Your Worst EB or Gamestop Experience in Detail.

Traded my PS2 in a good while back, over a year now. Well first thing I did is pull every PS2 and PS1 game I had to make sure they all ran and the PS2 worked, also tried 10 random DVD movies. So far, everything works, cool. Brought it in, brought the games in, traded it all in, got my credit. (Note, manager was on duty at register)

Go back in a few weeks later, (Now so you know, most of the employees are nicer and a chunk at the gamestop and EB both know me now.) so, I get told by one of the normal people who work there the manager told them to chew me out because the PS2 didn't work and he had to send it to Sony. Now, the best part is I had NUMEROUS witnesses hearing it, and they themselves would back me up if anything came up over it, so yea. Getting told that they where mean't to chew me out... Fun stuff eh? I get home, first thing I do is contact the district management, now let it be known the District Manager works in Indy, I live in Michigan. I've been to the store he works in when I goto GenCon every year, and I complained in person about him before. Now, when I call in he actually figured out the person I was talking about very fast, and it turns out he has had numerous complaints of varying things.

Long story short, if I walked by that store for the longest time, he would literally cower. I'm serious, this weird balding manager guy would cower in fear for some apparent reason. Best part though, he got fired sometime last Fall/Summer :) To that we had much partying, noone liked him, ever. Guy knew nothing.... He even tried to sell me Madden claiming it was GTA3 once. No joke.
Just recently called two stores in my area before the free City of Heroes/Villains promo, and asked them if they had heard of the promotion or had any copies left.

Both places told me they didn't have any, and that they hadn't heard anything about the promotion.

What do I see the next day but a cardboard display for "buy a pc game and get city of heroes/villains free."

Of course both stores told me that they had already handed out their copies. You know, the nonexistent copies I had asked about.
I called in to EB, and asked if they had a certain game in stock. The guy said yes, so I asked him to hold it for me. He says he can hold it for an hour, so I drive over there (not a long drive, 15 minutes). I get there, and he can't find it. So I tell him to call me when he finds it (I really wanted the damn game) and I go home. He calls me an hour or less after I get home, saying that he found it. I drove over to the store again, and this time he says,

"I'm really sorry, it turns out the only copy in our store is being held for someone's preorder..."

I was so pissed. There was another employee in addition to the first when I made my second trip, so my guess is that he came in to work and wanted it himself. I didn't go back to that EB ever again. They can fuck off.
[quote name='sp00ge']My last experience with the local Gamestop was the breaking point.

I had a bunch of DVDs, GBA games and other stuff I snagged for cheap at junk shops. I took it in to GS to see how much credit I could get for all of it. The guy scans and then types something, over and over until he has everything in. He tells me $10 store credit. Forget it.

I go over to EB games down the road, where people are a lot nicer, and take in the same items. Items are all scanned and the total? $33!! Apparently, the guy at GS was either overriding prices or putting in lower value items in place of what I had.

So, the guy at GS tried to screw me out of 2/3 of the real trade value of my stuff. After that, I swore I would never step foot in that store, and I have so far managed.[/quote]
To play devil's advocate here, I used to work at a store that carries used media, and the amount we payed for trade-ins depended heavily on our current stock. Maybe GS had more stuff in stock, possibly because they are generally meaner than the nearby EB. On the other hand, maybe the employee was just a dick.
My biggest disappointment was not getting the Fatal Fury hat for preordering the King of Fighters Maximum Impact game. EB/Funco/Gamestop has always been rather good for me. I've had a handful of defective games, but I only wasted time and gas with those, not aggrivation or money. At least I got the Metal Gear Saga DVD with Subsistence last year.
taking over an hour (I would have left, but I paid cash the first botched transaction) to return/rebuy an xbox game for the b2g1 promotion. Moron.

That was after I waited almost a half hour for some lady with her screaming kids in front of me to pay with a check that wouldn't go through.

This link is Dave Thomas Approved.
I actually had a TRU problem recently. I was looking for 360 HD cables, and I browsed before going straight to where they were. I finally made it to that section, and they had them with a clearance sticker for $10.48. They also had the S-Video cables for $10.48. I took the HD set to the counter. The guy says it'll be $4x.xx. I said uh no big red sticker on the front. The guy called his manager over.

