PSN Off-Topic - Happy Thanksgiving Chumps and Chumpettes!

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Haha I actually thought about trying to hook myself up with Melanie when I first started, but I've gotten over that. She's fairly cute but not really my type.

And Stotch, I wouldn't call her flat but I wouldn't call her not-flat. Kinda in the middle. She does have one nice push up bra that makes her look great but she rarely wears it. She is also kind of chatty.

But she's really easy to work with and pretty bright, one of my fav in the department. I think she has an MPA too.

And notice how I'm kinda separated from everyone else? Besides my boss and his secretary, I see the rest of those people about 1 hour per week during staff meeting. I don't work with almost any of them at all.
Holy shit, she has a useless degree too?
About two years ago, my wife came home crying. Tears streaming down her face, she told me some paperwork passed her desk that showed salaries, and she found out this absolute lazy jerk in a similar position as her who'd only been working there a year made around $20k more than her.

So... I was like "So... why are you crying?"

Her: "I just told you."

Me: "Right. You just told me you're about to get a $20k raise."

A little bit of coaching, and the next day she went in and talked to her boss (she reports directly to the guy who runs the place). She got the raise.
I did that when I saw the loan processor at my old job making $6/hour more than me.

Got myself fired within a month. Maybe I should have approached the situation better. But seriously fuck that place I am pissed it didn't go down the drain in 2009/2010 when banks and credit unions were having such major issues.

Not sure I get all the hate for PS Now.  Sure, some of the games are a little overpriced, but I saw a lot of 7 day rentals for $6 or less.  Most games are beatable in 7 days.  I mean, I have everything under the sun for PS3 already so it does me no good, but I'm sure a 360 to PS4 convert wouldn't mind paying $7 to play MGS4 for a week.

every time i see this topic in my notifications i think about deuce bigalow. velo would totally be antoine, except white and instead of fish he has a tank full of kids. 

I did that when I saw the loan processor at my old job making $6/hour more than me.

Got myself fired within a month. Maybe I should have approached the situation better. But seriously fuck that place I am pissed it didn't go down the drain in 2009/2010 when banks and credit unions were having such major issues.
She is a she. No way would they risk firing her after she pointed out pay inequality. I'm not really down for lawsuits (and neither is she) but they'd have to recognize that would be a dangerous game for them.

Besides, she works hard and is loved there.

Not sure I get all the hate for PS Now. Sure, some of the games are a little overpriced, but I saw a lot of 7 day rentals for $6 or less. Most games are beatable in 7 days. I mean, I have everything under the sun for PS3 already so it does me no good, but I'm sure a 360 to PS4 convert wouldn't mind paying $7 to play MGS4 for a week.
Because the 4 hour rental price is ridiculous so people just focus on that. A month rental for $8? Not bad at all.
Because the 4 hour rental price is ridiculous so people just focus on that. A month rental for $8? Not bad at all.
I don't think it's that bad. What is it? $3? You can beat most games in under 8 hours, so they can't exactly price it super low. Besides, you can just get the week long for a couple bucks more. But if you just want to test a game or have some friends over, 4 hours is all you need and you wouldn't necessarily want to rent for a week.

I mean, sure, it would be great if it was, say, .99... but that won't fly if you could then beat [insert most games here] for $2, making the other tiers completely irrelevant for anything but long rpgs.

Oh yeah. I fuck ing hate people. I need to stop leaving this thread.
Real life is scary, too many people and that shiny thing in the sky too, i fucking hate it!

There's a pretty cute skater chick in my social skills group, she has a bf though. I was still checking her out though, you think just because she has a bf, means im gonna stop?


I'm so torn over totally making fun of snakey for being in a "social skills group" or actually complimenting him for having the balls to actually admit he has social skills issues and try to remedy them.

So does Modern Family only have like 13 episodes or something.  It runs in syndication on Fox here and I just leave it on Fox most nights, and I've seen this episode at least 3 times already.  The dude and the chick are pretending they don't know each other in a hotel and the dude goes into the wrong hotel room.

looks like some of the ps now games come with dlc, too. that adds even more value to the rental if you don't care about keeping it/just want trophies.

Hmmm. I actually don't think Kevin Hart is that funny. And Nick Cannon might be the corniest dude in life. So I'm doubtful, but I'll give it a spin.
How does someone in a social skills group have a boyfriend?
With no social skills, I dont think she can say no.

Also, just beat the big eyeball, fuck that dude. Level 50 badass right here. And with my super awesome luck, I immediately picked up the hedgehog curse at the nearest prayer statue. fuck. Me.

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I'm so torn over totally making fun of snakey for being in a "social skills group" or actually complimenting him for having the balls to actually admit he has social skills issues and try to remedy them.
Why limit yourself? Both is the correct answer. Being able to take a little good natured ribbing and laughing at yourself is part of having good social skills. Its also solid that he recognizes he needs it and isn't afraid to admit it.

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Proteus can eat a dick.
Indeed. (I'll probably end up downloading and playing that one first to get the easy trophies out of the way)

Hmmm. I actually don't think Kevin Hart is that funny. And Nick Cannon might be the corniest dude in life. So I'm doubtful, but I'll give it a spin.
Yeah I've never been a fan but it's just the perfect role for him. Nick Cannon is definitely not the best actor in this, it feels so forced, but I'm pretty sure he's just there so they make fun of him being married to Mariah Carey, which is hilarious.

Rogue Legacy is crack, confirmed. I was Level 38 or so yesterday, now I'm Level 60--wait, make that 64. :joystick:

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Oh man, Tyler is quoted on the trophy guide for Cloudberry Kingdom.
Sweet, I rock! I played the game right when it came out so I figured actually posting that could be helpful.

I'm also mentioned in the Achievement guide for the Windows Phone game "Breeze" and was the first person to complete that game. Shockingly one of my proudest gaming achievements came from a free windows phone game.

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regarding the job discussion:

LinkedIn sucks now, used to be much better for networking.  Now its just a glorified facebook that posts work articles.

Nice picture Tyler haha, you have the same name as a guy I went to school with which isnt uncommon at all just a funny observation.  

I work in Finance and was one of the people involved in our fiscal budget prep for this year.  Means I saw everybody's rates and man it sucks when you see someone in the hallway and know they are making 10K or so more than you but can barely operate a computer.  That shit pisses me off to no end.

Real life is scary, too many people and that shiny thing in the sky too, i fucking hate it!

There's a pretty cute skater chick in my social skills group, she has a bf though. I was still checking her out though, you think just because she has a bf, means im gonna stop?

I would stop if the boyfriend is around he might not like it. Although social skills group and boyfriend? Sounds like he's make believe. Keep trying!

Hmmm. I actually don't think Kevin Hart is that funny. And Nick Cannon might be the corniest dude in life. So I'm doubtful, but I'll give it a spin.
I don't like Nick Cannon, I do find Kevin Hart amusing though. I watched one episode of the hollywood show and Nick Cannon ruined it for me. I'll stick to Kevin Hart's specials and movie acting. I was laughing my ass off with Ride Along :)

for anyone that cares, there's a trophy in montezuma arena that will probably become unattainable after a while (unconquerable I think - 5 straight wins) because there's no apparent level matching in challenges so you'll end up only playing people that can one hit kill you (i.e. the people that keep playing forever. maybe not, maybe challenging friends will count too. I dunno. just a heads up.
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