Titanfall Xbox One Bundle $499.99


201 (100%)
Not a deal per se but officially announced, the Xbox One bundle with a digital copy of Titanfall and a month of XBL is up for preorder at amazon. So you save about $60 which isn't bad if you were going to get an Xbox one for titanfall anyways.

Xbox One Console - Titanfall Bundle by Microsoft

Amazon Preorder http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IIHU44E/ref=cm_sw_r_udp_awd_9p1ctb0RQFDWW

Best Buy Preorder

Gamestop Preorder

Newegg Preorder

Walmart Preorder

ToysRUs Preorder
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Counter-Strike and Team Fortress come to mind but yeah I catch your drift. They are going after a different market.
I think Counter-Strike and Team Fortress has lived on for so long due largely to mods. Titanfall could live on for a long time on PC but who knows with consoles.

Hell, who knows how often they will release these. Have they said Titanfall will be yearly? bi-yearly?

Then what about Half Life, Bioshock series, Dead Space series, Halo series, and Borderlands series. All FPS with longer than 5-6 hours of story. Most have pretty decent storylines.
There are also shooters with great MP and terrible campaigns. The most notable offender being Battlefield.

It's a shame there isn't a single player campaign because from what I saw of the beta gameplay it could be fun. I wasn't that impressed with the titan part as I guess I expected more from it, but the parkour really looked like a blast.  Maybe I just haven't seen enough. I definitely think this will get more dlc maps than any other game has ever released, and I kind of expect a tacked on story dlc to pacify those that criticize it for not having one.

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Most people don't even bother with mediocre shooter campaigns

I actually thoroughly enjoyed the Call of Duty: Ghosts campaign.

I dabble with the MP every now and then but I like how varied the CoD campaigns are. If anything, I don't think their campaigns get enough credit. Most people just talk about the MP mode since it's the competitive part of the game.
I actually thoroughly enjoyed the Call of Duty: Ghosts campaign.

I dabble with the MP every now and then but I like how varied the CoD campaigns are. If anything, I don't think their campaigns get enough credit. Most people just talk about the MP mode since it's the competitive part of the game.
Been playing the CoD series pretty religiously since CoD modern warfare and I've only completed 2 campaign's lol. I do enjoy story mode but only if I'm able to do it through coop I guess I am just a social gamer.
I actually thoroughly enjoyed the Call of Duty: Ghosts campaign.

I dabble with the MP every now and then but I like how varied the CoD campaigns are. If anything, I don't think their campaigns get enough credit. Most people just talk about the MP mode since it's the competitive part of the game.
I said "most" people. I'm not sure how developers gather their information, but it's apparently a very low percentage of people who actually bother to complete these campaigns.

Secondly, I think people are looking at this the wrong way. Just because the game isn't compartmentalized into different modes doesn't preclude it from having lore or even some semblance of a story.

Half-Life? Valve has essentially killed that franchise. Half-Life 2 was released ten years ago!

Bioshock, Halo, and Borderlands are all good. Dead Space is third person.

Notice how I said "most" FPS campaigns don't have good storylines. I acknowledge that some are good. But the vast majority of Call of Duty, Battlefield, Medal of Honor, rip-offs, etc., do not have quality storylines. They can still be fun, but they don't have quality storylines, and I don't really expect any different from Titanfall's MP-only campaign.
Your right Dead Space is third person, but especially the first one I felt like it was me in the suit. Felt like first person. I guess I'll keep the Xbox one and try it. Im getting the game from Best Buy with gamers unlocked preorder. Now that my hopes arent that high if its not that great I won't be disappointed.
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I would highly recommend anyone looking at this bundle to read this article: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/149-nvidia-gtx-750-ti-unveiled-plays-titanfall-better-than-xbox-one/1100-6417813/

Yeah, I'd be more into Titalfall if it had a single player campaign too.
It's interesting that a $149 video card is coming out that is faster than the Xbox One. However I do not understand how this would impact sales of the systems. PC gaming and Console gaming are not the same thing.
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It's interesting that a $149 video card is coming out that is faster than the Xbox One. However I do not understand how this would impact sales of the systems. PC gaming and Console gaming are not the same thing.
I agree on not the same thing and often times they target different audiences. I, however, have refrained from purchasing a console, even though I love owning consoles, bc I can't justify it. I have a gaming PC and I am tempted by this Titanfall bundle or getting a PS4, but I remind myself my PC will play Titanfall at a better framerate and higher resolution. Meh. I do have a Wii U though and like it a ton. I think it will take Destiny for me to finally get a PS4/Xb1, or if a cheap one pops up on AWD in front of my eyes. I had sold my 360 and PS3 in anticipation of the next gens but ended up not going all in on them.

