Steam Deals Thread V13 ~ Star Wars Empire at War $6.80 | The Legend of Korra $10.04 | Red Faction Guerrilla $2.99 |

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Summer sale has come and gone; welcome to the Steam Deals Thread V13!
Stop: Before you go any further be sure you are using Enhanced Steam. It will save you a lot of time and embarrassment in the future.
Daily Deal
Star Wars: Empire at War Gold Edition - $19.99 $6.80

Yesterday's Deal


Midweek Madness
The Legend of Korra - $14.99 $10.04

Red Faction - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction II - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction Armageddon - $19.99 $2.99
Red Faction Guerrilla - $19.99 $2.99 
Thanks to EastX, Detruire, Psydero, and everyone else that has contributed to the thread!

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I played the first 9 or so hours of Risen 2 and enjoyed it a lot.

Don't know why everyone shits on it so often.
I played the first hour or two and enjoyed the theme and charm but was a really indifferent to the controls. Tried both kb/m and controller and just wasn't feeling it. I'll get back to it someday, but it dropped pretty far down my list after my first encounter with it.

I played the first hour or two and enjoyed the theme and charm but was a really indifferent to the controls. Tried both kb/m and controller and just wasn't feeling it. I'll get back to it someday, but it dropped pretty far down my list after my first encounter with it.
Combat is admittedly so-so, and involves a lot of dodge-rolling around enemies, smacking them in the back, and repeating.

In that sense it was similar to Mars: War Logs, which I also enjoyed, though many others did not.

I played the first 9 or so hours of Risen 2 and enjoyed it a lot.

Don't know why everyone shits on it so often.
In many ways - other than themes + settings - you could say PB's been making the same game since Gothic 1. A very highly complex AI systems; AI's on a schedule; full-voiced acted RPG; and your decisions decide how things turn-out in the game-world and actually set the path for what type of class your Nameless Character is and you can decide what exact skills that you can take on.

I think one of the reasons gamers didn't care for Risen 2 was there were a few changes they just couldn't and wouldn't get used to. Unlocking of the camera + minor changes to the control scheme threw many WAY OFF. It had a learning curve and a bit, for people who've played Risen 1. It even took me time to get used to, myself. But, once I got used to it - I understood why they changed what they did - and was fine with it.

B/c of these changes in controls for combat for Risen 2 - you now had to basically hold right mouse button to strafe/move sideways. In Risen 1, the cam stayed locked - so strafing sideways was just a movement + motion; you didn't need to hold right-mouse.

But, the problem w/ Risen 1 was this (and earlier PB games, as well) - fighting multiple enemies was just not easy at all. Risen 2 fixed this - b/c w/ the unlocked cam and if you didn't hold right-mouse, you can swing from enemy-to-enemy from direction-to-direction w/ great ease...and actually battle multiple enemies!

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Oh my #@*!-&$ ^$+ guys Q*bert is on Steam!

And it gots cards! Yay!


Yes. Really!

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Anyone who thinks Risen 1 was bad is a momo.  Go ahead and remove yourself from my Steam Friend List, YOU HEAR ME!?!?!

So.... any reason to believe Risen 3 will be better / more polished than past Piranha Bytes games?

That studio has just never made the jump to full-on, must-play status. If you ask people for an opinion on their RPGs, the "Yes" answers seem to have a qualifier: "Well, its okay, I guess...if you're really looking for an RPG to play."

I'd love to see them make a truly great game.
Gothic 1 and Gothic 2 say hello.

I think the combat/controls are one of the weaker points to Risen 2 but pretty much all PB games are like that for me.

If you can stick with it (and keep the girl around on the first real area you go to as long as possible since she can fight with/for you too) then I think it's fun. It's lighthearted and campy, admitted not progressive in the area of women and it's kind of borderline racist, but if you can get past all that, I liked the whole pirate theme and atmosphere.

I liked the second one better than the first. The first is just so meh and bleh generic euro RPG to me. The second one for its faults at least has character.

Okay I better go remove myself from Mooby's friend's list now. Oh wait, I was never on it. :p

Nothing wrong with the controls in PB games... unless you have palsy.
Says the person who thinks everything that's not some musty ol' euro RPG emulating the good old days is trash.


Admittedly some people seem to like it, namely the euro anti Steam crowd and the codex/watch people, but I've read just as many if not more who don't care for their controls. I've always found them really stiff, rigid and wonky myself. But then again I actually like other games and have things to compare it to.

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Says the person who thinks everything that's not some musty ol' euro RPG emulating the good old days is trash.


Admittedly some people seem to like it, namely the euro anti Steam crowd and the codex/watch people, but I've read just as many if not more who don't care for their controls. I've always found them really stiff, rigid and wonky myself. But then again I actually like other games and have things to compare it to.
It's okay, just stick to Mass Effect.

I've never met anyone who liked Piranha Bytes controls that wasn't either some European who thinks Steam is ruining their life and really a secret program by the NSA to take their rights to boxed retail games away, some RPG Watch person who politely complains that everything not a western CRPG circa late 90s is terrible, some RPG Codex person who rudely complains that everything not a western CRPG circa late 90s is terrible, or some combination of the above.

