2008 Suicide Baseball - CLOSED - PLEASE USE NEW THREAD

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I have a question on the clarification of the rules. A request for interpretation, if you will. If one has picked a team for the week, and during that week the team plays poorly, before the end of the week, can that person go back and edit their post (that states their team) and elect to take their bye? Obviously this could only be done once...

Since it's in the rules that if you edit your post once the week beings you are either forced to take a bye or get disqualified, it seems reasonable that one should be able to use that to their advantage by choosing to do it when things look grim.
Little past deadline, but in case I can still join...

My vote's on White Sox for week 1.
If it's too late to enter this week, then can I still enter the contest and use this week as my bye?
Brian, Have you made a ruling as to whether or not week one late commers can still enter the contest and be forced to use thier bye for week #1 as a penalty?

If so, count me in and I'll see you on weds for week 2 picks.
To anyone who posted late, you can still get in, but you have to use your bye for the first week. Teams may not be changed once the final list is posted on monday morning.
[quote name='briansraregames']To anyone who posted late, you can still get in, but you have to use your bye for the first week. Teams may not be changed once the final list is posted on monday morning.[/quote]They can't be changed, obviously, but could one edit their post to force their bye week after the week has started? It seems like that should be reasonable, since in the rules you state that if one edits their post, they're forced to use a bye or be disqualified. So can we use that to our advantage?
[quote name='iowaholdem']They can't be changed, obviously, but could one edit their post to force their bye week after the week has started? It seems like that should be reasonable, since in the rules you state that if one edits their post, they're forced to use a bye or be disqualified. So can we use that to our advantage?[/quote]

Loophole closed. Check the OP.
when it comes to picking week two(after Wednesdays), should we do a new reply or edit our original (after you say to pick week two) ?
[quote name='orgy08']when it comes to picking week two(after Wednesdays), should we do a new reply or edit our original (after you say to pick week two) ?[/quote]

The whole point to the not editing your post rule was to prevent cheating. I sometimes just don't have the time on monday mornings to get everyone's picks recorded and I don't want people changing their picks after the 8 AM deadline. So how about this, until I have your pick officially recorded on monday (this will be in the second post of the thread) you cannot edit your posts. Once I get all teams accounted for, you can go ahead and edit your posts for the next week.
[quote name='iowaholdem']I have a question on the clarification of the rules. A request for interpretation, if you will. If one has picked a team for the week, and during that week the team plays poorly, before the end of the week, can that person go back and edit their post (that states their team) and elect to take their bye? Obviously this could only be done once...

Since it's in the rules that if you edit your post once the week beings you are either forced to take a bye or get disqualified, it seems reasonable that one should be able to use that to their advantage by choosing to do it when things look grim.[/QUOTE]

It seems to me (and I am not the person running this contest) that you would have to declare your bye week in the beginning of such week. On the other hand doing it the way you say sounds good to use as a sort of life-line. I am interested to hear how it will work!
[quote name='BABETOOTH']It seems to me (and I am not the person running this contest) that you would have to declare your bye week in the beginning of such week. On the other hand doing it the way you say sounds good to use as a sort of life-line. I am interested to hear how it will work![/quote]


You cannot change your pick after 8 AM CDT Monday, you cannot force yourself into a bye after your pick has been posted, period, end of story, don't even try it. If this becomes a problem, I will stop the contest. Don't ruin it for everyone.
No, no, no. Don't get me wrong here. I'll play by the rules, but I just wanted to clarify if that bit of a loophole was open for a life line, of sorts. I'm not going to cheat, and I certainly wasn't supporting cheating in that instance, just clarifying what was allowed and what wasn't. Thanks for the ruling. Please don't close this contest, I am really liking the opportunity!
[quote name='briansraregames']The whole point to the not editing your post rule was to prevent cheating. I sometimes just don't have the time on monday mornings to get everyone's picks recorded and I don't want people changing their picks after the 8 AM deadline. So how about this, until I have your pick officially recorded on monday (this will be in the second post of the thread) you cannot edit your posts. Once I get all teams accounted for, you can go ahead and edit your posts for the next week.[/quote]

