Anime & Manga Steals and Deals (Rightstuf, Amazon, DD...etc)


74 (100%)
 Anime Steals and Deals

**It is highly recommended you check the latest posts in this thread as they will often have the most up to date deals. I will attempt to reflect these sales in the OP, but always check the latest posts.**


Rightstuf runs studio sales every week, sometimes even twice a week. These range from anime, manga, and even artbooks. Prices are decent, and Rightstuf has amazing customer service. I highly recommend them for that alone.

You can save an additional 10% off a majority of their items (Including preorders) by buying their Got Anime membership


Amazon tends to offer lower everyday prices on their anime, and often run sales on Funimation items routinely. Keep track on your favorites or check your daily deal's for a possible 5% off of some based off your history on Amazon. 

(Also, I'd also recommend to check out Amazon's top 100 deals in Anime Bluray/DVD as they tend to show what's popular, or what is on sale.)   (Blu Ray) (DVD)

DVDPlanet / Deep Discount

Known by many for their bad customer service, they often make up for it with their lower prices on a lot of their items. This and they routinely run sales specifically for anime.

I highly suggest when you order from them to only order in stock items, and not ones that are backordered. Save yourself the displeasure of having to deal with the headaches. And patience is a must with these sites.


Maybe you will find something here on our own forums! We have a thread dedicated specifically to Anime and Manga for sale from fellow Cags.

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Ordered Sanakarea because that is a steal even if it's the censored version. It was on my to buy when it first came out but then the whole situation set me back on buying it... Since its only $15 instead of $60 i am excited to buy it!
I just hope its in perfect condition and ships in a box instead of a bubblenvelope.
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Just want to remind everyone that the old Mega Man cartoon comes out on Sept 30th.
That Mega Man cartoon is worth owning just for the awesome retro-style DVD box art. It's a pretty decent '90s cartoon and, since I was never a fan of the games, this show's always been synonymous with the character for me. I believe the stronger episodes came later in the series. I certainly prefer this show way more than that Mega Man OVA where he looks like an infant.

Do the UK Code Geass discs leave the "Pizza Hut" logos in tact?

Since moving, the closest Moviestops are two counties north and two counties south. I was looking for Lupin DVD's and the two southern moviestops had none.   Went on Ebay and bought a used movie set for $65.

Also couldn't find DBZ Level 1.1 so thanks for those who recommended SecondSpin who happened to have it.   I would take advantage of that preorder for Battle of Gods, but I'm waiting for the Season 9 Blu Ray to come out before I even consider buying those Blu Rays. At this point, I'm buying these discs for the special features; I wouldn't be surprised if they did this with GT next year. 

Do the UK Code Geass discs leave the "Pizza Hut" logos in tact?
Darker than Black S1 had Pizza Hut logos too and some were removed but then a few in the background were left untouched. I'm guessing that will probably be the same way as I have yet to grab this. lol

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According to a handful of reviews it sounds like all the Pizza Hut logos were removed from Code Geass in every region except Japan.


Now I have to go find clips and such when I get home from work, because I had no idea that this was even a thing.

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According to a handful of reviews it sounds like all the Pizza Hut logos were removed from Code Geass in every region except Japan.


Now I have to go find clips and such when I get home from work, because I had no idea that this was even a thing.
Its a given that Code Geass is unwatchable without its Pizza Hut logos. Just not the same...

Ordered Sanakarea because that is a steal even if it's the censored version. It was on my to buy when it first came out but then the whole situation set me back on buying it... Since its only $15 instead of $60 i am excited to buy it!
I just hope its in perfect condition and ships in a box instead of a bubblenvelope.
did you order it for the $10 from doctor person or the 10.50 from the other person?

doctor person seems to specialize in damaged goods (aka mentions they sell a lot of things with slightly crushed packages) that are new and tends to ship quickly but in bubble mailers from his feedback

I couldn't figure out how the other person did it.

I went with doctor person anyways as I figure the box shouldn't be super damaged and he had 20 plus of them so ideally he is shipping out the good ones first.

