Your biggest suprise this gen?

MSI Magus

83 (100%)
At another board someone created a topic asking for games without a single dull moment. The game that instantly came to mind was Resident Evil 4....and you know what no matter how hard i tried I couldnt think of another game that I never had a single dull moment playing. Dont get me wrong I enjoyed FFX, Dark Cloud 2, Katamari and many others....but they had moments I thought uggg cant wait till this is over. Resident Evil 4 was a roller coaster ride that just never stopped.

After that popped in my head I realized that I would give it my vote for the best game this generation in a heartbeat. Iv always hated the series and dont really like Surviver Horror(yes I know RE4 is more action)so imagine my suprise renting RE4 and finding this amazing game that blew me out of the water to the point id give it the title best game of this generation.

Anyways. Thats mine, whats yours? KH CoM actually having a deep story? Dark Cloud 2 actually being a good game? PS3s price? Wii controller?
Resident Evil 4 is the best game I've played in years. If they keep the pacing, difficulty and gameplay the same for RE5 I'm going to be very very happy...
Shadow of the Colossus. The technical limitation of it (framerate!) almost made me stop playing, but I'm glad I didn't. Fantastic game. It won't hold up over time, but it was fun while it lasted.
What really surprised me was Beyond Good and Evil. From begin to end this game was worth it. It gave me the same feeling I had when I first played Geomon N64 or Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island. Never such a game just pulled me in and then said to be continued? I mean that is just not fair after giving me this great exprience and then I find out there is not going to be another one.

Goldensun also left me hanging. I do not accept the second game as a sequel.

Killer7 was dull at ifrst but once you get into the gameplay you be commiung back for more. After playing this I felt like laughing myself. Reminds of
GoldenEye N64 where the controller feels like a gun.

Well RE4 was super dull at moments. Half the time I was just walking around trying to find flaws in this near perfect 3d enviorment. I did find flaws besides that you could just run threw almost anything in this game also. Even in Ada's mini Quest you are able to run threw almost anything just to get to a certain point. However what I did like about the game was the Water World level for replay value.

Dramfall is a game I have yet played but from what it looks like it might just be the next Wonder Project.

Beyond Good and Evil is the biggest Surprise to me. RE4 just went too far with the Terrorist crap and pulled out so many great features and the Showdown with Umbrella or other Corperation.
I'd probably put RE4 at the top of my "best games this generation" list, but the biggest *surprise* for me (meaning, a game that far surpassed my low expectations) would probably be Xenosaga. I had read many reviews, but nothing about the game really captured my interest. I bought the first game on a lark when I saw it for $20, and after a few hours I couldn't put it down.
The Digital Devil Saga series. I didn't care for SMT3 very much so I was cautious about the first game, but still bought it. It kicked ass and I played through it twice before the second one came out. Excellent, excellent series.
The Legend of Shadow, Digital, Resident Katamari of War Hearts Calibur vs Viewtiful Raw Radio.

Oh and Sega dying. That upset me.
I would have to say Oblivion. Sure, RE4 was great, and I'm playing through it again, this time on PS2, but you don't run into too many games where, after 187 hours of play, you're still finding new things, trying out new stuff, all the while never once saying "I'm bored". RE4 would have to be a close second, and Shadow Hearts: Covenant slides in at #3 for me.
[quote name='jimbodan']Katamari Damacy. I honestly don't see how people can call RE:4 a "surprise".[/quote]They call it a surprise because, after RE2, the formula got stale. It was surprising just how amazing the game was, graphically, and how a completely different perspective (3rd person over the shoulder), along with some more refined improvements to the infamous tank controls, revitalized a stagnant franchise.
how dissappointing KH 2 was and how it killed my interest in the series alltogether.ithey went from the awesomeness of KH and then took so many steps backwards and cut out and dumbed down everything that made KH great when they made kh 2. no hunting for hidden items, no mushroom hunting no real secrets or surprised and piss poor voice acting. hell the GBA kh game is better than KH 2.

i was suprised how great Gun was as far as games go. for a fan of wild west films it was an amazign game. the 2 companies that did gun and red dead revolver should team up and make a western game together because each of them have somethign they could bring that they did better than the other company did.

all in all the biggest surprises i had this year came from finding this site and getting in on some of the best online store deals imaginable. theres a real rush to being able to purchase games you were curious about or really wanted for way less thn you would have paid new when they first came out. it feels great for a while until it sinks in just how much money youve wasted over the years paying full price for games but eh shit happens what can you do if you dont have a time machine. im looking foward to see what comes to pass during and after the christmas season.
how dissappointing KH 2 was and how it killed my interest in the series alltogether.they went from the awesomeness of KH and then took so many steps backwards and cut out and dumbed down everything that made KH great when they made kh 2. no hunting for hidden items, no mushroom hunting no real secrets or surprises and piss poor voice acting. hell the GBA kh game is better than KH 2.

