Your collection - post a photo - show us what'cha got!

[quote name='needler420']Like 99% of comics even from the golden and silver age are worthless.

Too many people bought comics thinking that will pay for their kids college in the future.

That same problem is coming to games.

You see a lot of people on CAG now talking about the value of games and the monetary gain. I do it myself. As well as the game hoarding. Sort of like my dad did with comics. The amount he had anyone could tell he couldn't have read them all. Plus with his lack of knowldge for the amount of comics he owned you could tell he was hoarding, buying by cover art, buying multiple dupes thinking value will go up etc. Everything i seen my dad do in the comic industry i see happening to the game industry.

The bad thing is my dad thought it would have a much higher return rate. Which it doesn't for what you spend thousands on you'll get back hundreds.

He learned the same lesson with sports trading cards. Spent thousands and got back hundreds. Part of it was being in the market while it was booming and thinking stuff like Mark and Sammy's rookie cards would go up in value from their battle on homeruns. Plus the market on trading cards died more then the others.[/QUOTE]

i certainly agree with you on cards. the trick is the sell them at the right moment. i sold off a ton of magic and yuigoh cards that dropped quite a bit in value and if i still had them theyd be worth less even now. i ended up getting back into the game for far cheaper and with a far bigger collection.

however like comics and games now. there are some really old comics that are worth a ton in new or sealed or whatever condition. there are a few games like that too. but you are right 98% of the games lose value and logically game hoarding isnt a valueable thing.

then again you are righ people collect all kinds of crap.

some games ive collected are worth a lot. some i got due to game hoarding. some due to i wanted to play and did play. and others are in the never ending backlog likely to never be played in a 1000 years and whatever kids i might end up having will have to sit through them because daddy was a game collector at some point same with those cards and whatever unknown crap ive collected.

then again i think im screwed genetically. my parents both possess a collecting trait of random crap. some of it due to the 5 kids. some of it due to who knows my dads phone book collection which is quite impressive or his collection of old computer parts(he is 70 so let this sink in) and moms collection of old magazines and other stuff she intended too get to and use(like my game backlog lol) but at 67 is realizing she never will use any of this but getting too old to really deal with it.

and there is of course my grandparents. one of which could of been on hoarders the amount of trash he had collected. and the others just collecting lots and lots of stuff.

though thankfully im not like my sister who is in serious debt over this.

so i suppose i was genetically screwed to want to hoard something.

another sister im not sure if she is in debt over it or not.

another is a flipper of everything but video games which she apparently got from my mom who is no longer a flipper but this one sister can find something worth 200 dollars and get it for 5 dollars. seriously name something shell find it for 5 dollars. her deals are better than slick deals and i have no idea where she gets them. if there is a flipper master its this girl. and like a true flipper will hold onto it till the value goes back up and get a return or gift card of 100 dollars on something she paid 5 bucks for(5 bucks being expensive...) she does or where her sources are i dont know. she'd shame any of you flippers here lol.

my brother not really...though until he sold a bunch of dogs i think he could of been a dog hoarder he had like 8. but his wife i think wont stand for it she is the oppossite of hoarding. if it is of no value the trash it goes.

point of this rant??? i dont know just now realizing my family is a bunch of hoarding collectors and the only one we think are idiots in the bunch is the sister in debt lol. guess it explains my tendency to want to collect something...

ultimate point? almost none of this crap is worth anything anymore except a few oddball exceptions lol. i suppose i should learn my lesson and cancel my second copy preorder of xenoblade that im counting on a sealed one being worth a lot. though in all fairness xenoblade probably could be worth something limited print and all or maybe im just lieing to myself lol
[quote name='Squarehard']


That's an awesome collection Squarehard! Is that some box sets of Maison Ikkoku?I bet those were a pain in the ass to get a hold of :hot: Oh, could you post some pics of your ps2 and xbox games? you can't really make them out in the other pics.
Know when to buy and when to sell. That's the lesson.

