2013 MLB Discussion

Dodgers signed Brian Wilson to a minor league deal. I had a feeling they would sign him once their bullpen went to crap. I honestly forgot this guy existed. Maybe someone will sign Sizemore aha.
Hope he doesn't get all Hollywood. He already liked the camera on him up in SF.
So Michael Young will only accept a trade to the Rangers. Is there anything you guys can give us? A hot dog vendor maybe?
Why does he want to go back to the organization that he felt disrespected him so many times?

The Dodgers are signing all the things! Seriously though. That team is insane with the way they throw money around

Looks like Biogenesis suspensions are going to be handed out pretty soon. Most sources say that most of the suspendees will not appeal, Nelson Cruz is one. And this sucks because Jon Daniels hasn't been active at all in getting a bat or two.

You say that like Jurickson Profar, Elvis Andrus, Mitch Moreland, and David Murphy aren't world class hitters that people fear.
Pretty excited about Peavy coming to the Red Sox.  He's not the pitcher he once was, but he's one of the more likeable guys in the league so I look forward to rooting for him.

As much as I love fielding, I'm also glad they sold high on Jose Iglesias (especially if they're not including much else).  Bogaerts is the SS of the future in Boston, and now he's got a clear path to the bigs.

What a sellers market. An MLB ready, middle infielder prospect with a .388 wOBA is traded for an expensive utility player. 

I like the Peavy trade for all sides. Boston needed a reliable starter, Tigers needed to SS in case of JP suspension and for 2014 an on. Garcia is a 22 year old MLB outfielder. 

Detroit was clearly the desperate team in the deal, but they were probably over a barrel.  Maybe Iglesias will go on another hot streak for them, but his glove is no joke.

I was reserving full judgement until I heard who else was in the deal from the Red Sox, but it looks like no one of note.  Hard not to like the deal, even if Peavy is only a middle of the rotation starter at this point.

Boston seems like they'll call Middlebrooks back up to take over at 3rd again.  I'm glad they're not giving up on him, since I still think he has the talent to be the long-term solution there.  He still needs to learn any semblance of plate discipline, but I don't buy that he forgot how to hit overnight.

I can now say that I have seen somebody steal home. I can check that off the bucket list. Too bad it was the other team, but Orioles won in the end. :)

Ian Kennedy to the Padres for Joe Thatcher, a draft pick and a double A arm.

Justin Maxwell to the Royals.

Bud Norris to the Orioles pending physicals on prospects.

Pretty slow for a trade deadline day. Nothing really groundbreaking. 

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Ian Kennedy to the Padres for Joe Thatcher, a draft pick and a double A arm.

Justin Maxwell to the Royals.

Bud Norris to the Orioles pending physicals on prospects.

Pretty slow for a trade deadline day. Nothing really groundbreaking.
Have you seen the rumored asking prices for some of these veterans? They are outrageous. Ex. Amarro is looking for 4 top prospects for Lee. That's a ton to give up for a pitcher who's about to turn 35 at and still has a ton of money left on his contract.

Bader MIGHT be a regrettable loss someday, but Hoes wasn't getting consistent playing time at all here, so here's to him getting a chance.

Wow...so Bud IS trying to hit A-Rod with a lifetime ban. I'll tell ya, even as a Yankee fan, and even if it didn't save the Yankees any money at all, I'd still love to see it. Even if you made the argument that Alex isn't the biggest offender in the steroid era, he's certainly the dumbest. He's gotten caught in this crap so many times and ALWAYS says or does the wrong thing. Even his most recent quad strain, that he went for a second opinion on, the doctor he went to has been fined numerous times and lists "anti-aging" as one of his specialties. So, even AFTER Biogenesis, A-Rod can't even stay away from these people.

When you think about tarnishing the game, making a mockery out of history, defrauding the Yankees, fans, the league, etc. and then you look at the crap that Pete Rose has had to deal with just for betting on his own team, how can you not want to throw the book at A-Rod? Whether he's bigger scum than Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, Mark McGwire, or whoever, he's most definitely done the worst job handling it. And if the league is ever going to make an example out of somebody, I can't think of a more deserving person.

Eh, a lifetime ban still seems too harsh. Multi-year suspension? Sure. But a lifetime ban is just a bit too much IMO.