i was suprised how great Gun was as far as games go. for a fan of wild west films it was an amazign game. the 2 companies that did gun and red dead revolver should team up and make a western game together because each of them have somethign they could bring that they did better than the other company did.

all in all the biggest surprises i had this year came from finding this site and getting in on some of the best online store deals imaginable. theres a real rush to being able to purchase games you were curious about or really wanted for way less thn you would have paid new when they first came out. it feels great for a while until it sinks in just how much money youve wasted over the years paying full price for games but eh shit happens what can you do if you dont have a time machine. im looking foward to see what comes to pass during and after the christmas season.

oh yeah God of war was an amazing game just too short and GTA San Andreas created the first really amazing game world that didnt need to load when you went from one place to another. its one of the few games you could have fun in just driving around and not doing any missions. and the races were awesome and difficult due to riding around in real environments so you could easily fall into a river or blow up or tip over and blow up.
[quote name='lokizz']how dissappointing KH 2 was and how it killed my interest in the series alltogether.they went from the awesomeness of KH and then took so many steps backwards and cut out and dumbed down everything that made KH great when they made kh 2. no hunting for hidden items, no mushroom hunting no real secrets or surprises and piss poor voice acting. hell the GBA kh game is better than KH 2. [/QUOTE]

Id say thats a bit harsh. KH2 really dissapointed me too, however it still was a great game and deffintly beat KH CoM. They just should have made the stupid little mini games reward you and ya it needed a little more item hunting too.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Id say thats a bit harsh. KH2 really dissapointed me too, however it still was a great game and deffintly beat KH CoM. They just should have made the stupid little mini games reward you and ya it needed a little more item hunting too.[/quote]

i think im being nice about KH 2 being that it was one of the few games i thought would be worth paying full price to get instead of waiting for i was completly letdown by it. yeah the action can be fun at times if not cheap and too easy except for a few boss and mini boss battles but the game has very little going for it. the peopel doing the voice overs soudn like theyre doped up and dont want to be doing what theyre doing.

hey made the battles too easy to win and it takes very little skill to beat the game overall. i remember trying to figure out every possible way to beat an enemy in kh 1 but with kh 2 it was all too easy with theose triangle commands. the one boss i had any trouble with was the gold chest enemy thats it everyoen else was a pushover.

remember malfecent in kh 1 or ursula or the grim reaper or kurt zisas? those were bosses who forced you to think on your feet and made every little spell , item or weapon mean something. not to mention goofy and donald were more helpful and useful in Kh 1 in kh 2 aside from form changing theyre an annoyance and useless.

in the end KH 1 was a game that set a high standard for what an action rpg should and could be and they fumbled the ball with kh 2. call me an angry old gamer but i enjoyed com more than kh 2 and i really enjoyed the card battle system. but ill agree the game could have and maybe should be added to some kind of bonus game if they ever remake kh 1.

and the worlds in kh 2 didnt have the same 3d explorable feel the ones in kh 1 had.
[quote name='rodeojones903']The biggest suprise to me was the lack in number and quality of Nintendos first party games.[/quote]

i agree the only game i was wowed by was metroid. mario sunshine sucked but its hard to follow up a game liek mario 64.
I echo the sentiment about KH2 killing the interest in that series--I was SO disappointed by that game. I looked forward to that one for so long, and to get that kind of payoff...ugh.

My surprise game?

Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy. I LOVE adventure games, and I really wasn't expecting anything from that game, and it ended up being one of the best adventure games of all time.
[quote name='lokizz']i think im being nice about KH 2 being that it was one of the few games i thought would be worth paying full price to get instead of waiting for i was completly letdown by it. yeah the action can be fun at times if not cheap and too easy except for a few boss and mini boss battles but the game has very little going for it. the peopel doing the voice overs soudn like theyre doped up and dont want to be doing what theyre doing.

hey made the battles too easy to win and it takes very little skill to beat the game overall. i remember trying to figure out every possible way to beat an enemy in kh 1 but with kh 2 it was all too easy with theose triangle commands. the one boss i had any trouble with was the gold chest enemy thats it everyoen else was a pushover.

remember malfecent in kh 1 or ursula or the grim reaper or kurt zisas? those were bosses who forced you to think on your feet and made every little spell , item or weapon mean something. not to mention goofy and donald were more helpful and useful in Kh 1 in kh 2 aside from form changing theyre an annoyance and useless.

in the end KH 1 was a game that set a high standard for what an action rpg should and could be and they fumbled the ball with kh 2. call me an angry old gamer but i enjoyed com more than kh 2 and i really enjoyed the card battle system. but ill agree the game could have and maybe should be added to some kind of bonus game if they ever remake kh 1.

and the worlds in kh 2 didnt have the same 3d explorable feel the ones in kh 1 had.[/QUOTE]

I agree it had a number of flaws, but it was still atleast worthy of a high 8. I didnt plunk down $50 for it instead I rented it and im glad I did...but its still a really good game even if they did fumble the ball and let alot of people down.

