Square Enix code for sale


31 (100%)
Hey I know that a few of you guys are short of the requirement to hit the next level in square Enix Rewards. I have a list of codes up for sale right here.

Will post soon.

IDK what game is what code but I can find out. If you need me to look for a specific game send me a message.

$2.50 each code. If you buy at least $10 worth I'll throw in a free bonus

90902 - Dissidia (PSP)
90908 - Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Crystal Bearer
90909 - Nier (Xbox)
91001 - Final Fantasy XIII (PS3) [I have 2 for sale]
91010 - Kane and Lynch 2 (PS3) [I have 2 for sale]
91026 - Dungeon Siege (Xbox) [I have 1 for sale]
91036 - Dissidia 012 (PSP)
91045 - Final Fantasy IV (PSP) [I have 3 for sale]

I also have Dissidia 012 costumes

Lightning Aya Brea Costume
Cecil's Knight of the Twin Moon costume.
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hazzmos - His $ for my Noel Vermillion Nendroid -SHIPPED
sabanoo - His 3rd Birthday Twisted Edition for my $ -Incoming
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I've always wondered how people get multiple copies of the same Square Enix Members codes. By stealing them, or did you get them from friends? It really doesn't make sense to buy 3 copies of the same game.
[quote name='Blade']I've always wondered how people get multiple copies of the same Square Enix Members codes. By stealing them, or did you get them from friends? It really doesn't make sense to buy 3 copies of the same game.[/QUOTE]

My friends are rpg fans and they buy a lot of square Enix games. They have no need for them and I take them off their hands.
bump - rated your thread a 5. good stuff. wish i'd have met you earlier cuz i have most of the things i'd want off of it already.
bread's done