2013 MLB Discussion

LMAO...if you really believe that, why bother watching the sport? It's all a work!!! The Yankees and their one championship in the last 13 years are ruining everything!!! Bahhhh!!!!!!
So past behavior should not influence how I look at current issues? By your argument everyone over the age of 35 shouldn't be a baseball fan because there was documented collusion by MLB owners.

If we are holding A-Rods prior actions against him it is only fair to hold all involved to the same standard.
Sorry Mariners fans for seeing your bullpen pick up where they left off but...I am glad to see the Mariners' bullpen pick up where they left off.

Not happy to see K-Rod pick up where he left off...
Chris Johnson had a .430 BABIP coming into tonight's game. According to Jayson Stark, if the season ended today, that would be the highest since Ty Cobb and Shoeless Joe Jackson in 1911.

David Murphy had an absurdly high BABIP (especially against lefties) last year. That shit always happens to random ass people every year.

And it just keeps coming...


If they honestly have this much legitimate evidence against A-Rod, he's done. And why talk about it if you don't have it? Proof that he's been on steroids since 2009. Insane.

Honestly, even if he gets off with less than a lifetime ban, his career has to be over. He's 38 now. He could be pushing 40 before he's eligible to play again...and honestly, since the latter years of his contract were supposed to be a reward for breaking records, the Yankees would be smart to just put him on waivers anyway. At that point, the money is a moot point. Just make a statement and be done with his sorry ass.

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Suspensions to be dished out tomorrow. The only player for sure to be appealing is A-Rod (his suspension would be for the rest of 2013 and all of 2014). Who knows what Cruz, Peralta, etc will be doing. It is also kind of shady that Colon and Cabrera are exempt from this.

Suspensions to be dished out tomorrow. The only player for sure to be appealing is A-Rod (his suspension would be for the rest of 2013 and all of 2014). Who knows what Cruz, Peralta, etc will be doing. It is also kind of shady that Colon and Cabrera are exempt from this.
That boggles my mind and really helps A-Rod with his appeal. If the guy who made a fake website to stymie MLB and their investigation only gets 50 then how the hell does A-Rod get 214?
No, it's because Cabrera isn't as much of an "embarrassment" as A-Rod, even though a lot of that was Steinbrenner's and Selig's doing.
Time to see this "contingency plan" that JD, Thad Levine and Nolan Ryan have been talking up. Most likely, it's Joey Butler. And if that is true, the Rangers need to get someone on the waiver wire ASAP. You can replace Cruz's defense, but there is no way a platoon of any kind will match the offensive production. This has the potential to ruin the Rangers down the stretch.

Well, like I said, a year and a half suspension likely ends A-Rod's career anyway (unless he just plays Dominican ball the entire time). If he doesn't stay in shape and keep his skills sharp, there's no way in hell he makes a major league roster at 40. And I'm almost positive the Yankees would eat the final 3 years of his deal, or buy him out, or something. He will not wear a Yankee uniform after serving the suspension. No way.

But I can't even imagine how it's going to go down when he appeals and then expects to play. I'd seriously hate to be Joe Girardi right now. Do you play A-Rod and allow him to embarrass himself and be booed harder than he's ever been booed before? (and that's saying something) Or do you bench him like you had already started doing before all this crap went down anyway?

I see people all over the internet talking about "The Yankees' production at 3rd base has been so terrible, they NEED A-Rod's bat"....as though people don't remember the last time he played. I just don't see him hitting over .260 ever again. His strikeout rate was sky high too. And then you have to consider what he's going to do to the clubhouse morale. It just feels like the last agonizing weeks of a bitter, horrible marriage. If only The Boss were still alive. He'd probably smother Alex with a pillow himself, lol.

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The Yankees have a 51 wRC+ and -0.9 fWAR out of the the third base position with a 25% strikeout percentage this year. A-Rod has never been anywhere near those numbers. Sure, he is a shell of his former self, but good god, those numbers are terrible when replacement level players are playing worse than replacement level players. 

The Yankees have a 51 wRC+ and -0.9 fWAR out of the the third base position with a 25% strikeout percentage this year. A-Rod has never been anywhere near those numbers. Sure, he is a shell of his former self, but good god, those numbers are terrible when replacement level players are playing worse than replacement level players.
Alex had 116 SOs in 529 PAs last year...which is 21.9%. You don't think after all this drama and the extra venom coming at him from every direction (not to mention being another year older and another surgery along) will cause his performance level to go down even more? He was a head case BEFORE everyone on the team hated him. I just can't see how he could possibly even act like he's "part of the team" after this mess. It's so far gone, lol.

