Humble Bundle Thread

Wanting your money going to the devs -- you want to support future games from the dev.

Wanting your money going to charities -- wanting to support a certain cause / do-good.

Wanting your money going to Humble Bundle -- ??? (support vulture capitol?  ...seriously, the sheepies send enough $$$ to HB though the default 15% HB cut.)

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Wanting your money going to the devs -- you want to support future games from the dev.

Wanting your money going to charities -- wanting to support a certain cause / do-good.

Wanting your money going to Humble Bundle -- ??? (support vulture capitol? ...seriously, the sheepies send enough $$$ to HB though the default 15% HB cut.)
Eh, I'm one of 'em. I rarely mess with those sliders or



or these


I just hit the all charity option, screw the HB idiots. I can't tell you how many 3rd world kids owe their lives to me because of my dozen or so 1 dollar gifts.

I just hit the all charity option, screw the HB idiots. I can't tell you how many 3rd world kids owe their lives to me because of my dozen or so 1 dollar gifts.
Have you ever considered how many you could help if you could fund your rescue efforts with their fruits of their labor?

I haven't donated a humble tip in ages for my own reasons (I almost always just give everything to EFF when the option is available), but all this talk about Humble's business practices is definitely extra incentive.

Please no.

EDIT: Hey, has anybody actually played this Mark Ecko thing that was released for consoles decades ago IIRC? Is it something I'd actually want to play? People seemed oddly excited about it being on sale the other day.
Yeah, I played it on PS2 and still have the super deluxe edition with the grafitti marker and note pad. It's a fun game and the grafitti element is different so it is enjoyable.

I'm glad to see things have changed. I remember years ago there were reports coming out regularly about big charities throwing donated money around and it never reaching the needy. I distinctly remember the Red Cross coming under fire for donations for hurricane Katrina victims that never reached them. DIdn't they have an issue with the money received for 9/11 too? Perhaps they learned from those incidents. I have specifically avoided donating to the Red Cross because of those stories.
That's the main reason I don't donate to Red Cross. They royally fucked up their response to Katrina, which would be fine if they weren't actively asking for money to help with that crisis. I tried to help with some charities but all they wanted me to do is clean up dog shit and try to convince someone to pay like $600 to rescue a dog so I said fuck that shit. Dogs are way too expensive in Seattle. I can get them free in Texas and for like $100 or less from the Humane Society.

I find this interesting:

PopCap Humble Bundle - Group 1

PopCap Humble Bundle - Group 2

Sega - Group 1

Sega - Group 2

I'd say there's good chance :)

Edit: Might be Sega just trolling us :(

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I find this interesting:

PopCap Humble Bundle - Group 1

PopCap Humble Bundle - Group 2

Sega - Group 1

Sega - Group 2

I'd say there's good chance :)

Edit: Might be Sega just trolling us :(
If it's anything like popcap, we can expect the Sega humble in a year or two from now :D

Devolver Digital has other games they could've added if they were going to make it $10. Dump this VHX crap and add like 6-8 more non-repeat games and I'd consider buying it.

EDIT: Ok, maybe I overexaggerated, many of their games have been bundled before so they don't have a lot left that hasn't been bundled, but they could've at least added the new Shadow Warrior and Foul Play.


Reported for using the c-word. ;)
what about your gratuitous use of the c-word in the other thread ;)

Besides, what's Humble going to do with getting 100% as a 'tip'? Hire more people? Hookers and blow in San Francisco? Give more donations to Tim Schafer?
at least I'm upfront about where the money for my charity goes to.


Eh, I'm one of 'em. I rarely mess with those sliders or



or these

still pissed they cancelled that show.

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Does anyone not own all the stuff from the Sega bundle registry entries? All I'd be missing is Typing of the Dead which would probably be cheaper by itself (if it's a HB Weekly).

PS: Don't answer if you're Mooby.

Does anyone not own all the stuff from the Sega bundle registry entries? All I'd be missing is Typing of the Dead which would probably be cheaper by itself (if it's a HB Weekly).

PS: Don't answer if you're Mooby.
Yep, same here! The only thing im missing from the 1$ tier is the Sega Genesis games but those are useless because its only a part of the collection and I want the complete one.

Yep, same here! The only thing im missing from the 1$ tier is the Sega Genesis games but those are useless because its only a part of the collection and I want the complete one.
Well I've got some good news for you. There are far better genesis emulators out there than the one Steam uses.

Popcap is the first combined single-tier key since Humble started linking Steam accounts and click-to-redeem, right?  Hopefully it won't make a comeback.

Does anyone not own all the stuff from the Sega bundle registry entries? All I'd be missing is Typing of the Dead which would probably be cheaper by itself (if it's a HB Weekly).

PS: Don't answer if you're Mooby.
I only own Company of Heroes and Hell Yeah. I'm not one of those suckers who panicked and bought Alpha Protocol at $2. 3 years later and who's laughing now about that game everyone else has played, possibly multiple times, and enjoyed?

