Mass Effect 1 & 2 $5.99ea ( Download)

I used a Canadian credit card with a US address... it still gave me an error. I just want Mass Effect 1 and might just end up waiting for a Steam sale for the convenience of having it on Steam.
You guys do realize that this is credit card fraud, right? Says right on the page it's for US residents only. You can get fined massively. Is it REALLY worth it?
Like Nukkus said, you shouldn't change your billing address, but there is another way to still make the purchase.

To purchase this without changing your address, you can modify the HTML using Firebug.

Simply replace the button that doesn't allow you to click from


Replace the text {getthisvalueintheaddressbar}, {sid number}, {pid number}accordingly. You can get these values by switching to a US address then switching back before purchasing. You can also get these values by searching for sid and pid in the HTML source.

Edit: Getting rid of some odd spaces in the code.
Last edited by a moderator:
[quote name='Netherman']Like Nukkus said, you shouldn't change your billing address, but there is another way to still make the purchase.

To purchase this without changing your address, you can modify the HTML using Firebug.

Simply replace the button that doesn't allow you to click from


Replace the text {getthisvalueintheaddressbar}, {sid number}, {pid number}accordingly. You can get these values by switching to a US address then switching back before purchasing. You can also get these values by searching for sid and pid in the HTML source.

Edit: Getting rid of some odd spaces in the code.[/QUOTE]

That's damn clever; beat the system while retaining legality. Hats off!
How EXACTLY is it legal? you are falsifying a transaction, you are not a resident of the US. All they have to do is check you IP address, and BOOM, yer fined for credit card fraud.
From what I understand, can't sell to Canada because of some licensing or contractual issues therefore they have to block us. Amazon must have enough due diligence in preventing us from purchasing. As long as we use valid payment information, we are doing nothing illegal, and it's a fault of Amazon's system that we are allowed to make the purchase. If they implemented this prevention method on the server side, there is nothing we could do to legally bypass it.

The overall point is, their prevention is just a client-side modification of what we see (and can click), but their system still allows us to make the purchase.

[quote name='Naylord']That's damn clever; beat the system while retaining legality. Hats off![/QUOTE]

Thanks! For those who want it automated, here's a Greasemonkey script. Feel free to ask if you have any questions.

// ==UserScript==
// @name           Amazon Enable Non-US Purchase
// @namespace      netherman.amazonpurchase
// @description    Enables purchasing downloadables from that are for US only even if outside US and without US billing address.
// @include*
// ==/UserScript==

function FindTag(elementTag)
    var tags = document.getElementsByTagName(elementTag);
    return tags;

function GetAttributeMatch(list, attribute, attValue)
    for (var i = 0; i= 0)
            return list[i];

    return null;

function getQuerystring(key, default_)
  if (default_==null) default_="";
  key = key.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]");
  var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]"+key+"=([^&#]*)");
  var qs = regex.exec(window.location.href);
  if(qs == null)
    return default_;
    return qs[1];

function createInput(elementValue, elementName)
    var tempElement = document.createElement('input');
    tempElement.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
    tempElement.setAttribute('value', elementValue);
    tempElement.setAttribute('name', elementName);
    return tempElement

var imgs = FindTag('img');

var img = GetAttributeMatch(imgs, 'src', 'button_no_order._V192261387_.gif');


var formCreated = document.createElement('form');
formCreated.setAttribute('method', 'post');
formCreated.setAttribute('action', '/gp/swvgdtt/order/handle-order.html');
formCreated.setAttribute('name', 'makePurchase');
formCreated.setAttribute('style', 'margin: 0px;');
formCreated.setAttribute('onsubmit', "document.getElementById('dsvOrderConfirmationLoadingImageDiv').style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById('dsvPurchaseConfirmationButton').style.display ='none'");
formCreated.setAttribute('id', 'dsv-order-confirmation-page-place-order-button');

var elementValue = getQuerystring('asin');
var elementName = "asin";
var tempElement = createInput(elementValue, elementName);

var elementValue = "dc";
var elementName = "v";
var tempElement = createInput(elementValue, elementName);

var elementValue = unsafeWindow.ue_sid;
var elementName = "sid";
var tempElement = createInput(elementValue, elementName);

var input = FindTag('input');
input = GetAttributeMatch(input, 'name', 'pid');
var elementValue = input.getAttribute('value');
var elementName = "pid";
var tempElement = createInput(elementValue, elementName);

////    [IMG][/IMG]
var tempDiv = document.createElement('div');
tempDiv.setAttribute('style', 'display: none;');
tempDiv.setAttribute('id', 'dsvOrderConfirmationLoadingImageDiv');
var tempElement = document.createElement('img');
tempElement.setAttribute('border', '0');
tempElement.setAttribute('width', '14');
tempElement.setAttribute('height', '14');
tempElement.setAttribute('src', '');

var tempElement = document.createElement('input');
tempElement.setAttribute('border', '0');
tempElement.setAttribute('width', '170');
tempElement.setAttribute('type', 'image');
tempElement.setAttribute('height', '27');
tempElement.setAttribute('id', 'dsvPurchaseConfirmationButton');
tempElement.setAttribute('name', 'BuyAndDownload');
tempElement.setAttribute('alt', 'Buy and Download');
tempElement.setAttribute('src', '');

img.parentNode.insertBefore(formCreated, img);

//maybe remove this image
[quote name='Nukkus']It can still get your card frozen, and earn you an audit. and that's at the very least.[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry if I'm not understanding correctly, but as long as you enter valid credit card information, this is not credit card fraud. On what other grounds would they have to freeze your card and audit?
[quote name='Nukkus']How EXACTLY is it legal? you are falsifying a transaction, you are not a resident of the US. All they have to do is check you IP address, and BOOM, yer fined for credit card fraud.[/QUOTE]this.

I'm sure when you're buying something from Amazon you click thru an greement or what have you and by falsifying the transaction you'd be breaking that agreement.

that said if it was the steam version I'd do it myself as I'm sure they'll never notice. After all it's ok to buy the game with a US card and then move to Canada. There's no reason for them to actually audit the IPs or anything.
[quote name='Wolfkin']this.

I'm sure when you're buying something from Amazon you click thru an greement or what have you and by falsifying the transaction you'd be breaking that agreement.

that said if it was the steam version I'd do it myself as I'm sure they'll never notice. After all it's ok to buy the game with a US card and then move to Canada. There's no reason for them to actually audit the IPs or anything.[/QUOTE]

I just want to make it clear that as long as you enter all your valid credit card information, there is NO credit card fraud. Just as Nukkus said, and I fully agree with, do not enter a billing address that is not your credit card billing address. Entering an invalid billing address IS credit card fraud and you risk being legally liable.

With that said, by bypassing Amazon's (pathetic) block, you will be violating Amazon's terms of use. What this means is you will not be fined for credit card fraud, but you may lose your Amazon account. Make sure to download your purchases ASAP.


Also, from what we know, Amazon's site restricts download purchases to only those who have a US billing address. This means that they do not use the IP address to verify US residents. Any US resident, even if they are outside of the US, are still allowed to purchase.
bread's done