Well, yeah, his playing ability will digress, but it will still be a far cry above what they have rotating at third base right now. But even with his high K%, he hit decently and played decent defense (2 fWAR). And we live in an age of strikeouts. High strikeout totals are the norm for the majority of hitters these days, after all, the MLB is on pace to have the most strikeouts ever in a season.

And A-Rod's always been a diva and a head case. I guess it is just one of those things you have to deal with, haha. 

Rangers called up Engel Beltre and Joey Butler to "try" to fill Nelson Cruz's offensive void. Here is hoping that Josh Willingham or somebody with some power becomes available. 

Well, yeah, his playing ability will digress, but it will still be a far cry above what they have rotating at third base right now. But even with his high K%, he hit decently and played decent defense (2 fWAR). And we live in an age of strikeouts. High strikeout totals are the norm for the majority of hitters these days, after all, the MLB is on pace to have the most strikeouts ever in a season.

And A-Rod's always been a diva and a head case. I guess it is just one of those things you have to deal with, haha.

Rangers called up Engel Beltre and Joey Butler to "try" to fill Nelson Cruz's offensive void. Here is hoping that Josh Willingham or somebody with some power becomes available.
I don't get it, man. Why are you drinking the A-Rod kool-aid? Yeah, he hit decently...BECAUSE HE WAS ON STEROIDS, lol. He's a feast or famine hitter and has been for years now. He'll hit 3 home runs in one game (can we call that the "PED Pick Me Up"?), then go 0 for his next 12. I look at K's because a non-productive out is a non-productive out. Look at his average with runners in scoring position. And are you seriously trying to sell me on the defense of a guy who just came off his 2nd major hip surgery? He'll be lucky if he can even play the field consistently.

I don't dispute that what the team has had out there is complete crap...but the Yanks are done this season anyway. At best, with A-Rod, you're getting a marginal upgrade. If there wasn't so much animosity between him and the team, I'd say, sure, this would be a great time to test him out and find out what he has left in the tank. But at this point, I'm not even sure that I trust him to not try to intentionally be a distraction. I'm not sure you can go back from your GM telling you to "shut the fuck up", lol.

I'm not drinking the Kool-Aid. I'm looking at the numbers they Yankees have going for them and the numbers that A-Rod has had. I'm not a fan at all, but the stats and metrics do not lie, drugs or no drugs. 

A-Rod is playing tonight. Might as well, not like they have anything to lose.

As much as ESPN loves Puig, I am shocked they didn't bump Dodgers/Cardinals for this game.
Well, yeah, his playing ability will digress, but it will still be a far cry above what they have rotating at third base right now. But even with his high K%, he hit decently and played decent defense (2 fWAR). And we live in an age of strikeouts. High strikeout totals are the norm for the majority of hitters these days, after all, the MLB is on pace to have the most strikeouts ever in a season.

And A-Rod's always been a diva and a head case. I guess it is just one of those things you have to deal with, haha.

Rangers called up Engel Beltre and Joey Butler to "try" to fill Nelson Cruz's offensive void. Here is hoping that Josh Willingham or somebody with some power becomes available.

This team is going to have to do it with pitching. Harrison and Lewis are coming back shortly and they are going to need to be damn near dominant when they do return. If they do that and can slot Ogando and maybe Feliz back in the pen, they should be able to grind it out for a playoff spot. It helps that they don't play a team above .500 for a month (hopefully by then KC and Tampa will be hitting a cold spell).

It has been nice to finally see Andrus and Moreland get on a little bit of a roll. The guys they have now are going to have to do it unless some teams start to head into the shitter. I really hope some of these teams that thought they were contenders finally realize that it is time to sell.

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Ogando's start on Wednesday will probably be his last to show if he can be a solid starter or not since Colby's last rehab start is Thursday. He's going to try to throw 100 pitches and get the velocity where it needs to be. I'm not quite sure about Harrison as I don't think they will really need him. But that all depends on how Perez does down the stretch. If Perez is pitching moderately well (approaching a 1 fWAR as of now), I don't know if the Rangers would kick him to the curb for a pitcher coming off back surgery for a few starts. A playoff rotation of Darvish/Holland/Garza/Lewis or Perez is pretty good. 

I'm not drinking the Kool-Aid. I'm looking at the numbers they Yankees have going for them and the numbers that A-Rod has had. I'm not a fan at all, but the stats and metrics do not lie, drugs or no drugs.
Unfortunately, very true. Even the shell of A-Rod is a massive improvement over what they have had 3rd. They have literally been rolling out 4A players all year. You have to assume that what we saw at the very end of last year was dramatically impacted by his injury. I definitely can see him going, say, .270/.340/.440, which is still waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than Adams/Cruz/Nix/whoever...

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Man, talk about being vague, lol.

