Your collection - post a photo - show us what'cha got!

Yup yup! I made triple UGCs for both stadium 1 & 2 to hold those stupid paks ;)


Very nice job on that. I was wondering how you got a case like that, and now I know.

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More space soon! Wheeeeeeeeeeee!

Just going to suck to try and post everything now because I'll have to split it up into numerous posts since there's a image cap per post. :*(

I can't even post a proper collection update because of this new image cap per post.

Oh CAG 3.0, I hate you very much so.

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Here be my collection update!

Collection 6/14/13


New shelf with all dat new space is in the fourth pic. ^__^
what's with all the shelves blocking the doors? Prepping for a zombie outbreak? *_*
Most of those are closets. I still think he could take off the doors and use that space show how... maybe stick some bookshelves in there.
I actually have clothes in there though, and boxes of other stuff. :*(

wiggyx i love your collection and set up with your custom casing. Would you like some free N64 wrestling games for your collection? 

Haven't changed or gotten enough to update mine. I suppose I could post the pictures I took on my digital camera I never got around to posting a while back but its just more of the same.

Well then I guess I'll post this here then

Their a tad bit outdated missing a few of my latest purchases but the best quality pics I've taken in a while. Had taken these for another forum.

First up here's a look at my setup.

Currently I have a 42" LG 1080p TV with the Samsung Reciever doing a full 7.0 channel setup. Haven't gotten around to picking up a subwoofer but that will come with time. Pieced it all together picking up open box stuff at Best Buy and Flea Markets. I've also got my WiiU, TG-16, Gamecube, Sega Genesis/CD, Xbox 360 and NES on the shelve and I keep the SNES off to the side but I've been playing Final Fantasy III the last few days so it's been out. Finally, my Blu-Ray player, managed to get that at Best Buy for $24.99 as it was a floor model, but it's been going strong for at least a year now and I've held on to my HD-DVD's so I've kept my player around as well. I've seen no reason to replace the movies I had on the format unless their cheap enough.
Heres a bit of a closer up view.

Heres an overview look at my main Gaming Shelve. Running out of room on it already but haven't really found anything I liked to replace it. I suppose I could build one like Wiggy but just don't have the ambition right now haha.

And of course some closeups, I keep my collectors editions up top, followed by my Nintendo Disc Based games.

Next up our my Genesis games. So happy with the covers I've made so far but I've been too cheap to buy anymore ink so I haven't got around to casing up anymore of them. My ultimate goal is to case-up all the uncased games I have but I am going to be running into the road block of not having enough cases pretty soon.

Xbox 360 games. I've generally only really focused on the 360 this gen. I've had a PS3 twice and both times found a reason to trade it away. Never really liked it for some reason. But it did help me get my Wii U and I gotta say I am extremely excited for some of the upcoming games such as X, and of course the Nintendo Staples. I've also got the remnants of my Saturn games there.

Sega CD and PC-Big Box. I've been wanting to get more Sega CD games but all the games I want cost a fortune. Also the PC Big-Box games are more for flipping then anything. Not really a collector of them but it's so hard to pass up on them when I see them cheap at yard sales and flea markets. Especially when their still sealed.

This is my other big shelve. For the longest time I was actually sick of gaming for about a year and managed to amass about 230 Blu-Rays during that time. Still been buying them on and off but currently have most of the releases that I really wanted to own.

Some close ups of my movies.


Heres a look at what I own for the NES and TG-16, in the dark there is an Atari 5200 game and a few Jaguar games. Don't know why I bought the 5200 game and I've been fighting with my Jaguar to get it working. Can't get video output from the thing for some reason.

Heres where I keep my handhelds and SNES games. I used to own a ton back in the day but traded them all off when I was sick of gaming :(. Still regret getting rid of Chrono Trigger and few of my other RPGs. Did manage to get Final Fantasy III back the other day so slowly its coming back together.

And a close up. Final Fantasy III isn't pictured as its currently in my SNES

Heres where most of my projects go down. Got the monitor cheap about a year ago and love it. Don't think I could go any smaller then 24" ever again.

Finally heres a bit of an overlook of my entire room to give perspective of where things are. Currently living in the basement of my parents house so space is limited but I did what I could with what I've got.


Hope you guys enjoyed and I hope to continue growing my collection.
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I've been wanting to post here and now that I have a media tower now's a good time.

I'm surprised it completly cleaned out my closet of my dvds and stuff

This is what's still left in my closet

The other halo figures are behind these ones


I guess the pic makes it look small but I couldnt fit through my car door

I'm moving pretty soon, and I meant to take pics of my meager collection anyways, but then 3.0's initial image restriction pushed me back.  I think I'll have it posted by this week before I pack things up.

My collection is expanding weekly, but I imagine that'll die down when yardsale season does. I'll work on getting some pics of the whole shebang at that point :)
That's no excuse! I think a good chunk of us are the same way. I've got like 100 games that are still awaiting covers and cases and that pile is still growing. Need more time in each day...

My expands hourly! PICTURES!!!!! @_@
Yeah, like this crazy bastard. He still posts pics all the time. No excuses!

Ok, doing my public service to make everyone else feel better (or worse? depends on how you look at it) about their own collection by finally posting my paltry sum.  To preface it, I've been much more of a seller than a collector nowadays, as I already sold off / gave away most of my older games and systems (NES, Genesis, N64, PS1 and PS2), but enough of the excuses, here it goes (click on the individual pictures for a closer look):

I'm in the middle of a move right now, so that is the reason most of the shelves are empty at the moment.  My entertainment center is actually the most impressive part of my collection, my favorite piece of furniture.  The side shelves have dimmable lights, which I'm sure would make for good showcasing if I had some of the collectables you guys have.  Only have the Wii and fatty PS2 for main use, eventually I'll get a PS3 and Wii U to make better use of my HDMI ports other than my Blu-Ray player.

