ZAGG Invisible Shield screen protectors (15% off)


93 (100%)
Just used this, 15% off. Found via google. It said 20% on the post where I found it, but I got 15% off not 20%. Still not bad since I was going to buy one anyways.

I got the full body for the psp 2000. they also have DS, PS3, cell phones, whatever.

Free shipping although it says 1-2 weeks, ehh the product is supposed to be top notch so I can take it.

PSP Phat:

PSP slim:



code: techound1

here's some promo vid on it, he installs it on a phat psp at around 2'50"
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A true CAG would buy from They're virtually the same thing for a fraction of the price but without the lifetime warranty.

I would highly recommend the DIY uncut 3.75"x9" sheet from BSE for $6.99. I just bought some the other day and custom-made 4 LG Scoop skins with about 1/2 sheet. That comes out to under $1 each. If I were to buy it pre-cut from BSE they're $11.95 each. I made DIY skins for my old phones 2 years ago and never needed to replace them.

Bulky Case at the Office was funny.


This stuff royally sucks on the DS touch screen. I would highly advise getting a Hori or dealextreme Hori knockoff ($1.50) for your bottom screen. I bought the BSE full DS skin and used the touchscreen skin for about a month before peeling it off and throwing it away. Your stylus will stick to it and make mild popping sounds when you're moving it back and forth with stop & go motion, similar to a micro-suction effect.

I don't know how else to explain it, but these skins have a pull to them. I can slide my finger across the screen of my skinned phone and get the same effect: makes poppy sounds from the drag instead of a smooth slide if you do it slowly and apply slight pressure.

Aside from price & touchscreen drag, these things really are great at protecting and work exactly as advertised. You can even wipe them clean using your finger instead of a wipey-cloth.
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[quote name='Kerig']A true CAG would buy from They're virtually the same thing for a fraction of the price but without the lifetime warranty. [/quote]

Perhaps and perhaps not, but I still appreciate V4oLDbOY taking the trouble to post the discount. Thanks for that, V4oLDbOY.

By the way, Kerig: I, too am not a "true CAG," since I still prefer the Invisible Shield. Nevertheless, I appreciate your tip about the uncut BSE sheet.
I appreciate the advice, but how do you know the BSE DS skin and this one are the same? I've only used Hori on DS, but I like the durability of ZAGG on other items. I have a new DS Lite to cover so was considering ZAGG.

[quote name='Kerig']This stuff royally sucks on the DS touch screen. I would highly advise getting a Hori or dealextreme Hori knockoff ($1.50) for your bottom screen. I bought the BSE full DS skin and used the touchscreen skin for about a month before peeling it off and throwing it away. Your stylus will stick to it and make mild popping sounds when you're moving it back and forth with stop & go motion, similar to a micro-suction effect. [/quote]
I have the Invisible Shield on my Ipod, and my brother has the BSE one for his Ipod. I personally like the feel on the Invisible Shield a lot more than the BSE one. It's hard to ignore the price difference between the two though.
Thx for the discount, I'll have to pick a shield up for my new LG Dare. The ones on my old phone, iPods, PSP and DS are fantastic. I love the durability.
Thanks for the heads-up, OP! I don't have a PSP-2000 yet, but I'm going to order a skin for when I do get one later this year.

By the way, I ordered sets for my DS Lite and Treo 650 over the last year, and boy, they really take abrasions well - you really can't see any kind of damage whatsoever, just like the videos on the site. I've tossed my phone and DS in my laptop bag with all sorts of other stuff and not one bit of scratch damage is even visible in all this time. Once the skin sets in (2-3 hours), you'll notice that they stick very well, and after a couple of weeks when it REALLY sets in, they really do feel like they're a part of the item they're attached to. You can still peel them off, of course, but my point is that when they're set in and the few tiny bubbles have worked themselves out, you have one heck of a tough, durable skin protecting your goods (and no, I don't work for and am not associated with Zagg :D).

The only downer is that yes, the touch screen skin, while a good idea, just did not work for me at all. My screen was protected, but the skin has a kind of "grip" on the stylus tip, making it really hard to play anything. I took both skins off my DS Lite screens and placed official Hori skins on instead. Now my DS lite is perfect :) As for my Treo 650, I did the same thing with its screen, but I used a surprisingly reliable Hong Kong brand screen skin instead.