It's like you have to be this oh noes the good old RPG days are gone and I'm wearing rose colored glasses for the couple of hold outs person or else you realize the controls suck.

Apparently Mass Effect is an insult now. Or something.


Just go play your Divinity RPG CODEX IS COOL SECRET CODE LOL version game.

I think the combat/controls are one of the weaker points to Risen 2 but pretty much all PB games are like that for me.

If you can stick with it (and keep the girl around on the first real area you go to as long as possible since she can fight with/for you too) then I think it's fun. It's lighthearted and campy, admitted not progressive in the area of women and it's kind of borderline racist, but if you can get past all that, I liked the whole pirate theme and atmosphere.

I liked the second one better than the first. The first is just so meh and bleh generic euro RPG to me. The second one for its faults at least has character.

Okay I better go remove myself from Mooby's friend's list now. Oh wait, I was never on it. :p
I thought Gothic 1 and Risen 1 were VERY similar in most things. The pirates stuff in Risen 1 - which was a lot of focus on the secondary plot + side quests - was the stuff that I really liked in that game and gave that series a bit of an identity; especially when compared to the usual Euro-RPG thing that PB normally does.

About Risen 2 - I really loved that they took on the whole pirates theme + atmosphere, full-fledged, since I think that was the stuff that gave Risen an identity.

Even though Risen 3 sounds like it'll go back to focus on the Titans stuff that was more prevalent in Risen 1 (given the Titans Lord sub-title for Risen 3), I still do hope there's a fair deal of pirate-y stuff going on in Risen 3.

Even though Risen 3 sounds like it'll go back to focus on the Titans stuff that was more prevalent in Risen 1 (given the Titans Lord sub-title for Risen 3), I still do hope there's a fair deal of pirate-y stuff going on in Risen 3.
It doesn't look like it from what I can tell. It seems like they are pandering to the old farty fans of the first game who whined very loudly about the second one being different.

I think I'll have to get my pirate themed B grade Euro RPG fix from Raven's Cry instead.

This is sorta old news and is super console peasanty, but to all you Sony fanboys:

Bungie explains why Destiny is not 60FPS on the PS4 and Xbox One

Moral of the story is that arguing superiority between the two consoles is moronic because consoles are crap in general if you want to argue performance, and console developers don't give a fuck about 60FPS. Point in case:

"A lot of developers this generation are going for a higher resolution compared to 60fps which makes sense since it will allow them to add more post effects and do more on the screen at any given moment. In fact one of Sony’s own programmers prefers higher resolution than frame rate. Expect this norm to continue this generation."

Microsoft's last SDK put out seems to have solved the silly resolution issues developers seem to have been having, like everyone besides the Sony fanboys have said (including myself). Both consoles are going to continue being plagued with shitty FPS here and there, and even the PS4 is still getting sub 1080p on certain games.

TL;DR, don't sell your gaming PC.

Gothic 1 and 2 are fantastic games, I'd put G2 NOTR in my top 10 of all time. However, the controls are janky as hell. Sure, you get use to them but that doesn't make them good by any means. Oh, I love the Mass Effect games too. Deal with that paradox.
I've never met anyone who liked Piranha Bytes controls that wasn't either some European who thinks Steam is ruining their life and really a secret program by the NSA to take their rights to boxed retail games away, some RPG Watch person who politely complains that everything not a western CRPG circa late 90s is terrible, some RPG Codex person who rudely complains that everything not a western CRPG circa late 90s is terrible, or some combination of the above.

It's like you have to be this oh noes the good old RPG days are gone and I'm wearing rose colored glasses for the couple of hold outs person or else you realize the controls suck.

Apparently Mass Effect is an insult now. Or something.


Just go play your Divinity RPG CODEX IS COOL SECRET CODE LOL version game.
So - where do I fit in?

I like RPG's from PB, Larian, Obsidian, BioWare, Bethesda, and CD Projekt - and that's just for starters.

I'm in the mood for some Ultima VII part 2 Serpent Isle, myself.  Gonna go steal all the bread from the Xenkan Monks and collect the bounty for bringing to Monitor the bodies of the fallen pikemen I slew myself.

Gothic 1 and 2 are fantastic games, I'd put G2 NOTR in my top 10 of all time. However, the controls are janky as hell. Sure, you get use to them but that doesn't make them good by any means. Oh, I love the Mass Effect games too. Deal with that paradox.
Your Codex card has been revoked.

I honestly think Gothic 2 is their best game to date (once they patched the hell out of it mind you) but yeah I still think the controls are janky. And I can get the hell over it because the rest of the game is good.

I like Risen 2 but not at all in the same way. It's pure cheese and it's not trying to be more than that. It's like I can appreciate Taco Bell for what it is even though I know it ain't gourmet authentic Mexican food.

So - where do I fit in?

I like RPG's from PB, Larian, Obsidian, BioWare, Bethesda, and CD Projekt - and that's just for starters.
Born in the wrong decade or the wrong continent.