She looks at it, looks at the rack, looks at it again, and at the rack again. She then whispers to the clerk, shakes her head and starts grabbed all the sets of HD-Cables. After she grabbed all 15-16 of them (I counted best as I could.) She told me it wasn't supposed to be clearanced. I said okay fine but I should get it for $10.48. She said no I cannot get it at that price. I got really pissed off and let them know it, and finally just left.

I mean fuck, 15+ mislabeled and I don't get (1)?
Some other manager could've not paid attention and sold them all for that and they'd be in real deep shit.
fuck that pissed me off.

I then made it to EB and they had a used set for $14.99.
That's one time when EB actually won my money.
[quote name='necrojustice']I actually had a TRU problem recently. I was looking for 360 HD cables, and I browsed before going straight to where they were. I finally made it to that section, and they had them with a clearance sticker for $10.48. They also had the S-Video cables for $10.48. I took the HD set to the counter. The guy says it'll be $4x.xx. I said uh no big red sticker on the front. The guy called his manager over.

She looks at it, looks at the rack, looks at it again, and at the rack again. She then whispers to the clerk, shakes her head and starts grabbed all the sets of HD-Cables. After she grabbed all 15-16 of them (I counted best as I could.) She told me it wasn't supposed to be clearanced. I said okay fine but I should get it for $10.48. She said no I cannot get it at that price. I got really pissed off and let them know it, and finally just left.

I mean fuck, 15+ mislabeled and I don't get (1)?
Some other manager could've not paid attention and sold them all for that and they'd be in real deep shit.
fuck that pissed me off.

I then made it to EB and they had a used set for $14.99.
That's one time when EB actually won my money.[/quote]Man I'd *love* them to try that around here, there are all sorts of screwy laws in Michigan, and if they had that many marked wrong I'm pretty sure they legally have to sell it at that price in Michigan. Its kinda funny.
*This is from the Gamestop in Prince Georges Plaza Mall in Maryland*

My experience isn't that bad or anything but I will share it anyways. Recently during the last B2G1 offer I wanted to do 2 DS games (Pheonix Wright, Final Fantasy 3) and 1 PS2 Game (Guitar Hero 1, game only; cuz I got my guitar w/ GH2). Anyways, the guy tells me that all three games must be for the same console. I ask him if he could just try it and see what happens, he says he has done it before and that the computer won't let him do it.

So then I ask for the corporate phone number, but he won't let me use his phone because it needs to be open in case people want to call in. So I stand there in the store and call on my cell phone. Promptly the guy from GS Customer Service, who promptly calls the store. At this point I hang up w/ CS cuz it was during the day and my cell phone didn't have any minutes.

This is what the employee said (I dont' know if he was the store manager, but he was in charge at the time...around 3/4pm on a weekday):

"So what code do I need to type in for it to ring up"......"That is the same code that I normally use, it won't work unless they are the same system"....."ohh, it worked"

Then I got my games and headed out...but haven't returned....

Anyways, thats my story....hope you like it a little :p
I was at a Gamestop that I normally don't have problems with, but this really pissed me off. I wanted to buy a Beatmania controller I took it up to the register, & it had no price tag on it. They asshole employee behind the counter asks me why I would want to buy this with a stupid look on his face. I told him to find the price for it, which he couldn't. So he puts it behind the register & tells me he can't sell it. Corporate got a call about this one.

Aside from that, the only other major thing was a GS manager telling me PS1 wasn't a system anymore, but it also wasn't an accessory or game.
I usually try to go to the same Gamestop which has a couple of nice ladies that treat me really well and never give me any hassle. However, over the span of the last couple of years, I've was thrown out of one store for looking for penny guides, was told by one guy at a store that I could not return at hist store because it needed to be returned at the original store and was told by another manager that I couldn't return at his store because his sales would take a "crunch" and that I was stealing from that store because I was doing so. It all leads me to believe that they get a ton of preasure from their higher ups to be the biggest dicks in history and do just about anything to not have returns and make a profit.

Although at this point since I work in a retail store, I can understand the amount of crap they have to deal with.
I go into this Gamestop outside a mall yesterday(I like the one inside the mall, but their sale had been picked over) to find Diablo 2 for $10.