My only advice to you if you do get a Zagg skin is to make sure to not press down on the skin as you're placing it on the device at first - really let that fluid spray they give you "float" the skin to where you need it. You'll get the hang of it soon enough (if I can do it, anyone can), and after working out the bubbles with the included squeegee tool and letting it set for a few hours, you're good to go!
Just ordered the full body protection for my slim psp. These things truely are amazing. A guy at work has one on his cellphone, and we've tried damn near everything to scratch it , and it's next to impossible.
I always go with Zagg/InvisibleShields for protecting my stuff. The DS touch screen sticking effect is indeed true, but it does get better as the product "wears". It's not so noticeable for me anymore, but don't expect it to still feel as smooth as glass using the stylus.
From my experience, it is best to use a special screen protector on the front for iPhones and a BSE, Zagg, or NLU product for the back. The invisibleshield-esque products give the glass screen an odd texture, and that is a critical fault in a product that relies mainly on a touch screen interface. I've had a much better experience with my PowerSupport protector. Can't even see or feel that it's on the phone.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']The DS touch screen sticking effect is indeed true, but it does get better as the product "wears". It's not so noticeable for me anymore, but don't expect it to still feel as smooth as glass using the stylus.[/quote]

I "stuck" with mine for a month and hated every minute of it. You should really try a Hori on the touch-screen. It'll feel even smoother than glass and add a +7 to your DS love.

Re: BSE Vs. IS = I would say it's the difference between Coke & Pepsi. They're both selling the same product, but with (possibly) slightly different formulas. Overall, the protection qualities are both the same. BSE is open about charging the high amount they do because it includes free replacements if needed. A noble sales technique, indeed, and they are the original and best, but not the cheapest.
I tried the full-body IS on my PSP Slim and gave up applying the screen portion after several very frustrating attempts. The body portion is still on and I have no opinion either way of it since I got the Daxter bundle silver PSP that probably wouldn't show minor scratches anyway. After giving up on putting the IS over my screen, I went with a knock-off Hori from DealExtreme and am much, much more satisfied. It was dirt cheap, applied (and re-applied since I couldn't get it down perfectly at first) easily, and gives me no issues with picture quality.
Is there a place that will professionally install a screen protector?
I'm interested in having this service done.
I just don't trust myself to not get dust or a bubble or something when I put it on myself.
Yeah, I would have paid to have it installed also. As it was, my invisible shield turned out okay the second time.

I actually prefer the invisible shield to hori - I was always annoyed because the DS would sometimes miss my taps with the hori. This one seems thinner and more sensitive, and I even like the feel more than the smooth slippery feel of the hori.
So I know some of you ordered a protector, adn in your emails you get 2 20% off codes. I got 2 and I might use them or only one, or none. So I might give it to someone later (before 30 day expiration).

I guess people can give them away if they want here. Like the play-asia codes.
[quote name='newlu']Is there a place that will professionally install a screen protector?
I'm interested in having this service done.
I just don't trust myself to not get dust or a bubble or something when I put it on myself.[/quote]

Zagg will do the job for you, but that involves sending them your PSP, so I wouldn't buy the skin, pay for shipping, and then pay for shipping two more times. I'd send the PSP to them first. If people are complaining about the cost of the IS now, then I doubt they'll be doing cartwheels over triple shipping.

One perk: When I asked whether they'd make an additional piece for the extended battery cover and offered to send mine in to measure, Mister Zagg himself offered to give me the extra piece for free. Perhaps he'll do that for others who send in their PSPs, too.
I was curious, if i dont care about how "strong" the protector is (since for my purposes any screen protector will protect my unit from what i would put it through), is this still good?

what i mean is, i just want a protector that is very easy to apply, doesnt leave any kind of sticky surface or solution/water marks and is completely see through/not noticeable.

people always brag about how this thing can resist any kind of scratch, but that is actually the least of my concerns.

Based on the way it's marketed does anybody think the Javoedge screen protectors (the clarity ones, not the anti glare) would do a better job?
The thing I don't like about these protectors is how they end up turning yellowish after a little while.
[quote name='csrx']The thing I don't like about these protectors is how they end up turning yellowish after a little while.[/QUOTE]

all protectors or just the invisishield?
Nice, I just used the coupon on a full body screen protector for my newly bought iPhone 3g. Anyone know exactly how long it takes for them to ship it using free shipping? It says 1-2 weeks... which is kinda lengthy...
[quote name='hmbtnguy']Nice, I just used the coupon on a full body screen protector for my newly bought iPhone 3g. Anyone know exactly how long it takes for them to ship it using free shipping? It says 1-2 weeks... which is kinda lengthy...[/quote]Just about two weeks if my most recent order is any indication. Ordered on the 3rd. I've still yet to receive it.
[quote name='VipFREAK']I fully support BSE's stuff.[/QUOTE]

Same here.