I sold all of my boxed Spawn toys in college at around series 15. I knew the bubble wold burst at some point, and I wasn't keeping them box because it made me happier to have them that way.

I actually made a good chunk of change. Paid retail for all of them or less. Sold them in lots for each series and probably tripled my money. All sorts of variants and crap like that too. Sooooooo happy I sold 'em when I did. I coulda bought my whole collection back a year later at less than retail :D
[quote name='needler420']Like 99% of comics even from the golden and silver age are worthless.

Too many people bought comics thinking that will pay for their kids college in the future.

That same problem is coming to games.

You see a lot of people on CAG now talking about the value of games and the monetary gain. I do it myself. As well as the game hoarding. Sort of like my dad did with comics. The amount he had anyone could tell he couldn't have read them all. Plus with his lack of knowldge for the amount of comics he owned you could tell he was hoarding, buying by cover art, buying multiple dupes thinking value will go up etc. Everything i seen my dad do in the comic industry i see happening to the game industry.

The bad thing is my dad thought it would have a much higher return rate. Which it doesn't for what you spend thousands on you'll get back hundreds.

He learned the same lesson with sports trading cards. Spent thousands and got back hundreds. Part of it was being in the market while it was booming and thinking stuff like Mark and Sammy's rookie cards would go up in value from their battle on homeruns. Plus the market on trading cards died more then the others.[/QUOTE]

Comics are a little different, for one thing in the 90s they printed waaaay too many, not just in terms of numbers, but with everything having a hyped up holographic cover or "This is a Collector's Edition." Another factor is the disposability of comics, for the casual reader they can just look at a scan online without wasting any money; there's not a large attachment to individual titles or time investment like there is for some games.

Now for games I could definitely see people getting suckered in with engineered CEs of the recent gens, or stockpiling sealed crap...there's always going to be a limit to how much any given collector is going to want to collect, call it a "limited attention" span. Right now Earthbound and Flintstones is in the focus, but with new games coming out all the time, how much can get jammed on that Want List before other titles start getting kicked out, hmm.

One good thing about games I think is that we're taught by Gamestop TIVs that 95% of games will become worthless, so outside of the speculators and the true crazy people, you have a very strong "flip now, for tomorrow we may die" mentality.
The idea is to collect BEFORE something becomes collectible. A sealed copy of Zelda 1 will fetch a ton of money because NOBODY was stockpiling brand new games in the 80's, so finding a brand new copy is incredibly rare.

Now everyone buys 2, 3, 4, whatever of these hokey "collector's editions" that will be worth absolutely dick in a few years because the market will be totally saturated with them.

I don't know what will burst the bubble with regards to collecting classic games. Obviously the web and the availability of ROMs for pretty much every classic game you could ever want hasn't done anything to the value of hard copies of classic games.
This is why I tend to usually only get games I have at least some interest in. Not going to go stockpile on shovelware. And I don't keep any game sealed.
[quote name='wiggyx']Know when to buy and when to sell. That's the lesson.

I sold all of my boxed Spawn toys in college at around series 15. I knew the bubble wold burst at some point, and I wasn't keeping them box because it made me happier to have them that way.

I actually made a good chunk of change. Paid retail for all of them or less. Sold them in lots for each series and probably tripled my money. All sorts of variants and crap like that too. Sooooooo happy I sold 'em when I did. I coulda bought my whole collection back a year later at less than retail :D[/QUOTE]
Part of me wishes I would've done the same thing, but even now, I still can't get myself to part with most of the figures I have.
I had a LOT of figures (Spawn and otherwise). I did keep about 100 or so for myself that I rotate on display in my studio/office at home. Mycollection was sorta getting out of hand, and my girlfriend at the time (now my wife) wasn't the biggest fan of giant boxes of sealed action figures all over the place. Out of all the dorky stuff that I collect and have collected, the sealed figures were the easiest to let go.

