AMC's The Walking Dead - S3 2nd half starts 02/10/13 9PM ET

Ok start to the second half of the season.  A bit disappointed that they didn't just leave Judith as dead to be more like the comics.  Baby's are annoying as shit on shows anyway.

Nice that Carol is back so quickly, and that they paired her up with Tyrese already.  Will be interesting to see how he reacts when he eventually finds out she was the one that killed his lover and the other dude when they were sick.

Nice to see Abraham and crew as well.  With him showing up, and them showing definitively that the governor is dead, I guess they'll go with the Negan story line from the comics.

Ok start to the second half of the season. A bit disappointed that they didn't just leave Judith as dead to be more like the comics. Baby's are annoying as shit on shows anyway.

Nice that Carol is back so quickly, and that they paired her up with Tyrese already. Will be interesting to see how he reacts when he eventually finds out she was the one that killed his lover and the other dude when they were sick.

Nice to see Abraham and crew as well. With him showing up, and them showing definitively that the governor is dead, I guess they'll go with the Negan story line from the comics.
To be fair, the way the comics dealt with "how could you have a baby during the zombie apocalypse?" was the easy way out. My guess is Kirkman wanted to see "what if that didn't happen" with the show...and it's going to show how incredibly difficult it is. I definitely don't want the baby to be the featured part of this half of the season (almost like the "where's Carl?" obnoxiousness from season one). But in small doses and as a reminder of how challenging some of the most natural and basic things have become, I can see the value in it.

What a stupid cocktease!  They know what caused the outbreak but they can't tell you......WTF???!?!?  I was so excited that we were finally getting an update to what the fuck happened but instead we get "It's classified" bullshit.  Seriously??!??!?!?!?!  

I seriously doubt that Abraham and company are telling the truth........ I honestly think they are a variant of the Cannibals driving up and down that road picking up people and then eating them.   I am going to be soooo pissed if at the end of the season I am right about it.

You know what I find would think that Abraham would TRAIN Eugene on how to fire a gun and kill a zombie.  What's the point of having a scientist who can't fucking defend himself and screws up by destroying your only means of transportation?

You know what I find would think that Abraham would TRAIN Eugene on how to fire a gun and kill a zombie. What's the point of having a scientist who can't fucking defend himself and screws up by destroying your only means of transportation?
Eugene was a useless fuck up in the book. It appears they're mirroring that. As far as Rosita, she better do something other than bending over in those short shorts next episode or this show has just lost a lot of credibility. Don't get me wrong, it was a sight to behold, but really? Pandering eye-candy now?

I was totally expecting a troll with only the scientist knowing how the zombie apocalypse occurred and then he dies without telling anybody

As for Eugene in the book:

He's been redeeming himself and is an extremely useful factor on the war with Negan. Plus he's been cozening it up with Rosita. Not bad.

And Rosita:

She doesn't do much in the comics either and has always had more of a background role. She can bend over all she wants, I'm not expecting much out of her besides eye candy.

Oh so she is now the Seven of Nine of this show?   Yeah that would be really fucked up if the guy got himself killed by a zombie. 

Like I said before , Dr. Jenner should have given Rick a flash drive/hard drive containing vital medical data from the CDC about the walkers and meeting up with Eugene and giving him the information would be helpful in some way, but oh well.

It's hard to comment on the Eugene situation without spoiling things, especially if they follow the book with how things play out.
Yes, in the books he has redeemed himself, even more so in the latest issue.  But you can't deny that in the beginning he was a worthless piece of shit.

As far as Rosita, I know she's been playing a background role, but that they felt to use her to pander sex appeal really says something.  The thing that comes to mind when she bent over, ass to the camera, was this (the first 30 seconds or so):

Tacky, especially for a show that wants to be taken semi-seriously.

Apparently from one of the Talking Dead Episodes.

Negan is still a far ways off.

I can't wait for Ezekiel and hope he is appearing soon.
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I've been really enjoying these last few episodes.

