or the situation is sometimes determined by a split second decision to avoid someone getting hurt. Kids are really like dogs in a way and need to be trained. Obviously, positive reinforcement works best, but sometimes there's no better negative reinforcement than a little pain to remind them they did something wrong.
well when i was a kid i was hit spanked slapped you name it from mostly my mother, she has some...erm alot of anger issues and i really have not changed that much, only for being freakishly tall but i dont think that would do anything :drool: anyway i think this is a really sad law i think there getting bored and wanna make new laws just to make everyone mad and get a good laugh!

Basketball anyone? lo l:applause:
Well if I cant spank my kids I guess I will have to go and buy a dog training collar one of the ones that shocks them. It didnt say i couldnt do that right? :)
Digging deeper into the MA POTENTIAL legislation for this, it could be easily modified/interpreted to cover harm done to an unborn fetus.

My friends who work on Beacon Hill seem to think that this business was all smoke and mirrors to force an abortion ban.

It's sad when I go to Wal Mart and see a woman beating the shit out of her kind and security/911 don't care at all... but using the guise of child protection to take away a woman's right to choose is certainly underhanded.
The problem is that there are too many stupid parents that take out their aggression on their kids and then call it punishment. If you're pissed off at your kid for breaking something and then wallop them across the head, I'm sure they learned a great lesson.

Don't set mom/dad off because they can't control their temper :roll:
Be more careful of your actions and mindful of your surroundings

Don't even try and say any different. People even up to the age of 21 aren't capable of making rational decisions thus what makes anyone think that they find the need for responsibility as the true reason for physical punishment? You ask any kid that's ever been hit by a parent/caretaker as to why they shouldn't do something bad and they won't say, "OH NOES Because it's wrong!" They'll say, "Because I'll get hit."

While I think the spanking bill is ridiculous as it is useful up to the age of atleast 5 or 6 since children can't make the above distinction between temper/discipline, spanking is where it should end. Paddles? Belts? Whips? I'd LOVE for a police officer to use a belt on a person who uses one on his kids and then not act as if it was out of line.
bread's done