Zelda - Wii vs GC!


Ya, I know its early to be posting this, but there will probably be someone who plays a good chunk of the GC version and also has the Wii version in the next couple days who can post here. Basically this thread is about which controls do you prefer to play LOZ:TP with, the Wii controls or the GC controls. (Only post though if you've actually played both and have come to some sort of decision...otherwise the opinion is useless...)
I can honestly say that the Wii version as of now felt way more interactive. As far as the game, it feels exactly the same. But there's something about aiming at the screen and hearing my controller make whatever weapon sound with each attack. As far as controlling the sword, after playing the Wii version the cube attack method feels old and boring.

Only gave it 5 hours but the controls only make the Wii superior in my opinion. Still an amazing game for those who missed it on the Wii. Enjoy it!
I'm with Theduck on this. The controls are better in almost every way in my opinion. The only thing I don't like is the shield attack. You have to thrust the nunchuk forward, but he always does it when I'm about to try to do it again. You get used to it fairly quickly though. After playing this, I can't think of any reasons to go back to the old style.
Does it get annoying in the Wii version with like the camera or like z targeting and jumping side to side, or even slashing with the sword or doing the spin attack if the controls don't respond?
Are there any graphical or framerate differences?

The Wii has a nice bloom effect, does the GC one?
[quote name='Spades22']Does it get annoying in the Wii version with like the camera or like z targeting and jumping side to side, or even slashing with the sword or doing the spin attack if the controls don't respond?[/quote]No, because they always do respond. The only issue is the shield-smash move, that is for all intents and purposes useless anyway. The key is to push the nunchuck forward, but slowly.
[quote name='daroga']No, because they always do respond. The only issue is the shield-smash move, that is for all intents and purposes useless anyway. The key is to push the nunchuck forward, but slowly.[/quote]

Odd. I never have issues with the shield shove. I always make a really quick forward thrust movement with the Wii Remote and it always works fine.

Shake the Wii Remote when I want to do a Sword Spin.
Quick forward thrust when I want to do the Shield Shove.

Never had any issues.

In any case, I prefer the Wii controls by far. Its simply so much more interactive and it feels so satisfying actually slashing at enemies.
[quote name='Spades22']Does it get annoying in the Wii version with like the camera or like z targeting and jumping side to side, or even slashing with the sword or doing the spin attack if the controls don't respond?[/QUOTE]

Not really the camera is annoying in general and I don't expect it to be better on the gamecube. It is especially annoying in water. The only issue I have with the controls is that I get over excited on the shield attack and sometimes do the spin attack because I tend to move my had a lil to the side when pulling the nunchuck back. All in all thou I'd definetly go with the immersion that the wii controls give it over anything the cube might offer.
My only problem is with the shield attack too. It's not that it's unresponsive it's just that I'm usually holding the nunchuk at an odd angle so when I shove forward it's not always forward for the nunchuk. There aren't really too many opportunities to use it anyway so I don't worry about it.
Half the time when I try to use a shield smash Link does a spin attack. Other then that I don't have any problems with the Wii controls.
I am a fan of the Wii controls, though I haven't got this 'shield attack' everyone is talking about, so I can't comment on it.

My roomate got the GC version last night and it felt fine, but it felt just like the old ones.
[quote name='NoRain']Not really the camera is annoying in general and I don't expect it to be better on the gamecube.[/QUOTE]

Well, the camera may actually be improved on the the Gamecube depending on your problems with it. You actually have direct control over it via the c-stick, so ideally any auto-camera problems might be fixable.
[quote name='Dezuria']Are there any graphical or framerate differences?

The Wii has a nice bloom effect, does the GC one?[/quote]

The Wii version is a mirror image of the GC version. I don't mean they look identical. I mean East is West and vice versa. Link is a lefty in the GC ver (like he's just about always been) and fights right handed in the Wii ver.