And as far as Nintendo not making as many good games, again id disagree. I just think they were more spread out and made by more houses meaning some stinkers did get through. Really if you look at last gens and the number of good titles then look at this gen but not just at the GC but also GBA and DS....they put out ALOT of good stuff, far more then last gen.
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

About the time that it came out I was beginning to think there would never be a decent Star Wars game on a console again (especially after Obi-Wan), I was never more glad to have been proven wrong.
[quote name='zewone']Biggest suprise?

DS being a better console having much better games than the PSP.[/QUOTE]


the biggest surprise in terms of games for me was frequency. I picked it up for like 5 bucks at target during a clearance, had no idea what the game was I just got it because of the shiny cover art. I popped it in my ps2 and I was really addicted to it, I had never played anything like it. Also it led to amplitude and guitar hero both of which were very good games.
[quote name='rodeojones903']The biggest suprise to me was the lack in number and quality of Nintendos first party games.[/QUOTE]
To quote Jack Black in High Fidelity, "That's so good; it should have been mine!" I tell ya, there are some insighful SOBs on CAG -- no wonder I spend too much time on here.

I guess my biggest surprise was Final Fantasy totally ditching its formula and going MMO. It was definitely not a good surprise, either.
Ending up owning a PS2 & Xbox (and 360). During the N64 days, I was a pretty big Nintendo fanboy. I'm glad I stopped caring about 'company loyalty' and now play video games indiscriminatingly.
Man I really need to pick up RE4.

Katamari Damacy I guess would be mine, although I had heard only good things about it before playing so I wasn't truly surprised. I did find myself imagining rolling up stuff as I walked around IRL, truly the sign of a great game.

POP making the leap to current gen/3D while ingeniously keeping some ties to it's roots is another great one. (Shamelessly ripped from jkam.)
RE4 & Viewtiful Joe.

RE4, because the series was becoming pretty stale until this came along and revamped the series.

Viewtiful Joe for almost the same reason. Most 2D games felt stale to me since the SNES days(except for Tomba, which I enjoyed). Then this came along with it's 2.5D style and very unique story that had me playing it for months.

On the bad side:

Nintendo's treatment of Star Fox- When the GC launched, I thought that a excellent SF game would be released for it and would play like SF & SF64. Boy, was I wrong with that.
Never seen a gen where gamea have been so artistic and deep as this one. Silent Hill, Metal Gear, Shadow of the Colossus, Katamari, Ico, Gungrave 1, Okami, and Killer 7. This gen has really showed me just how powerful games can be.
Playing through the Call of Duty 2 campaign on 360. I was completely WOWed by it. Then after that I rented PDZ and was probably one of the biggest dissappointments this gen, the original was great on N64, and after the Gamespot video review for PDZ I was salivating.
Quake 4. I was blown away by how much fun I had with this game. Easily my favorite game of this gen. It was just simple plain fun.

Katamari Damacy: the most insane game i've ever played, pure hilarity + fun, hard to pull off usually.

Metroid Prime: Totally a new type of gameplay mechanics while still retaining the Metroid feel.
Fatal Frame. I never thought it was that good until I played it. The 1st one is definitly on my Top 10 games of all time.
Also how much Parappa the Rapper 2 sucked.
Sony's complete domination of the platforming genre and the emergence of great movie games.

As for specific games: Burnout 3, Guitar Hero, Shadow of the Colossus, Grand Theft Auto III, Metal Gear Solid 3, Star Wars KotOR, Katamari Damacy, and Metroid Prime.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Sony's complete domination of the platforming genre and the emergence of great movie games.

As for specific games: Burnout 3, Guitar Hero, Shadow of the Colossus, Grand Theft Auto III, Metal Gear Solid 3, Star Wars KotOR, Katamari Damacy, and Metroid Prime.[/QUOTE]

Sony dominating platformers is a great one....who would have thought Sony would beat Nintendo in that genre....
-GTA becoming one of the biggest powerplay franchises in console gaming (GTA1 was my favorite game for a long time, but it was often considered to be an obscure title).

-DS winning against the PSP.

-Katamari Damacy becoming a major mainstream success.

-The Gamecube not doing better than it did.

-Guitar Hero becoming as popular as it became.
bread's done