Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

Yeah, I was afraid of that. It makes me wonder if I should wait to see if a better deal than free CoD Ghosts will come along at best buy in the next month before the movers coupon expires. Either that or I'll have a very pretty box to look at for the weekend.
Another World 20th Anniversary Edition review - Only $7.99 and easy Achievements!

Yeah, I was afraid of that. It makes me wonder if I should wait to see if a better deal than free CoD Ghosts will come along at best buy in the next month before the movers coupon expires. Either that or I'll have a very pretty box to look at for the weekend.
Better to get in on the deal than not get it! You can always return it unopened if something better comes along before your internet is on.

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Guacamelee and Battleblock Theater are excellent games. Max was already offered last month so that's bullshit.  

EDIT: Never mind, we only get one free X1 game a month.


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So Microsoft staggering releases every 2 months was to give the perception of 2 free games a month to look like they were competing with Sony's offering?  Sneaky and pathetic, goddamn Microsoft when will you just shoot straight with your customers?

why don't you just sell your Xbox dude all you do is bitch and moan. They don't have to give you anything. Some people are just giant crybabies.
Or maybe in your case you are just a sheep and if Microsoft shovels you shit and tells you to eat it you just gobble it up and ask for more. Why don't you expect more than what the competition is giving especially when they charge more for the service? And why do you think it's okay for them to continue these deceptive practices? Because you're a fan of Halo? smh

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GwG and PS+ are both hit and miss.. but PS+ has been killing GwG lately - even before PS+ included Tomb Raider and Bioshock Infinite.

Granted, I have Gold to play on Live, so anything is a bonus. But some bonuses are better than others.

Still, I hate that I picked up Stryder on sale last week, with it being part of PS+ next month. (Reiterating the lesson to not actually buy things, as they'll be included eventually in one program or the other.) Imposters was on PS+ last year, too.

Shame the games often overlap the way they do, but Sony and MS don't exactly share notes on what to bring to the potluck.

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One could argue that MS just doesn't get it and that's okay. GwG was a reactionary response to PS+. Not really their baby so they don't care/understand the motivation behind it. That said, GwG is still a nice perk for XBL owners. What bothers me is the sense of entitlement that exists among some of us who act as though we are owed something.  The truth is that PS+ and XBL have become mandatory this generation. One of the most anticipated games so far this gen, Destiny, is online only. They are finally providing us with compelling content (ie games) to entice us to pay for the services (XBL and PS+).

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I was initially a bit disappointed with only one game but I'm glad we're getting any games for free on xbox live. They didn't have to create free games and people would have still bought xbl time regardless. PSN plus is definitely better, but again, at least we have something for what we already pay for. I try to pay about $30-$35 max for 12 months. The 3 games we got already pays that off for me.
What bothers me is the sense of entitlement that exists among some of us who act as though we are owed something.
It's not entitlement when the company sets those expectations. Launching with 2 games when the competition announced they will be offering 2 games a month and then not as much as a peep when everything from gaming news to gaming forums is saying the services are now the same is allowing people to have those expectations. So I don't feel it's entitlement to have expected 2 games a month.

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I was under the impression it was 2 games, as xbox 360 has been getting 2. Doesn't sometimes psn plus for ps4 only get 1? Either way, my statement above holds true. However, I'd also like them to clarify what's to be expected. If it's mixed, that's fine. Just be nice to know I suppose.
It's not entitlement when the company sets those expectations. Launching with 2 games when the competition announced they will be offering 2 games a month and then not as much as a peep when everything from gaming news to gaming forums is saying the services are now the same is allowing people to have those expectations. So I don't feel it's entitlement to have expected 2 games a month.
Prior to last month GwG was not offered for X1. So unless you joined XBL last month, you don't have any grounds to stand on. I am not going to defend MS and their policies. Placing the terms of GwG in the fine print is bs and I say this as a lawyer but this goes back to my original point. They don't understand what PS+ really stands for and why people appreciate it.

EDIT: My entitlement statement also extends to all the folks complaining non stop about the PS+ offerings.

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[quote name="RiPPn" post="11874607" timestamp="1403811731"]So Microsoft staggering releases every 2 months was to give the perception of 2 free games a month to look like they were competing with Sony's offering? Sneaky and pathetic, goddamn Microsoft when will you just shoot straight with your customers?[/quote]
I don't think you know what staggering means. They had two games last month and one this month. That's a release two months in a row. 360 has also had releases every month. As far as the two games, they said up front that it would be two games to kick off then go to one game a month. Could they have corrected it when press got it wrong? Sure. But maybe you should be passed at "journalists" for getting their article out for clicks rather than doing a little fact checking.
Meh to the 360 stuff. I have Gotham City Impostors from PS+ (from years ago) and I'm not sure what Battleblock Theater is.