Wow...so Bud IS trying to hit A-Rod with a lifetime ban. I'll tell ya, even as a Yankee fan, and even if it didn't save the Yankees any money at all, I'd still love to see it. Even if you made the argument that Alex isn't the biggest offender in the steroid era, he's certainly the dumbest. He's gotten caught in this crap so many times and ALWAYS says or does the wrong thing. Even his most recent quad strain, that he went for a second opinion on, the doctor he went to has been fined numerous times and lists "anti-aging" as one of his specialties. So, even AFTER Biogenesis, A-Rod can't even stay away from these people.

When you think about tarnishing the game, making a mockery out of history, defrauding the Yankees, fans, the league, etc. and then you look at the crap that Pete Rose has had to deal with just for betting on his own team, how can you not want to throw the book at A-Rod? Whether he's bigger scum than Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, Mark McGwire, or whoever, he's most definitely done the worst job handling it. And if the league is ever going to make an example out of somebody, I can't think of a more deserving person.
It is the Yankees own fault. If 10 at 252 was dumb, why in the fuck was 10 at 275 a good idea 8 years later. Also the Yankees have brought in a ton of roid users. Dont single him out like he is the only one.

Bud has done way more shady and stupid shit than A-Rod ever dreamed of.
Pretty slow for a trade deadline day. Nothing really groundbreaking.
True, but not really a surprise. The second wild card has really made the July 31st deadline too early. Most teams are still technically in the playoff race. The deadline should really be moved to August 15th. Two weeks might not seem like a whole lot, but it will knock a couple of more teams back down to reality.

I can now say that I have seen somebody steal home. I can check that off the bucket list. Too bad it was the other team, but Orioles won in the end. :)
I just saw the video of that. That had to have been the worst job of holding a runner on base that I've ever seen. He could've scored standing up.

The Braves are ridiculously hot right now. The entire lineup is hitting. I think a lot of it had to do with the reshuffling, moving Heyward to leadoff and dropping Simmons down to the 8 hole. Justin Upton has finally woken up after his long cold streak. I never thought I'd say this in the spring, but this team is better without BJ Upton in the lineup. Gattis' bat is better than BJ's this year, and Heyward's defense in center has been stellar.

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It is the Yankees own fault. If 10 at 252 was dumb, why in the fuck was 10 at 275 a good idea 8 years later. Also the Yankees have brought in a ton of roid users. Dont single him out like he is the only one.

Bud has done way more shady and stupid shit than A-Rod ever dreamed of.
If you read the article, the grounds for the lifetime ban are fairly compelling. This is way beyond an "I want to roid up" situation. MLB allegedly has solid evidence that Alex introduced other players to Biogenesis, and that he tried to have evidence destroyed. Show me other players who have taken things this far and I'll stop "singling him out". They're not even going after him for violating the PEDs policy, but for breaking the CBA. As deep of a mess as players like Clemens or Palmeiro were in with their respective situations, you can't tell me this isn't worse.

As for your other point, the Yankees didn't sign him to the 10 at 252...your Rangers did. So, it's not like the Yankees came up with the idea. The only reason the second 10 year contract was even a consideration was because it was supposed to have spanned a time when A-Rod was chasing Hank Aaron and Barry Bonds. It's definitely the Yankees fault for not knowing (or caring) that he was a clean player though. When that's the basis of the entire contract, it's a hell of a gamble.

I have no problem with the lifetime ban. I do have a problem with the Yankees getting out of all that money. They signed him to that contract. They should have deal with the consequences of it. They will be under the luxury tax and free to spend again. 

How many teams do you think would love to be rid of their worst contract so easily? 

I have no problem with the lifetime ban. I do have a problem with the Yankees getting out of all that money. They signed him to that contract. They should have deal with the consequences of it. They will be under the luxury tax and free to spend again.

How many teams do you think would love to be rid of their worst contract so easily?
Yeah, why can't Ryan Howard be in the same boat as A-Rod?

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I have no problem with the lifetime ban. I do have a problem with the Yankees getting out of all that money. They signed him to that contract. They should have deal with the consequences of it. They will be under the luxury tax and free to spend again.

How many teams do you think would love to be rid of their worst contract so easily?
LMAO..."so easily". Again, go look at the laundry list of allegations against A-Rod that they're pursuing this ban on and show me another player who has gotten himself in this deep.

And the only way they would get out of paying him would be if they had a valid insurance claim. If A-Rod's actions actually warrant one, why shouldn't they have a right to use it? That's what insurance is for. That's like me saying you shouldn't get any help paying for repairs if a tree falls on your house because you knew what you were getting into by buying a home.
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You can twist it or defend it anyway, but the fact of the matter is that the Yankees will get out of $25MM next year. 