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I agree on not the same thing and often times they target different audiences. I, however, have refrained from purchasing a console, even though I love owning a console, bc I can't justify it. I have a gaming PC and I am tempted by this Titanfall bundle or getting a PS4, but I remind myself my PC will play Titanfall at a better framerate and higher resolution. Meh
Yeah, but you'll be playing at your desk with staplers and hole punchers.

Yeah, but you'll be playing at your desk with staplers and hole punchers.
haha, well I have my setup where I have a long HDMI cord from my GPU through the wall to my living room TV. The beta supported the 360 controller which I have with the wireless dongle. Like I said, with my current setup, I can't justify getting a console until Destiny (unless of course they announce that for PC sometime now until Sept).

I think this is why I've been on a portable gaming kick with my 3ds and Vita as they've offered me something slightly different than the 3rd party games across console/PC.

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Wow are you telling me a dedicated graphics card + CPU combo outperforms an APU!? Consider my mind blown! In all seriousness these graphics comparisons can be made for all "next-gen" consoles and their games. The thing we pay for in consoles is the convenience and mass appeal as opposed to the PC master race.
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haha, well I have my setup where I have a long HDMI cord from my GPU through the wall to my living room TV. The beta supported the 360 controller which I have with the wireless dongle. Like I said, with my current setup, I can't justify getting a console until Destiny (unless of course they announce that for PC sometime now until Sept).

I think this is why I've been on a portable gaming kick with my 3ds and Vita as they've offered me something slightly different than the 3rd party games across console/PC.
Destiny isn't coming out for PC? Wow I'm surprised. Take that master race!
I don't know why PS4 fans are bashing Titanfall. I mean they have a great exclusive. Knack seems like a fun game........my bad, no it doesn't.
No one is bashing Titanfall. I think it'll be a great/fun game and will sell well. However, I think MS believes it's fanbase is dumb and will believe whatever idea they throw out will be embraced as innovative and great for gamers. I also think that because a handful of people on this website sink 100's off hours into FPS online gameplay they believe that is the norm... and I can tell you it's not.

If Titanfall's community is even 50% as active 6 months from launch as it is the first few weeks then I'd say it's a success---if not then it could be a bumpy ride.

I don't know why PS4 fans are bashing Titanfall. I mean they have a great exclusive. Knack seems like a fun game........my bad, no it doesn't.
Not the best comparison, considering inFamous releases only a few weeks after Titanfall, and will only be available on the PS4.

I also think that because a handful of people on this website sink 100's off hours into FPS online gameplay they believe that is the norm... and I can tell you it's not.
Do you really think Call of Duty is gaming biggest selling franchise on account of its single player campaign? Tons of people sink hundreds of hours into CoD's multiplayer.

I always jump into MP first in COD and BF and then blast through the campaign months later when I'm on the verge of trading it in. A few of my friends dont even bother with the SP, so I can see people buying this even though its MP only.

I don't know why PS4 fans are bashing Titanfall. I mean they have a great exclusive. Knack seems like a fun game........my bad, no it doesn't.
Exclusives will come in time. However, the Xbone will ALWAYS be an underpowered machine with inferior multiplats.

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I always jump into MP first in COD and BF and then blast through the campaign months later when I'm on the verge of trading it in. A few of my friends dont even bother with the SP, so I can see people buying this even though its MP only.

Exclusives will come in time. However, the Xbone will ALWAYS be an underpowered machine with inferior multiplats.
Right but how many people buy it on hype (just like madden) play a few hours and trade it in... repurchase... repeat. And that is for established franchises. Outside of Halo, COD, and Battlefield how many FPS have established and long standing communities? Other games have active communities for a few months after release and then struggle.

People can still go buy Wolfenstein (PS3/360) or homefront and at least have something to play (although how enjoyable is debatable).

I just see how hard it is to keep the attention of gamers and if MS finds success with other titles, even third party, I don't know how many people are going to keep going back and playing Titanfall once they've leveled up when the next big game is out.

Not the best comparison, considering inFamous releases only a few weeks after Titanfall, and will only be available on the PS4.

Do you really think Call of Duty is gaming biggest selling franchise on account of its single player campaign? Tons of people sink hundreds of hours into CoD's multiplayer.
And tons of people played WaW, COD4, MW2, Black Ops for the campaign/zombies and only put minimal hours into the online community.

Keep in mind those are also GLOBAL games that have GLOBAL audiences. X1 is doing terrific in a few regions. Let's hope it's enough to support this release so it doesn't end up being a bad investment for EA/MS

No one is bashing Titanfall. I think it'll be a great/fun game and will sell well. However, I think MS believes it's fanbase is dumb and will believe whatever idea they throw out will be embraced as innovative and great for gamers. I also think that because a handful of people on this website sink 100's off hours into FPS online gameplay they believe that is the norm... and I can tell you it's not.