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I hate that MLB actually made me feel bad for A-Rod. I fucking hate the guy, and yet I do feel for him. Bud over reached big time, and in some ways I hope it comes back and bites him in the ass. I would almost be glad to see A-Rod walk just to see him stick it to the Yankees and Selig. Listening to MLB Network radio, you would think he killed babies. You would also think that no one else on the Yankees ever used, which is hilarious to me. Especially when you consider that 3 of the 13 suspended were linked to the Yankees. Also, we can't forget all the stars of the team that used in the past. Clemens, Pettitte, Giambi, and Sheffield were all admitted users who have worn pinstripes.

If this was 03 A-Rod, everyone in NY would be complaining about how they piled onto their guy. Instead they are all sympathetic to an idiotic front office who loved to pay big money to roid users and signed a guy to the stupidest contract ever.

I hate that MLB actually made me feel bad for A-Rod. I fucking hate the guy, and yet I do feel for him. Bud over reached big time, and in some ways I hope it comes back and bites him in the ass. I would almost be glad to see A-Rod walk just to see him stick it to the Yankees and Selig. Listening to MLB Network radio, you would think he killed babies. You would also think that no one else on the Yankees ever used, which is hilarious to me. Especially when you consider that 3 of the 13 suspended were linked to the Yankees. Also, we can't forget all the stars of the team that used in the past. Clemens, Pettitte, Giambi, and Sheffield were all admitted users who have worn pinstripes.

If this was 03 A-Rod, everyone in NY would be complaining about how they piled onto their guy. Instead they are all sympathetic to an idiotic front office who loved to pay big money to roid users and signed a guy to the stupidest contract ever.

:roll: I'll just leave this here.



Thanks for that. I forgot that Canseco, Brown, and Stanton were all on the Yankees.

That said, how is that relevant? You don't think I know that the Rangers have had a lot of people on the juice? How does former Ranger's players being on the juice impact what I said about Yankee fans and their feelings about A-Rod? Your article doesn't explain how A-Rod is a disgrace in the pinstripes, but Pettitte pitching tonight is A-OK with every die hard Yankee fan.Also, it has nothing to do with the fact that for a first time suspension he is getting over 4X what the penalty is supposed to be, does it?

I hate that MLB actually made me feel bad for A-Rod. I fucking hate the guy, and yet I do feel for him. Bud over reached big time, and in some ways I hope it comes back and bites him in the ass. I would almost be glad to see A-Rod walk just to see him stick it to the Yankees and Selig. Listening to MLB Network radio, you would think he killed babies. You would also think that no one else on the Yankees ever used, which is hilarious to me. Especially when you consider that 3 of the 13 suspended were linked to the Yankees. Also, we can't forget all the stars of the team that used in the past. Clemens, Pettitte, Giambi, and Sheffield were all admitted users who have worn pinstripes.

If this was 03 A-Rod, everyone in NY would be complaining about how they piled onto their guy. Instead they are all sympathetic to an idiotic front office who loved to pay big money to roid users and signed a guy to the stupidest contract ever.
I don't think his suspension is ridiculous.

Remainder of season for same offense as Braun

2014 for misleading and obstructing investigation

Hard to forget about this:


http://bronxbaseballdaily.com/2011/04/a-rod-begged-the-yankees-to-sign-melky-in-offseason/ <-- Same year Melky became a top 10 OF

If what the leaks claim is all true, A-Rod has been taking PEDs since 2010, hooked many other players up with Biogenesis and their "services," and actively tried to obtain evidence for the purpose of a cover-up. Suspension seems pretty fair. Will likely get chopped down to 100 or 150, though.

And the hits keep on coming for the Rangers. Colby Lewis out for the rest of 2013 after he undergoes hip surgery to remove bone spurs. He was set for his last rehab start on Thursday where he would attempt to throw 100 pitches over 7 innings. All hope is on either Matt Harrison coming back and being good, or Ogando figuring out the strikezone again. 

If what the leaks claim is all true, A-Rod has been taking PEDs since 2010, hooked many other players up with Biogenesis and their "services," and actively tried to obtain evidence for the purpose of a cover-up. Suspension seems pretty fair. Will likely get chopped down to 100 or 150, though.
Melky Cabrera bought three websites, sent MLB to the Dominican, and had someone sell them testosterone. He only got 50 games. We have yet to hear anything close to that ridiculousness with A Rod.
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So with all the roids A-Rod's been on, did he take the wrong kind?  I mean, there's not a bigger woman in the league than him so there's no way he could have been filling himself up with testosterone.  Estrogen, sure.

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Melky Cabrera bought three websites, sent MLB to the Dominican, and had someone sell them testosterone. He only got 50 games. We have yet to hear anything close to that ridiculousness with A Rod.
We haven't been supplied a formal statement about what A-Rod did. Only leaks. So, it's a little hard to compare the situations. And again, the leaks say he used PEDs foe THREE years, was the one who essentially introduced everyone else to the clinic, and sought to destroy evidence. How exactly is that not a mountain of violations?