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did you order it for the $10 from doctor person or the 10.50 from the other person?

doctor person seems to specialize in damaged goods (aka mentions they sell a lot of things with slightly crushed packages) that are new and tends to ship quickly but in bubble mailers from his feedback

I couldn't figure out how the other person did it.

I went with doctor person anyways as I figure the box shouldn't be super damaged and he had 20 plus of them so ideally he is shipping out the good ones first.
First, thank you all again for your responses! Awesome as always!

I had no choice but to get the 10.50 from Clover Media since that was the only one left (11 left after I ordered).

gohastings order came in and i am thoroughly disappointed. smells like smoke like really bad as if someone decided to light a cigarette inside my package. not to mention the covers are warped and one disc heavily scratched on teatrino or II. 

edit: just like i suspected terrible customer service. oh well sir you can just ship it back to us and we can issue you a refund and you can get it in say two to three weeks tops. i'm like really sorry. 

now going to send an email and hope i get a response

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i don't know is it good or is it a typical shounen that will see no end or is not that good
Attack on Titan is most definitely good enough to purchase in half-series sets. I almost always wait for the complete release a year or two later, but even I bought the Part 1 and 2 releases for this one.

Attack on Titan is most definitely good enough to purchase in half-series sets. I almost always wait for the complete release a year or two later, but even I bought the Part 1 and 2 releases for this one.
i think it'd probably be a while before they do season sets anyways. season 2 already started and i'm sure they are planning on another s2 part 1 and 2 then maybe after do a complete first season. at 25 bucks on blu for 13 episodes its a good deal

Gohastings is a retail store so keep in mind that not everything from them will be perfect. That's a bummer though. In the past I got a few PS3 games and Blus from them in pretty good condition. 

Oh, and Attack on Titan is well worth getting both parts of. As we've mentioned before, it takes a while for complete collections to come out and its starting to look like the process for complete collections (for series longer than 13 episodes) is starting to become more and more spread out unless a series completely tanks in sales. 
I got Sankarea from "Dr. Deals 22" too. I got a shipping e-mail not that long ago. 

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Gohastings is a retail store so keep in mind that not everything from them will be perfect. That's a bummer though. In the past I got a few PS3 games and Blus from them in pretty good condition.

Oh, and Attack on Titan is well worth getting both parts of. As we've mentioned before, it takes a while for complete collections to come out and its starting to look like the process for complete collections (for series longer than 13 episodes) is starting to become more and more spread out unless a series completely tanks in sales.

I got Sankarea from "Dr. Deals 22" too. I got a shipping e-mail not that long ago.
well the best they can do is give me a shipping label to wait 2-3 weeks to return it. that in itself is complete bullshit. oh let me just wait 2-3 weeks estimate mind you for a refund of 12 bucks.

i think it'd probably be a while before they do season sets anyways. season 2 already started and i'm sure they are planning on another s2 part 1 and 2 then maybe after do a complete first season. at 25 bucks on blu for 13 episodes its a good deal
There is no second season of Attack on Titan yet. Nothing has even being said about its production, other than the natural assumption that it will inevitably happen based on the overwhelming success of the franchise. At the *earliest*, it's at least a full year away.

There is no second season of Attack on Titan yet. Nothing has even being said about its production, other than the natural assumption that it will inevitably happen based on the overwhelming success of the franchise. At the *earliest*, it's at least a full year away.
then what are the clips shown on funi's facebook?

As a CAG I died a little inside when I saw that Sankarea dropped to $10 a week after I bought it....

To completely different topic: Why are the Crunchyroll apps on the PS3 and PS4 so terrible? Takes forever to load and is just a crappy UI in general. Not sure if I'll renew for another year if they don't improve the apps in a hurry.

The Crunchyroll app is exactly the same on PS3/PS4. My ISP is crap so sometimes my quality dips randomly or it will hang for about a minute off and on (buffering you can say) but other than that, it works a majority of the time. 

When I had my first trial with Crunchyroll (back in February), it constantly crashed just by doing the simplest things (browsing episodes too fast or skipping 2 episodes in a row, weird things like that) but that has since been fixed. Thank god.