I don't miss the boxed figures at all and I'm happy I kept a stash of some of my favorites to display for myself :)
[quote name='ZombieToast']Part of me wishes I would've done the same thing, but even now, I still can't get myself to part with most of the figures I have.[/QUOTE]

I'm exactly the same way but mine are mostly Transformers from the late 90s/early 00s. Their value picked up for a while but Hasblow keeps saturating the market with frequent re-releases.
Sorry to change subject guys, but since this is the collection thread, I have a question for everyone. Does anyone know of a good cataloging website or program for media (movies, tv shows, anime, cartoons, etc.), books, card, comics, etc. I've got WAY too many collections to keep track of with Excel or Word. I know CAG is good for cataloging games, but not for if I ever want to send the list to someone without internet. I could really use some help, so any advice from fellow collectors?
[quote name='Pookymeister']I use Excel. Video Games.xls with tabs for each system, Movies.xls with tabs for br/dvd, etc.[/QUOTE]

I did that for about 2 days before I realized it would be better to use Google docs, since that way, I can update my list from any computer or my phone.

I've got my games, guides and artbooks/related print listed on Google Docs (see the link in sig). It does start to slowdown a bit if the list gets large and its formulas aren't as user friendly as Excel, but haven't had a a major issue as long as I use it on an current browser (Chrome or Firefox 10/11).

I still need to finish the digital only games and swag... but I've been putting that off for a while. This summer though, I'll get some time to finish up.
[quote name='Vinny']I did that for about 2 days before I realized it would be better to use Google docs, since that way, I can update my list from any computer or my phone.

I've got my games, guides and artbooks/related print listed on Google Docs (see the link in sig). It does start to slowdown a bit if the list gets large and its formulas aren't as user friendly as Excel, but haven't had a a major issue as long as I use it on an current browser (Chrome or Firefox 10/11).

I still need to finish the digital only games and swag... but I've been putting that off for a while. This summer though, I'll get some time to finish up.[/QUOTE]

sounds like entirely too much work lol
[quote name='kayne2000']sounds like entirely too much work lol[/QUOTE]

Surprisingly, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I just took pictures and then had my browser open to Google Spreadsheet on one side and a picture on the other. It was basically just typing things up from the picture to Google Spreadsheet after that...

Obviously, when I first started to make the list (after IGN decided to turn their collection system into shit), it seemed daunting. But I was able transfer over a couple hundred games plus details within 3-4 hours.
[quote name='slowdive21']Anyone have a program that uses a barcode scanner? I heard about libra years ago, but it doesn't suit my needs.[/QUOTE]

a barcode scanner...that'd be the only way i'd do this. it would be entirely too much work otherwise.

Surprisingly, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I just took pictures and then had my browser open to Google Spreadsheet on one side and a picture on the other. It was basically just typing things up from the picture to Google Spreadsheet after that...

Obviously, when I first started to make the list (after IGN decided to turn their collection system into shit), it seemed daunting. But I was able transfer over a couple hundred games plus details within 3-4 hours.

oh well might i ask why you bothered putting on the computer anyway??? i just cant see a need to have a list unless your lending out a lot of stuff to people.
[quote name='slowdive21']Anyone have a program that uses a barcode scanner? I heard about libra years ago, but it doesn't suit my needs.[/QUOTE]

I think GiantBomb (I think?) released an iOS app that let you scan games and store in their collection.

Never mind, it was some Giant Bomb user and it doesn't scan.

I believe this one was often mentioned after IGN went down the shitter and according to the site, you can scan barcodes on games. It's not free though...

[quote name='kayne2000']a barcode scanner...that'd be the only way i'd do this. it would be entirely too much work otherwise.

oh well might i ask why you bothered putting on the computer anyway??? i just cant see a need to have a list unless your lending out a lot of stuff to people.[/QUOTE]

I can sort, organize, filter and perform calculations (to see what percentage of my games I've finished or not finished, what percentage is new vs old, etc.) my data with a few clicks from any computer or phone and share it with anyone using a link. If I need a hard copy, I can just print it.