However, Guacamelee was one of my favorite downloadable games ever. I think I paid $5 for it with Plus, but it's easily worth so much more. I wasn't paying full price for the new version, so this is a great surprise and I will certainly put a lot of hours into that game.
I don't think you know what staggering means. They had two games last month and one this month. That's a release two months in a row. 360 has also had releases every month. As far as the two games, they said up front that it would be two games to kick off then go to one game a month. Could they have corrected it when press got it wrong? Sure. But maybe you should be passed at "journalists" for getting their article out for clicks rather than doing a little fact checking.
Staggering means Max goes from June-July, Guacamelee goes from July-Aug, unannounced title goes from Aug-Sep always giving the appearance of 2 free games a month. However if max was just a 1 off and they give 1 game a month and it is only available for 1 month then that is different, but nobody seems to know for sure exactly how they are doing it.

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[quote name="RiPPn" post="11875058" timestamp="1403821276"]Staggering means Max goes from June-July, Guacamelee goes from July-Aug, unannounced title goes from Aug-Sep always giving the appearance of 2 free games a month. However if max was just a 1 off and they give 1 game a month and it is only available for 1 month then that is different, but nobody seems to know for sure exactly how they are doing it.[/quote]
So you hate PS+ for the same reason? Because they rotate games out as well...
However if max was just a 1 off and they give 1 game a month and it is only available for 1 month then that is different, but nobody seems to know for sure exactly how they are doing it.
Even MS has no idea.. as someone mentioned, GwG is reactionary to PS+. Sony presently has a bit more going for it on the value-added realm. And that could change any month.

I love how some folks equate any criticism about either program with "entitlement", as if that were a legitimate response. Here's a fact: because paying $40/yr now includes GwG (or games on PS+), that means we're "entitled" to have an opinion because we pay to be. If the service were absolutely free and they gave us a free game here and there, then there would still be beefing, but it wouldn't have any financial basis or promise attached.

If we don't speak up, we continue getting (recycled) crap. Same as any relationship - if you keep taking shit, you're gonna keep getting it.

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unlike ps4 x1 don't have that strong of arcade/indie games to give for free so yeah to say ps plus for ps4 is any better is just fooling your self. The best value for free games from both companys will be ps3/360 for awhile.

the games are free for paying to play online stop crying and just enjoy the free content we get every month.

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i dunno, when people started to think its ok to not have an opinion on something you pay for.

Its a package. You pay these subs for Game Discounts, Free Games and Online service. Just because you might personally only pay for it for 1 or 2 things and the other 1 or 2 things are just a bonus to you doesnt mean you don't pay for it.

the games are free for paying to play online
Sorry but this is no longer the case, the free games are a staple of both services now, and anyone paying for either service has every right to complain if it's not meeting their needs and expectations contrary to what several sheep seem to suggest.

looks like 360/x1 will be getting destiny beta late july about a week or so after sony systems
I believe it was announced that it's only 4 days later, so not bad if you're stuck playing it on the Xbox One

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Sorry but this is no longer the case, the free games are a staple of both services now, and anyone paying for either service has every right to complain if it's not meeting their needs and expectations contrary to what several sheep seem to suggest.
i agree they do have the right to complain but with system's just launching even more so with x1 microsoft don't have much to pick from for the free games. You can't give launch titles this early maybe come fall i would guess we start seeing retail games for free on ps4 and x1. Until them we are stuck with small slection of indie/arcade games.

i agree they do have the right to complain but with system's just launching even more so with x1 microsoft don't have much to pick from for the free games. You can't give launch titles this early maybe come fall i would guess we start seeing retail games for free on ps4 and x1. Until them we are stuck with small slection of indie/arcade games.
This isn't necessarily aimed at you, but I find it funny that on one hand people say the PS4 has no games and the Xbox One has the best library, but then these same people are trying to give Microsoft a pass on their inferior GwG offerings because they don't have the library the PS4 has.

both systems at this point has weak game lineup it looked great on paper but alot of the games turned out to be not so great.
How is it, then, that PS+ managed to land Strider, but GwG didn't? Why Max another month?

I would have tap danced if Child of Light or Strike Suit Zero had made the cut. Even though I already own Peggle 2, that would have been something respectable.. a few falap-ball changes for that one.

I'm glad to see the internet (elsewhere) is not particularly happy with MS's offerings this month. And the growing realization that GwG is now part of our paid subscription; especially on XB1, these games are no more "free" than the shows we watch on Netflix.

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^ there is a game FREE on RELEASE DATE. How can people be complaining. Jesus Christ.
Because entitlement. Also most of the people complaining are the Sony squad who complain at every opportunity. Rippn had really been reining it in until recently though. He is also flipping out in the XBLA thread, which is funny but sad to see.