Melky Cabrera bought three websites, sent MLB to the Dominican, and had someone sell them testosterone. He only got 50 games. We have yet to hear anything close to that ridiculousness with A Rod.
And you don't think Melky and A-Rod had any communication at all concerning these "purchases"? Icegaryen just posted a link above about Alex begging the Yankees to resign Melky. Coincidence? Right or wrong, A-Rod is obviously being pursued as the "ring leader" in all of this. They're saying they have evidence that he introduced other players to Biogenesis. It's basically the equivalent of a mob boss facing stiffer charges than some lackey underling. MLB is proposing that A-Rod is the kingpin here. If they can prove it, I think they've got a reasonably strong case.
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Bryce Harper is such a crybaby. He gets beaned by Julio Teheran and starts talking shit on his way to first. Brian McCann goes after him, with Joe West holding onto his jersey to stop him. The benches clear, including Jason Heyward, who had already left the game with an injury in the 1st inning. No fighting, just a bunch of jawing back and forth.

edit: Ha. Harper wasn't mouthing off after Kimbrel struck him out to end the game. 12 in a row now.

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DIdn't Arod admit to using PED's while with Texas too? I believe he said it during an interview a few years back. It's good that the cheaters are finally getting busted, but it is annoying that the Yankees and Red Sox got away with juicing for so many years. David Ortiz is one lucky SOB. How he hasn't been caught over all these years is baffling.

The sad part about the whole steroid thing is that you can't trust anyone. Frank Thomas? Griffey? Thome?, Pujols? 

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Bryce Harper is such a crybaby. He gets beaned by Julio Teheran and starts talking shit on his way to first. Brian McCann goes after him, with Joe West holding onto his jersey to stop him. The benches clear, including Jason Heyward, who had already left the game with an injury in the 1st inning. No fighting, just a bunch of jawing back and forth.

edit: Ha. Harper wasn't mouthing off after Kimbrel struck him out to end the game. 12 in a row now.
Yeah, what a cry baby for talking shit after being intentionally hit after he hit a home run in a previous at bat. Such a douche, should get suspended. God forbid Heyward, who voluntarily left the bench (going to a brawl while injured? Or was he injured? What a baby) would've gotten hit in a brawl that his teammate initiated.

DIdn't Arod admit to using PED's while with Texas too? I believe he said it during an interview a few years back. It's good that the cheaters are finally getting busted, but it is annoying that the Yankees and Red Sox got away with juicing for so many years. David Ortiz is one lucky SOB. How he hasn't been caught over all these years is baffling.

The sad part about the whole steroid thing is that you can't trust anyone. Frank Thomas? Griffey? Thome?, Pujols?
Singling out Ortiz is pretty lame, no offense. He was on one list ten years ago with 100 other guys, he doesn't belong in the same paragraph as A-Rod when it comes to this issue.

I'm not going to sit here and say with 100% certainty that he's clean, because I don't really think anyone can truly know that about anyone, but come on. I promise you that neither the Yankees nor Sox got any preferential treatment.

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Yeah, what a cry baby for talking shit after being intentionally hit after he hit a home run in a previous at bat. Such a douche, should get suspended. God forbid Heyward, who voluntarily left the bench (going to a brawl while injured? Or was he injured? What a baby) would've gotten hit in a brawl that his teammate initiated.
That's what he gets for hotdogging it after the home run. If he can't take the consequences and repercussions of his showboating, maybe he should dial it back.

I always thought it was chickenshit of pitchers to hit batters for showboating after a home run, no matter who the batter or pitcher is.

I always thought it was chickenshit of pitchers to hit batters for showboating after a home run, no matter who the batter or pitcher is.
I don't like it when they throw at someone else, but if they bean the guy who did it next time up, I don't have a problem with it as long as they don't throw at his head.

I just hate how pitchers can celebrate when the strike out someone to end an inning or game (King Felix, Matt Garza and several others are guilty of this), but a hitter is going to get hit if he stares at his home run or flips his bat.

Rangers one game back of the A's now. They stole 6 bases tonight and stomped the Lol Angeles Angels 8-3. 4-1 on this ten game road trip so far with one more against LAA and 4 against Houston.

That's what he gets for hotdogging it after the home run. If he can't take the consequences and repercussions of his showboating, maybe he should dial it back.
Define hotdogging. Was he not jogging on the basepath? He wasn't even admiring his HR after he hit it, nor was there a bat flip. If he wasn't jogging (pretty sure he was based on the replay), shouldn't Ortiz get plunked after every HR he hits?


The way I see it is that Taheran is an immature douche who just had to plunk him after giving up a HR.

bread's done