What a stupid cocktease! They know what caused the outbreak but they can't tell you......WTF???!?!? I was so excited that we were finally getting an update to what the fuck happened but instead we get "It's classified" bullshit. Seriously??!??!?!?!?!

I seriously doubt that Abraham and company are telling the truth........ I honestly think they are a variant of the Cannibals driving up and down that road picking up people and then eating them. I am going to be soooo pissed if at the end of the season I am right about it.
The scientist just claims to know what it is. But you got to bring your hopes down a little bit. I don't expect or think we'll get a world update or the solution to the zombie outbreak until they are ready to end the show.

You know what I find would think that Abraham would TRAIN Eugene on how to fire a gun and kill a zombie. What's the point of having a scientist who can't fucking defend himself and screws up by destroying your only means of transportation?
The weirdo scientist shooting up the truck shouldn't be strange, the strange part is that one guy that was sitting on the toilet fully dressed. Besides, got to have some drama in this, ITDEFX. It wouldn't be fun if everything went right and everyone always did the most logical thing.

Eugene was a useless fuck up in the book. It appears they're mirroring that. As far as Rosita, she better do something other than bending over in those short shorts next episode or this show has just lost a lot of credibility. Don't get me wrong, it was a sight to behold, but really? Pandering eye-candy now?
Keep doing what your doing Rosita :booty:

I think they better plan on killing off some people pretty soon. Aside from Herschel, the main group hasn't suffered many setbacks as of late.

Maybe they will get rid of Abraham, Eugene and Booty Shorts pretty quickly. I could see everything with them coming to a head at the finale instead of dragging out everyone spending a season trying to figure out something about going to Washington DC.

In the comics I always found those guys to be pretty boring and unimportant. Things might change currently in the comic though.

Maybe they will find the priest. I forget about him since he does pretty much nothing in the comic.

When watching the episode my girlfriend commented on the Rosita's Lara Croft outfit being perfect for the apocalypse.

Will the ninja Zombies ever foil our heroes plans? Find out next time on The Moonshining Dead:


And im not the only one who thought that shit said " I'm Rich Bitch"

Daryl = Balrog "i got paid!"

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Will the ninja Zombies ever foil our heroes plans? Find out next time on The Moonshining Dead:


And im not the only one who thought that shit said " I'm Rich Bitch"

Daryl = Balrog "i got paid!"
This is my favorite post.

When watching the episode my girlfriend commented on the Rosita's Lara Croft outfit being perfect for the apocalypse.
Haha, my fiancee was ripping on her clothing options for being bite-bait.

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This episode didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. I mean, Beth was kind of annoying but whatever. The character development and #feels made it worth it. The whole divided group thing is already starting to get a little old, though. I'm glad to see we'll at least be featuring more than one of the factions next week.

This episode didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. I mean, Beth was kind of annoying but whatever. The character development and #feels made it worth it. The whole divided group thing is already starting to get a little old, though. I'm glad to see we'll at least be featuring more than one of the factions next week.
Yeah, not a bad episode, but Beth laughing every five seconds made me want to reach into the TV and choke a bitch.

Glad I didn't stay home to watch this (went out to see Non-stop).  Came home, watched the DVR playback.  All I can say is why the fuck didn't Dale Daryl just screw her or kill her already?!?!?

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Is it me or does it feel like all these episodes are a filler until season 5?  I am starting to lose interest and if things don't get real next episode I might just bolt.

Is it me or does it feel like all these episodes are a filler until season 5? I am starting to lose interest and if things don't get real next episode I might just bolt.
Yeah pretty much. This season will just be a set-up for next season

I guess I don't mind last episode so much but I did mind that it was just Daryl and Beth. They could have done everything they did in that episode in far less time and then checked in with other members. At least that way we'd still have some false hope of something major happening before the end of the season.

So next episode is Tyrese and Carol... that leaves 2 episodes for them to do something besides having every group see the Terminus sign and deciding what to do.

bread's done