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I love how my complaints are only because Sony is my preferred console and has absolutely nothing to do with the actual issue at hand. smh  Or maybe I'm pissed because I was deceived and reupped Gold for a year for the first time since 2009 based on Microsoft's continued deception and poor communication.  And don't act like you all knew it was 1 game on the Xbox One, everyone was talking about how they matched PS+ and were guessing what "two" games would be coming next month.  There are several other people in the thread not pleased who have nothing to do with the Sony threads so nice attempt at a deflection.  Why don't you browse the web a little and you will see plenty of pissed off people.  However it is funny that it is only the Microsoft fanboys that are the ones trying to justify this and continue to throw around the word "entitled."  And for the record I would be just as pissed at Sony if they pulled this sleazy BS.

Also note: Guacamelee is not a new title, it's been out since last year on PC and PlayStation.  That would be like playstation fans acting like PvZ Garden Warfare was a brand new title when it comes out on PS4 in August.

I love how my complaints are only because Sony is my preferred console and has absolutely nothing to do with the actual issue at hand. smh Or maybe I'm pissed because I was deceived and reupped Gold for a year for the first time since 2009 based on Microsoft's continued deception and poor communication. And don't act like you all knew it was 1 game on the Xbox One, everyone was talking about how they matched PS+ and were guessing what "two" games would be coming next month. There are several other people in the thread not pleased who have nothing to do with the Sony threads so nice attempt at a deflection. Why don't you browse the web a little and you will see plenty of pissed off people. However it is funny that it is only the Microsoft fanboys that are the ones trying to justify this and continue to throw around the word "entitled." And for the record I would be just as pissed at Sony if they pulled this sleazy BS.

Also note: Guacamelee is not a new title, it's been out since last year on PC and PlayStation. That would be like playstation fans acting like PvZ Garden Warfare was a brand new title when it comes out on PS4 in August.
People get too defensive about the use of the word entitlement but in this instance it fits the bill to a T. IMO, It would helpful if we all came to an understanding as to what we are paying for. We agree to pay for a service (XBL and PS+) which is "necessary" for online play along with this service we are offered the promise of discounts and "free" games. However, we have no actual knowledge of what goods we are getting in return. The only promise Sony/MS ever made to us in return for our money was that we would be given "free" game(s) and discounts but we have no input over what or how many games we are being offered. So, to then complain about the quality of the games sounds like entitlement. There is a key difference between stating your opinion about the service vs demanding better games. The good news is that this problem can be easily remedied by choosing with your wallet and opting not to pay for a service that is not to your liking.

P.S. As I've stated ad nauseam in this thread, I agree that hiding the terms of GwG in the fine print is total BS.

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[quote name="RiPPn" post="11876382" timestamp="1403861237"]I love how my complaints are only because Sony is my preferred console and has absolutely nothing to do with the actual issue at hand. smh Or maybe I'm pissed because I was deceived and reupped Gold for a year for the first time since 2009 based on Microsoft's continued deception and poor communication. And don't act like you all knew it was 1 game on the Xbox One, everyone was talking about how they matched PS+ and were guessing what "two" games would be coming next month. There are several other people in the thread not pleased who have nothing to do with the Sony threads so nice attempt at a deflection. Why don't you browse the web a little and you will see plenty of pissed off people. However it is funny that it is only the Microsoft fanboys that are the ones trying to justify this and continue to throw around the word "entitled." And for the record I would be just as pissed at Sony if they pulled this sleazy BS.

Also note: Guacamelee is not a new title, it's been out since last year on PC and PlayStation. That would be like playstation fans acting like PvZ Garden Warfare was a brand new title when it comes out on PS4 in August.[/quote]
Sony does pull the same thing. You just don't bitch about it. They rotate games out in the same fashion. As for one game a month, it was in the tos as well pointed out in this very thread I believe a few weeks back.
I'm not saying Microsoft shouldn't have been more clear, but you make it sound like they are the only ones to do that which makes your bias blatantly obvious.
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Sony does pull the same thing. You just don't bitch about it. They rotate games out in the same fashion. As for one game a month, it was in the tos as well pointed out in this very thread I believe a few weeks back. I'm not saying Microsoft shouldn't have been more clear, but you make it sound like they are the only ones to do that which makes your bias blatantly obvious.
No, no they don't, he is mad because honestly we were promised a certain number of new games each month by Sony, they have never carried over a new game to a second month(evergreen titles just being year long extras that didn't count as the 6 or 7 titles. He is complaining that MS made people believe that they would get two Xbox 360 and 2 Xbox one games a month. Next month they are only giving three with Max carrying over. Everyone should have gotten Max already so it is not another game like promised.