"If Rodriguez is suspended for all of next season, the Yankees would not have to pay the embattled slugger's $25 million salary for 2014. The unpaid money would not count against the luxury tax and revenue sharing, which would make it much easier for the Yankees to fall under team owner Hal Steinbrenner's goal of a $189 million payroll for 2014." Per ESPN.

On the one hand, you will have A-Rod banned for life, but someone like Bartolo Colon (guilty of pretty much the same thing with Biogenesis) might not even be suspended at all. That makes little sense. And the fact that there is no due process on this whole thing is crazy. If this does happen without any due process, you're going to the see the Player's Union go batshit crazy since this is being handled under the CBA and not the drug policy enforcement. Sure, I am playing devil's advocate here

Pretty good article on why he shouldn't be suspended:


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Of course they are. What they aren't OK is not giving the player in question a chance to appeal the suspension. The union has always been for that due process. And in this current situation, A-Rod doesn't have that option. I'm no fan of the man, but under the Player's Union and drug policies, a player has the right to appeal anything. A-Rod shouldn't be excluded from that. 

If you read the article, the grounds for the lifetime ban are fairly compelling. This is way beyond an "I want to roid up" situation. MLB allegedly has solid evidence that Alex introduced other players to Biogenesis, and that he tried to have evidence destroyed. Show me other players who have taken things this far and I'll stop "singling him out". They're not even going after him for violating the PEDs policy, but for breaking the CBA. As deep of a mess as players like Clemens or Palmeiro were in with their respective situations, you can't tell me this isn't worse.

As for your other point, the Yankees didn't sign him to the 10 at 252...your Rangers did. So, it's not like the Yankees came up with the idea. The only reason the second 10 year contract was even a consideration was because it was supposed to have spanned a time when A-Rod was chasing Hank Aaron and Barry Bonds. It's definitely the Yankees fault for not knowing (or caring) that he was a clean player though. When that's the basis of the entire contract, it's a hell of a gamble.
A-Rod probably lived up to that first contract, but to sign a player already passed his prime to a 10 year deal for a bigger number when no one else wanted him was hella dumb. Three teams wanted him in 2000.

If A-Rod was paying people off, he would have paid off Bosch, who wanted one from him. Don't buy all the shit Bud is shoveling hook line and sinker. Used car salesmen love to lie just like roid users.

Also, if I am a player I am appealing. If the government couldn't get Bonds and Clemens, why would I fear the testimony of a liar? Unless they got used needles and video tape of injections, I would fight the shit out of it. Hell they had used needles in the Clemens case and he walked.
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You can twist it or defend it anyway, but the fact of the matter is that the Yankees will get out of $25MM next year.

"If Rodriguez is suspended for all of next season, the Yankees would not have to pay the embattled slugger's $25 million salary for 2014. The unpaid money would not count against the luxury tax and revenue sharing, which would make it much easier for the Yankees to fall under team owner Hal Steinbrenner's goal of a $189 million payroll for 2014." Per ESPN.

On the one hand, you will have A-Rod banned for life, but someone like Bartolo Colon (guilty of pretty much the same thing with Biogenesis) might not even be suspended at all. That makes little sense. And the fact that there is no due process on this whole thing is crazy. If this does happen without any due process, you're going to the see the Player's Union go batshit crazy since this is being handled under the CBA and not the drug policy enforcement. Sure, I am playing devil's advocate here

Pretty good article on why he shouldn't be suspended:

Sounds like you're arguing this from an extremely prejudiced standpoint against the Yankees in general. You highlight how they wouldn't have to pay A-Rod's salary if he misses next season. Again...do you not understand insurance? Why should they have to continue to pay a player who knowingly and voluntarily broke not only league policy, but the law, and got caught doing it? Unless you're really trying to sell some conspiracy collusion between the Yankees and Bud Selig, and that Bud is trying to help the Yankees save money, it doesn't make any sense.

Doesn't it seem more rational that Bud is trying to come down hard on A-Rod because he has been one of the biggest and most prominent stars of the past 20 years, was annointed the eventual home run king almost a decade ago, and has now been proven to be just as dirty (if not moreso) than the blemish on the game that he's chasing? After the black eye that Bonds and Clemens gave the game, do you really think Bud Selig wants A-Rod even sniffing any MLB records at this point?