Now every GS I had been to had put the entire selection of sale items out, not this one apparently, plus the dick manager that I had problems with on the Wii launch(he tried to pull the "I didnt have a reservation" when I was the first one there on preorder day) was there.

So I ask why Diablo is priced at $20 when I can grab an ad(which the ones here have a complete list of onsale games) and there it says Diablo is 50% off. He tells me that they dont have to follow that, that they can make their own rules.

And I took my money elsewhere, lol
Back in the days before I thought to look over games before purchasing... (yes I was naive and didnt think any place would take in scratched and stolen games... but then I met gamestop)

I went in during a Buy 2 get one free sale and picked up 3 games, the game in question was Half Life for the PS2... take it home and noticed the disc looked like it was wpied off with sandpaper... so I look through my bag, no reciept...

I take it back anyway and noitce the same people there from yesterday... and was refused an exchange on a game that was bought the day before

Not a horrid story... but I still hate the place with the constant barrage of questions and idiot employees... I remember overhearing one guy trying to get a customer to put down money on a PSP for launch, promising him that they were going to fetch upwards of 500 on
Her's mine. It's from the $4.99 Gamestop UMD sale that had Dawn of the dead, Akira, Ghost in the shell, Appleseed, Ninja Scroll. The first sale not the Memorial Day edition.

Anyway, I order all five movies, received them about a week later. Open the box and four of the five movies were stolen with an attempt at the fifth. I called up and told them that four were gone and the fifth was attempted. Now, I could have just said all five were taken but I was being honest. I was told that they need to talk to there "Security team" to figure out what has to be done and they would call me. So could you send me a replacement because I knew they were going to be sold out soon? Mind you, all I wanted was a replacement! Was told no. A week goes by and no call. I called back and was told they refunded me for four of the five movies. Wait, you gave me a refund when I was expecting a phone call that I never got and assumed I wanted a refund. Also, why would I pay for a movie that was open, almost stolen and flopping around in the case? Well, there not in stock anymore so you get a refund.

Fastforward a week later. I go on-line and look to see if they had the movies. They did, I call back, can I have that replacement now since there in stock. NO! Why? because you were already refunded. I know that but I never wanted a refund and I was never called back to be asked what I wanted. Can't help you. Well at least send me a replacement for the movie that was flopping around. Wwwweeellllllllll, o.k..

Now I'm pissed, call back and ask to speak to a manager, he said that it was wrong what they did and that he would give them to me for the sale price even though the sale was over. I said great but don't send the same way again to avoid another possible problem. What does he do? Send them the exact same way they did the first time.

In the end I got my movies but was hassled for no reason! And I mean HASSLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. I just ordered three more UMD's from the holiday sale. Funny thing is I expect the same crap to happen to me again!
i had a few 3rd party 360 controllers that i took to a few diff GS. 2 of them said they did not accept 3rd party controllers, the third store said only 5$ credit and only one controller per transaction, then at the 4th store they took them in no problem at 10$ each. wth
I read the first page and some of this last page, and am blown away by what qualifies as some of you guys' "worst experiences ever".

I had one Manager who sold me a Dex Drive and told me I couldn't return it if it turns out to not be compatible with my pc. Well I hooked it up and the thing was broken (it was compatible, I even had one of my "geek" friends check it out). The guy had a hissy when I brought it back (not because it was incompatible, because it was defective). Publicly blasted and insulted me in front of the store and then kicked me out.

I've had NUMEROUS stores lie to me flat-out, just as many who told me mistruths due to pure ignorance, and had a number of employees attempt to give me one disc from a 2-disc set. I have also had employees 'fess up to having games in the hold drawers for months at a time but refuse to sell them to me.

My favorite was back in the day when 1/2 of Gamestops tried to enforce a "cheapest games" rule that made no logical sense. Buy 3 $50 games, and 3 $5 games, and they would insist on giving you two $5 games for free instead of one $50 game free, and one $5 game free. I walked out of one store leaving the employee scratching his head when I informed him that his idiot policy just cost him an extra 3-game purchase (the incentive to purchase the $5 games is a NEGATIVE $45). Worse yet were the stores that would threaten to kick you out for "taking advantage of them" if you tried to purchase in separate transactions.