I don't lend out my games but as my collection got larger, I often found myself buying a game twice because I forgot I had it. But now, I can access my list from my phone so that's no longer an issue.:lol:

Now, the scanning method seems like it would take forever for me, though you'd get access to a lot of info though the usefulness of that info is questionable.
Updated a little bit. Moved my shelf to a new area of the room and decided to leave off pretty much all the books (minus the two strat guides, artbooks... And that crap.)


Plus, I finally have a stand for my TV, so it's not just on the floor anymore.

[quote name='Vinny']I think GiantBomb (I think?) released an iOS app that let you scan games and store in their collection.

Never mind, it was some Giant Bomb user and it doesn't scan.

I believe this one was often mentioned after IGN went down the shitter and according to the site, you can scan barcodes on games. It's not free though...

I can sort, organize, filter and perform calculations (to see what percentage of my games I've finished or not finished, what percentage is new vs old, etc.) my data with a few clicks from any computer or phone and share it with anyone using a link. If I need a hard copy, I can just print it.

I don't lend out my games but as my collection got larger, I often found myself buying a game twice because I forgot I had it. But now, I can access my list from my phone so that's no longer an issue.:lol:

Now, the scanning method seems like it would take forever for me, though you'd get access to a lot of info though the usefulness of that info is questionable.[/QUOTE]
hmm not a bad idea for doing it really. strangely ive got a fairly good memory on what i have and dont have and havent bought anything twice for that reason. i have bought things twice for reasons im not entirely sure. me and my friends bought like 3 copies of bloodrayne 1 the movie for some reason we still cant figure out im fairly certain theres no good reason for it and they are of course sitting at home with my pile of endless games and movies.

there probably are a couple of other rebought things. sometimes i lose something and find it three years later and end up with two copies. or selling something and rebuying it later. on that note ive got about 5 lost copies of halo 2 somewhere lol.

for me the pain would be actually taking the time to do it and as such completely organizing everything. it is organized sort of but not really is a great order so i'd have to do it. scanning would at least let me pick it up scan it move on and hopefully it would reveal good enough information and scan some of my odder weird obscure titles i have.
i say this because it can be too big of a pain in the but to keep it all organized as i am very much of the philosphy its organized in my head and thats all the matters so i dont always keep a completely ordered room.

the point is moot at the moment. being away for college my collection is at home in a pile of a boxes in a closet so my room could be free'd for other temporary purposes. so ill probably have to organize it sometime after im done in school regardless maybe ill make this insane list then.

i think ive amassed far too much crap especially when we start factoring the nerf collection and random stuff animals(dont ask i couldnt tell you how this happened but it was me and several friends and its all left at my house much like the nerf)....on the bright side assuming i have kids i have plenty of stuff animals for them to play with lol. well except the anime ones those are off limits. heck i cant even find a website that sells blue plush tachikomas anymore all i see are the yellow ones. all i know is we are obbessed with ghost in the shell a local anime store was closing so naturally we bought all 10 plush tachikomas they had at 60% off lol.

[quote name='Vulgarism']Updated a little bit. Moved my shelf to a new area of the room and decided to leave off pretty much all the books (minus the two strat guides, artbooks... And that crap.)


Plus, I finally have a stand for my TV, so it's not just on the floor anymore.

