Steam Deals Thread V13 ~ Star Wars Empire at War $6.80 | The Legend of Korra $10.04 | Red Faction Guerrilla $2.99 |

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25 (100%)
Summer sale has come and gone; welcome to the Steam Deals Thread V13!
Stop: Before you go any further be sure you are using Enhanced Steam. It will save you a lot of time and embarrassment in the future.
Daily Deal
Star Wars: Empire at War Gold Edition - $19.99 $6.80

Yesterday's Deal


Midweek Madness
The Legend of Korra - $14.99 $10.04

Red Faction - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction II - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction Armageddon - $19.99 $2.99
Red Faction Guerrilla - $19.99 $2.99 
Thanks to EastX, Detruire, Psydero, and everyone else that has contributed to the thread!

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Free for me is worse than cheap unless it's free for a limited time. Otherwise eh what's the hurry? There's no need to grab something that will always be free to just backlog it and not play it.
Free for me is worse than cheap unless it's free for a limited time. Otherwise eh what's the hurry? There's no need to grab something that will always be free to just backlog it and not play it.
I just like growing my list of games in my Steam list, be it Steam or non-Steam games linked to my library. Otherwise, I might forget about it's existence.

My 30 day restriction on using the community market has been lifted, now I am finally start selling my cards and get fake money for steam :D/

Now I don't have to spend real money on steam sales, whew. One step closer to #LegitCAG.

Does free stuff on Steam factor into your game count? I honestly don't know.

Anyway contrary to what some have said of me on the past I don't care about the number. I'm more about maybe I will want to play it someday (but I won't) and then it won't be on sale. Then what?

Also some of the free stuff is yucky DRM or desura and such.

*Edit: I rarely mess with those add a nonsteam game to steam links. I've changed computers upgraded OSes etc so many times and list them. Plus in my experience even when I don't do any of that Steam sometimes 'forgets' them.

I really only do it for stuff I am playing now.
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Yes free stuff that actually gets added to your account and isn't just free to play mobas or mmos do add to your number. Games such as Heroine's Quest and Reversion. If you delete it from your harddrive and it stays in your library it adds to your number.

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I played some of that Shiny the Firefly (Steam cards...and wanted to try it), and it is a port...hah. It was pretty fun though and other than some bugs and such it was a nice casual game, plus steam cards to get 33 cents in all or such. I will likely finish it cause it was relaxing though in later levels it's harder to keep his children from getting hurt and dying. It will pay for about 1/3 of your Sometimes Tuesday dollar days bundle.

Alright ladies and gentlemen I have uploaded all you will need to fix Septerra Core.

Within you will find the fixed exe the unofficial patch and the video files to be used with the unofficial patch. The unofficial patch installer version wasn't encoding the videos properly so I re-encoded them myself. Unpack the rar and place all the files into the install directory.

Now all the CGI cinematics will play and no dialogue should auto skip. I've tested this and it works for me on Windows 7 64bit so it should work fine on similar setups and might be possible on higher operating systems.

I hope someone will find this helpful.

Edit: Oh yeah forgot to mention that you can pretty much ignore my previous posts about needing Quicktime and all that as this will be a one off fix. It's all you need.

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Alright ladies and gentlemen I have uploaded all you will need to fix Septerra Core.
Within you will find the fixed exe the unofficial patch and the video files to be used with the unofficial patch. The unofficial patch installer version wasn't encoding the videos properly so I re-encoded them myself. Unpack the rar and place all the files into the install directory.
Now all the CGI cinematics will play and no dialogue should auto skip. I've tested this and it works for me on Windows 7 64bit so it should work fine on similar setups and might be possible on higher operating systems.
I hope someone will find this helpful.
That was very thoughtful and nice of you
Still not going to play it.
<Goes back to "playing" Air Control>
That was very thoughtful and nice of you
Still not going to play it.
<Goes back to "playing" Air Control>

Alright ladies and gentlemen I have uploaded all you will need to fix Septerra Core.
Within you will find the fixed exe the unofficial patch and the video files to be used with the unofficial patch. The unofficial patch installer version wasn't encoding the videos properly so I re-encoded them myself. Unpack the rar and place all the files into the install directory.
Now all the CGI cinematics will play and no dialogue should auto skip. I've tested this and it works for me on Windows 7 64bit so it should work fine on similar setups and might be possible on higher operating systems.
I hope someone will find this helpful.
So let's I only have the original cd and no fancy gog or steam version. Would this still fix it?
I'm tempted to finally FakeCAG Septerra Core for $0.99 (80% off), however half my friends own it... why? none of you should have paid $8 in BM5, and neither of it's two BundleSaviors appearances were super-hot for bundle-CAGs.

It's one of those games that haunts me on GOG... ...though GOG also has it a Mac version...
I've had that game on GOG for a while - and I still ain't played it.

Damn me and my GOG backlog.


Alright ladies and gentlemen I have uploaded all you will need to fix Septerra Core.

Within you will find the fixed exe the unofficial patch and the video files to be used with the unofficial patch. The unofficial patch installer version wasn't encoding the videos properly so I re-encoded them myself. Unpack the rar and place all the files into the install directory.

Now all the CGI cinematics will play and no dialogue should auto skip. I've tested this and it works for me on Windows 7 64bit so it should work fine on similar setups and might be possible on higher operating systems.