If you posted on the first page, count your blessings. Gamestop and EB Games have done FAR WORSE to people than even the annoyances I have dealt with above.
Not really a bad experience but when the Frederick MD Gamestop/Funcoland had the lawsuit going on where a certain employee was offering copied versions of Dreamcast games for incentives I was offered the incentives multiple times but never accepted.

It would have been REALLY bad if I was called to testify or some garbage.
Mine just involves rude a rude store clerk.

I went into an EB games back when I lived in Michigan. I was looking for a new copy of Zelda: The Minish Cap for the GBA. This was several months after its release, so I didn't expect EB to have new copies, but I was already in the mall so I thought I would check.

I asked the clerk if they had any new copies, and he gives me this look as if I had just asked them if they had a Playstation "4". He goes on to say no, that they have several used copies though. He mentioned if I wanted a new copy, I "might" be able to get one off ebay for around $100. Uh huh...

I don't like buying used games because they're not always in the greatest of shape, and I'd just rather pay the extra $3-$5 and get a manual, case, and clean game.

I politely thank him for his time and intend to end the conversation and leave, but he suddenly seems intent on telling me there's no way I'll find a new copy and that I should buy a used copy - that he could even "reseal" it for me. (I never understand that, what, the game is suddenly "newer" because it's now shrink wrapped?)

I continue to say no thanks as I exit the store. I'm not sure if the clerk thought he was going to get me to buy a used copy by making me feel stupid for wanting a new one, but I never went back to that EB again. (To be fair, I moved to Washington a couple months later :)

10 minutes later I was at the nearby Best Buy which had 3 new copies of the game sitting on the shelf. I bought one for $3 more than the EB wanted to sell a used copy for.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']LOL Project Mayhem? Does this include the former magazine rack tipping and glitter throwing mentioned in SO many posts prior?[/QUOTE]

I was thinking more like opening and taking EVERY case and manual for EVERY new product they have in the store, then seeing if they attempt to sell them as new.

Or replacing the display cases out on the shelf with hundreds of E.T. and Pac Man for the 2600, priced each at $17.99

Or a subliminal message somehow delivered to every customer entering the store that says "Worth more on Ebay"
I really don't have a terrible experience to share, but it was really annoying a couple days ago when I asked if the store had Odin Sphere. I got the standard "did you reserve it?" even though the game had already been out for some time, and the guy had the typical smartass "Well then we don't have any" response. I asked if any stores in the area had it and he said that the SKU wasn't even in the computer which means that no stores in the entire country have the game. I'm taken aback by this clearly ridiculous statement and I say "you can't be serious" to which the employee responds "I think I'd know what I'm talking about." Seriously, I don't understand what it is about the job that entitles employees to be complete dicks about everything. And I would be fucking shocked if there was honestly a Gamestop employee that had as much pointless game knowledge as I do... the difference is that I don't flaunt it like being a Gamestop cashier is all I'll ever amount to in life.
Some moron tried to get me to pre-order Mario Party 8 by saying ''It has online play too, the first Wii game to have online play'' as if it was supposed to make me cream over it.. and I told him that there wasn't online play and it was just going to be a boring game unless you have friends with you. He continued on about ''I THINK I WOULD KNOW I WORK HERE WE GET ALOT OF INFO YOU GUYS DONT''..

fast forward to now, mario party 8 is out.. and there's no online multiplayer.. I go into the store and ask him what happened to the online multiplayer.. and he says 'I never said that, I was talking about pokemon battle revolution, wanna pre-order it?'

yeahhh jackass, good going. I guess my worst experience has been just given false ass information by someone who 'gets more info than I' ;]
[quote name='jer7583']I was thinking more like opening and taking EVERY case and manual for EVERY new product they have in the store, then seeing if they attempt to sell them as new.

Or replacing the display cases out on the shelf with hundreds of E.T. and Pac Man for the 2600, priced each at $17.99

Or a subliminal message somehow delivered to every customer entering the store that says "Worth more on Ebay"[/quote]

You know, back when I found my $17 copy of Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance II for Xbox, I kept looking around for 'spare' manuals and inserts in case my copy got destroyed when I left them up my one buddies house. But, I never went through with 'borrowing' one or more of their manuals/inserts, but I WANTED to.

