[PC] The Indie Gala Thread

He doesn't need to be repaired yet.
Souffrir can fix that.

You probably already know this but..

Krautscape is a dead multiplayer-only game. The concept seems really cool, but no one's playing it. Might be a fun game to play with friends, but there's no way you're going to find randoms.

The only "singleplayer" in the game is the tutorial. I wish they'd have put it in a better bundle, so at least a few more CAGs would buy it so I can potentially play with them.. but there's not even that going for it. The bundle sucks, so no one's buying it.

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New IG Hump Day bundle is up.



Darkbase 01



Lost Marbles

Venusian Vengeance


Organic Panic

Savant - Ascent

Gare Sapphire Mechs


Make it Indie


I'm missing 2, but only want Tryst. Venusian Vengeance and Orangic Panic have been free via giveaways in the past.

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I'm missing 2, but only want Tryst. Venusian Vengeance and Orangic Panic have been free via giveaways in the past.
Prefer the prequel Penusian Penance.

That Kraut game is available for Tremorbroing. The 7th Guest is listed at 0 coins, but it won't let you complete the "purchase." Does a glitch mean Tremor is hitting the mainstream now?

The 7th Guest is listed at 0 coins, but it won't let you complete the "purchase." Does a glitch mean Tremor is hitting the mainstream now?
wat? that's not a glitch. you need to earn 50 coins to be able to buy it

EDIT: they might've disabled that offer for now

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I thought Turba was an okay casual game. It's probably the one of the best games in this bundle, though that isn't saying much. I'd much rather Gala stick to a bundle format of six acceptable to decent games than stinking it up with a big basketful of garbage.

I'm missing 2, but only want Tryst. Venusian Vengeance and Orangic Panic have been free via giveaways in the past.
Both of those were free at some point? Ugh. That makes this even worse.

I only want Lost Marbles and Tryst from this. I guess I'll roll the dice and hope Tremor carries these.

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Both of those were free at some point? Ugh. That makes this even worse.

I only want Lost Marbles and Tryst from this. I guess I'll roll the dice and hope Tremor carries these.
Venusian Vengeance's giveaway was kind of obscure. I think I only knew about it because Drabe told me, and it was for desura keys so I had to PM the dev on desura when it was released on Steam to get a steam key. It was on Reddit. A lot of CAGs got in on the Organic Panic giveaway though.

New bundle is up:

Bedlam Bundle

$1 Tier:
N.P.P.D. RUSH: The Milk of Ultraviolet
Pixel Puzzles: UndeadZ

$2.89 Tier:
Gold Rush!: Classic
Inside The Gear

Price increases in 24 hours.

I'm only missing Bedlam so easy pass for me.

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Venusian Vengeance's giveaway was kind of obscure. I think I only knew about it because Drabe told me, and it was for desura keys so I had to PM the dev on desura when it was released on Steam to get a steam key. It was on Reddit.
Thanks you two for letting all the rest of us know about that giveaway. :p
This bundle is just a mish mash of some of their older bundles. Indiegala calm the heck down already. Stop with the 3 bundles a week and start making good bundles again. You're losing my business most of the time like Groupees. Good Day Sir!!!!!!!!

For anyone who actually wants in on a Bedlam group buy: this is one of those bundles you really should reserve from your favourite host. Don't just come back and complain when there's a happy hour on and no one is hosting.

For anyone who actually wants in on a Bedlam group buy: this is one of those bundles you really should reserve from your favourite host. Don't just come back and complain when there's a happy hour on and no one is hosting.
There are people hosting a group buy for that shit bundle? Why?

I guess it's not a terrible price for Bedlam, considering it seems to have only been in two other Early Access themed bundles, at $20 and $25? Still, it's the only game I'm missing, and it's published by KISS, so I'd imagine we see it sooner or later again elsewhere.

Thanks you two for letting all the rest of us know about that giveaway. :p
I think that you had to post a youtube video about something you like from the 80's...and I know if its more than clicking a link its more work than its worth to you ;) ....and back when this was going on nobody gave two shits about free Desura keys.

here is the reddit thing...from 2 years ago


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I think that you had to post a youtube video about something you like from the 80's...and I know if its more than clicking a link its more work than its worth to you ;) ....and back when this was going on nobody gave two shits about free Desura keys.

here is the reddit thing...from 2 years ago
I was Desura before Desura was cool.

Oh wait, they were never cool. But I still pestered devs and bundle sites for Desura keys.
Probably this guy. He hosts almost every IG bundle*.

*That isn't utterly terrible or unlikely to have a happy hour.
I bought the Friday bundle, too, so I'll be hosting that one. Not the Hump Day bundle, though. And definitely not the Bedlam bundle. I wouldn't even let spoder spoder that.

Meh. This may break my streak of buying Mondays.

$1.89 for the first 24 hours.

  • Agent Awesome
  • Empress Of The Deep: Song Of The Blue Whale
  • Jones On Fire
  • Paper Dungeons
  • Pre-Civilization Marble Age
  • Princess Isabella: Return of the Curse
  • Robin's Quest Collection
New IG Monday is up

$1.89 for:

Princess Isabella Return of the Curse

Pre-Civilization Marble Age

Robin's Quest Collection

Empress of the Deep 2

Agent Awesome

Paper Dungeons

Jones on Fire

EDIT: Neuro'd

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Princess Isabella: Return of the Curse is the 2nd game in the series, I think, and the first hasn't been bundled yet.. kind of a lame selection but not terrible if you like HOGs.

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Hmm, well I have two of those games on my wishlist. Though three are repeats for me, that still leaves four games for under $2. Not amazing, but not Poopees bad either.

Meh. This may break my streak of buying Mondays.

$1.89 for the first 24 hours.

  • Agent Awesome
  • Empress Of The Deep: Song Of The Blue Whale
  • Jones On Fire
  • Paper Dungeons
  • Pre-Civilization Marble Age
  • Princess Isabella: Return of the Curse
  • Robin's Quest Collection
I'm hosting a group buy for this, it's only $1.61 per slot.

Everyone can PM me for payment details.

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I have most of this bundle but that pre-civ game has a ridiculous proportion of good reviews considering the type of casual/mobile-ish game it is. I might have to, ahem, Tremorbro it.

Hmm, well I have two of those games on my wishlist. Though three are repeats for me, that still leaves four games for under $2. Not amazing, but not Poopees bad either.
Jones on Fire and Paper Dungeons are my only repeats. I think. Were any of the others bundled somewhere?

I have most of this bundle but that pre-civ game has a ridiculous proportion of good reviews considering the type of casual/mobile-ish game it is. I might have to, ahem, Tremorbro it.
I was about to post that Pre-Civilization looks like it could be the new Coconut Queens...

bread's done