Read it in the official guide. I guess they just flipped the whole world rather than reprogram it.
Ya thats what I meant by camera, actually moving it when you run. I remember in Wind Waker I ALWAYS used the C stick and would rotate all the time to make the game feel more intense or just to quickly run around instead of having to pause, turn, and continue running. So I was wondering if the Wii has as good a camera rotation with the Wiimote as if you would use the Cstick...and whether this affects the game at all.

In the GC version, theres no Widescreen or fishing though right?
[quote name='Spades22']
In the GC version, theres no Widescreen or fishing though right?[/QUOTE]
No widescreen, but there is fishing.
Ah well whats this then on the Wii I heard there was some sort of fishing part of the game exclusive to the Wii version. Hmm...could someone quickly list what the Wii version has that the GC version doesn't?
[quote name='Spades22']Ya thats what I meant by camera, actually moving it when you run. I remember in Wind Waker I ALWAYS used the C stick and would rotate all the time to make the game feel more intense or just to quickly run around instead of having to pause, turn, and continue running. So I was wondering if the Wii has as good a camera rotation with the Wiimote as if you would use the Cstick...and whether this affects the game at all.

In the GC version, theres no Widescreen or fishing though right?[/QUOTE]

Actually the Wii version doesn't let you rotate the camera at all. At first I was disappointed by this as I kept pointing my wiimote to the side of the screen thinking it would rotate the viewing angle, but eventually I just got the hang of it and I could probably count the number of times the camera got on my nerves on one hand. You do get to recenter the camera behind you though ala the C-stick, so it's not too bad and feels a bit like Ocarina in that regard.

And while I haven't played the GC version, I would bet that the camera is probably in it. But I'd also say that that's probably the only improvement and it's not like it was ever broken to begin with. So yeah, I'd assume that the Wii version is slightly more fun, but it's a great game no matter what system you play it on.
[quote name='Spades22']Ah well whats this then on the Wii I heard there was some sort of fishing part of the game exclusive to the Wii version. Hmm...could someone quickly list what the Wii version has that the GC version doesn't?[/QUOTE]

You might want to check on this, but there's a mini-game in the fishing hut that requires you to roll a ball over a course of balance beams via tilting the wiimote. I really doubt that it's in the GC version (I can't imaigne it being difficult at all with an analogue stick), but have yet to verify this.
For problems with the shield attack.. I've found that if I wait a second before moving my hand back after thrusting it... it registers it a lot better... although I agree I still do a sword spin half the time instead... I had the same problem with stabbing motions on Marvel Ultimate Alliance and with stab motions on Monkey Ball. All the other motions are intuitive except for the stabbing... oh well!

As far as the camera... if it's in a wierd place just tap Z and it recenters behind you... as someone else said it feels a lot like the camera in OOT in this regard. It's second nature by now so I don't even notice I do it... makes a satisfying whoosh noise too ;)
Ah well ya thats something that REALLY bugs me if the camera stinks...so at least its not that bad. I'm thinking the C - stick would be better though. So for the Wii version the only 2 things they have that the GC doesnt is that one minigame and Widescreen then? I was also leaning on the Wii version cause I thought they only got one fishing part...but since I dont have a widescreen tv...

Still would like to test the controls though.
[quote name='Ziv']The Wii version is a mirror image of the GC version. I don't mean they look identical. I mean East is West and vice versa. Link is a lefty in the GC ver (like he's just about always been) and fights right handed in the Wii ver.

Read it in the official guide. I guess they just flipped the whole world rather than reprogram it.[/QUOTE]

Seriously? Like the entire game world is inverted? That's awesomely weird.