BTW, the ET and PacMan part of your plan would be hilarious, since it does seem as if some GS employees really don't pay much attention to people who enter their store once they do the obligatory 'anything to trade in, wanna pre order xyz game?' routine.

Of course the best is when you walk in empty handed and they STILL feel they have to repeat that trade line, like I'm going to pull some games out of the Nth dimension for them to take in for next to nothing.
That 17.99 price just pisses me off to no end. Every other place selling used games has them at $15 for $20 games, so WTF? 17.99 makes people round up in their heads as well. it seems they'd want to stick with 14.99 so people round down when just generally figuring prices.

You have to buy the damn value card just to get used games at the normal used price.
[quote name='Maxwell31']Her's mine. It's from the $4.99 Gamestop UMD sale that had Dawn of the dead, Akira, Ghost in the shell, Appleseed, Ninja Scroll. The first sale not the Memorial Day edition.

Anyway, I order all five movies, received them about a week later. Open the box and four of the five movies were stolen with an attempt at the fifth. I called up and told them that four were gone and the fifth was attempted. Now, I could have just said all five were taken but I was being honest. I was told that they need to talk to there "Security team" to figure out what has to be done and they would call me. So could you send me a replacement because I knew they were going to be sold out soon? Mind you, all I wanted was a replacement! Was told no. A week goes by and no call. I called back and was told they refunded me for four of the five movies. Wait, you gave me a refund when I was expecting a phone call that I never got and assumed I wanted a refund. Also, why would I pay for a movie that was open, almost stolen and flopping around in the case? Well, there not in stock anymore so you get a refund.

Fastforward a week later. I go on-line and look to see if they had the movies. They did, I call back, can I have that replacement now since there in stock. NO! Why? because you were already refunded. I know that but I never wanted a refund and I was never called back to be asked what I wanted. Can't help you. Well at least send me a replacement for the movie that was flopping around. Wwwweeellllllllll, o.k..

Now I'm pissed, call back and ask to speak to a manager, he said that it was wrong what they did and that he would give them to me for the sale price even though the sale was over. I said great but don't send the same way again to avoid another possible problem. What does he do? Send them the exact same way they did the first time.

In the end I got my movies but was hassled for no reason! And I mean HASSLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. I just ordered three more UMD's from the holiday sale. Funny thing is I expect the same crap to happen to me again![/QUOTE]

Here we go again, I told you theyed screw things up!

Just picked up my second order from them, it was from the holiday sale. I ordered Ultimate avengers, The replacement killers and Young guns. I received Starship troopers and Stealth. I call up, sorry about that, we'll get you a replacement. You can keep the two movies we sent by mistake, but.........if there is anything wrong with the replacement movies, ALL of them, including the ones there going to let me keep have to go back.

God, do they have a bunch of chimps working for this place or what?
i tried to buy tales of the abyss a couple months ago from an eb in the mall
when i asked, he grabbed one of their generic used cases that had TOTA written on it and put the disc in.
i look at him and say i wanted it new. his reply is "oh, this is the display copy but someone stole the empty case. don't worry, its still brand new."

sooooo i walked out.
I know this is another one in a billion Gamestop gripes.. but I'm wanting to deviate from slaving in the cubicle, so I'll post three recent ones:

First being a recent purchase of Crackdown. Of course I marked out and bought the thing for the Halo beta, but I actually get a kick out of the game. I rented it, and went by to pick it up with spare credit I had after I took it back to Blockbuster. Rented copy never had a DRE.

Went in, and they had gutted 6 copies for display. WTF?? Kind of odd.. so the chubby bastard gives me the gutted copy and says "I promise this one is brand new." Kind of an odd comment, but I have seen them popping games in at this store and playing them.. but my dumbass didn't check. I was in a hurry to get home and nail the g/f. Did that.. popped the disk in.. and get a DRE 15 minutes into chasing down the Los Muertos. Pop out the disk, and what do you know.. surface scratches all over half the disc. Funny how you can't exchange a game bought as new, but can with a used (said that I had to trade it in).. after the beta, I'll probably contact MS to get a replacement disc or something as I kept the receipt (or at least try).