[quote name='Tailswisher']Sorry to change subject guys, but since this is the collection thread, I have a question for everyone. Does anyone know of a good cataloging website or program for media (movies, tv shows, anime, cartoons, etc.), books, card, comics, etc. I've got WAY too many collections to keep track of with Excel or Word. I know CAG is good for cataloging games, but not for if I ever want to send the list to someone without internet. I could really use some help, so any advice from fellow collectors?[/QUOTE]
The aforementioned Collectorz is probably your best bet. I'm not a big fan of it, but most people seem to like it and it allows you to catalog all sorts of things. I personally just type everything into a Wordpad document because I can never find anything setup just the way I want. A little program called eLibPro used to be perfect for my book collection, but it's no longer supported and it has become almost unusable. It's been well over a year and I still miss that stupid program.
I use Google Docs (ie Spreadsheets) much like Vinny. Though I found it easier for me to make a separate Spreadsheet for each console. I don't really mess around with formulas though. Another great reason for me to be able to check my list anytime (besides the reasons already listed) is to see the varying states of completeness my games are, since I get most of my games from thrift stores/Craigslist/flea markets. I check to see if I need a manual/case/soundtrack when I am going through people's tradelist or at the local Gamestop.
Thank you all.. next time my wife tells me I have too many games I'll show her this thread.... then go point at her closet... I'll then head to gamestop and buy whatever I want.
Hey guys, new here. Here's some photos of my collection (always a WIP, just bought a bunch of 360 games actually).

Also, to chime in I use Collectorz and love it. The program for PC is full featured and easy to use. I also use their web backup and sync feature so I can update my collection anywhere.





Misc systems - Saturn Dev Unit, Japanese Dreamcast, Atari Jaguar
The shoe organizer for controllers seems like a genius idea. I haven't come up with a good solution for mine, they mostly just sit in bags in a tote in my closet.

I'll be getting a new media cabinet for my older games pretty soon, once I have it all set up I'll take some pics of my collection. It's not *nearly* as impressive as most of these but it's still pretty good.
All these collections look great. I cant do the whole "you see every game" thing on the shelves as my wife thinks it looks too cluttered. So we bought cabinets that have locking doors on them. Thing is, they are deeper than traditional media shelving and my games are up to 3 rows deep as I have so many. So it can get hard to find the game you want right away. That's what I miss about having shelving like you guys are showing.
[quote name='addicted2games']All these collections look great. I cant do the whole "you see every game" thing on the shelves as my wife thinks it looks too cluttered. So we bought cabinets that have locking doors on them. Thing is, they are deeper than traditional media shelving and my games are up to 3 rows deep as I have so many. So it can get hard to find the game you want right away. That's what I miss about having shelving like you guys are showing.[/QUOTE]

Having games cover each other up like that would drive me insane. :whee:
@kelsoanim I like your collection and the set up you have. Do you have those old systems hooked up or are they just on display?
Thanks mickeyp. Yeah, all of the systems are hooked up to component, s-video and composite video switchers, except for the Atari and Ti-99, which I honestly don't play much anyway.

addicted2games - man, that's rough. My wife has admited that having all my systems out bothers her a tiny bit, but we are planning on having a gaming room when we buy a house. Hopefully in a nice, dark finished basement. :D Maybe there is some sort of compromise like that you could make with your wife?

Love your collection, man. It's hard to tell from the pics but it looks like you keep your shelves gloriously free of shovelware with a high ratio of AAA essentials. I hate seeing a huge, beautiful collection and then realizing its peppered with crap (no offense to the completionists - to each their own). Great stuff!
[quote name='addicted2games']All these collections look great. I cant do the whole "you see every game" thing on the shelves as my wife thinks it looks too cluttered. So we bought cabinets that have locking doors on them. Thing is, they are deeper than traditional media shelving and my games are up to 3 rows deep as I have so many. So it can get hard to find the game you want right away. That's what I miss about having shelving like you guys are showing.[/QUOTE]

If only your wife realized how valuable your collection was... then she'd want them framed. Or on a chain and around her neck... rockin' that mint Chrono Trigger, showin' all the bitches some real bling.
My new mancave will be the soon-to-be-finished-hopefully basement. Not sure I will be displaying everything down there or leaving it in the current man-closet yet though. I have lithographs and guitars and junk I need the wall space it took a good amount of work/$$$ setting up the custom shelving in the closet.
I'm counting down the (hypothetical) months until my parents buy a new house... they are going to get a much larger house and hopefully, I can snag a fairly large room. We're still roughly a year away so I guess it might not even happen.:lol:

