You just got a new game what do you do with it????


32 (100%)
Well I thought this would be an interesting topic because I just found a game that was unopened. Final Fantasy VIII! So this brings me to my question, what do you do when you buy a new game? Most of the time I have to play it right away but sometimes I will throw it on the shelf unopened and take forever to get to it!
Usually I play it a half hour to get an idea of wether im willing to invest serious time into it. If it sucks I sell it or trade it later, plus theres just something about oipening new games that I enjoy
I've got in excess of 50 still sealed going through 3.5 generations of systems. When I buy more than 1 game at once, it seems like they start to stack up.
Before I found this site, I would buy a game and usually open it on the way home to check out the manual and disk. Then depending on schedule and how much time I can put into a game, go ahead and get started on it now.
Now, after getting a PS2, I made a personal vow to either finish [or almost] every game that could be, or trade/sell it if I don't like it.
Now, after finding this site, I'm in the middle of at least 5 games and the 'OOH! New game!' feeling has been lowered. Some of them, depending on price, I don't even open till I'm ready to play it, in case i want to return it or trade it sealed.
Open it up.
Do what you gotta' do to get your money's worth.
Then set it on the shelf to collect dust....hopefully you'll remember you put it there tomorrow.
Hmm. I guess the same could be said for beer and women.
Yeah my game library is growing... even on a budget...
I got some unplayed games... I just don't have enough time to play them all now... like FF XI... that game might take all my gaming time from the looks of it.
I open it and read the manual immediately, whether I plan on playing the game that day or leaving it on a shelf for months.
depends if it is a game I have been waiting to play I pop it in and find the mutliplayer or free run, trail etc to figure out the buttons. if it a CAG it usally stays on a shelf unopend for months. then one day when I am rained or snowed in I play it.
Throw it in the pile and forget about it until i'm sitting around bored one day and decide to play it. Of course this all depends on the game, if I was hyped for the game then i'll open it right away.
The only unopened games I have now are the Ps1 games I got for free, i have a bunch of games I got for 10 or less I dont play much, and Im concentrating my time on Fight Night 2004 right now, along with finishing The Simpsons Series 1-3, then Ill prolly work on MVP Baseball 2004 but who knows I got a bunch of Gamecube games that I dont play too much. Ive gotten so many games in the past month for such good deals that I cant work them into my schedule
I always open my games to check out the contents. I read the manual to get an idea about the game, then I put in my rack. I usually play it later that day or the next day. A lot of times, I'll play it for a while when I first get it, then forget about it for a month.
[quote name='catacasa']Open it up.
Do what you gotta' do to get your money's worth.
Then set it on the shelf to collect dust....hopefully you'll remember you put it there tomorrow.
Hmm. I guess the same could be said for beer and women.[/quote]

Beer--*never* open it until you're ready to drink it. And if you're drinking a beer, definitely don't forget where you put it.
: )
I stick it on my shelf until I can play it. The first time I play I try and invest quality time into it to figure out whether to finish it or trade it.
A few years back I bought Marvel Vs. Capcom new at Babbages and got out to the car to realize that the disc was cracked. (I just went in an exchanged it no problems)

Since then I've openend every game I get right away to make sure the disc is ok. Out of my 950+ games, I think there's only like 5 or so I haven't popped in yet.
I pop it in and try it out for a like 15 minutes then if I like the game alot then I throw it in my "Play" pile of games other wise it gets thrown in the "Play later" pile. Thanks to CAG both piles are pretty damn big.
I bought Hitman 2 back in November. Still havent played it. This site is a mixed blessing. You have the ability to widen your library but you never have any time to play. It's weird. That feeling I used to get when i got a new game is gone. Now it's like buying groceries or something.
I am trying not spend more then $19.99 on a new game unless I know for sure that I'm going to be playing it anytime soon. Every game I pay more then $29.99 for right now I currently play it asap and try to beat it. Even Nightshade at $19.99 is too much for me right now, just because I know that I won't be playing it asap. I have so many unbeaten games in my collection.

So if a game appears for $9.99 or around that price tag, I'm bound to pick it up even if I don't play it much. On the other hand, if the game is $19.99 or above, It's going to have to have a good deal of interest for me to buy, or be a rare game down the line like La Pucelle Tactics.
I generally am already currently playing one or two games, so any new ones go on a pile of other unopened games. I always save my receipt and don't open my games until I'm ready to play so I leave myself the option of returning if there is a big price drop or I decide I didn't want a particular game after all. I don't think I've done that even once so far though :lol:

Right now I think I only have four or so unopened games.
If I'm working on beating some other games I have, I open the game and put it in with the rest of them. If I have nothing else, I work on that game right away.
I don't buy nearly as many games as most people on this site, so I always play them the first chance I get. The games always get opened during my drive from the store to my house.
I'm very particular about playing one game at a time. I like to play until I beat a game and then move on to the next, unless the game absoulutely sucks. Funny and a little stupid but I eat meals the same way. Eat one thing on the plate and then move onto the next. I wonder what that says about my personality?
I always open a game and play it a little bit. It may be months until I play it again if I get other games im more intrested it.
Open it as soon as you get it, there's been far too many weird stories lately of people getting empty boxes or something in their cases. If you are the one in a million that happens to, good luck going back to the store and saying "this case was empty can I have another one?"
Oh man that happened to me once... Really! And I opened it on the way to my car thank god!! It was at Wal Mart and it was Roller Coaster tycoon, no disc in the box,Crazy, they exchanged it for me!
Well, new games will usually get played right away. Exceptions come when there are buy 2 get 1 free sales, or the games are just too cheap to pass up (thanks CAG).

Then, they can get shelved. Until I'm ready to play a game through (or decide that I don't want to play it anymore). So, if I'm in the middle of some games, then I won't play it right away.

I've been working on the backlog over the last few months. So, I only have 2 games in the backlog at the moment.
I don't know offhand how many unopened games I have, but there are quite a few. I switch between 2-3 games at a time, but try not to open a new one until one has been completed. I bought Ratchet & Clank - Going Commando well over a year ago, and just opened it last week. Great game. I bought Invisible Wars last week from EB for $19.99 and probably won't get to that until the Holidays. Heck, I still haven't opened DOA Volleyball, lol. And like many of you, I never had this problem before CAG.
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