Second one kind of has to do with the last b2g1. I bought Chromehounds, Prey, Wii Play, Saint's Row, Stubbs, and Family Guy. I had to go to 5 different stores to switch out copies to go from scratched discs to decent condition.. one store wouldn't do it since I didn't buy it from their paticular store. Ended up going to a converted Rhino, and they didn't mind doing it at all. Most locations gave me hassle about it, and one in particular said that I had to purchase something to get an exchange. Luckily, nobody gives a damn at the ex-Rhino store and let me do the switch.
One time I went to GS wanting to buy Rayman:RR for the Wii. I looked but they had no used copies so I bought a new one. But when thay gave me the game it was opened I saw WTF and they told me that it was the display model and the last one they had. I was like its opened give it to me for the used price they said it was new. I bought it any ways but I was upset cause if I decided I didnt want it I could return it cause it was opened. So even if I had never played it I still couldnt have returned it cause it was opened. Luckily the game worked fine and I enjoyed it so I didnt have to worry about tring return it. But it still pisses me off that I paid full price for a opened game just because it was a display model.
[quote name='Dragon_Master']One time I went to GS wanting to buy Rayman:RR for the Wii. I looked but they had no used copies so I bought a new one. But when thay gave me the game it was opened I saw WTF and they told me that it was the display model and the last one they had. I was like its opened give it to me for the used price they said it was new. I bought it any ways but I was upset cause if I decided I didnt want it I could return it cause it was opened. So even if I had never played it I still couldnt have returned it cause it was opened. Luckily the game worked fine and I enjoyed it so I didnt have to worry about tring return it. But it still pisses me off that I paid full price for a opened game just because it was a display model.[/QUOTE]

Here's an idea. Don't fucking buy it next time, or stop complaining.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Here's an idea. Don't fucking buy it next time, or stop complaining.[/quote]

Well I had paid allready before they gave me the game after I got it I noticed it was opened. But there was a huge line behind me cause it was only like 8 days before christmas and I was late to be some place so I didnt bother fighting with them at the time.
[quote name='Dragon_Master']Well I had paid allready before they gave me the game after I got it I noticed it was opened. But there was a huge line behind me cause it was only like 8 days before christmas and I was late to be some place so I didnt bother fighting with them at the time.[/quote]

Why the hell would you pay them before they go get the game? I ask to see the condition of every used game I get before I purchase it. I don't just hand over my money and then wait for them to get the game. That's like playing russian roulette.
[quote name='Scorch']Why the hell would you pay them before they go get the game? I ask to see the condition of every used game I get before I purchase it. I don't just hand over my money and then wait for them to get the game. That's like playing russian roulette.[/quote]

It was supposed to be new so I didnt check it. I just handed them the money they gave me the reciept and than the game and when they gave me the game I noticed it was open and they told me it was the display model and that it was still new. But I couldnt return it cause I was late to be some place else and there was a line behind me and I ddnt feel like making a huge fight.
Only time I've settled for a display was the EDF 2017 game, due to nowhere else even had a copy... they need to stop this display BS.

Went to GS today to check out the B2G1 sale. I got two games for my new PSP and my sister got Hannah Montana for DS. She needed a screen protector too, so picked up a "clean screen pro" or some BS for $8, because it looked like it had screen protectors included, since the package says "protects and keeps your DS clean" well open the thing up, and there is just a tiny brush and little red peices that BORDER THE SCREEN. FOR $8 fucking dollars. There is no way someone would not think that screen protectors are included. Of course, it's gamestop brand accessories.

I am going to take this crap back tomorrow and if they give me shit.. I don't know. There may be magazine rack kickage.

If they're reasonable, they'll do an exchange, because I do come in there quite often, and so does my sister. Those accessory packages cost them probably less than a dollar to make, they had better do an exchange.
This was both a bad and good Gamestop experience.

