Your opinion on CE/LE/SEgames?


18 (100%)
It seems with nearly every semi-popular release, we have an option to buy the collector's edition, limited edition, or special edition package for $5, $10, or sometimes $20 extra.

I'm curious what everyone's opinions on these releases are. What do you guys think about paying extra money for a game? Extra money for a special edition guide?

I personally love them. I didn't mind paying $75 for the Disgaea 2 Complete Package (only nine more days!), and I just pre-ordered the Final Fantasy XII LE game and guide, which left me $100 lighter in my wallet (yea, not much of a cheapass move, but I'm a sucker for these kind of packages). I still think that the two Lunar games, while having awesome packaging, also show how in-depth developers can go and how much they care for their fans.
I don't mind as long as the versions are actually limited and preferably numbered accordingly so it's easy to see just how limited they really are, it also helps if it includes some really cool bonuses. As for non-limited limited editions (IE: Halo 2) I dislike them.
Depends how rare it is. Disgaea 2 and FFXII will probably be rare, while other games like Jade Empire and Perfect Dark are so overproduced that the normal versions are actually more uncommon than the limited edition.

The ONLY limited edition i've paid full price for, aside from Halo 2 (grrrr), is Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory on XB. It's not super rare, but it's pretty uncommon on XBox. I also own the True Crime: NYC, Marc Ecko's Getting Up, Doom, Jade Empire, and Oblivion CE. The only ones i've been pleased with is True Crime: NYC and Doom, reason being they actually have seperate disc art for the collector's edition rather than the normal art. Never played True Crime, though, so couldn't comment on the game. The Doom collector's edition is so beautiful that I bought it twice - one to open, one to keep sealed (it was 9.99 at a sale at EB). The case is amazing, the contents, even though they were later released on Doom 3 RoE, is awesome. Two thumbs up.

I'm getting the GTA trilogy tomorrow, it could be considered a collector's edition of sorts. All the discs in the trilogy have exclusive disc art, which is something i'm a sucker for.

There's ONE limited edition that i've seen only once and never saw again. It's fairly rare. Believe it or not, it's Counter-Strike on XB. Didn't know there was a limited edition, did you? Neither did I. The only difference is that the cover is raised and underneath the XBox logo at the top, it says limited edition.

I need to find that. I wish I would've gotten it when I had seen it.
The Doom 3 Collector Edition was reasonable because it only cost $5 more and it had a copy of Doom 1 and 2 in it. I thought it was worth it.

The other games have special editions with fluff bullshit in it. Not worth it.
I agree that Doom 3 was a worthy LE, but only because it included something of actual value as a bonus. Most only include a developer interview which, while nice, should have been included in the regular version.

I hope with the Wii we see LE that include VC downloads of the original games.
The only time I mind LEs are when they are they only way to get DVD versions of PC games. That really bothers me when I want the game, but don't want to real extras that make the LE special.
This is another advertisment gimmick to get your money. They did this with Zelda N64 where they had the Golden Holographic carts and later again with DVD's. To be honest 101 is worth more then any collectors edition when the packaging itself is a collectors item. My question is who started the whole CE/LE/SE gag to begin with?

yes you could buy the original or the pretty shiney cover with the original.

Also there has beeen alot of unmarked reprints of rare PS2 games out there poping up here and there so you have to be careful.
[quote name='Scorch']Depends how rare it is. Disgaea 2 and FFXII will probably be rare, [/quote]

I don't think Disgaea 2 will be rare at all. Seems ever store that sells games has it listed on their site for a preorder, the art book is the only thing I can see as being rare. FFXII might be, but I have my doubts about this, it is a SE game, but you never know.

As for CE, I will go ahead and buy a CE if it is a game I want, but I don't hunt down random CE of games.
Jade Empire's LE might not actually be limited but the additional content made it worth the extra price. I agree with you guys on DOOM. All LEs should be like that. With the new download services and Virtual Console, we probably won't see the original games packaged in with LEs since they can easily get 10 bucks for them.
I love these things, but only when I feel the extra stuff is worth it and especially if it's for a game/series I am a big fan of. I have no problem paying a bit more for some extra goodies but I am all in favor of also releasing a normal edition for people who don't want 'em. For all I care they can release a SE/LE whatever for any game that gets released weither I like it or not, it's no skin off my back.

As for LE guides, I don't go for them, because I actually buy guides just to use and I would be PARANOID about creasing/generally messing up my guide, so I just get the normal one and use as needed. :)
The DVD that came with the Halo 2 LE was probably the best DVD that has ever come with a game. The case was also fanastic.
don't care for them. I may watch the extra stuff once, but never again. collector's cards, coins, t-shirts are just filler for my garbage can as well.

