[PC] The Indie Gala Thread

The hell happened to the teeth on that skull? Someone from Georgia?

Also reported for sexual imagery for the foot fetishists

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Frozen Hearth and Radical Roaches were both given away by IG before, so I wonder if they meant to do it. It gave me neither since I got them whenever the first times were.

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Frozen Hearth and Radical Roaches were both given away by IG before, so I wonder if they meant to do it. It gave me neither since I got them whenever the first times were.
Some folks actually got keys, but they probably ran out and they probably won't be restocking freebies for this. :(

For me it has always been "received the same game from a past promotion? then you get nothing now".
Well, obviously.

But I haven't gotten any Frozen Hearth keys from them in the past. I wonder if they ran that promo with what they had left from the original giveaway and ran out quickly? Especially since they had another Radical Roach giveaway which ended pretty soon.

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New IG Monday is up


Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards Reloaded

NekoChan Hero Collection


The District

Krautscape and The District haven't been bundled before, everything else is a repeat. Krautscape looks good, but not gonna buy the bundle just for that.. The District is $2.99 on steam and looks terrible.

You also forgot to mention that Krauscape and The Disctrict are EA....Pass. Indiegala just stop with the mass of bundles already and just make a few good ones. Your bundles are becoming embarrassing and frankly you'll be losing most of my business from now one. See you with the Poopees. I did like that Adventure Games bundle but good bundles like that are far and in between.

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I mean why should people make the effort to be original when lazy cut and paste jobs are getting in left and right? :whistle2:/

New IG Monday is up


Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards Reloaded

NekoChan Hero Collection


The District

Krautscape and The District haven't been bundled before, everything else is a repeat. Krautscape looks good, but not gonna buy the bundle just for that.. The District is $2.99 on steam and looks terrible.
Well, it was a good run of Monday bundles, but it had to end eventually.

I don't feel there's anything inherently wrong with using stock assets on a small project.  The limitation is that you're not going to have a unique look.  In fact that's what the Unity Store (and others) are there for... to help programmers out with art assets -- and certainly at least useful as placeholder assets.  Gameplay is far more important than the art... A game that looks great and plays like *&%# is worthless. A game that plays great but looks generic has value.

The real problem is the number of "My First Game", unpolished student projects, and the sort making it onto the Steam Store.

I don't feel there's anything inherently wrong with using stock assets on a small project. The limitation is that you're not going to have a unique look. In fact that's what the Unity Store (and others) are there for... to help programmers out with art assets -- and certainly at least useful as placeholder assets. Gameplay is far more important than the art... A game that looks great and plays like *&%# is worthless. A game that plays great but looks generic has value.

The real problem is the number of "My First Game", unpolished student projects, and the sort making it onto the Steam Store.
Lots of people criticize RPG Maker projects because many use mostly stock / bought stuff instead of original graphics. I've seen that argument be used here before.

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I criticize them because I think they look/play like crap. But, that's just me.
You know there are too many generic stock looking RPGMaker games in greenlight when even I, nitrosmob, do not deem them suitable for Steam.

It was almost embarassing what I went through in my last Greenlight voting spree. Pretty much encompassed all of the April and May up to a week ago games. I literally said no to like 80% of the stuff. I even got 2-3 RPGMaker games very close to each other and all were using the same assets. Greenlight is not in a good state right now.

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I don't feel there's anything inherently wrong with using stock assets on a small project. The limitation is that you're not going to have a unique look. In fact that's what the Unity Store (and others) are there for... to help programmers out with art assets -- and certainly at least useful as placeholder assets. Gameplay is far more important than the art... A game that looks great and plays like *&%# is worthless. A game that plays great but looks generic has value.

The real problem is the number of "My First Game", unpolished student projects, and the sort making it onto the Steam Store.
Lots of people criticize RPG Maker projects because many use mostly stock / bought stuff instead of original graphics. I've seen that argument be used here before.
The issue with using stock materials is not that it's a sin in and of itself so much as what that xxCraft game that Neuropod linked to exemplifies: the store is flooded with junk that basically has no gameplay to speak of and nothing in the way of original ideas or even assets. It's just hastily-assembled game frameworks that get slapped with a EA label so the creators can (they hope) rake in a bunch of cash from naive suckers who think they're getting in early on the next MineCraft or FEZ or whatever the hipster crap du jour is.

EDIT: I keep rereading Ashes's post and it seems like I'm pretty much repeating what she said with different words. :whistle2:k

But in the case of RPG Maker stuff, yeah, it's pretty much that RPG Maker's stock assets (at least most of the older ones, the stuff that was issued around the XP version) looks like 8- or (at best) 16-bit Nintendo garbage. Sure, there's nothing wrong with "retro" graphics, I guess, if you're one of those people who likes that sort of thing, but it usually smacks of a) I didn't feel like doing proper graphics for my game or b) I'm too lazy or untalented to provide proper graphics for it. Most of the stuff made with RPG Maker XP and its generic assets are generic JRPGs whose gameplay in no way compensates for their shoddy appearance. The only games that look like this that I've found to be worthwhile are Kan Gao's.

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Eh...I'm only missing two games from this.

I'll host a group buy of this Every Monday if anyone wants one. It's $1.61 per bundle, just PM me for a spot.

I don't mind stock or purchased assets as long as thought is given to the game and work is put into it.  That one game is basically just the stock assets with nothing done to it.  That stuff is lazy.  I can relate to someone lacking art skills and using some generic assets for the time being.  Ideally, you'd network with some good artists and get some unique art, but not everyone can do that.  

... I think Steam just banned me from sending too many trade offers for cards.

Then again I sent 22 in the past half hour...

Edit: Nope there it goes.

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If anyone cares, there's a new 'Indie Gala Robe' (aka Hipster Headmaster Robe) DLC for Magicka Wizard Wars at Indie Gala.

https://www.indiegala.com/magicka2 (scroll down)

It's free, but it's butt ugly.




I'm not sure what about that screams Indie Gala. It looks more like something an 80 year old llama hearder in the Andes would wear.

MysterD doesn't really care too much on movies.
He rents films & does not keep them.
Very rarely does MysterD buy a film for keeping.
Often, it's one and done with him.
MysterD is going to need to go to the toaster repair shop if he keeps speaking in the third person.
I kinda want the Monday bundle purely for Krautscape, and not just because I'm a Kraut cat that looks wunderbar in a cape but also because the game looks really good.

I do look great in my cape though.

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I suggest no one actually look up Krautscape. While it looks decent for what it is, it will always be a disappointment compared to what you imagine.
bread's done