I bought Tony Hawks American Skateland and I didnt like it. The thing was I bought it New but I just got the Case and the Game, no Manual. So I went to the store to see if I could return it, but the guy said I can only exchange it for another one. He then mentioned about the manual telling me about taking care of disks and I said there was no manual inside. So then he made a nice deal and said I can exchange it for another 50 dollar game and got Soul Calibur III instead. I kinda know the guy now since I go to the store once or twice a month. My local Gamestop isnt bad to tell the truth.
The four worst that I can think of off the top of my head (in no order of douchebaggery):

A) When I bought a Gamecube shortly after it's release, the clerk would not let me buy it without an EB Games extended warranty. He said it was "company rules" and "automatically gets added to the final price". I obviously called bullshit, and even though I was going to get a warranty, because of his level of douchebaggery, refused the warranty.

B) All the EB Games stores around me automatically added the $3.00 game warranty without asking if you wanted it. So every time you bought a $50 game, it rang up as $53 before tax. When I noticed it, I called the clerk on it and he said "it's automatically added by the computer, I can't take it off". I did get him to "figure out" how to remove it, and then called EB Corporate, who apologizes profusely and then offered to have the DM call me too. I accepted, and when he called, he also apologized and blamed it on a miscommunication. A few days later, at another EB Games, I noticed they were STILL adding the game warranty without asking if your wanted it. I asked the manager who I was friendly with, and he said tons of people have complained, but the DM forces them to do it under threat of losing their jobs, and corporate doesn't care because it's making them tons of free money as he has the highest game warranty attach rate in the company.

C) I bought a PS2 when it originally came out, with an EB extended warranty. When it got DRE's, I returned it and the female manager said she didn't know if she had any used PS2's in stock to exchange it, so I might have to come back later. I told her that I was supposed to get a brand new PS2, and she argued that I was supposed to get used, and if they didn't have used, I got nothing until a used one was available. I told her when I bought the PS2 & warranty, I was told I would get a new one. She said the warranty was changed. I wasn't happy, but I took the used PS2. She was fired shortly after. It turns out, when someone brought in a warranty exchange, she would force a used system on them, then after they left, she would buy a used system herself, but take home a factory sealed system and sell it on eBay.

D) I bought a Halo 2 poster from EB Games and the clerk was promted to offer me a warranty for $3.00 extra. So he said "If your poster rips we will replace it for free if you buy the warranty". I called bullshit and he laughed and spun the monitor around so I could read the prompt myself.

And then there's the whole selling used games as new thing. And don't even try it, because I know tons of EB/GS employees, and they're allowed to open new games, sign them out, take them home & play them, then they bring them back & either sell them as "gutted copies" or reseal them to try to look factory sealed.

I really don't shop at EB/GS if I can avoid it. They're a shit company.
[quote name='Haggar'] And then there's the whole selling used games as new thing. And don't even try it, because I know tons of EB/GS employees, and they're allowed to open new games, sign them out, take them home & play them, then they bring them back & either sell them as "gutted copies" or reseal them to try to look factory sealed.

I really don't shop at EB/GS if I can avoid it. They're a shit company.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, this exactly is why I don't shop there any longer. After I got my 5th "new" display copy in a row, I finally said fuck 'em and haven't been back there since.

If more people don't boycott that dump, their policies won't change. Unfortunately, there's too many people out there that don't mind receiving $15 for trading in their new releases and paying $3 less than retail for used games.
I figured selling them a 1gig stick they'll never sell for $35 which i got basically for free was okay.
I just went into a Gamestop because they had that 50% off deal going on right now. Well I knew what I wanted so I told the guy Dragon Warrior VIII, Sonic Riders, Sonic Heroes. He's able to manage that I saw some of those lame tennis adapters for your wiimotes on clearance and I mentioned that I couldn't wait for a gun adapter to go with the new Resident Evils, bam he's instantly gone from reasonably cool to mega annoying. In the span of checking out my 3 games he asserted at least 5 times I should preorder it otherwise I wouldn't be able to get a copy. I was like man I'm not preordering it if I want it new I'll order it from Amazon cheaper. Goes on to insinuate I wouldn't be able to get a copy from anywhere with out preordering. Luckly this was a different Gamestop than the one lone one I know that seems to be staffed with real gamers who care about gamers. They don't seem to ever harrass the customers.
[quote name='VAD3R or Fro']This was both a bad and good Gamestop experience.