But man, I'm not looking forward to the move...:whistle2:/
[quote name='Vinny']I'm counting down the (hypothetical) months until my parents buy a new house... they are going to get a much larger house and hopefully, I can snag a fairly large room. We're still roughly a year away so I guess it might not even happen.:lol:

But man, I'm not looking forward to the move...:whistle2:/[/QUOTE]

i feel your pain i moved when i was 10. 16 or 17 years ago and my parents still never unboxed everything lol.
[quote name='Squarehard']Having games cover each other up like that would drive me insane. :whee:[/QUOTE]

kind of in the same boat, except I need more shelving units and don't really have the space. My games are cluttered on one unit with some in front of others or turned to the side. :[
[quote name='FlamedLiquid']kind of in the same boat, except I need more shelving units and don't really have the space. My games are cluttered on one unit with some in front of others or turned to the side. :[[/QUOTE]

I've basically run out of capacity for many sections and that's my only option now. My PSP, DS and Collectors Editions sections are full. I've already had to start stacking games on top of other games for my PSP and DS sections (something I hate doing) and started stacking CEs on top of bookcases and praying that they don't tip over.:whistle2:(
[quote name='Vinny']I've basically run out of capacity for many sections and that's my only option now. My PSP, DS and Collectors Editions sections are full. I've already had to start stacking games on top of other games for my PSP and DS sections (something I hate doing) and started stacking CEs on top of bookcases and praying that they don't tip over.:whistle2:([/QUOTE]

I sold and traded a bunch of stuff, and I still don't have room =(
Heres my current Media shelf which is a cramp bookshelf. A few years ago my collection could fit in a drawer now this:


These were taken a few months ago so its grown. Sorry if my photographic skills blow your mind.:D
Looks like you've already had to start stacking stuff in front of other stuff.:lol:

I spent my entire weekend relocating some stuff and managed to get some more space together. Now everything is back to normal but it's not going to last long.
OK, I finally got my cleaning/rough sort done on my NES carts.

Some notes:

These are not all of my NES games, only the loose ones.

There were all purchased at garage sales or a sale of some kind.

I didn't pay more than $1 for any game pictured.

I know they are not quite alphabetical order, but I plan on selling some of them off, so I just wanted to get an idea of what I own.

The GB Micro is still Factory Sealed...I paid $5 for it.

Gameboy CIB was 6.99 @ GW.

The DS systems were $25 each, I think (maybe $20).

The Donkey Kong mini arcade was 50 cents! (maybe .25)















New camera + poor lighting = bad pictures. They are supposed to be 12 megapixels, but I can't seem to make them bigger or zoom.
[quote name='mrspicytacoman']how did you get a gb micro for 5 dollars[/QUOTE]

[quote name='blindinglights']Probably a yard sale.[/QUOTE]

This is correct. It was marked $10 and I offered $5 for it. It is still sealed and it has the original wal-mart receipt taped to the back. She said she didn't try to take it back since the receipt was expired. :bouncy:

I think I bought it 2 or 3 years ago, but I did post it in the yard sale thread when I got it (though I haven't found much yet this year).
I love that it was 10 bucks and you STILL asked for the price to be sliced in half. An amazing deal turned into a super fucking amazing deal in 5 seconds! You are a true CAG! You seriously deserve some sort of badge under your SN for that transaction :)
So, I haven't updated in about a year, so, here we go. Sorry about the dust and...stuff.


My main set up. 42" 1080p and an Xbox 360. Please excuse the mess in this picture. Just recently reorganized my room and still haven't found a place for everything.


My shelving set up. Not a lot of room for games but I make do.


Close up view of my games.

