Your Best Gaming Memory


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No, this isn't a thread about your favorite games or even games you like nowadays. This thread is all about your gaming memories that opened your eyes to the vast potential of gaming, or games that just give you the fuzzies of nostalgia.

One of my many would have to be my first time spent with Mario 64. This game still amazes me today, so you can only imagine how this game was back in 96 for me as a kid. It's really hard to explain how I felt back then, I guess it was a surreal feeling. Sure I had played games countless times before, but the idea of a full 3D game was something I never thought would come so soon. I wasted countless time messing around with the camera just looking at everything from the skies to the water. Good times...
[quote name='leveskikesko']No, this isn't a thread about your favorite games or even games you like nowadays. This thread is all about your gaming memories that opened your eyes to the vast potential of gaming, or games that just give you the fuzzies of nostalgia.

One of my many would have to be my first time spent with Mario 64. This game still amazes me today, so you can only imagine how this game was back in 96 for me as a kid. It's really hard to explain how I felt back then, I guess it was a surreal feeling. Sure I had played games countless times before, but the idea of a full 3D game was something I never thought would come so soon. I wasted countless time messing around with the camera just looking at everything from the skies to the water. Good times...[/QUOTE]

I have the same exact feeling with that game as you. I believe I was around 13-14 at that time.

I also had that same feeling with Final Fantasy 6 and FF 7. As well as 007 Goldeneye. Those were some awe inspiring games for me.

Oblivion had the same affect on me for this current gen.

Also NFL 2K for Dreamcast. Graphically at the time that shit was super hott fire. I was so excited when I purchased my DC and NFL 2K. Resident Evil COde Veronica was the same way.

I actually could go on and on with a list of games for every system.

I'll also mention Shining Force 1 and 2 for genesis. :D
For me it'd have to be when I was 7 or 8 and my dad and I sat down and tried to beat the original metroid. We ended up drawing out a map of the entire game on some yellow legal tablets, even taking the time to color code the doors and marking the secret missles and tanks.
[quote name='sundaysuit']playing knights of the old republic (pc version).

i actually felt like i was in the future.[/cheesy][/quote]

The game takes place a long, long time ago. Not in the future.
Getting a group of friends together at my buddy's house and hooking up our Xboxs and playing 4 player Halo for hours on end.

How things change.
You love making these types of threads, eh?

My memory is playing Tetris Plus on PS1, the puzzle mode. My family would race against each other to see who could get to the end first. There were some crazy all night gaming sessions when I was in middle school. We still play it every so often too.
I have two that stand out in my mind. One, playing through Super Mario RPG with 2 friends when I was 10 tops. The other is playing Sonic Adventure. That game is still amazing.

Oh, and of course playing endless hours of Goldeneye.
[quote name='Maklershed']Getting a group of friends together at my buddy's house and hooking up our Xboxs and playing 4 player Halo for hours on end.

How things change.[/quote]

Same here. Well Halo and Halo 2. ;)

Also, I still remember unpacking my OG Xbox when I got it and the whole excitement of it all.

The only games that came bundled with it were SW: Clone Wars, and Tetris. Well I never played Tetris, but I sure remember playing the hell out of SW: Clone Wars.
wow.... best memory has to be SUPER MARIO BROS., (hotblood)Super Dodge ball. for white and red Nintendo! Just super fun! Adventure Island (I can never get pass lv 1, yet I kept on playing! damn skate, always makes me fall into the pit). Just tons and tons of Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Sega, Gamegear, Gameboy memories! Oh! Gold Axe!!!! muhahahaha!

Never touched FF until FF7. I must've missed out. Oh well!
Playing through and beating Castle Crashers with my bother in one sitting. It's not very often I actually play games with my brother. He's 35 and I'm 23. He has a wife and a 16-ish month old baby.

There was also the time, about a dozen years ago, when my brother and I played the original Gauntlet on the C64 for hours. We got really far, possibly in the 100s. Eventually, he just quit because he didn't think there was an end to the game. But, the night we beat Castle Crashers made up for that.

Old School... beating TMNT IV: Turtles in Time with my bro's best friend. None of us had ever beaten it. My bro and I never could as he'd start running around the screen, hitting me and taking all the powerups. His friend and him couldn't either, but the two of us sat down to try and managed to.

Newer... Halo. My friend and I managed to do the glitch where you jump off the one bridge and "slide" down the icy mountain sides. If you time it just right, when leaping, one responds *just* low enough not to die from the fall. We did it and had free reign on the human weapons and also vehicles for a good while, as no bad guy came out on the ground part until we went into one of the structures in the mountain.