Sony changed their free games true, but came out with a press release explaining how it will work and that we will be getting 6 games: 2 Vita, 2 PS3, and 2 PS4 from here on out. Not only that but they are allowing cross buy as well. Just go around the internet, people just want MS to explain games with Gold and stick to it. That is all really he is complaining about, not the choice of titles, but just transparency from MS.

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[quote name="bestkeeper14" post="11876733" timestamp="1403879931"]No, no they don't, he is mad because honestly we were promised a certain number of new games each month by Sony, they have never carried over a new game to a second month(evergreen titles just being year long extras that didn't count as the 6 or 7 titles. He is complaining that MS made people believe that they would get two Xbox 360 and 2 Xbox one games a month. Next month they are only giving three with Max carrying over. Everyone should have gotten Max already so it is not another game like promised.

Sony changed their free games true, but came out with a press release explaining how it will work and that we will be getting 6 games: 2 Vita, 2 PS3, and 2 PS4 from here on out. Not only that but they are allowing cross buy as well. Just go around the internet, people just want MS to explain games with Gold and stick to it. That is all really he is complaining about, not the choice of titles, but just transparency from MS.[/quote]
I always thought they rotated games out. At least prior to the PS4 additions. I couldn't exactly find it spelled out anywhere in their FAQ like you make it sound, but it could be out there.

Oh its about transparency? Well yeah Sony is totally transparent aren't they?...

Microsoft did say they were doing bonus games in June for the anniversary of Games With Gold. They did this on 360 as well. Did everybody assume we were getting three games on 360 all of a sudden? No.
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P.S. As I've stated ad nauseam in this thread, I agree that hiding the terms of GwG in the fine print is total BS.
I agree, and I apologise, but I feel some people still aren't understanding.

I always thought they rotated games out. At least prior to the PS4 additions. I couldn't exactly find it spelled out anywhere in their FAQ like you make it sound, but it could be out there. Oh its about transparency? Well yeah Sony is totally transparent aren't they?... Microsoft did say they were doing bonus games in June for the anniversary of Games With Gold. They did this on 360 as well. Did everybody assume we were getting three games on 360 all of a sudden? No.
Yes, Sony would let some games stay longer than a month, in fact some where there for a year, they were called "instant game collection," however never did these games have any effect on what was offered the following months, but I guess maybe that's where the confusion is coming from?

Here is the announcement from Xbox Wire back on 5/13/14, and I'll quote the specific part of the announcement pertaining to this conversation:

Free games with Games with Gold**. Since Games with Gold launched on Xbox 360 a year ago, over 12 million people have enjoyed great free games, resulting in nearly 200 million hours of free fun playing Games with Gold titles. We’ve been learning from your feedback and have focused on making improvements each month to the selection of titles. To celebrate the one-year anniversary of Games with Gold for Xbox 360 and as a thank you for helping shape this program, members will receive an additional free Xbox 360 game in June. The Games with Gold titles for Xbox 360 in June are “Dark Souls,” “Charlie Murder” and a bonus game of “Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition.” We’re pleased to bring Games with Gold to Xbox Live Gold members on Xbox One in June. Members will have subscription-based access to free games ranging from top hits to breaking indie stars. The program will launch on Xbox One with “Max: The Curse of Brotherhood” and “Halo: Spartan Assault.” A single Gold membership will get you access to the free games for both Xbox One and Xbox 360.
As you can see they were very specific and clear that you were getting a bonus game on the 360, nowhere is this verbiage used for the Xbox One Games with Gold. And when they have given 2 games a month on the 360 and the competition announced you will be getting 2 games a month per platform, granted it was after this press release that Sony made those changed, but at no time did Microsoft try to correct the messaging, it's no wonder everyone believed it was 2 games a month for the Xbox One, hence the anger and disappointment being expressed by many.

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I don't have an XB1 yet.  On the topic of XB1 free games, I know it's subscription based, but how exactly does it work?

If I have Gold, I get the games free.  -ok, got it


- Do I have to be online to play those games?  Even single player ones?  Seems like answer should be yes cuz how else would it know that I have Gold...

- I know we don't have access to those games if Gold expires.  Let's say I have Max for free now, I let my Gold expire in July, I renew in Sept.  I know I don't get the free games in July and August, but will I still be able to play Max which I got when I did have Gold?

I assume if you renew you'd get access to the free games you downloaded before once you renew. That's how it is with PS+ anyway.

Not sure about online status. I think you can play the PS+ ones offline as they list an expiration date that's the end of tie current subscription so they could just use that date to tell if you're paid up or not. Extend your sub and go online and they date updates. Less sure about GwG.
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