Your Fear or Phobia - What are you afraid of..?

One more I thought of.

I don't know if it's because of my confidence issues (I'm sure it doesn't help that I beat myself up when I fail), but I believe I'm afraid to try new things. Trying to learn the guest service desk at my work (mainly to cover breaks and such), and I was nervous today. I can do returns no problem, but I did make two or three difficult screwups today which did not help me mentally.
My nerves are really good. I'm really fearful of stray dogs. The crazy ones who look like they could attack at any moment.
This chick I work with's breath/body odor
Postage stamps
Having my home broken into/robbed
Having a retarded child
Cormac McCarthy's Border Trilogy
My phobia is really broad and in my opinion a little stupid. i fear the unknown, the future, all of which is out of my control that can come crashing down upon me on one unlucky instant. It's crazy to me how much I analyze the possible outcomes of everything and what I would do in those outcomes, but I still fear it, even if I don't fear the outcome in question. For example, I have absolutely no fear in speaking publicly at all, but if I think that in the future I'll have to talk publicly due to exergent circumstances that I cannot control, it scares me.

Aside from that, forgive me for my arragonce, as I am young and naieve, I really fear nothing. I do stupid, unsafe things all of the time(although I always make sure there is no chance of anyone elses harm being caused because of me.), and wasps, snakes heights, they're nothing to me.
sharks. i saw the movie "jaws" at too early of an age.
it's funny because as i got a little older, i decided to learn and read about sharks. figure if you know your fear, you'd fear it less.

of course, my fear is obviously easy to avoid so long as i don't go swimming at the beach or something. but long ago, even swimming in a swimming pool was a little unsettling for me.
All females should be very afraid of this man...
bread's done