Oh... and driving a Ghost up the enemy's base in Halo's Blood Gulch. In a 3 on 3 CTF at Blood Gulch, my teammates were taking care of a sniper who was slowly creeping to the base. Meanwhile, I rode the Ghost straight into the top of their base, ran both dudes over, fell down the hole in the middle, crushed my bro who respawned, grabbed the flag, rode out and ran over another dude on the way back to our base. Oh, and of course... my asshole friend then killed me to steal the score. :(

Finally, pulling off a million point combo for the first time in THPS4. I had set up my dude on my friend's X-Box and was playing his bro's copy. He told me the 1 million combo was impossible as none of his friends or him had gotten past 750k. Second time, I managed to nail it... and this was back before I learned how to do flatlands (I had him do them).
My first awesome moment was beating Boewser on Super Mario World, that was such an epic game when I was a kid. Also getting a Dreamcast with Crazy Taxi. The graphics at the time were so amazing and playing it was just awesome. I also miss the 2K games released on the Dreamcast, they were some of my favorite sports games.
All about Jedi Knight for pc, one of the first games I bought I was amazed that an fos could have a story, cutscreens, and more then weapons. Die droids die!!

More recently when I still played a lot of RTCW Enemy Territory (What i was a broke college student with no consoles) and before I was banned from the clam/community server, there were these maps that had exploits in them and me and my brother would take advatange of these and rain motar death from above....

Halo 2 playing that for hrs with my fraternity brothers instead of studying or drinking, nothing like 16 man matches centering around zombie mode!
My oldest gaming memory was watching my brother play Deus Ex on our Windows 98 for hours on end, then he gave me my first console, his N64 for 20 bucks in like 2002. I played the hell out of that thing (
Staying up late every night playing Tribes 1. First online game I ever played. It was like sex, you always remember the first time.

Still remember the server I joined. I played for about 2 minutes before I got kicked for being a noob. Then I found another server and stayed there for years. Eventually became a server admin, then joined the clan, and I've been with them ever since.
Playing Street Fighter II at the old arcade on Colorado Blvd in Glendale, CA. That arcade probably stayed in business a year or two longer just me and my uncle's quarters we dropped in that game.

Playing Sonic for the first time on my brand new Sega Genesis.

Playing 007 in the dorms for hours and hours on end.
Easily the Christmas I received my NES. My uncles got one the year before, so I spent the entire year in anticipation. Got the full set too, with ROB and the lightgun.
I have soo many myself , from every generation!!!

Going thru Metroid and finding out that Samus is a woman:bouncy:

Gettin hooked on FF when the FF6 version came out for the SNES!!! My buddies and i played the hell outta this game and we just had one copy to pass around to everyone , everytime it changed hands we notched it. The last time i saw the cart , it has around 30 nothces or so:D

Playing Wipeout for the very 1st time on PS1 . . . . damn walls!!!:roll: FF7 . . . god theres no telling how many times ive gone thru that game!!

Goldeneye 007 . . . yep spent so many hours playing that game LOL

To wrap it up the Halo series , when im not deployed and back home , we all get 2gether and fire up our old XBOX's and throw down some beers , and enjoy some good ol' Halo matches LOL

well i can go on and on . . . .
I thought of another playing Tony Hawk on the psx for the first time, the music and 2 player stuff was so ...amazing. I went on to enjoy 1 and 2. For the record you have to play it on playstation the n64 doesn't cut it.
Unwrapping an Atari 2600 'Darth Vader' for Christmas one year when I was a wee lad. Then unwrapping a second large box that was stuffed with about 15-20 games for the system.
One of my most memorable memories (LOL) was playing X-Wing. There was a scouting mission where you pilot an A-Wing, and you are not allowed to engage the enemy.

I flew back and forth between a Corellian Corvette and a Star Destroyer pulling evasive maneuvers, and got the Star Destroyer to kill the corvette from friendly fire.
When I was like 5, my brother asked me to get his shoes from off the stairs for him... I opened the door to find them sitting on a new NES Action Pak, all for me. Apparently, he was getting tired of me begging to play his system. :)

Playing Master of Orion II for hours and hours and hours during high school summers.

Final Fantasy VI. So many parts were memorable in that game; Terra's march on Narshe, the beginning of the World of Ruin.

The Baby Metroid stopping in to help Samus out in Super Metroid.

Final Fantasy VII. Summoning Leviathan for the first time. Amazing. But that was before I realized I would be stuck in summoning cinematics for hours of my life. ;)

Wow. I have a lot of these. I never really stopped to think about it.
Well, I think the OP is looking for times you saw certain games that made you go wow. I also had similar experiences with Mario 64. It's funny how, if it was now, I would drop the $300 or so for a N64 and that game, but couldn't get myself to do it at the time (later on, Gamestop had a sale, free system while buying 3 games, so I picked it up so me and my wife could play through it, good times).