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Popcap is the first combined single-tier key since Humble started linking Steam accounts and click-to-redeem, right? Hopefully it won't make a comeback.
FWIW it was added to the Steam registry a long ass time ago but for whatever unknown reason they kept running other weekly bundles instead until now.

FWIW it was added to the Steam registry a long ass time ago but for whatever unknown reason they kept running other weekly bundles instead until now.
Yeah. I thought I had seen that the combined keys wouldn't work with the new redemption system, but maybe I made that up (and apparently it already happened with Codemasters). Maybe it was just that they were moving away from the tier keys because it leaked the bundles at SteamDB.

Either way, pour one out for Peggle standard, who vanished into the night. It didn't have to be this way!

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No one liked tier keys (except maybe devs).  They take time to setup and they risk an advance leak (certainly not good for the devs).

There has been a bigger change at HB since the decline of combined-keys.... Humble is Bundling at a much faster rate than they used to.  Back in the old days there was literally *months* between Humble Bundles.

Hmmmm...... new PvZ table for Pinball FX2 releases this week on Steam. Seems like it'd be a good week to drop that long-awaited Popcap bundle on us for the weekly. After a number of middling weeklies, it'd be nice to see something that hasn't been bundled. Here's hoping.

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I bought the Humble Devolver $1 bundle and sold the cards for Duke Nukem and Shadow Warrior for $1.05

Which was nice.

So I got paid 5c to play two great classic games and watch some movies.

Looking at the movies though, I should ask them for more money  :nottalking:

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=D Nice reference. (The TV Show)
It's a bit scary to me and I think a sign of some sort of mental disorder but whenever I hear anyone say the word "sliders," I automatically hear in my head the whispered word "sliders" that was used in the lead-in for that show.

Damn. This post needs a Sarah McLaughlin OST.
Um, it's McLachlan. And yes I do listen to her music.

still pissed they cancelled that show.
I lost track of the show somewhere between the third and fourth seasons, not long after there were some cast changes (I think they got rid of the original chick and replaced her with Kari Wuhrer) and I think some off-the-wall premise changes. I did like the initial concept.

I put it 100% to the Melanoma one. :razz: (Personal reasons.)
You are looking a little pale in your picture.

Does anyone not own all the stuff from the Sega bundle registry entries? All I'd be missing is Typing of the Dead which would probably be cheaper by itself (if it's a HB Weekly).

PS: Don't answer if you're Mooby.
I want that bundle but... some of the the games have DLC (Medieval II Total War has an expansion; Binary Domain and Hell Yeah! have DLC packs.)

It's still a decent buy if you're into strategy and older Genesis games.

Well I've got some good news for you. There are far better genesis emulators out there than the one Steam uses.
Yeah... I want the Genesis packs so I can say "I paid for my license for these games, so I'll play them in a much better emulator."

The games in the collection are encrypted, oddly enough.

Popcap is the first combined single-tier key since Humble started linking Steam accounts and click-to-redeem, right? Hopefully it won't make a comeback.
The fact that the Sega games have single entries on SteamDB means they're all linked under one key. When HB uses individual keys we don't get a sign because there isn't special activity on the DB. We have that sign with Sega, so 1key/teir is coming.

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It's a bit scary to me and I think a sign of some sort of mental disorder but whenever I hear anyone say the word "sliders," I automatically hear in my head the whispered word "sliders" that was used in the lead-in for that show.

I lost track of the show somewhere between the third and fourth seasons, not long after there were some cast changes (I think they got rid of the original chick and replaced her with Kari Wuhrer) and I think some off-the-wall premise changes. I did like the initial concept.
Now I'm gonna have to find a way to watch this show again. Me and my sisters watched it growing up, and loved it.

It's a bit scary to me and I think a sign of some sort of mental disorder but whenever I hear anyone say the word "sliders," I automatically hear in my head the whispered word "sliders" that was used in the lead-in for that show.

Um, it's McLachlan. And yes I do listen to her music.

I lost track of the show somewhere between the third and fourth seasons, not long after there were some cast changes (I think they got rid of the original chick and replaced her with Kari Wuhrer) and I think some off-the-wall premise changes. I did like the initial concept.

You are looking a little pale in your picture.

Now I'm gonna have to find a way to watch this show again. Me and my sisters watched it growing up, and loved it.
it airs Mondays at 2:00 AM CST on Hub. :)

they just started season 1 a few weeks ago though, so you might have to wait till next year for the premiere to re-air. :D

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it airs Mondays at 2:00 AM CST on Hub. :)

they just started season 1 a few weeks ago though, so you might have to wait till next year for the premiere to re-air. :D
i may have to wait until i decide to get cable, as well

or until netflix gets their shit together and stops Sliding


Also, full disclosure, when I say loved it, I mean loved it. We were all between the ages of like, 3-10 when it first aired, and made a bunch of custom gadgets and shit out of cardboard and tin foil and pretended we were in Sliders. I was Quinn, my older sister was Wade, and my younger sister was Rembrandt. Nobody wanted to be the crotchety old professor, though, so we just pretended he got captured or something whenever we played.

Edit: Ironically, around the time when
the professor died
was when the quality of the show started to degrade

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bread's done