I'm in the mood for some Ultima VII part 2 Serpent Isle, myself. Gonna go steal all the bread from the Xenkan Monks and collect the bounty for bringing to Monitor the bodies of the fallen pikemen I slew myself.
I love that game and you know what else Divinity Original Sin made me realize? I love the combat in Ultima 7. Yes the combat. Or lack thereof. I like how it was automatic and so you just got spend your time on what to me was the good stuff exploring and discovering instead of a bunch of tedious hitting the troll for 10 points and then moving 3 spaces yadda yadda stuff.

I wish someone would make games like that again. Well I guess there's Driftmoon but there's no much else quite like Ultima 7. Everyone wants to do the whole 'REAL RPG players like long drawn out combat' thing these days.
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Gothic 1 and 2 are fantastic games, I'd put G2 NOTR in my top 10 of all time. However, the controls are janky as hell. Sure, you get use to them but that doesn't make them good by any means. Oh, I love the Mass Effect games too. Deal with that paradox.
im beginning to think you're not really a real person

This isn't really a surprise to me because the emphasis on the new consoles (aside from the Wii U) has been resolution over FPS (see: The Order). Why? Because it's easier to sell a high res game than a high FPS game through trailers. It's all about the monies.

Originally, I noticed that the Xbone exclusives (aside from Ryse) tended to focus on FPS over resolution (hence the resolution complaints), but it seems M$ is going the same route as Sony, unfortunately.

Give the Wii U all the crap you want, but their insistence on 60 FPS for their games is at least admirable.

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I'm in the mood for some Ultima VII part 2 Serpent Isle, myself. Gonna go steal all the bread from the Xenkan Monks and collect the bounty for bringing to Monitor the bodies of the fallen pikemen I slew myself.
Sorry, no dice. The hardcore codex RPG Nazis hate ultima 7. It's way too popular and mainstream to be considered a classic RPG.
"A lot of developers this generation are going for a higher resolution compared to 60fps which makes sense since it will allow them to add more post effects and do more on the screen at any given moment. In fact one of Sony’s own programmers prefers higher resolution than frame rate. Expect this norm to continue this generation."
Cool, post effects! I like when depth of field is turned way up and I can pretend I'm Mr. Magoo.


Best name for a foil? Definitely!

Also Divinity Original Sin will be branded as the second coming of Jesus Christ for millennium to come. Because it is.

In non Steam game related news, some asshat has been impersonating me and linking to my profile and saying he's me on Steamtrades and trying to scam people (it wasn't me, honest.) How do we rally the gang and kill this street trash?

This isn't really a surprise to me because the emphasis on the new consoles (aside from the Wii U) has been resolution over FPS (see: The Order). Why? Because it's easier to sell a high res game than a high FPS game through trailers. It's all about the monies.
Pretty much, but the sucky thing is that 720p is very comparable to 1080p from 6+ feet away. 900p is virtually impossible to determine the difference from at that distance as well.

FPS, on the other hand, is pretty easy to distinguish from your average console gamer distance. That's why intensive games like racers and fighters (as well as CoD, which isn't really "intensive" but is fast paced and takes precision in many cases) have been running at 60FPS for awhile.

But that makes it really silly why the focus is on resolution. I love how that article is like "Even this Sony programmer said so" like he's some kind of expert in the matter. No, he's a console programmer. 30FPS and consoles have been bedfellows for a long fucking time. Of course he's going to champion resolution and put FPS on the backburner as it always is.

In non Steam game related news, some asshat has been impersonating me and linking to my profile and saying he's me on Steamtrades and trying to scam people (it wasn't me, honest.)

How do we rally the gang and kill this street trash?
Call up AshesKitty - I hear that girl be from the streets, yo! ;)

Cool, post effects! I like when depth of field is turned way up and I can pretend I'm Mr. Magoo.
For real, depth of field is possibly the most pointless and annoying effect in games (besides for taking nice screenshots). It may become viable with Oculus Rift, adjusting DoF depending on where your eyes are looking, but I doubt that will happen.

In non Steam game related news, some asshat has been impersonating me and linking to my profile and saying he's me on Steamtrades and trying to scam people (it wasn't me, honest.) How do we rally the gang and kill this street trash?
Start impersonating him and claim to be him.

That'll show 'em

This is sorta old news and is super console peasanty, but to all you Sony fanboys:

Bungie explains why Destiny is not 60FPS on the PS4 and Xbox One

Moral of the story is that arguing superiority between the two consoles is moronic because consoles are crap in general if you want to argue performance, and console developers don't give a fuck about 60FPS. Point in case:

"A lot of developers this generation are going for a higher resolution compared to 60fps which makes sense since it will allow them to add more post effects and do more on the screen at any given moment. In fact one of Sony’s own programmers prefers higher resolution than frame rate. Expect this norm to continue this generation."

Microsoft's last SDK put out seems to have solved the silly resolution issues developers seem to have been having, like everyone besides the Sony fanboys have said (including myself). Both consoles are going to continue being plagued with shitty FPS here and there, and even the PS4 is still getting sub 1080p on certain games.

TL;DR, don't sell your gaming PC.
well, i haven't heard of any Gamestop that allow you to trade in your gaming PC or anyone i know who is in a market for a used gaming pc. Them PCs are a dying breed.. that no one want

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