Almost exactly the same if not the same material and BSE is a lot cheaper.
[quote name='leesiulung']I did not see anything on how to apply this shield. It looks expensive to botch up.... Anyone can tell me anything about applying this shield?

edit: nvm, I found:[/QUOTE]

from the sound of it it's reusable anyway, but it does appear to get kind of messy, so i dunno, i'm still trying to see if anyone knows anything about the Javedge products....
Okay, Yesterday night at work I found out 2 people had these, one on an ipod video and the other on his blackberry.

The ipod one looked, meh, I think he didn't clean his ipod off first properly since a lot of dirt/lint was under the shield. The blackberry one on the other hand looked great. He said installing it was "easy".

Still waiting on mine, I'll post something when I get it and install it.
[quote name='V4oLDbOY']Okay, Yesterday night at work I found out 2 people had these, one on an ipod video and the other on his blackberry.

The ipod one looked, meh, I think he didn't clean his ipod off first properly since a lot of dirt/lint was under the shield. The blackberry one on the other hand looked great. He said installing it was "easy".

Still waiting on mine, I'll post something when I get it and install it.[/QUOTE]

try and post some before and after pictures too to show how visible (or invisible) the shield is if you can.
[quote name='spincut']try and post some before and after pictures too to show how visible (or invisible) the shield is if you can.[/quote]

np, I'll probably do a blog post so I can put in a bunch of pictures, almost step like since a lot of people are scared of the installation process.
[quote name='V4oLDbOY']np, I'll probably do a blog post so I can put in a bunch of pictures, almost step like since a lot of people are scared of the installation process.[/QUOTE]


it's a shame there wasnt someone like you around when i was mulling buying the Hori carrying case for my PSP.

Someone else had done very a good blog and review of the Nintendo DS Hori pouch, which was awesome and this one looked so similar i figured it must be just as good, but for whatever reason it really wasn't.

i'm hoping not to make that same mistake with screen protectors (since the Hori's for my DS werent that great, and importing them and making sure i had the right version was a pain). also wish there was someone like you buying those Javoedge's i wanted to compare to this one :(
[quote name='spincut']great!
i'm hoping not to make that same mistake with screen protectors (since the Hori's for my DS werent that great, and importing them and making sure i had the right version was a pain). also wish there was someone like you buying those Javoedge's i wanted to compare to this one :([/QUOTE]

Wait what's wrong with the DS Hori screen protectors? They are the highest ranked screen protectors for the DS. Everyone I play DS with has one and loves it. What kind of problems did you have with yours? Plus, you don't need to import them since they are sold in most stores that carry DS cases.
[quote name='hmbtnguy']Wait what's wrong with the DS Hori screen protectors? They are the highest ranked screen protectors for the DS. Everyone I play DS with has one and loves it. What kind of problems did you have with yours? Plus, you don't need to import them since they are sold in most stores that carry DS cases.[/QUOTE]

i really dont care about their ranked, i think they're overated. I was meticulous about trying to get it on right, it still wasnt on perfect so i had to reapply at which point it was already mangled, and to make matters worse it left behind a sticky residue (not one you could see at first, but try whiping the screen and there was problems to be had).

furthermore, it's still not really a domestic product, sites sell it sure, but half the time you dont know what version you're getting (privacy version/non privacy version) and the sites dont seem to list it very well.

suffice it so say though onces you realize any of this the product is relatively non-returnable.

That's why i'm somewhat disinterested with a Hori for my PSP lite. Heck, everyone here is all big on the Invisi-shields ability to withstand key scratches but i dont really care about that, any screen protector, including a Hori can withstand more than what i need, i just need something that is very clean to apply and take off, and is perfectly see through of course.

interestingly Javoedge seems to advertise these features much more specifically but i havent found anyone who has used one yet to compare.
[quote name='spincut']i really dont care about their ranked, i think they're overated. I was meticulous about trying to get it on right, it still wasnt on perfect so i had to reapply at which point it was already mangled, and to make matters worse it left behind a sticky residue (not one you could see at first, but try whiping the screen and there was problems to be had).

furthermore, it's still not really a domestic product, sites sell it sure, but half the time you dont know what version you're getting (privacy version/non privacy version) and the sites dont seem to list it very well.

suffice it so say though onces you realize any of this the product is relatively non-returnable.

That's why i'm somewhat disinterested with a Hori for my PSP lite. Heck, everyone here is all big on the Invisi-shields ability to withstand key scratches but i dont really care about that, any screen protector, including a Hori can withstand more than what i need, i just need something that is very clean to apply and take off, and is perfectly see through of course.

interestingly Javoedge seems to advertise these features much more specifically but i havent found anyone who has used one yet to compare.[/QUOTE]

I think you're being too hard on a bad experience. Sounds like you bought it from a shady retailer online and messed up the application.