I hope someone will find this helpful.
I have this on GOG.

What versions will this fix?

Retail? Steam? GOG? ALL?

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I've had that game on GOG for a while - and I still ain't played it.

Damn me and my GOG backlog.


I have this on GOG.

What versions will this fix?

Retail? Steam? GOG? ALL?
I would assume it would fix up pretty much any version. The fixed exe is from the GOG version but the rest of the files are for fixing the problem with the videos not playing and/or crashing the game which the GOG exe won't fix on it's own. As far as retail is concerned it's best to place it all in the install directory. Also it would have to be up to you to try as I'm sure you own it retail and can test it for yourself.

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I would assume it would fix up pretty much any version. The fixed exe is from the GOG version but the rest of the files are for fixing the problem with the videos not playing and/or crashing the game which the GOG exe won't fix on it's own.
Thanks! Good to know! :D

As far as retail is concerned it's best to place it all in the install directory. Also it would have to be up to you to try as I'm sure you own it retail and can test it for yourself.
Actually, I only own that on GOG.

Don't have it from Retail.

Sniper Elite 3 has one of best AI's I have ever seen. This is on second highest difficulty. (I think only difference is no saves allowed on highest.)

I know it's a pretty fakecag total, but I'm pretty happy to see this.

0 card drops remaining
0 games with drops remaining
213 games eligible for booster packs
Oh? Is it better than generic RPG Maker Game # 6,324?

Maybe it is but it's hard to tell when they all more or less look the same.
It's mostly because it's come in a few bundles, so it's not like I was excited to buy it on Steam or anything.

The only reason I remember that game is because they stole assets from Suikoden lol
Yup. Maybe someone will mod it into Suikoden since the PC version isn't the easiest thing to track down.

I'm also expecting it to get taken down from Steam for that reason, so it'll become a game as rare as Deadpool!

It's mostly because it's come in a few bundles, so it's not like I was excited to buy it on Steam or anything.

Yup. Maybe someone will mod it into Suikoden since the PC version isn't the easiest thing to track down.

I'm also expecting it to get taken down from Steam for that reason, so it'll become a game as rare as Deadpool!
eh, why bother. At this point you could sell ASCII art of a turd on Steam. There's literally no standards.

Didn't notice it mentioned anywhere, but Howler Steam keys are up in the Indieroyale Debut 13 bundle.  I noticed it because I was chekcing for the Memories of a Vagabond key.

I liked Risen 2, but to be honest because pirates only!!! Well and that little funny NPC I don't remember what he said but was funny for me.

Anyways I'm looking forward to see Risen 3.
So.... any reason to believe Risen 3 will be better / more polished than past Piranha Bytes games?

That studio has just never made the jump to full-on, must-play status. If you ask people for an opinion on their RPGs, the "Yes" answers seem to have a qualifier: "Well, its okay, I guess...if you're really looking for an RPG to play."

I'd love to see them make a truly great game.

I originally thought the Ultimate Trash part was a joke/pun. Imagine my surprise when it's the actual title for the game, digging the honesty there.
It's worth playing.

While I understand you feelings, IR going under would be a much bigger PITA for all fakeCAGs who like shitty overpriced indie games and 50%+ repeats in their bundles.

Sniper Elite 3 has one of best AI's I have ever seen. This is on second highest difficulty. (I think only difference is no saves allowed on highest.)
Is it bad that this makes me want the game more?

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I saw that edit!

I haven't bought an IR in over a year*... but I have a few iR's back from when they didn't suck so badly.

*Spiral Groove Bundle

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I'm tempted to finally FakeCAG Septerra Core for $0.99 (80% off), however half my friends own it... why? none of you should have paid $8 in BM5, and neither of it's two BundleSaviors appearances were super-hot for bundle-CAGs.

It's one of those games that haunts me on GOG... ...though GOG also has it a Mac version...
Wat? Quickfire was a great bundle. Septerra Core, Dark Sector, and GTR Evolution (among others), first time they were bundled afaik, only have resurfaced in another arguably weaker Bundlestars bundle (Reboot 1.0), and only for $3.71 (9 games total).

I call [customspoiler=BS]Bundlestars[/customspoiler] on that one.

A shame about BiaB. At least, that's what I thought until I looked over my list of site login info and emailed receipts and found that I've never bought anything from them. So I guess it's not a shame at all. Or I was the source of their undoing. Take your pick.

Thanks sir. I took the One Finger Desura.
That doesn't sound at all sexual.

Fixed those for you.

So.... any reason to believe Risen 3 will be better / more polished than past Piranha Bytes games?
Rule #665:

NEVER #FakeCAG any games from Obsidian + Piranha Bytes as soon as they come out. Wait a good while for issues to be ironed out hopefully after at least a few patches have came out.

That studio has just never made the jump to full-on, must-play status. If you ask people for an opinion on their RPGs, the "Yes" answers seem to have a qualifier: "Well, its okay, I guess...if you're really looking for an RPG to play."

I'd love to see them make a truly great game.
I beg to differ - I thought Gothic 1 was fantastic...and still is their best RPG.


Other than (the technical disaster of) Gothic 3 - I think their games have been very consistent + very good...

...once you get their games w/ at least a few patches behind them, of course.

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Yea, Demonicon is better than all of the Risen games. Those games are so bad, I have no idea how they are making a third game. It baffles me.

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