I do like the metal cases that Halo and Doom came with though.
For CE/SE games, if the extra's are worth it, then cool, I like them. For LE's, I like when they are actually limited (a.k.a. MGS3). Buying an LE for an extra $10 and then seeing it later being clearanced out...yeah...if its not actually limited, then dont name it an LE but instead CE/SE.
LE's are awesome, espically when rabid fans pay insane prices for the same game but the LE has a movie disc and different packaging :rofl:

I thought the Prey LE was awesome though, that sweet metal tin, the two pewter figures and that rocking artbook.

BTW, Disgaea 2 isn't a CE / LE / anything of the sort. It's just Disgaea 2 with extra crap, I highly highly doubt it will have anything signifying the package as special.
[quote name='Scorch']There's ONE limited edition that i've seen only once and never saw again. It's fairly rare. Believe it or not, it's Counter-Strike on XB. Didn't know there was a limited edition, did you? Neither did I. The only difference is that the cover is raised and underneath the XBox logo at the top, it says limited edition.

I need to find that. I wish I would've gotten it when I had seen it.[/QUOTE]

The reason you saw this "LE" once and only once is because it doesn't really exist. No LE of Counter-Strike was ever made. However, there was a pre-order deal for a limited edition numbered insert with raised text that one could place into their regular Counter-Strike case once the game came out.

So no, not really an LE you missed out on at all. Just a pre-order bonus you missed.
I think the concept works when:

a) the limited editions are exactually limited.

b) They offer something really good. Ie older classics or indepth features.
[quote name='Nogib']The reason you saw this "LE" once and only once is because it doesn't really exist. No LE of Counter-Strike was ever made. However, there was a pre-order deal for a limited edition numbered insert with raised text that one could place into their regular Counter-Strike case once the game came out.

So no, not really an LE you missed out on at all. Just a pre-order bonus you missed.[/quote]

ok, then I need to find that pre-order bonus.
I love special editions of things, I feel the same about special edition DVDs as well. I don't mind the extra $10.00 or whatever it is.

Thank god I got the MGS3: Subsistence LE. :D
[quote name='-Never4ever-']I think the concept works when:

a) the limited editions are exactually limited.

b) They offer something really good. Ie older classics or indepth features.[/QUOTE]

You mean like some of the LE's Sega offers exclusively off their Japanese store site? I'd kill to be able to order the LE's from there, shipped here. I mean shit Nihon Falcom caters to us as such.
Look at the true LE of Dragon Force, artbook AND the soundtrack included which seemed to be hard to find. Oh and when I say soundtrack I mean the WHOLE fucking thing, not this one disc sampler crap, I'm talking 2 disc complete.
i dont care because the sets over here are shit compared to the ones released in japan. a tin case and a dvd i dont care about... give me a break. the only company that has ever made worthwhile limited editions is working designs, and theyre out of business now. so i wouldnt expect to see any great ones in the future either.
I think LE, CE, whatever they call them. The ones we get in the States are lame. CE FF XII is ten dollars more and all you get is a second DVD and a aluminum case for the game. It's exactly like Capcoms RE4 LE last year but more expensive. For $10 more, it needs more goodies like a soundtrack or a figurine.
I really like all the se/le/ce stuff. It just really pisses me off when they release after the regular one. god damn, it pisses me off when I buy a game or movie and then like a month later they got the badass one. I dont care if its just a box or a damn yugioh card inside, I always want the special one.
V for Vendetta pissed me off a bit. so many different ones. Im not gonna buy 4 copies.
[quote name='DeathDealer']I really like all the se/le/ce stuff. It just really pisses me off when they release after the regular one. god damn, it pisses me off when I buy a game or movie and then like a month later they got the badass one. I dont care if its just a box or a damn yugioh card inside, I always want the special one.
V for Vendetta pissed me off a bit. so many different ones. Im not gonna buy 4 copies.[/quote]

Ugh. I hated that. If I want the cool cover and comic, I have to go to Target. If I want the Deluxe Package with mask and posters, I have to go to Best Buy. Bullshit.
I like the metal cases, (Halo 2, Doom 3) so if it's only like 5 bucks more for those, I'll pick them up. I got Doom 3 for 10 bucks at EB, helluva deal, I had intercourse with the case later that night.
I kinda care about them, makes me feel special ^^

But now if its a series I like, then I'd probably maul an old lady to get to it.
bread's done