Warcraft Contest on Penny-Arcade


138 (100%)
Seeing as how all I've done is mooch off your posts for contests, I thought I'd give back for once.


The rules for the contest are on the front page of their site. You must write a ten word story based around the warcraft universe and then email it to [email protected] with the subject of Ten Words. The prize is pretty substantial.

Sorry I can't dwell more into it in this post but It's late and I'm tired.

You may or may not have to register.
The only thing that matters is the prize:

[F]our boxes of boosters, tournament playmats, a Winterveil collector's box, deckboxes, sleeves, two binders, three raid decks, three starter decks, and one of these awesome dice chest things. Each of these sets also includes an X-51 Nether-Rocket, an ultra-rare card that can be redeemed in-game for a custom flying mount. These custom mounts can go for up to two thousand dollars online...


That's one of three sets. We have two more just like it, and you can have one.
A word of warning from the mighty Tycho:

How Not To Do It

This is an example of too many words:

"I'm not a fan of correcting people, but anything under 2,000 words is considered a short short or flash fiction."

You lose.
[quote name='SpazX']I'd feel bad if I entered since I would immediately sell all that shit if I won it.[/quote]

Unfortunately for me, If I won I would probably horde it. I'd end up selling that mount card of course but I don't know about the rest.
entered, Thanks OP! and if i won i would give all of it to my brother, i owe him so much and i dont have a job to pay him back :/ this would definately pay him back and he would be stoked! hopefully i can win it for my brother.
I would enter, but I would sell it all instantly... So I don't think I'm actually going to enter. Maybe someone who will actually use the stuff will win!
I would enter, but I would sell it all instantly... So I don't think I'm actually going to enter. Maybe someone who will actually use the stuff will win!
bread's done