As a CAG I died a little inside when I saw that Sankarea dropped to $10 a week after I bought it....

To completely different topic: Why are the Crunchyroll apps on the PS3 and PS4 so terrible? Takes forever to load and is just a crappy UI in general. Not sure if I'll renew for another year if they don't improve the apps in a hurry.
I loved the 360 app and saw this too when I switched it to ps4 last year. They have patched the ps4 a few times ithough it is still has that memory leak issue that pops up every so often.

does anyone know how to take the stench of smoke off something smh
Pretty much won't happen. I try to stay away from Hastings online, making that 45min(for me) is just better off. Also someone mentioned it comes from the retail stores, and I've seen some terible conditioned stuff there so a replacement prolly won't be smoke stained but also not mint.
Pretty much won't happen. I try to stay away from Hastings online, making that 45min(for me) is just better off. Also someone mentioned it comes from the retail stores, and I've seen some terible conditioned stuff there so a replacement prolly won't be smoke stained but also not mint.
well they offered nothing. just a return slip and a 2-3 week time frame. will watch and ignore blatant stench. in hindsight it wasn't a great purchase. i've never bought anything from them before for the sole reason that they don't grade their stuff but that it passes some certification test.

There's an anime collection 2-pack that has two 30 minute ovas on blu ray, I forget what it's called, but one of them is about 5 prisoners in a high tech prison, and one of them is a hacker.  I'm sure someone knows what this is, and are they worth $14.  Nevermind, I found it, it's called Coicent/ Five numbers, anyone seen it, and is it any good?

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I loved the 360 app and saw this too when I switched it to ps4 last year. They have patched the ps4 a few times ithough it is still has that memory leak issue that pops up every so often
Unfortunately no Xbone app yet, they said it would release later this year. Gotten pretty used to simulcast shows with no ads in HD :pray:

Unfortunately no Xbone app yet, they said it would release later this year. Gotten pretty used to simulcast shows with no ads in HD :pray:
Xbox has a Funi app now doesn't it? Would be nice having that on ps4 lol. Hulu gets me soft sometimes with the week delays and adds with hulu+

There's an anime collection 2-pack that has two 30 minute ovas on blu ray, I forget what it's called, but one of them is about 5 prisoners in a high tech prison, and one of them is a hacker. I'm sure someone knows what this is, and are they worth $14. Nevermind, I found it, it's called Coicent/ Five numbers, anyone seen it, and is it any good?
I own it, does that count?

I'm too lazy to search up the old 12 days thread from last year, but I think RS was selling it around the $15 mark. Personally, I paid $8 for it and probably wouldn't go much more simply because it's so short. The whole disc only has a 55 minute runtime. It got great reviews for video and audio quality on though, so if you don't mind the length then go for it.
well they offered nothing. just a return slip and a 2-3 week time frame. will watch and ignore blatant stench. in hindsight it wasn't a great purchase. i've never bought anything from them before for the sole reason that they don't grade their stuff but that it passes some certification test.
Yea it's pretty much if it plays its good to go for them.
Xbox has a Funi app now doesn't it? Would be nice having that on ps4 lol. Hulu gets me soft sometimes with the week delays and adds with hulu+
Yep I have it on the 360. It is ok, what sucks about it is if you add something to your list it has this nasty habit of taking you back to the beginning of the selections. Say if you are at "S". After you add it, it goes all the way back to "A".

Crunchyroll on the Xbox 360 is great. Much better then Funi right now.

Yea it's pretty much if it plays its good to go for them.
i learned my lesson but its whatever at this point. i'll just let them air out. 11 bucks is a bargain and so far it's pretty good. they should have some type of quality test kinda like what fye does at their stores when you trade stuff in.

Ended up buying the first half of Gundam Seed between Amazon, eBay and Had some Paypal Credits. Ended up paying around 20 bucks for the first half of the series then I'll spend another 20 for the latter half in a month or so 

any of y'all recommend getting attack on titan part 1 and or 2 or just holding it out into a full season or collection gets released?
Attack on Titan is freaking rad, and well worth seeing. However, it is also one of the most popular anime around at the moment. And since the U.S. releases are being published by Funimation, the chances of a full-season box set getting re-released some time later are north of 85%.

