You've got to be kidding me!?


I had posted on here months ago about how my PS3 had never worked after the first month and you all pointed me in the direction to get it fixed online. And I've been trying to give the PS3 a chance especially after 3+ years my 360 RROD'ed me.

Now I got the PS3 back a few months ago and the controllers will never sync up correct and if they do it's only for about 20 minutes at a time. And then EVERY time I try to resync them I have to restart the system and do a system restore to even get the controllers to connect again. Is there something I'm doing wrong? The controllers are fully charged and I plug in the controllers hit the PS button it syncs up. I unplug it and 15-20 mins later both of my controllers shut off and I have to restart.

Thanks for your help in advance.
I plan to if I ever get the time. I work 80 hours a week 6 days a week so when I come home I like to relax not sit there and run through steps that tend to rarely work when if someone online has been through it which I'm sure they have I've read hundreds of this same complaint but just no solutions that have worked.
you dont have enough time to call a trained professional, but you have enough time to follow instructions that may or may not work from a random poster on a message board?

whatever floats your boat i guess
also you can try hitting the reset button on the back of the controllers (next to the top middle screw) and then resync, or you can also just email PS3 support.
[quote name='m_d_amore']check your power settings you may have it to turn off the controllers after a certain amount of time[/QUOTE]
what this guy said. Also does it shut off in the middle of gameplay?? 3rd party controllers?? are they your original 1st party controllers or refurbs as well?? Unfortunately this is one of those problems that is better seen in person to know all the variables ya know
[quote name='shadowkast']what this guy said. Also does it shut off in the middle of gameplay?? 3rd party controllers?? are they your original 1st party controllers or refurbs as well?? Unfortunately this is one of those problems that is better seen in person to know all the variables ya know[/QUOTE]

Yes they shut off in the middle of gameplay. They are all my controllers. However I sent my system in so this is probably a refurb system.
[quote name='depascal22']Just email Sony, dude. Better to get it fixed properly instead of some ghetto fix that might work once or twice.[/QUOTE]

I called the sent me to the knowledge forum, and I emailed them and I'm waiting for a message back. God I miss my 360. But yea I was hoping someone on here would know.
[quote name='dsreptiles']I called the sent me to the knowledge forum, and I emailed them and I'm waiting for a message back. God I miss my 360. But yea I was hoping someone on here would know.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, 'cause those never have hardware problems.
I agree with the posters method of solving this problem. Tech support for anything will usually run you through a million little things and usually never get to the problem (which you figure out halfway through the support on your own, a real 'oh duh' moment).

Whenever I've a problem, I look to the internet first - usually I can find a solution to my problem pretty easily and be done with it. And, my internet is available whenever I have time - no hold time, no calling back.

Don't know anything about this problem, just wanted to say, some of you guys really gave the OP a hard time about this.
i know this is going to sound crazy but if you try every thing you can think of and it still dont work then upgrade the hdd my friend had the same problem he did every thing he even whent and bought new controller and nothing worked well the new controller did do good for a bit but then started acting up again and he went to upgrade couse he needed a bigger hdd and some how that made the controlers work
I know how the 80 hours a week in 6 days is and I tend to do like the OP and Grilled said. I check online first because it is usually faster and I don't have to go through a bunch of trial and error stuff only for a half hour to an hour later it not work and be told they have to bump me on up or them tell me to do somthing that works and could have done it in the first place. I know how thies call centers work unless in the past few years things have changed. You have different levels and each level is only alowed to work on certen things and are to keep you on the line for a determend amount of time. So if you call and the person on the phone knows how to fix the issue but it is only something someone higher up can tell you how to fix they just send you through all this bs till the amount of time is up then say oh I can't fix this I have to redirect you to this person. It is all BS.

To come home do a quick 15-20 minute search and get my answere is better then that.
Well doesnt this about figure. Sony will fix my problem on the refurb system they just sent me for ONLY $150.00... Wow Over $550 for a system I've played maybe 15 times..... yeah that was wellllll worth it not to mention the NUMEROUS games still in the wrapper. Ps1 was classic, loved my PS2 but I think thats it for Sony after this. But i still love my PSP. that came out of the package with 5 dead pixels.....:applause:
[quote name='dsreptiles']Well doesnt this about figure. Sony will fix my problem on the refurb system they just sent me for ONLY $150.00... Wow Over $550 for a system I've played maybe 15 times..... yeah that was wellllll worth it not to mention the NUMEROUS games still in the wrapper. Ps1 was classic, loved my PS2 but I think thats it for Sony after this. But i still love my PSP. that came out of the package with 5 dead pixels.....:applause:[/QUOTE]

So.... I guess its Nintendo only from now on? I think I read something about a Gameboy that survived a bomb or something.
[quote name='dsreptiles']Well doesnt this about figure. Sony will fix my problem on the refurb system they just sent me for ONLY $150.00... Wow Over $550 for a system I've played maybe 15 times..... yeah that was wellllll worth it not to mention the NUMEROUS games still in the wrapper. Ps1 was classic, loved my PS2 but I think thats it for Sony after this. But i still love my PSP. that came out of the package with 5 dead pixels.....:applause:[/QUOTE]no warranty on refurbs??? thought it was like 30-90 days or something.
Yeah you get 90 more days after they repair your PS3.

Not sure why OP would have to pay again unless he waited 3 months or lost his paper work.
[quote name='dsreptiles']i waited literally 95 days[/QUOTE]
In that case, you have no one to blame but yourself. You knew how long the warranty was, and you knew that was a problem. You have no excuse for not having gotten it fixed earlier.
Not really being that I never had a game that held my interest until RE5 came out. Once i got my PS3 I fired it up to make sure it worked. It did and I turned it back off untill after 3 years of playing my 360 everyday finally RROD'ed me so I bought RE5 and figured I'd give the PS3 a chance. Now I'm on a usb cord 3 ft long....nice
Its kind of weird you bought a PS3 and didnt use it for 3 years. You are not gonna catch much sympathy here, it is Cheap Ass Gamer after all
I used it for the first month untill it wouldnt load discs anymore so I sent it in to get fixed and then madden came out so i got it for 360 since the ps3 was sent out so i just made sure discs would load when i got it back. idk i dont expect sympathy but i think people should stand behind their 300-500.00 products
They do stand behind it. 1 year + 90 days extension after repair if needed. Not their fault you didn't catch the controller problem.

Have you tried resetting the controllers or just altogether buying a new one? About twice maybe my controller came unsynced. I re-synced it and it worked fine.
[quote name='HowStern']They do stand behind it. 1 year + 90 days extension after repair if needed. Not their fault you didn't catch the controller problem.[/QUOTE]

I agree- I don't care if you're not 'into' any games on the system, you should still sit down with it for an hour or two and give it a good run-through... especially if it just came back from repair.
[quote name='DuelLadyS']you should still sit down with it for an hour or two and give it a good run-through... [/QUOTE]

That goes for always as well. Dont let your PS3 sit there for so long. It needs some lovin' as well sometimes, you know. Poor thing.
bread's done