You Got to Be Kidding Me - Games for Windows LIVE = $50/Year

This will fly for the following reasons:
1) If you already have an xbox, one account is good across both platforms

2) Lets say it doesnt fly, why would MS care if it ends up hurting PC gaming and PC developers switch over to 360?

Side note) With MS moving to a pricing structure, you may see other companies move to a tiered-pricing model for online service. Again, hurting the PC industry is irrelevant.
I often wonder if ultimately Microsoft wants gamers to go Microsoft Console. I mean, most of the "bad" things said about a microsoft os'es in conjunction with software/driver/hardware support is usually game and gamers related. The only time I have every blue screen a Windows machine with installing stuff was playing with beta video card drivers. But seems like some gamers who blast microsoft usually doing it because of hardware drivers and/or old game support.
Well I was planning on upgrading to Windows Vista sometime in 2009... that just got pushed back to... never.

I will never pay a yearly/monthly fee to play pc shooters. Never.
You know, I have no problem paying for Xbox360 Live, it's a really wonderful online service compared to the other systems out there. But on a PC, something most companies give us free, I don't think so, Microsoft can stick this, I'll keep XP or go to a Mac or Linux and parallel XP when I need it.

But Microsoft is getting greedier and greedier, imo. I guess they need this money to pay for all their crimes they keep getting charged with.
imo a horrible move on msft side...I wonder if they are going to start having dedicated servers...I love live on the 360, but I hate that it is peer to peer networking...there has to be more info that hasn't been announced yet
[quote name='ryanbph']imo a horrible move on msft side...I wonder if they are going to start having dedicated servers...I love live on the 360, but I had that it is peer to peer networking...there has to be more info that hasn't been announced yet[/quote]

No dedicated servers.
I dont see how any major PC game developer will jump on this. I think EA has their own server, and Steam and Blizzard are probably not going to jump on. For PC MS has nothing aside from Age of Empire, Flight simulator, and Halo. Looks like it will be good for people already using xbox live, but unlikely to get much from most pc user.
Windows Live will have Silver accounts that let you play online for free.
People with Gold accounts get extra stuff, like achievements. Of course if you already have a Live Gold account you can use it as your Windows Live account.
im confused.....people are pissed about this but are ok with playing for one game (IE WOW, EQ, etc) monthly? $50 a year = all games pc and xbox .. i dont see the problem...
This is fuckin retarded. PC Gamers are never going to start paying for a service that has always been free for them. I also have an Xbox 360 so it isn't a big deal to me but the idea behind this is shit. The only good thing about this is that at least certain games hopefully won't be pay-to-play, like anything on Steam. But overall this is shit and I hope all PC gamers tell Microsoft to go fuck off.
[quote name='Malik112099']im confused.....people are pissed about this but are ok with playing for one game (IE WOW, EQ, etc) monthly? $50 a year = all games pc and xbox .. i dont see the problem...[/QUOTE]
It is fine if you are already using it for xbox, but it is not going to get any PC only user with so few games. $50 is fine for a MMORPG, but not for a FPS, even if it is Halo 2.
MMORPGs are monthly subs since there is always new content added. And the high cost of maintaining those large populations on the servers. Charging for fps/rts is just stupid, this will kill any love anybody still had for MS. Next thing you know they'll make it where their games can only be played using controllers.
[quote name='Kaijufan']Windows Live will have Silver accounts that let you play online for free.
People with Gold accounts get extra stuff, like achievements. Of course if you already have a Live Gold account you can use it as your Windows Live account.[/quote]

" The good news is that unlike the Xbox version of live, the Silver (free) members will be able to play online with no additional cost."

Ok that's kinda confusing but that's fine then if they can still play. I doubt very many people will subscribe to get achievements, I for one don't give a shit about achievements. I wish XBL silver was like that.
[quote name='dastly75']" The good news is that unlike the Xbox version of live, the Silver (free) members will be able to play online with no additional cost."

Ok that's kinda confusing but that's fine then if they can still play. I doubt very many people will subscribe to get achievements, I for one don't give a shit about achievements. I wish XBL silver was like that.[/quote]
I just read another article, and it looks like Windows Gold members get to play with Live Gold members, and Windows Silver memebers can't, so I'm sure that some hard core PC gamers would pay to play with console gamers, if just to prove how much better a mouse and keyboard are.
Still I have to agree with you, and I feel that for the most part the only people who will have Windows Gold will be people who have Live Gold.
There is no way in fucking hell I would ever sign up for this. Silver is fine though.

PC gaming has always been free in terms of online play in games, MMOs aside. No developer in thier right mind should even consider this.

I don't find this suprising at all. If they could get something like counterstike they'd be set. CS is like the Madden of PCs. Everyone knows what it is and millions will fork out money to play it. I've been on some gaming forums where people actually couldn't figure out how to install the game. Putting the disk in was too complicated.

However... going off the sparse article, it sounds almost like this is an entirely separate program you have to run in parallel to the games. IE, something like Xfire, MS Gaming Zone, Gamespy or MPlayer (back in the day). So really, the only way this would be used was if there was no multiplayer frontend coded directly into the game itself. Which I cand find any developer doing, minus MS of course.

I can see developers supporting it, but not requiring it. Then theres the whole issue of dedicated servers. Not only would they not make them, but would they even support them?

I don't use live on the 360 where its the only option, theres no way in hell I'd pay for what's been free since forever on the PC. The interface is overly simplistic yet still difficult to navigate, general performance is slow and unresponsive and they make it possible for morons that cant even spell category 5e to play online.
bread's done