If Titanfall's community is even 50% as active 6 months from launch as it is the first few weeks then I'd say it's a success---if not then it could be a bumpy ride.
Well sinking 100's of hours into a game is a better value for money than a SP campaign that last on the norm 6-10hours. I've spent days on skyrim, fallout, wow, battlefield and just about every call of duty. If titanfall was on the ps platforms I feel the hate towards this game would be a lot less.
I'm going to wait until a better bundle and/or price drop comes.

Maybe in 6 months an Xbox One bundle will be $400

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I always jump into MP first in COD and BF and then blast through the campaign months later when I'm on the verge of trading it in. A few of my friends dont even bother with the SP, so I can see people buying this even though its MP only.

Exclusives will come in time. However, the Xbone will ALWAYS be an underpowered machine with inferior multiplats.
Considering your username, you'd think you wouldn't be such a fanboy. Guess not.
Right but how many people buy it on hype (just like madden) play a few hours and trade it in... repurchase... repeat. And that is for established franchises. Outside of Halo, COD, and Battlefield how many FPS have established and long standing communities? Other games have active communities for a few months after release and then struggle.

People can still go buy Wolfenstein (PS3/360) or homefront and at least have something to play (although how enjoyable is debatable).

I just see how hard it is to keep the attention of gamers and if MS finds success with other titles, even third party, I don't know how many people are going to keep going back and playing Titanfall once they've leveled up when the next big game is out.

And tons of people played WaW, COD4, MW2, Black Ops for the campaign/zombies and only put minimal hours into the online community.

Keep in mind those are also GLOBAL games that have GLOBAL audiences. X1 is doing terrific in a few regions. Let's hope it's enough to support this release so it doesn't end up being a bad investment for EA/MS
Yeah, it'll be interesting to see how it holds up when its been out for a while. I personally think it will do well, MS is really pushing it and the beta was very well received.

Ha Ha Ha,.....and the Playstation guys keep posting in Xbox threads.
Are PS exclusives THAT bad, that you guys would rather post in here???
Its the truth. Sorry I made you feel bad about your purchase.

I find it funny when people default to "you're posting bad things about my console of choice? I guess its because your console of choice has no games!"

Using that dumb logic does that mean you only have time to post and defend your console of choice because it too has no games?

Its a fallacy.
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Exclusives will come in time. However, the Xbone will ALWAYS be an underpowered machine with inferior multiplats.
Considering your username, you'd think you wouldn't be such a fanboy. Guess not.
He's a fanboy because he stated the objective truth that the PS4 is more powerful and has had superior quality multiplatform titles? I don't see what is "fanboy" about that.

Aren't install sizes the same whether it's physical or digital?
That's dumb, so the disc is simply for resale value then?

I would understand it being the same size if I choose to download the game on to the system for faster loading but I'd rather opt out on that to save HD space. It's really not an option with this game? Bummer.

Oh nvm just read Donut2922's response.


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That's dumb, so the disc is simply for resale value then?

I would understand it being the same size if I choose to download the game on to the system for faster loading but I'd rather opt out on that to save HD space. It's really not an option with this game? Bummer.

Oh nvm just read Donut2922's response.

From my understanding, it's not going to be an option anymore on any games on either platform going forward. Every game is going to require installation of the disc to the hard drive.

I find it funny when people default to "you're posting bad things about my console of choice? I guess its because your console of choice has no games!"
Using that dumb logic does that mean you only have time to post and defend your console of choice because it too has no games?
Its a fallacy.

Actually, it means I only have time to read the threads I have interest in, and don't bother wasting my time with others. I never post in any of the Steam threads, or 3DS threads, and rarely post in the PS threads ( and I happen to own a PS3)

Care to explain why so many PS guys come into Xbox threads and try to start arguments? Since my logic is so 'dumb'.
I find it hard to believe that only 18% of players finished the Black Ops campaign.
What are they doing, only checking for the Veteran acheivement? That just doesn't seem right.

I don't like the fact that Titanfall is MP only either, and if it wasn't for Best Buy's GCU discount, I'd probably wait for a price drop too.
MP only would get boring after a while. Thats why games like Halo are great, with MP, campaign, Spartan Ops and Forge all in one package.
It's hard to believe because the stat quoted is intentionally misleading. Several key points:

1. It was taken a year from Black Ops 1 launch (i.e. around the time of MW3 launch in 2011). Even within the article they admitted with multiple reference points that the older the game, the higher the campaign completion percentage, with MW2 at that time over 50%. If you look at the current PS3 trophy rarity of Black Ops 1 "Stand Down" (complete the campaign on any difficulty) several years later, it has increased to 54%. So even if people don't complete the campaign right away, eventually the majority do. It's part of a game's perceived value, and therefore certainly affects some peoples' purchasing decisions.

