You might be a CAG if....


Thanks to being an avid follower of CAG on a daily basis, I really feel I was able to take advantage of a really good deal today and am pretty proud to call myself a CAGer today.

So my story goes like this:
Last week I purchased a U-Draw Game accessory for the Wii for $79.00 for my children as a Christmas gift (they all doodle constantly) and I also purchased a copy of Disneyland Kinect also as my daughter had asked for it for Christmas as well. The grand total from Amazon was $140 with tax.

A few days later I see a post that U-Draw had dropped to half that amount and of course was a bit miffed at my purchased. This only got worse when this morning I see BestBuy had Disneyland Kinect for $20.

This got me obviously thinking like a CAGer!

I immediately began my RMA with Amazon and logged into and put in my cart the following:
Elder Scrolls Skyrim (360) for $59.99
Rayman Origins (360) for $59.99
U-Draw for (Wii) FREE! as part of the buy two get one free sale!
Total: $130 with tax.

Then upon arrival at the store I had the associate check the price of the following:
Saints Row 3 (360) - $39.99
Disneyland Kinect - $19.99
Total: $65 with tax

Bringing my grand total for that day to $195
compared to the $140 spent originally with Amazon
means I got Skyrim, Saints 3 and Rayman for $55
more than what I would have paid for the two Christmas gifts for the kids...
Merry Christmas to ME!
Thanks CAG!!! and Happy Holidays Everyone!
bread's done