They could flip everything back if you want to use the Wiimote in your left hand :D
I played the Wii version through the 1st dungeon, then I moved to a different state and lost access to a widescreen HDTV. So, now I'm playing the GC version on a standard def TV and just reached the 1st dungeon. I figured, what the hell, if I'm ever going to play both versions I might as well play the one that can't handle widescreen now. This TV does have component inputs, but can't do 480p. So, the picture looks really nice but not as nice as it did before. :)

I was disoriented for a while because of the mirrored worlds, but I think I'm used to it at this point. The Wii controls are more fun and immersive, in my opinion, with one exception - the camera. The GC version lets you rotate the camera with the c-stick, but it also gives you a second level of zoom - you can pull the camera away a bit more to see more of the environment. I don't think that's possible in the Wii version, and I'm going to miss it when I switch back eventually.

So, they're both great - advantages and disadvantages to each. If I could only own one... Wii!

I wish there were a way to exchange save files between the two versions, but I know that won't happen.
Oh ya I also heard you can only have ONE weapon equipped on the GC version, and they didn't even use the wind waker system of the x,y,z thing, but apparently its on the control pad now! Is this true? Anyway...do you think the Wii version is good enough that I should buy a Wii just to play Zelda? Besides that the only games Im REALLY looking forward to are Mario Galaxy and SSBB...then I might get like Metroid and stuff too. So...is the Wii worth getting for Zelda if I can get it for GC? (I have a GC sitting here right now..), or should I just get the GC version and wait for the Wii to get more games (If ther'll be a price drop)
[quote name='Spades22']Oh ya I also heard you can only have ONE weapon equipped on the GC version, and they didn't even use the wind waker system of the x,y,z thing, but apparently its on the control pad now! Is this true? Anyway...do you think the Wii version is good enough that I should buy a Wii just to play Zelda? Besides that the only games Im REALLY looking forward to are Mario Galaxy and SSBB...then I might get like Metroid and stuff too. So...is the Wii worth getting for Zelda if I can get it for GC? (I have a GC sitting here right now..), or should I just get the GC version and wait for the Wii to get more games (If ther'll be a price drop)[/quote]

It sounds to me like you can answer your own question. If you're interested in future Nintendo releases like SSBB, then of course wait for the Wii version and buy a Wii. If you're not then... dont. But you might want to wait for a Wii price drop in like a year. Personally I thought over getting a Wii and got a 360 instead, but that's just me. The 360 is a true next-gen console while the Wii isn't, and it seems like a secondary system to me when it's all said and done.
[quote name='Spades22']Oh ya I also heard you can only have ONE weapon equipped on the GC version, and they didn't even use the wind waker system of the x,y,z thing, but apparently its on the control pad now! Is this true?[/quote]

No, that's not true. You can map weapons to x and y, while z is used to talk to Midna. You just use the control pad to set your equipment to x and y.

I don't think it's worth buying a Wii just for Zelda. The GC version is great, and can tide you over for a few months until the Wii has more to offer.
[quote name='xeex']No, that's not true. You can map weapons to x and y, while z is used to talk to Midna. You just use the control pad to set your equipment to x and y.

I don't think it's worth buying a Wii just for Zelda. The GC version is great, and can tide you over for a few months until the Wii has more to offer.[/quote]especially if you have a ridiculous backlog of gc games to plow through like me, haven't touched it since my bro bought the wii :(
It looks stellar, especially considering i can get 480p out of my gamecube but not my friend's Wii!

I had intended to play only a few minutes, but then i ended up playing for four hours.

It's the same amazing game, with very familiar (and far smoother) controls. Not only smoother than previous Zeldas; the analog aiming is slower and feels quite natural. I also mean it's smoother than the Wii version.

I find the game moving at a much more brisk pace, and the action seems to blend better.My friend had all manner of trouble with the triad of shadow demon dudes (for example), even several hours into the game. With a gamecube controller in hand, controls ring from my hands like poetry rolling from a bard's tongue.

You know, instead of a conductor's baton...

and then i rape the twilight thugs.

So, I guess i'm trying to say the Gamecube controls are more graceful. Can't go wrong either way, really!
Ya thats what I've been seeing in my head...I remember when wind waker I could fly through everything mainly due to the c stick option cause I could quickly rotate and take out everything, zoom out see who was coming from behind...and ya that was really fun. Another thing I heard though is that on the Wii version you can swing the sword while you run without stopping, while the GC version has Wind Waker sword play where you stop to swing. Is that true?

