How long do you keep your gaming mags?


My gaming mags are taking up a lot of space so I just wanted to know how long you guys usually keep them for.
Actually i keep them for all most 6-8 months! When my drawers to my dresser get stacked up. I then empty them out and start over!
[quote name='Scrubking']And where do you guys store all those mags?[/quote]

I have an entire shelf devoted to my mags. They really take up much more room then their worth. The problem is I don't want to just throw them out, but they aren't really worth anything.
About a year, I got a shelf dedicated to them all, then I put them in a recycling bin and see people pass by and and see them grab them. Mostly the Maxim, FHM and Stuff, no one takes the gaming mags.
my mom made me throw out my entire collection of sega visions (almost every one in existence), and after that, ive never throw any out. i have every egm since like 98. i keep them all in the bottom 4 compartments of my entertainment center.
I never throw them out and I'll never throw them out. I still go through old magazines looking for games that I wanted back then but didn't buy but can buy now for $20 - $40 less.
I keep them forever. I have plenty of magazines well over ten years old.

And you fellas who throw them away.. feel free to send them to me - I'll pay shipping ;-).

I keep them in boxes - stacked on top of one naother towards the ceiling.
i kept all my game mags so far...i had playstation underground, but stopped subscribing after a i have had game informer for about 1 and 1/4 yrs
OXM I keep about...the amount of time it takes to walk to my room and put it in my garbage. I don't know why I ever signed up for that shit.
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']Free porn is the best porn! LOL[/quote]

Hmmm, free porn usually equals used porn, and that's just damn disgusting. To answer your question, I'm sure I have close to 500-600 mags in my room. I keep some in boxes, some in dresser drawers, and now just have piles along the floor of my room.
And where do you guys store all those mags?

Under the bathroom sink right by the crapper . I have a huge collection right by the toilet paper . That's where I get my best reading done
iv'e always had the thought to bundle up a full years worth of my millions of mags and sell 1 years worth at a time on ebay. A full year of maxim on ebay will net you more than you spent for that years subscription. im guessing an old years run of a game mag will get you a little loot too. problem is my collections an addiction and its like giving away your baby so they will stay in piles.
Solution: go to college get a good job get a wife that also has money and a job build or buy a large house and incorporate a library and gaming room to house our crack
my magizines are butcherd and put on my walls. it looks very nice actully there ad's are like little mini posters. you can't even see the paint on my walls. damn there are a lot of ads in those mags
I like to keep em and go back and read em after a while. Gives me a kick to see the old reviews and such and previews for stuff thats long been released. Even better is the over-hyped game preview, then the games turns out to fucking suck. Heh heh...filter.
I've subscribed to many magazines over the years but most get tossed after a month or two.

The only mag I kept from (almost) day one was Next Generation magazine. Remember when they had the cool cover paper that made you want to hold the mag in your hand? I kept my entire subscription until their recent demise. I tried to sell them on craigslist but no one was interested. So I kept the issue with Nights Into Dreams on the cover, and tossed the rest. :cry:

I recently discovered Maximum PC and must say that I have found a new "keeper." This magazine will "never" leave my posession. Way too much useful information here.
Well, I get six game mags a month now. I didn't start getting game mags till like three years ago, and I think I subscribed to PSM. Oh yeah, when I moved my friend got me a subscription to OXM, this is what it first started, he also gave me the first issue. I should have about 450 magazines or more. But it doesn't seem I get that many. I'm pretty sure I went ten months last time with five magazines, so that should be 500 right there.

EDIT: Excuse my math, LOL, I guess I just wasn't thinking straight.
I had to throw most of my magazines away in my last move, but I am normally a packrat and keep all my magazines. I have been accumulating all my magazines for the past year. I don't know why, I never really go back through anything other than the past few months. I will probably throw them out before the next move.
I keep all my magazines. Right now they all fit on my bookshelf; someday I'll probably move them into my closet. I've only been reading gaming magazines for a few years, so my collection isn't that big. I think my oldest magazine is the issue of OPM that reviewed FFX.
I try to keep all my gaming magazines. There are times however where I'll lose an issue though, but I've never thrown away any of my magazines.
I usually keep my magazines for a year or two, then sell them on Ebay. People will buy old rap magazines. Not really gaming zines unless limited edition covers.
Funny Story:

The other day I went into the crapper to dumpNread and I put the mag on the sink while I prepared myself. The next thing I know the mag is in the toilet. It had a lot of cool MK pictures (the new game), so I didn't want to throw it out - I dried it off and sprayed it with some lysol. The toilet was pretty clean so it wasn't that nasty.
I used to keep my magazines a long time so in case i rented a game and got stuck I could look through issues for codes. But now with sites like gamefaqs thats not necessary since all of that is online. Now I throw them away after I read them.
I have every issue of GameNow and I'm looking to get rid of them. Almost all are mint, the mailman messed up a few but are decent condistion. PM or AIM for offers.
I pretty much keep them until I have no choice, currently have a subscription to EGm, Gamepro, Xbox Official magazine and Tips & Tricks, its just fun sometimes to look up some preview to see how badly they were gushing about some game, then pick up a later issue and see how badly they were ragging on the same game.
I used to keep mine when I was younger, but as soon as I started living on my own, I realized that they were taking up too much space. I now toss them after a couple of months. Of course, they're all stacked up in the bathroom.
i trashed all of my nintendo power (i don't know why) but i have every video game mag i ever bought after that, starting with the july 1991 issue of EGM (the cover is of T2)

i still love going through some of my old next generation issues, imo that was the best mag ever.
Once the new issue arrives, the old on gets tossed. I currently subscribe to opm, oxm, np, pc gamer, xbox nation, psm. I have every demo disc from opm, oxm and odcm.
I keep all my game mags. I have my whole bookshelf dedicated to my game mags...i just threw all the books out..who needs books :D
bread's done