If you aren't hard pressed for fresh content, it would probably be quite safe to wait. The less patient fans are definitely going to pick this one up in substantial numbers. Funimation will almost certainly get around to a full season set for it in another year or two. (probably even a S.A.V.E. set eventually)

I couldn't wait. I went ahead and picked up a copy of Volume 2 when I stopped by Fry's Electronics today.

Attack on Titan is freaking rad, and well worth seeing. However, it is also one of the most popular anime around at the moment. And since the U.S. releases are being published by Funimation, the chances of a full-season box set getting re-released some time later are north of 85%.

If you aren't hard pressed for fresh content, it would probably be quite safe to wait. The less patient fans are definitely going to pick this one up in substantial numbers. Funimation will almost certainly get around to a full season set for it in another year or two. (probably even a S.A.V.E. set eventually)

I couldn't wait. I went ahead and picked up a copy of Volume 2 when I stopped by Fry's Electronics today.
ill take your word for it. perhaps it isn't the atypical shounen anime. sounds like it has a plot and knows where it wants to go unlike some anime *cough bleach* *cough*

might as well pick it up since i do have an extra bestbuy giftcard.

s1 part 2 did just come out as well and no mention of an actual season set and with the whole fairy tale ordeal i doubt we'll see any season sets from funi unless it somehow finishes

As a CAG I died a little inside when I saw that Sankarea dropped to $10 a week after I bought it....

To completely different topic: Why are the Crunchyroll apps on the PS3 and PS4 so terrible? Takes forever to load and is just a crappy UI in general. Not sure if I'll renew for another year if they don't improve the apps in a hurry.
They made the Roku app terrible by bringing. In the PS3 interface into the Roku app... So I'm guessing it's not the systems but the interface...
There's an anime collection 2-pack that has two 30 minute ovas on blu ray, I forget what it's called, but one of them is about 5 prisoners in a high tech prison, and one of them is a hacker. I'm sure someone knows what this is, and are they worth $14. Nevermind, I found it, it's called Coicent/ Five numbers, anyone seen it, and is it any good?
I really liked both, but wouldn't watch them again. Netflix had them at one point. Check there, maybe?
ill take your word for it. perhaps it isn't the atypical shounen anime. sounds like it has a plot and knows where it wants to go unlike some anime *cough bleach* *cough*

might as well pick it up since i do have an extra bestbuy giftcard.

s1 part 2 did just come out as well and no mention of an actual season set and with the whole fairy tale ordeal i doubt we'll see any season sets from funi unless it somehow finishes
You could just check , since they've been ariring it, to watch the first episode or two.
You could just check , since they've been ariring it, to watch the first episode or two.
You could, but I gotta say the blu rays are pretty sweet. You could do worse on a blind buy that's for sure. If you do buy them I'd give the sub version a chance. Normally lean towards dubs if both are available but I prefer AoT sub
You could, but I gotta say the blu rays are pretty sweet. You could do worse on a blind buy that's for sure. If you do buy them I'd give the sub version a chance. Normally lean towards dubs if both are available but I prefer AoT sub
I agree totally, I have the lim Ed version. I only ment as a way to see if he liked it.
The Crunchyroll app is exactly the same on PS3/PS4. My ISP is crap so sometimes my quality dips randomly or it will hang for about a minute off and on (buffering you can say) but other than that, it works a majority of the time.

When I had my first trial with Crunchyroll (back in February), it constantly crashed just by doing the simplest things (browsing episodes too fast or skipping 2 episodes in a row, weird things like that) but that has since been fixed. Thank god.
I actually have had an issue with this for a long time i recorded a bit of the crap it does a while ago

it just stops for no reason periodicly I am on wifi 1 room from my router but youtube app runs fine

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Received my AoT part 2 from DVD Planet. The packing left something to be was only an  extremely thin white plastic cover with no kind of protection. Still, could be much worse

bread's done