See I'll probably get a Wii sometime, maybe in a year or so, so I don't know if I should wait to play TP on the Wii or just get it for GC. Tough decision...Also because I'd like to ask for it for Christmas then for GC. With so many kids in my family theres, some, but little chance I'd get a Wii for Christmas. I mean they bought me an N64 and GC for Christmas.... but I dont want to ask anymore since I'm, well, not 12 anymore lol
I'm fighting with a similar decission. I however really want a Wii for the party game aspect.

The missing camera controls are really bugging me for the Wii TP ... but lack of widescreen support is also troubling.

Basicly, I'm going to play the waiting game. Wait till after the holidays to see if I can easily snag a Wii. If it's still difficult I'll just snag the GC version. (I should be done with OoT - "Master Quest" by then, too.
Ya I havent even played OOT. Apparently the fact as to whether I've beaten it or not doesn't affect the fun there is in Twilight Princess though. The debate for me is mainly that I never liked using the bow and arrow or slingshot much on the GC version (...although hitting the fish in Wind Waker was pretty fun and easy for me), and the Wii is probably better with it, and also theres a couple minigames on the Wii version and, even though I dont have widescreen, I like the option for when I DO get one in the fairly near future...

Still wondering about the sword aspect though...whether you can swing the sword while running in both versions.
i too had had problems with the shield attack and i finally mastered it. the key is to not thrust the nunchuck, but to just tilt the front part downwards. since ive done that ive been able to use the shield attack and its actually been quite effective.
[quote name='Spades22']Still wondering about the sword aspect though...whether you can swing the sword while running in both versions.[/QUOTE]

Yes you can in the GC version. When I first tried it out I was like, why couldn't they have done this since OOT?!?!

I wouldn't know of any other differences between them though since I only have the GC version and no Wii, but I'm gonna assume both of them only let you equip 2 items to X and Y.
Ya thats really weird...he says the Wii version is better with controls...but I think he does mention the GC graphics are slightly better with the right cables and stuff... maybe thats why?

Hmm I'm thinking I might just go for the GC version...play one last Zelda game with regular controls, since Nintendo probably won't go back.
[quote name='Spades22']Ya thats really weird...he says the Wii version is better with controls...but I think he does mention the GC graphics are slightly better with the right cables and stuff... maybe thats why?

Hmm I'm thinking I might just go for the GC version...play one last Zelda game with regular controls, since Nintendo probably won't go back.[/quote]

Next-gen games are ranked on a harder scale, d'uh!
This is why all 3d games should take 3-4 years to make.
This game is so polished that it makes windwaker feel crappy.
[quote name='Spades22']Lol true. But Rozz, thing is, it's not a next gen game! It was MADE for the GC...DUHHhhhh :roll:[/quote]however, it was released on a "next-gen" system, which unfortunately puts it on the higher scale, honestly i don't get why people are making such a huge fuss over the graphics, i personally think they're very VERY good, better than any other game i've played (aside from windwakers fleshed out cartoon style)
[quote name='nwaugh']Well, the camera may actually be improved on the the Gamecube depending on your problems with it. You actually have direct control over it via the c-stick, so ideally any auto-camera problems might be fixable.[/QUOTE]

I hate the camera on the Wii version, they really should have made the stupid useless fairy control the camera.
Well I already asked for it for Christmas =P, the GC version that is. And ya I guess you think they could have spent a little time upping the graphics a bit for the Wii version... everything seems to be thrown together on the Wii right now.I can't think of one game with a good amount of effort put into it yet...maybe Elebits but thats all.
[quote name='iheartmetal']i too had had problems with the shield attack and i finally mastered it. the key is to not thrust the nunchuck, but to just tilt the front part downwards. since ive done that ive been able to use the shield attack and its actually been quite effective.[/quote]
Thank you very much. I tried that today and it worked very well. I didn't have any problems with the shield attack when tilting the nunchuck down.
[quote name='Spades22']Lol true. But Rozz, thing is, it's not a next gen game! It was MADE for the GC...DUHHhhhh :roll:[/quote]