You do realize you can go to your local Target and buy the Hori Screens right? Fry's has an even larger selection of Hori screen protectors. It sounds like your complaints mostly have to do with buying it from a website. I messed up my first application, but all I needed to do was remove it and re-apply it. I recently just removed it to see how my actual touchscreen was faring and it still looks brand new. There was no sticky residue which you speak of, and I was able to put it back on with no problems. I don't know how you could have destroyed it from your first application since these things are built to take a beating.

I honestly think you may have gotten a fake hori screen protector as there are quite a lot of them on the internet. They should cost around $6-$8 at your local Target, Frys, Best Buy, or Micro Center.
[quote name='hmbtnguy']I think you're being too hard on a bad experience. Sounds like you bought it from a shady retailer online and messed up the application.

You do realize you can go to your local Target and buy the Hori Screens right? Fry's has an even larger selection of Hori screen protectors. It sounds like your complaints mostly have to do with buying it from a website. I messed up my first application, but all I needed to do was remove it and re-apply it. I recently just removed it to see how my actual touchscreen was faring and it still looks brand new. There was no sticky residue which you speak of, and I was able to put it back on with no problems. I don't know how you could have destroyed it from your first application since these things are built to take a beating.

I honestly think you may have gotten a fake hori screen protector as there are quite a lot of them on the internet. They should cost around $6-$8 at your local Target, Frys, Best Buy, or Micro Center.[/QUOTE]

it was not fake, i checked. the retailer was not shady (and many others do get details about what you're buying mixed up, even a site like amazon, making it even less appateizing to want to purchase). and I hope you realize that my local target and best buy most certaintly do not sell them, along with the fact that neither stores website has them listed either.
[quote name='spincut']it was not fake, i checked. the retailer was not shady (and many others do get details about what you're buying mixed up, even a site like amazon, making it even less appateizing to want to purchase). and I hope you realize that my local target and best buy most certaintly do not sell them, along with the fact that neither stores website has them listed either.[/QUOTE]

I also hope you realize that just because they do not list the hori screen protector on their website, doesn't mean they don't carry it in store. In fact, you can barely find anything other than new release titles that are actually on or Just give your local b&m store a check and they will most likely have it. If they don't, they're probably out of stock. I can guarantee you that my local Best Buy, Frys, Target, and Circuit City, all carry the Hori screen protectors. None of their respective websites list the hori screen protectors.
[quote name='hmbtnguy']I also hope you realize that just because they do not list the hori screen protector on their website, doesn't mean they don't carry it in store. In fact, you can barely find anything other than new release titles that are actually on or Just give your local b&m store a check and they will most likely have it. If they don't, they're probably out of stock. I can guarantee you that my local Best Buy, Frys, Target, and Circuit City, all carry the Hori screen protectors. None of their respective websites list the hori screen protectors.[/QUOTE]

i ALREADY said, my local target and best buy DO NOT carry them (in spite of you wondering if i was aware that they did....which they dont), on top of that though it isnt listed on their website. As far as i'm aware though most things ARE listed on the website, the only exceptions of which are things on their way out.
Just got mine in the mail. I guess they took people's complaints since they put in 2 bottles of solution now. (1 week 1day for delivery)

I'll install it tonight as I'm off to work until 11pm. I'll post some pics when it dries/install maybe tomorrow.
i need to find the full body kit instore somewhere. i bought a front only from bb as a backup.
im sold on the product, bought one for a blackberry as well.

found one, they list retailers on their site.
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Ok, I "installed it"..

I'm not too happy with the results as of now, BUT I'll wait for it to "cure" overnight before I pass final judgements. Notes though.

1) NOT enough solution... Not even close...
2) "sticky" side is only slick if it has solution on it, and since you'll be using it sparingly you'll only put a little on (few sprays). And if you try and re-adjust fingerprints/dust can get under. Especially edges (mostly the edges to be honest).
3) Lots of small bubbles, well not that much but they are noticeable. We'll see if they go away like they say after it "cures". To be honest, theres a lot of very small bubbles on the screen (most shiny part of psp so they stand out more) and they have seemed to get better after just an hour or so.
4) Odd sized pieces. They give you an extra screen and metal umd ring skins, but the original ones they give you on the "main" piece are larger than the extra ones. I had to take off the original one and use the extra one once I realized it was smaller. The reason was that the screen part and the front part overlapped a bit since the screen was too big, causing a square bubble around screen.

like I said I am not that happy with the results, after a very lengthy installation. I'll have to wait until tomorrow to see how it looks. Hopefully it'll look fine.

edit: after watching the installation video again it said that streaks and imperfections will go away in a few days. So I guess I'll have to wait some more to see the final product.
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[quote name='V4oLDbOY']Ok, I "installed it"..