To make it easier, I'll just make a new reply for next weeks picks and avoid any problems with editing for each weeks picks. Thanks
[quote name='KoA']KC Got owned. Great game though.[/quote]

Come on now, it's never a great game when your 3-6 hitters go 1-14 with 6 K's. We should have kept Emil Brown, Guillen is killing the offense.
It was a good game pitching wise up until the end. But eh, not too good so far. When Vlad hits a triple, *crosses fingers*.
Lets see if offense can do anything
Just saw Joey is doing horrible, thought he was better.

Oooh banny up today. Sware it was like a 3 day break? Whatever. Wish he was still a met.
Well looks like I will be one and done in this beast. The O's couldn't even get a win in Oakland. Now my only hope is a 4 game sweep against the Royals. If that happens, then its solid teams from here on out.
[quote name='craven_fiend']Well looks like I will be one and done in this beast. The O's couldn't even get a win in Oakland. Now my only hope is a 4 game sweep against the Royals. If that happens, then its solid teams from here on out.[/quote]

yeah Os screwed me too...pulling for the sweep also
[quote name='briansraregames']Ok, you guys can go ahead and post your week #2 teams now. Either edit your original post, or make a new reply when you're ready.[/quote]

How much time do I have?

I also recommend updating the first post with all the rules.
Sweet. The Twins won tonight. I need them to beat Chicago again tomorrow and then beat Boston twice... Ehhh. I don't see it happening. I should have checked the schedules before blurting out a team!
need the Chi Sox to win 3 of 4 now, I'm guessing the blow up dolls didn't work. But made plans to go see KC play Cleveland at the end of the month!! Hopefully I'll get to see Greinke pitch. I'll take Houston for week 2 if i make it
I felt like I was making a somewhat risky pick by going with the A's for this first week, especially considering they have an off-day today, so just 6 games for the week, but they've come up big so far. They should be able to take at least one out of three at Texas.

If I get through to Week #2, I'd also like the Cubbies, please.
I'll take the mets Week 2, when KC gets me through.
1-2 So Far.
4 Games vs BAL, they have to win 3.
I'm thinking about changing things up for week #2. Instead of running mon-sun, I'm thinking about changing it up a bit and running the contest from mon-wed (10 days) under this format, you would have to win 5 games instead of 4. That way we could have 4 days to get picks in for the next cycle of games...which would eliminate some headaches for me. Should I elect to go through with this change, we'd pretty much start all over. All players, win or lose, who are signed up for the contest will keep the same teams from week #1 and would advance on to week #2 and to reward the players that picked their week #1 teams correctly, they would then get a free bye week and pass on to week three automatically. So, let me know how that sounds to you guys and I'll think it over. Thanks.
Sounds Gut.
Mon - Wed, KC Will be playing down here in FL, so i'm already planning to go to one of the games :)
[quote name='briansraregames']I'm thinking about changing things up for week #2. Instead of running mon-sun, I'm thinking about changing it up a bit and running the contest from mon-wed (10 days) under this format, you would have to win 5 games instead of 4. That way we could have 4 days to get picks in for the next cycle of games...which would eliminate some headaches for me. Should I elect to go through with this change, we'd pretty much start all over. All players, win or lose, who are signed up for the contest will keep the same teams from week #1 and would advance on to week #2 and to reward the players that picked their week #1 teams correctly, they would then get a free bye week and pass on to week three automatically. So, let me know how that sounds to you guys and I'll think it over. Thanks.[/quote]

As someone who is on the losing end currently, this is an awesome idea. Actually, I think this would be win/win for everyone. Those lucky enough to have picked winning teams can get a breather. While those of us not so lucky, get a fresh start.
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