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I like to imagine that if Music ever became big, he'd sign glossy 8x10s with a thick booger smear.
Why wont that witcher come out on :ps3: ? I'd play it.

Got up too early and then went back to sleep, missing the over crowded egg hunt.

At least we'll have "bunny cake" later. Could go for some ham, but don't want a weeks worth of ham sandwhiches for leftovers.
[quote name='eldergamer']Why wont that witcher come out on :ps3: ? I'd play it.

Got up too early and then went back to sleep, missing the over crowded egg hunt.

At least we'll have "bunny cake" later. Could go for some ham, but don't want a weeks worth of ham sandwhiches for leftovers.[/QUOTE]

I think it's probably because the developers are PC only for the most part and porting PC code to the 360 is much easier than getting your engine up and running on the PS3. Just a guess though.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']I think it's probably because the developers are PC only for the most part and porting PC code to the 360 is much easier than getting your engine up and running on the PS3. Just a guess though.[/QUOTE]

If I had to bet I'd say that's the reason. Xbox 360 games are effectively C#/C++ on a Mac architecture. PS3 has all the wonkiness of Cell going for it and developers are typically coming up with their own variations on languages to work on it (I think it was Naughty Dog who wrote an entire language just to code for the PS3).

For a small Polish studio with only two games to their credit it makes more sense financially to port to the 360. Also a way of testing the console waters as hardcore CRPGs don't fare well on consoles (see: Risen). If the 360 version sells well I could see PS3 in the future (or at the least see Witcher 3 on the PS4).
Huh...apparently litepink is a member of cag. Never noticed that, but then again, she did just join last month, so there is that I suppose.
Seeing as my birthday is this coming Saturday...decided to buy myself a couple birthday presents...a brand new digital camera (Samsung EC-PL170), The Mission Impossible blu ray box set (steal at 18 bucks on amazon), and The Quest on blu ray
Finally got around to starting Dragon Age Origins on PC, though I had to uninstall and re-download the 27 GB file on Origin because it didn't give me the Updater that authenticates all of the DLC that came with the UE.
thanks troy.

After about a month of not playing, I back to Skyrim. So much done yet still a shitload left to do. And I got Mass Effect 3 and Arkham City waiting for me once I'm done with this.
I burned through Skyrim and am now burned out. I got all of the achievements and called it a day. I'll revisit it later.
I got burned out on Fallout New Vegas and never finished it. Hopefully it won't happen to Skyrim. Just going to focus on the big stuff. No little or boring sounding quests. Maybe I'll look online for "must do/fun" side quest so I don't miss out on them.
I didn't read anything on Fallout 3 when I played through it. I did a fair amount of the side quests but ended up finishing the main story before completing a couple of other quests I was interested in. As it turns out, when you finish the story in Fallout 3, the game is over and you can't do anything else and it really cheesed me off.
[quote name='Eviltude']I didn't read anything on Fallout 3 when I played through it. I did a fair amount of the side quests but ended up finishing the main story before completing a couple of other quests I was interested in. As it turns out, when you finish the story in Fallout 3, the game is over and you can't do anything else and it really cheesed me off.[/QUOTE]

That was fixed with the DLC. It's the one that also raises the level cap. All of the DLC is great, well the alien one was a drag.
I don't think I liked New Vegas as much as I did Fallout 3. the actual "vegas strip" seemed really small, and the middle section of New Vegas really drug on. The last third felt compressed and rushed.
[quote name='eldergamer']I don't think I liked New Vegas as much as I did Fallout 3. the actual "vegas strip" seemed really small, and the middle section of New Vegas really drug on. The last third felt compressed and rushed.[/QUOTE]

They were developed by two different companies. Bethesda started working on Skyrim, so Obsidian made New Vegas. Not nearly as good, but still entertaining for the most part since it mostly just ripped off F3 with less polish.
[quote name='munch']That was fixed with the DLC. It's the one that also raises the level cap. All of the DLC is great, well the alien one was a drag.[/QUOTE]

Didn't know that. Can't you get the Game of the Year version, install the DLC and use the regular version disc?
[quote name='Eviltude']Didn't know that. Can't you get the Game of the Year version, install the DLC and use the regular version disc?[/QUOTE]

Yes. You could buy this one from Amazon Warehouse, install the DLC and play the game, then probably sell it back for close to what you paid.
I think I have almost all of the Fallout 3 DLC from old DLC trade chains, so that's good. I've started it like 4 times now, and it's fun, I just always get sidetracked. The last time I started was the farthest I got, I got to that vampire settlement thing.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']I wouldn't pay dog shit for a Phillips.[/QUOTE]

I have a 42 inch Phillips that's five years old and it has an amazing screen. One of the best in class back then. Supposedly the new Phillips get their same screens from samsung and they have great color and black levels.
So after 4 or so official Avengers commercials, I dont think Ive heard Hawkeye say a damn thing. Wonder if he will be a throwaway character in the movie.
My :wii: hasn't been used in over a year. I keep forgetting to give it to my mom for the nephews/nieces each time she comes down.

Sly Cooper will (hopefully) be my first :ps3: Platinum. (And probably my last)
Morning, OTT.

Put me in the Fallout 3 camp...although, I should probably go back and revisit New Vegas at some point. It never sucked me in as much as F3 did. After I complete Kindoms of Amalur, that is, which is very well done by the way.

My Wii hasn't been used in ages...Number85 plays it, but now she into the SSX. I'd like to give Xenoblade a try. I hear it's what Final Fantasy should be.
I don't think I've played my wii in over a year either. Doesn't help I gave myself a gamerscore goal to achieve by the end of the year, so I'm kind of focused on that. Maybe I'll play the wii some once I accomplish that.

As for Fallout, while I'm tempted to say 3, I'd say they probably are about equal. The only thing I think for why a lot of people say FO3, is because NV is basically the same exact game.
I really liked the Wii at first. I still think Wii Sports is great. It's just that not much came out after it. And games generally looked like ass.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']I may be the only OTTer who hasn't owned a Wii.[/QUOTE]

You're not alone. And I don't own a Kinect or a Move either. I don't dig the motion control gimmick.
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