Its on a next-gen console. Therefore it will be considered one and rated accordingly as one. Gun is the same on all consoles yet it got lower ratings on the 360 due to more being expected out of a next-gen release. Duh! ;)
But still, its the best looking game ON the Wii, so they don't even know what the Wii is really capable of since no better games have been developed! Maybe thats a wrong statement, thought I'd give it a shot :p Seems logical though...how would they know how good the Wii graphics can be if they have nothing to compare it to except worse looking games!
By the way, the GC Review for TP is now out on IGN, both Wii and GC versions getting 9.5
He says that he likes the Wii version more than the GC due to the "Extras" which is basically the Wii controls and the Widescreen option. But he mentions that some people could like the GC version more...which is much different when he called everyones fools or something if they went for the GC version. They say something about GC controls being more responsive in some parts. Basically the main downfall of the GC version is the aiming system with the bow, slingshot, etc. I guess.

Ooo and I also just read that in the GC version theres a shield blocking move you can do when riding Epona, which is not present in the Wii version.
One IGN article says the GC version is better.

[quote name='Andre Segers, IGN Guides']I vastly prefer the GCN version. Contrary to many reports, I didn't find the Wii aiming controls to be accurate at all - or rather, the lag induced by the cursor was enough to nullify any degree of accuracy it may have possessed. Oddly, Zelda is the only Wii game thus far that I have experienced any pointer problems with.

In addition, I found Navi's constant onscreen presence to detract from the experience, especially since she doesn't serve any function aside from showing the player where the cursor is when it's not in use - which isn't very useful (or necessary) at all. Granted, the pointer functionality can be turned off (and Navi by extension, thankfully), but then the main reason for purchasing the Wii version has thusly been removed.

As far as sword controls, I'll concede Wii's 'swinging' method was enjoyable, though ultimately unremarkable. After the novelty wears off, it neither enhances, nor detracts from the experience. But what has significantly changed is how the Spin Attack works. This vastly over-powered attack is a breeze to perform on the Wii version, and makes an already easy game appropriate for fetuses. The GCN version performs identically to previous 3D Zelda outings (i.e. Ocarina, Wind Waker) and is much more difficult to perform, thus preventing its abuse - a major enhancement in my opinion. The Wii version is akin to giving Master Chief a machine gun that launches rockets as the game's only weapon. Oh, and camera control is a good thing. I was skeptical of how much it would add to the GCN version, particularly since the game performs solidly on Wii, sans camera control, but after trying it out for myself, I must confess it's difficult to return to the Wii version. The flexibility of exploring the environment independent of the direction Link is running can't be overstated.[/quote]
I don't see merit in most of Segers' complaints. The Wii aiming was accurate as hell compared to Wind Waker (since I don't have GC TP). I sniped moblin archers from such a distance that they were smaller than the red dot in the aiming reticule with no problems (and no lag, I don't know where he's coming from with that).

I can see the complaints about Navi, I don't see the point there, but that's just nitpicky, it's not that much of a distraction.

As far as the spin attack, it's not that hard to do with traditional controls anyway and on the Wii it requires a charge time between uses, so I have no idea what he's bitching about there.

Camera control is his other valid complaint. I know there's a lot of usefulness in being able to control the camera.

Overall his complaints seem pretty dumb and only if you think that the lack of camera control makes the Wii version worse can you say that the GC version is better.
[quote name='Wolfpup']Seriously? Like the entire game world is inverted? That's awesomely weird.

They could flip everything back if you want to use the Wiimote in your left hand :D[/quote]

Hehe, it's not like they had to flip the world just to make him left handed :)
bread's done