I'm not too happy with the results as of now, BUT I'll wait for it to "cure" overnight before I pass final judgements. Notes though.

1) NOT enough solution... Not even close...
2) "sticky" side is only slick if it has solution on it, and since you'll be using it sparingly you'll only put a little on (few sprays). And if you try and re-adjust fingerprints/dust can get under. Especially edges (mostly the edges to be honest).
3) Lots of small bubbles, well not that much but they are noticeable. We'll see if they go away like they say after it "cures". To be honest, theres a lot of very small bubbles on the screen (most shiny part of psp so they stand out more) and they have seemed to get better after just an hour or so.
4) Odd sized pieces. They give you an extra screen and metal umd ring skins, but the original ones they give you on the "main" piece are larger than the extra ones. I had to take off the original one and use the extra one once I realized it was smaller. The reason was that the screen part and the front part overlapped a bit since the screen was too big, causing a square bubble around screen.

like I said I am not that happy with the results, after a very lengthy installation. I'll have to wait until tomorrow to see how it looks. Hopefully it'll look fine.[/QUOTE]

maybe you should look into the javoedge if it doesnt work out. Really, i just want someone to try them out before i do :D
[quote name='V4oLDbOY']Ok, I "installed it"..

I'm not too happy with the results as of now, BUT I'll wait for it to "cure" overnight before I pass final judgements. Notes though.

1) NOT enough solution... Not even close...
2) "sticky" side is only slick if it has solution on it, and since you'll be using it sparingly you'll only put a little on (few sprays). And if you try and re-adjust fingerprints/dust can get under. Especially edges (mostly the edges to be honest).
3) Lots of small bubbles, well not that much but they are noticeable. We'll see if they go away like they say after it "cures". To be honest, theres a lot of very small bubbles on the screen (most shiny part of psp so they stand out more) and they have seemed to get better after just an hour or so.
4) Odd sized pieces. They give you an extra screen and metal umd ring skins, but the original ones they give you on the "main" piece are larger than the extra ones. I had to take off the original one and use the extra one once I realized it was smaller. The reason was that the screen part and the front part overlapped a bit since the screen was too big, causing a square bubble around screen.

like I said I am not that happy with the results, after a very lengthy installation. I'll have to wait until tomorrow to see how it looks. Hopefully it'll look fine.

edit: after watching the installation video again it said that streaks and imperfections will go away in a few days. So I guess I'll have to wait some more to see the final product.[/QUOTE]

I wasn't happy initially either, but the bubbles worked themselves out. All in all, I felt pretty happy about the way it looked. The only problem was that I was a tiny bit off on one of the pieces, so it hangs over the lid just a fraction. But It's been on for a couple of years now, and still looks good. I didn't use the screen protectors though, because I don't like the rubbery feel they have.
Update!!! After letting it "cure" overnight and a few days now, the bubbles went away and it looks fine. One problem though, on the back there is a small cut on the umd door piece (probably from manufacturing process). I emailed them and they said that I would have to a) send it back for a refund b) get a replacement sent and then snd back mine or option z) (mine) Order another one and use the money back guarantee on my original one to avoid $4 replacement shipping fee.

But the shield looks great as it is, but that small cut is on the edge so its now sort of curling up where its cut. Whats annoying is that to get a replacement or refund you gotta send back the whole shield. So a 2+ hour installation I'll never get back, plus now I gotta wait another week or so until my new one gets here. Meanwhile I gotta send mine in for a refund. In the email the guy just said to send in the whole shield. In my question I asked if I had to send in the whole packaging or just the shield. I guess I'll just throw in the bunched up shield in an envelope and send it off tomorrow.

But all in all great product and I will probably use the one of the new codes I got on my cellphone and maybe even my ipod. one problem though is one piece I got some lint under it, very edge and had a few fibers from something under the shield. But doesn't matter now. I'll just put the psp aside for now to keep it pristine until my new one comes.
I emailed Zagg and asked if the IS works on a DS that has a silkscreen (just got the Pokemon one). They responded and said they don't guarantee it won't damage the silkscreen, and they don't guarantee that it will adhere to the silkscreen. They followed that up with, "Hope that helps!" Um...yeah...very helpful. So do any of you have experience putting these on silkscreen?
bread's done