Zuma's Revenge?


any word of this coming on XBLA? the Pop Cap games seem to take a long time to make their way onto the 360.
I've wondered the same thing and have scoured the net trying to find info about it. I've played it on PC, but would like to have it for 360. My wife is still addicted to the original one on the 360. She still plays it all of the time, but just from 12-1 on. She won't play it on PC though as she prefers the controller over the mouse. I've looked for contact info on Pop Cap's site, but haven't found a good email address to ask them.
I did find this from a recent (July 2010) interview by thisismyjoystick.com http://thisismyjoystick.com/interviews/interview-popcap-games/

Q. Can you talk to us about any of your upcoming projects? Has there been any further word on when we can expect to see Plants vs Zombies and Zuma’s Revenge ported onto XBLA and PSN as well as any other of your titles that have yet to grace the formats?
“As a company policy, we don’t discuss future plans or upcoming games. That said, our priority is to have our games on as many gaming platforms as possible: PopCap believes that everyone is a potential player of games; our job is to make great games and make sure they are accessible to this audience of everyone. Having our games on as many gaming platforms as possible is a big part of that strategy. We’ve announced that PvZ is coming to XBLA, and that’s still the case; expect that first console adaptation of PvZ to arrive later this year!”
Fellow Zuma fans really need to play Zuma Blitz on Facebook. Damn fun game.

I'd buy Revenge on the 360 in a heartbeat. Outside of Pac-Man CE, the original Zuma is probably my second most played XBLA game.
I would bet Zuma was one of the first XBLA games I bought. Geometry Wars was probably first. I wouldn't doubt Zuma was second.
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