The media is all stored on the external sliding shelves on either side, which means I still have easy access to them, and I don't have to dust these shelves like ever (and the wife can't complain about the aesthetics of them showing in the main living area, win win scenario).


Close up shots of the games.  I'll be honest, my PS1/PS2 collection is pretty weak, but that's because I've sold off most of my notable titles, and the majority of these games are ones I've gotten cheap at thrift stores (yes, there was a time my PS2 pulled karaoke duty). Whenever I find a valuable PS1/PS2 game, I tend to sell it rather than keep it, so this will stay about this size.


Wii games are the only thing I've hoarded at the moment, because they are mostly cheap and easy to find.  Once they start becoming a bit more elusive and sought after, I'll start selling them off too, but I figure that will take some time (if ever for some of them).  Plus when my kids get older they will (hopefully) enjoy the entry level games.


My small but essential Gamecube collection, one of the few systems I never sold off the games for.  There are a couple more titles I want, but for the most part I'll be content to what I find locally on random Goodwill trips.  The stash of papers on the side are my unused CN codes which will be put back in their cases in about a week from now (after the new CN year begins).

Mainly DVDs, but I have about 7 or 8 Blu-Rays tossed in there.  Mostly family friendly / Disney fair, and I don't take the time to organize this section as much since the kids / wife will just randomly place things anyways. Kudos if you Where's Waldo my avatar in here (I love that movie, as dumb as it can be at times).


Storage for the boxes and the like, also my on-deck circle for the games I'm prepping for sale.  The Genesis I've used mainly as a tester, and the Gamecube sits for the fairytale chance I come across a component cable for it.  I'll get a Wii U in the future, so it may get a second life at that point.  I have more accessories that I've started packing already, but nothing really notable.

For those that care, here is also my meager boardgame collection.  There are a few more I'd like to own, but I have a few friends that compliment my collection (with Puerto Rico, Dominion, Pandemic, etc.), so this is good enough for now.  After the move I'd like to put this properly in the EC instead of the hall closet. For the curious, that wooden box is the 15th Anniversary Catan, which my overzealous father-in-law bought for me after he became an addict.  Personally I prefer the regular Mayfair edition.

Thanks for looking!

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My roommate finally moved her stuff out.  Now I just need to paint the room and get some furniture and set everything up in there.  Then I'll have some more pics, hopefully within a week or so.

Yeah, that's awesome. That media cabinet has got to have cost quite a bit...
Thanks, it wasn't too bad (I think around $1,900), which sounds like a lot, but it will be the last EC I ever buy. Dealt with a few cheaply made ones before, that I figure it would be cheaper in the long run to get a good one instead.

It's very classy. Now you just need to fill it with more stuff.
I was actually gonna say that the bookshelf speakers really kill the class here... he should address that first. I think it would look nicer with a surround sound system or maybe a soundbar. Bookshelf speakers belong in the kids room.:p

I was actually gonna say that the bookshelf speakers really kill the class here... he should address that first. I think it would look nicer with a surround sound system or maybe a soundbar. Bookshelf speakers belong in the kids room. :p
I've never really gotten into surround sound speakers, and I like to have analog input to avoid any HDTV lag in signal processing (necessary for any rhythm game) for systems that don't have an optical out. But you're right, I could get a better set up there, just never been much of an audiophile (except for the processing lag) to care. Before we packed things up, we had a lot of trinkets and pictures up that you don't really notice the speakers as much.

Honestly the rabbit ears bug me the most, but I'm not about to pay for cable / satellite to avoid that (plus I wouldn't really watch cable anyways).

MAN has this place changed since I was here last. I like the new layout of the website!

So, my old Westinghouse busted on me. I was unaware that I had a GeekSquad protection plan on it until I recieved an e-mail reminding me about it. So I took my TV up to Best Buy for them to send it off to be repaired. The repair co. calls me and says to go back up to BB and pick out a new TV, so I did just that. The comparable value on my Westinghouse was $259 and the TV I wanted to get, which was a Samsung, was $269. The manager overrode the price, since it was the last one, and knocked 10 bucks off, making it an even swap. Here's some pictures of my new setup I just got done setting up last night. I've had the TV for about 2-3 weeks, but I just re-organized everything yesterday. By the way, Samsung RULES.

Just an overview of the whole setup. First is an old picture, then the new one.


So I pulled all of the games out of the stereo cabinet and stacked them neatly on my entertainment center where my consoles and stereo were. In addition, I'm using my game guides to hold them up and I've got the boxes from my PS3, 360, and PS2 for filling in the space behind them. Hiding behind my PS2's box is my PSP in its aluminum case.

Now we get to the good stuff! After yanking out my games, I placed my stereo and consoles in the order I wanted. Looking back, I kinda wish I had swapped the PS3 and 360 around. Looks kinda goofy with the PS3 controllers next to the 360. I might fix that in the future, but I'll leave it for now. What's really sweet about this setup is that all of my black consoles and my black stereo "blend in" to my black shelves. The black shelves came with the cabinet. Also, I've got blue LED cooling pads under the 360 and PS3. I also have a blacklight illuminating the very bottom (where the PS2 and Gamecube are) and it looks AWESOME. (By the way, I know the 2nd picture is blurry. I couldn't get it any more stable without flash on.)

Thanks, it wasn't too bad (I think around $1,900), which sounds like a lot, but it will be the last EC I ever buy. Dealt with a few cheaply made ones before, that I figure it would be cheaper in the long run to get a good one instead.
As they say, you get what you pay for. Nice to see someone going for quality shelving over what's currently on sale at Wal-Fart.

The slide-out storage is great. Such a space saver.
bread's done