Also, concerning that lack of space for games, as you can see I'm almost out of room, and I don't know what to do about it. More about that in this thread.
[quote name='slowdive21']This is correct. It was marked $10 and I offered $5 for it. It is still sealed and it has the original wal-mart receipt taped to the back. She said she didn't try to take it back since the receipt was expired. :bouncy:

I think I bought it 2 or 3 years ago, but I did post it in the yard sale thread when I got it (though I haven't found much yet this year).[/QUOTE]

Wow... what a deal! Those things sell for $200 new!

I had the chance to buy one for $50 and passed on it. D'oh!
[quote name='Vinny']Wow... what a deal! Those things sell for $200 new!

I had the chance to buy one for $50 and passed on it. D'oh![/QUOTE]

If it makes you feel better I saw 3 red ones at Target for 35.xx on clearance. I reported it in the Target thread and when I went back an hour later they were gone. That's when I decided I should buy first, think later when I am at retail stores. :cry:
[quote name='Vinny']Wow... what a deal! Those things sell for $200 new!

I had the chance to buy one for $50 and passed on it. D'oh![/QUOTE]
they sell for more like 80 bucks

or was it an anniversary edition?
I decided to take a few pics of some new additions to my gaming setup/collection.


The TV is a Sony HX820 3DTV and they're a bit hard to see but I have the following consoles hooked up:
-PS3 (slim) - via HDMI
-PS2 (slim) - via Component
-Dreamcast - via VGA box/cable
-XBOX 360 (slim) - via HDMI
Bottom shelf has an external HDD for movies/pics/music, 2x pairs of 3D glasses, DVR, and games I've been playing recently.

I love the new 3DTV but I still do plenty of gaming in my game room:


I have my Wii and all of my older systems hooked up to my amazing Sony XBR960:

From left to right:
-Gamecube - via Component
-Panasonic Q (Japanese Gamecube/DVD player) - via Component
-Wii - via Component
-PS2 (slim) - via Component
-JP PS2 (slim) - via Component
The calendar is actually from 1990, but I realized the dates match up perfectly after February and decided it was a perfect fit for the Game Room. :D

Next to the TV is what my friends nick-named the "Tower of Power":

Here's a closer look at the systems:

-Virtual Boy - Store display unit I got from Blockbuster for $35 :)
-NES - via Composite
-SNES - via S-Video

-Neo Geo CD (JP) - not currently hooked up
-3D0 - Via S-Video
-SEGA Genesis - Via Composite
-XBOX - Via Component

-N64 - Via S-Video
-Super Famicom - Via S-Video
-Famicom (revision) - Via Composite
-Famicom Disk System - Not currently hooked up/not working
-SEGA CDX - Not currently hooked up
-Dreamcast - Via S-Video
-SEGA Saturn - Via S-Video
-SEGA Saturn (JP) - (behind the TG-16) I swap it w/the US one when necessary
-TurboGrafx-16 - Via RF (blah)

Now on to the games!

This wall has more modern stuff from Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo.
Here's a better view of the game-related stuff on top of the shelf:

Here's a breakdown of the games by console:
Wii & 3DS:
Gamecube US & JP:
XBOX & XBOX 360:
PS2 (JP):

*The random lunchboxes have wireless NES/SNES controllers in them*

And on the opposite wall are my classic Nintendo & SEGA games, along with my Blu-Rays.

Here's a view of the stuff on top:

And another breakdown of games by console:
JP N64 and 64DD:

I was unfortunately never able to track down a 64DD during my time in Japan, but at least I got the games fairly cheap.
Super Famicom & Boxed NES:

NES (loose carts):
Famicom, Famicom Disk System, Pokemon Mini, and Virtual Boy:
SEGA Saturn & SEGA CD:
JP Saturn, Neo Geo CD, & Turbo Grafx-16:
SEGA 32X, SEGA Genesis, and SEGA Master System:

I have a large collection of older gaming magazines and guides too, but the bookshelves are blocked by moving boxes so I can't take pictures right now.
I also have tons of handheld systems and games (my username is Gameboy415 after all! ;) ), but they're mostly in boxes/dresser drawers so there's no easy way to take pics.
bread's done