Lately, it has been few and far between. Oblivion was the game that got me to buy a 360, but it even lacked some of the wow factor I felt for GT3 and Splinter Cell last generation.

Not sure if its me getting older or what, but nothing this generation has made me stop in my tracks and go, wow, I need that game.
-I don't exactly remember when and how I got SMB3, but somewhere in my house is a video of me jumping around and showing the manual to the camera.

-Dragon Warrior. It took me a year to beat, I was 5 when I started and 6 when I finished. I couldn't find Erdrick's Token, and it took me a while to realize that "Dost thou wish to inscribe thy adventures in The Imperial Scrolls of Honor" meant "Do you wanna save your game?" Someone told me to you Gwaelin's Love to find your coordinates. I felt a lot smarter after that.

-Countless hours spent playing River City Ransom. My brother invented this game where you get a trash can and you try to kick it between each other. Also, playing baseball in the park with the rock and the stick, which usually ended up with us throwing them at each other and fighting.

-Final Fantasy 2 for SNES. For whatever reason, my brother and I couldn't beat Baigan. Well one time we thought we were doing good, but then my parents were like "Hey we gotta go to San Diego." So we left the SNES on, went to San Diego, then we came back and we beat Baigan and we were the happiest kids ever.

-Dialup to play against my friend / brother at Red Alert and Starcraft. Amazing. We were really bad but it was incredible at the time. My brother would go to school and print out stacks of strategies and always lose because he tried to build the best defense and... you can't win with defense.

-Day of the Tentacle. I'd spend hours wandering the house to find the battery plans. Terrible.

-Leisure Suit Larry 6. I convinced my mom to buy it. Wow.

-Full Throttle. I spent 3 hours trying to solve the gas tower. That's the most time I spent solving any puzzle in any game, because the internet would later become prominent and I would be too lazy to look anything up.

-Twisted Metal 2. What a great game. Used to spend hours dueling in Suburbia and New York with Mr. Grimm, Thumper, Warthog... It's a shame that no other Twisted Metal was ever as good. Or even close.

-Tekken 2. Back then we didn't have a memory card. We used to do 8v8 team matches and we'd painstakingly unlock every character when we'd play.

There's more but this should be enough.
the first time i beat Dragon's Lair at the arcade. i was about 10 and there was a huge crowd around me cheering when i got it right and moaning when i died. i felt like a celebrity when i won and everyone around me started cheering and slapping me on the back.

i was the first guy at the arcade to do it and the staff gave me a free pizza for it. looking back now i probably put one of their kids through college with the amount i dumped into that game alone.
Well, here are fond gaming memories covering various years in my life.

- Playing Bubble Bobble with my dad when I first started gaming

- Creating and running a Street Fighter II tournament in Grade 5

- Playing WCW/nWo Revenge for hours with friends after WCW World War 3 1998.

- Selling my Sega CD and not realizing that the sound wasn't properly plugged in until I let the buyer play it.

No contest here. Getting a NES system with SMB/DH, Punch Out, & Zelda for my 10th birthday.

I do miss the days of multiplayer sessions for TM2, Goldeneye, Halo, etc.
Doom on the PS1 with link cable and back to back TVs kicked ass too.
Been a gamer for a long time tough to pick just one these are some of my greatest memories in somewhat chronological order:

- Me and my sister beating up each other in Boxing for Atari(once you got a roll it was over!)

- The first time I tried to cross a river in Oregon Trail(It never works!)

- Some of my best accomplishment for NES: beating Contra in 4 lives. Completing the Adventures of Bayou Billy, Castlevania, Legend of Zelda and Bionic Commando.

- Playing Battle Chess on PC the first time me and my dad rolling in laughter.

- PC Games!! l King's Quest, Space Quest, Day of the Tentacles, Grim Fandango, Dark Forces, Diablo 1 and 2, Duke Nukem 3D, Heroes of Might and Magic 2 and 3, Rise of the Triad, System Shock, Elder Scrolls Daggerfall, Descent, Fallout 1 and 2, Syndicate, Civilization, and DOOM nuff said :)

- Launching players into the air and sliding across the field in Super Baseball Simulator 2000 for SNES.

- Beating the bone dragon twice with two different copies of Lunar Silver Star. Afterwards the game promply froze(its very memorable because to this day I still have not beat the game).

- Many days and hours of me and some friends killing each other in Goldeneye for N64 and Twisted Metal 2.