2. The methodology of the statistic is skewed, self-selected towards multiplayer over single player due to the online factor. Note that over a third of all 360 consoles have never connected to the internet. There are literally millions of people with non-internet-connected consoles that still purchase Call of Duty or other shooters. If they can't play the online multiplayer, obviously that means they are buying them strictly for the single player campaign (or other offline modes like Zombies). And of course, none of these types of players can be represented in the statistic in question because you need to connect to the internet to have your trophies/achievements be visible to other people. As a corollary, those that ARE connected to the internet are more likely to be paying for services like XBLG, and therefore more likely to be focused on online multiplayer to justify their subscription. So on the one hand that statistic is diminishing representation of those that would be more likely to complete the campaign, and on the other artificially boosting representation of those that would be less likely to complete the campaign.

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I find it funny when people default to "you're posting bad things about my console of choice? I guess its because your console of choice has no games!"

Using that dumb logic does that mean you only have time to post and defend your console of choice because it too has no games?

Its a fallacy.
I find it funny how you said you weren't a fanboy in one thread but you're still here bashing the system.

I find it funny how you said you weren't a fanboy in one thread but you're still here bashing the system.
Could you please quote anywhere in this thread were I have bashed the xbox one and/or Titanfall? I think you have me confused with someone else? Wouldn't be the first time some one has.

You've accused me twice now of "fanboying" for sony but have given no evidence of me doing so.
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Will Titanfall run 720p on the Xbox 360?

On Xbox Live will the people that own the 360 version of the game battle people who own the Xbox One version?

I think something to clarify with the console debate is that some folks actually own both current gen systems.  I own both the 360 and PS3 and even I think both next gen systems are not worth the price of entry at this point.  Although I personally plan to own a PS4 before a Xbone, it isn't a fanboy attack when I feel like the Titanfall bundle is a slap in the face to the early adopters.  Regardless, this game will do well and be a system seller.  As to how much remains to be seen.  Excellent points made by phoenixlau. 
The longer it takes for this game to come out, the more people become aware that this is only a multiplayer game.  Don't underestimate the ignorance of the masses.  Just a couple of months ago, a couple of parents in a line in front of me were asking a Gamestop employee whether the Xbone let's you play used games.  Incredible. 
It's a smart move to advertise it as an Xbone game but I'm more than content with playing the 360 version that I preordered at Best Buy (GCU and $10 RZ is still the best deal out there) as I'd bet the port between systems won't be that big of a difference.
Never understood why if you don't like one system you are automatically a fanboy. Same with the logic of you hate this game because you suck argument.
Price cut already in the news. Gawdammm this thing is tanking. Just shows you what happens when a company pushes the same product as its competitor for more money as well as adding a bunch of garbage to it (to raise the price no matter what MS claims otherwise). People want this thing to play GAMES, not watch TV or make pancakes for them or spy on them. Serves them right for the One to fail so far, I'm glad they're hurting. We all knew it was doing bad but a price cut not even 6 months later that is bad. Good news for me though since I intend to get one way down the road, hopefully without the Kinect or the other garabage, If my friends all weren't One users I would have madwe the switch to PS4 eventually but alas they are still with MS.

Price cut already in the news. Gawdammm this thing is tanking. Just shows you what happens when a company pushes the same product as its competitor for more money as well as adding a bunch of garbage to it (to raise the price no matter what MS claims otherwise). People want this thing to play GAMES, not watch TV or make pancakes for them or spy on them. Serves them right for the One to fail so far, I'm glad they're hurting. We all knew it was doing bad but a price cut not even 6 months later that is bad. Good news for me though since I intend to get one way down the road, hopefully without the Kinect or the other garabage, If my friends all weren't One users I would have madwe the switch to PS4 eventually but alas they are still with MS.
Lord. It's not tanking. Performing better than 360, and has sold about the same amount as Sony in the US (and that's with a $100 difference in price). They obviously realize they're not doing as well as they could be and that, inevitably, Sony can really get away from them in the sales race. Having foresight isn't a slap to early adopters. Would you people rather they do nothing like the House of Luigi ?!

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People want this thing to play GAMES, not watch TV or make pancakes for them or spy on them.
I LOVE the media/tv/voice features. I wanted something more than just better graphics for the new gen and I got it. And if the One made pancakes I'd never leave the house. I'm sure the syrup dispenser attachment would've been sold seperately though lol. The One isnt doing as bad as you think it is.

bread's done