I bought Tony Hawks American Skateland and I didnt like it. The thing was I bought it New but I just got the Case and the Game, no Manual. So I went to the store to see if I could return it, but the guy said I can only exchange it for another one. He then mentioned about the manual telling me about taking care of disks and I said there was no manual inside. So then he made a nice deal and said I can exchange it for another 50 dollar game and got Soul Calibur III instead. I kinda know the guy now since I go to the store once or twice a month. My local Gamestop isnt bad to tell the truth.[/quote]

Now the question here is how'd you get him to exchange a DS game for a full price PS2 game?

Or did you mean American Wasteland?

[quote name='Haggar']And then there's the whole selling used games as new thing. And don't even try it, because I know tons of EB/GS employees, and they're allowed to open new games, sign them out, take them home & play them, then they bring them back & either sell them as "gutted copies" or reseal them to try to look factory sealed.[/quote]

And yet again, I say that it's a district by district thing. They put a stop to that here in 2003.
I know some places don't do it, but as recent as last year, there were friends of mine who worked at gamestops and regularly took games out for "rent" no matter if they were used or new. It's shitty.
I love how they always want you to think that you're going to miss out on a game if you don't pre-order. I was in a Gamestop a couple years back buying KOTOR. As I'm waiting for cashier to find my game, I'm flipping through the new release book sitting there. As he finds my game, I see that Virtua Fighter 4: Evo is releasing soon. As he's turning around, I ask about it. His eyes bulge out and he goes on about how Virtua Fighter is the greatest. At first, I'm glad I found another Virtua Fighter fan. I let him go on but he ends up stumping for about five minutes. His co-worker just sits there nodding his head like he's listening to Billy friggin Graham. So he's ringing me up after his speech, and he throws a five dollar deposit down for VF. I start to get agitated because I never asked to pre order VF. He then said, "Everyone's asking about this game. You'll need to pre order it to guarantee that you'll get it." I replied that it doesn't have any online play so it's not a biggie if I get it a couple weeks later. He then replies with, "Don't you understand? You're gonna miss out on the best fighting game EVAR!!!" He even gets all bug eyed when he says it. I laugh for a second and tell him to take off the pre order and I'll go on my way. He literally stares at me for a minute without doing anything. I ask if he' deaf and he still sits there. Eventually, he just shakes his head and says, "Is there anything else you want today? Maybe a pre order on an upcoming release?" Needless to say, I boogied out of there once I got the game in my hands.

The same guy did something even crazier a few months before. A kid (around 11 or 12) was looking to spend some of his birthday money. He had a copy of Madden but I could hear him tell his brother he didn't want to blow all his money on Madden. So he finds a used PS1 copy of Madden and a copy of Gran Turismo 3 and goes up to the counter. Bug eyed dude started laughing and told the kid he should get the PS2 version. The kid said he wanted two games instead of one and then guy goes off about online capablities, improved graphics. The kid just goes, "It's a football game. If I can't smell the grass, it's not all that great." The guy goes all crazy and says, "Since you have a PS2, I can't sell you a PS1 game that we also have for PS2. Sorry." The kid's practically in tears now since this guy just ruined his day. He buys Gran Turismo 3 and walks out. As I'm walking out, the kid comes back in with his dad. As I'm driving out, I drove by the front to see the kid's dad basically jumping over the counter to strangle the guy. Good times.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Now, that SECOND story, I WOULD LOVE to see occur around here. So many know it all cashiers at the GS stores here, but also a couple CAGs I found out.

The one guy works for Kmart AND GS AND is a CAG, so he just kinda smirked when I brought up a couple guides about 4 months ago(before they cracked down) and said 'penny guide list?'. The other guy works for the one EB I'm kinda well known at(actually, I think I'm well known at them all cause the one girl saw me at Wally World the other night n said HEY) and let me grab like 4 copies of the Bad Day LA PC game that pennied. But, I think he said he's more or less a lurker on here, but despises his DM who ordered the crackdown.

I would die laughing though if some kids father came back in and blasted one of the clerks for going off on his kid.
Reading these stories I realize how fortunate I am that the EB/GS employees in my area are generally cool. Cool enough that if I ask for a new game and all they have is the display copy they'll say, "We have it, but it's been gutted. Do you still want it?"

I always so "no" of course.
bread's done