- Playing a demo disc with some friends for hours of Super Puzzle Fighter II for PSone and eventually the game stopped working! Going with said friends to rent game and continue the addiction.

- Me and a friend owning arcade light gun games such as House of the Dead(me and a friend could beat it with two quarters)Carnevil(2 continues) Time Crisis(3 continues).

- Being afraid to put Zelda Orcania of Time in the N64 because the cartridge was so heavy! Loving every moment of the game.

- Playing my first true online games(not local).

- Camping out with various gamers at local Best Buy to get a coupon to purchase a PS2.

- Showing people what GTA 3 was for the first time.

- Figuring out the xbox link cable is a cross over cable and setting up four tv's at my friend's local game store to play Halo.

- Experiencing the craziness that is Eternal Darkness for Gamecube.

- Going to my first true lan tourney and winning in Unreal Tournament and Quake III.

- Playing a pro team about a year after first attending the lan tourney and owning them in UT, Battlefield 1942 and Vietnam.

- Finding out I'm Revan
in Star Wars KOTR.

- Playing Guitar Hero on PS2 for about 4 hours straight looking away and seeing "trails".

- Playing Dead Rising on my 360 my first taste of next gen.
When I found a list on the internet of all the new NBA draft picks in 1998. I spent like 4 hours with my friend entering them all as created players in NBA Live '98. Huge waste of time yet I had tons of fun doing it at the time.
I must've been 6 years old and my brother & I were dying to play Mega Man 2. We had the old Nintendo Power w/ Mega Man 2 and read that thing inside & out. Everytime we went to the rental store, to our disapointment, it was out. After months of going every week we never got lucky. My mom called them one day and they had it. Before she told my brother and myself she got a video camera a secretly taped our reactions. We acted like total idiots. We flipped out, started singing & dancing about Mega Man. After we got home with Mega Man 2 it was everything I dreamed it would be.

Unfortunatly we lost the tape. I would've youtubed that son-a-bitch and had instant internets fame.
[quote name='prence']When I found a list on the internet of all the new NBA draft picks in 1998. I spent like 4 hours with my friend entering them all as created players in NBA Live '98. Huge waste of time yet I had tons of fun doing it at the time.[/QUOTE]

:lol::applause: Me and my friend used to do that type of stuff also! We used to do it in the tecmo basketball and football games.

- Playing Firepro Wrestling S on the Saturn so much that I didn't need the translation guide anymore, even for stuff like CPU Logic.

- Beating Ghouls N' Ghosts in the arcade without continuing (yes, I went through the game twice).

- Playing Street Fighter 2 for the first time at a 7-11 in San Diego. I was Blanka and went up against Guile for my first fight.

- Hooking up Xboxes all over my barracks in the Marine Corps to play multiplayer Halo.

- Racing the first Ghost House in SNES Mario Kart so many times that I'm pretty sure I have a world record on that course with Luigi.

- Playing X-men vs. SF on Sega Saturn against my friend every monday night after wrestling ended. We regularly kept at it until 3 am.

- Finally winning an auction for Dracula X - Rondo of Blood and getting to play the "forgotten" Castlevania game.

- Beating Panzer Dragoon Orta on the highest difficulty.

- Beating the first Starfox on the highest difficulty.

I could go on forever, videogames are so fun.
The Hours upon hours I spent playing variouse games on the Sega Channel,

Zeld: OoT on N64

Goldeneye 007(still remember how much I enjoyed killing the guy in the bathroom stall, while hiding in the vent)
Getting my first computer (The Commodore 64) and opening my first Game Diskette (A very cool game called Mercenary)
When I was a little kid and I would play Little League World Series Baseball NES with my dad. He used to wake up in the middle of the night and play by himself. This is the only game I ever had that my dad played with me.

Tetris Plus on PS1 was a game I enjoyed playing with my family in Vs. Mode and I didn't own a PS1 and I would rarely lose. My family has had a many a hour spent playing Tetris on several systems but we enjoyed playing this one the most.

My most favorite gaming memory is one Thanksgiving at my girlfriend's house she had a group of her family members that talked junk to me about how they could beat me at any fighting game. This was around the time DOA: Hardcore and Tekken Tag on PS2 were their favorites to play. Once again I didn't have a PS2 which most of them did which makes what happened even better. We end up playing four different fighting games an I ended up losing five times over a 4 hour span. They so pissed that couldn't beat me that several of them left and came back hours later to see me still with controller in my hand. It was amazing.
My Best memory that started me in gaming was playing pokemon on a gameboy when i was five. that and when i played spyro a few months after.

when i started on live, i have to say that was a great moment too
bread's done