Sounds like you're arguing this from an extremely prejudiced standpoint against the Yankees in general. You highlight how they wouldn't have to pay A-Rod's salary if he misses next season. Again...do you not understand insurance? Why should they have to continue to pay a player who knowingly and voluntarily broke not only league policy, but the law, and got caught doing it? Unless you're really trying to sell some conspiracy collusion between the Yankees and Bud Selig, and that Bud is trying to help the Yankees save money, it doesn't make any sense.

Doesn't it seem more rational that Bud is trying to come down hard on A-Rod because he has been one of the biggest and most prominent stars of the past 20 years, was annointed the eventual home run king almost a decade ago, and has now been proven to be just as dirty (if not moreso) than the blemish on the game that he's chasing? After the black eye that Bonds and Clemens gave the game, do you really think Bud Selig wants A-Rod even sniffing any MLB records at this point?
The Yankees and Bud Selig would never collude. They both have long tenured histories as completely upstanding pillars of the game. Dave Winfield and all the free agents in the 80's will back me up on this.

If you dont think Bud plays favorites then why do the Wilpons still own the Mets, while McCourt had to sell the Dodgers? Selig knows how much revenue a good Yankees team generates.
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The Yankees and Bud Selig would never collude. They both have long tenured histories as completely upstanding pillars of the game. Dave Winfield and all the free agents in the 80's will back me up on this.

If you dont think Bud plays favorites then why do the Wilpons still own the Mets, while McCourt had to sell the Dodgers? Selig knows how much revenue a good Yankees team generates.
LMAO...if you really believe that, why bother watching the sport? It's all a work!!! The Yankees and their one championship in the last 13 years are ruining everything!!! Bahhhh!!!!!!

If A-Rod was paying people off, he would have paid off Bosch, who wanted one from him. Don't buy all the shit Bud is shoveling hook line and sinker. Used car salesmen love to lie just like roid users.

Also, if I am a player I am appealing. If the government couldn't get Bonds and Clemens, why would I fear the testimony of a liar? Unless they got used needles and video tape of injections, I would fight the shit out of it. Hell they had used needles in the Clemens case and he walked.
1) You're assuming that all that the league has on these players is what Bosch is saying. If all of these players are so quick to accept deals, one would think that the league office has a lot more than that. But who knows if we will ever find out HOW much baseball really has.

2) The appeals process, though, is different than going to court, and a lone arbitrator is not the same as a jury.

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Rangers have won 4 straight. I went to the game tonight and, man, Darvish was fantastic.

14 strikeouts, 0 Walks. 7 Innings.

And the Rangers dominated the D-Backs with 7 Runs on 12 hits. 4 1/2 games behind Oakland with a big weekend series in Oakland with Ogando, Garza and Holland pitching. Should be a good one.

I absolutely don't think the Yankees should be off the hook for A-Rod's salary, but I can admit that it's 100% due to the fact that I'm a Red Sox fan.  If it were the Sox in this position, I'm sure I'd feel the exact opposite. 

I can tell it's an unreasonable position because I find myself agreeing with Buck Showalter, who said pretty much the same thing and is even more biased than I am.

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Man, the Mariners just could not catch a break in the 9th.

Maybe they just need to never take Felix out.

Its really amazing, they give some run support and still lose.

They need a lot of bullpen help and a 3rd starter.

I'm not to worried about their hitting. I like most of the players they have.

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Man, the Mariners just could not catch a break in the 9th.

Maybe they just need to never take Felix out.
It blows my mind that they did not trade Wilhelmsen, Morse and Morales at the deadline. They're not gonna win anything. They were 7 games under at the deadline. But I'm not complaining, just makes it that much easier for Texas (and sadly, Oakland).

It blows my mind that they did not trade Wilhelmsen, Morse and Morales at the deadline. They're not gonna win anything. They were 7 games under at the deadline. But I'm not complaining, just makes it that much easier for Texas (and sadly, Oakland).
Even though Seattle is winning the season series against Oakland?

Texas is the only team in the division they have a losing record against.

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That really doesn't matter when you're 8 under .500, 13 behind in the AL West and 10 behind in the Wild Card. Wouldn't you rather flip these future free agents and cherished pieces for prospects or put all your eggs in the basket of making the wild card when you're already 10 games behind?

Well, yea I was just arguing the point about making it easier for Oakland and Texas.

I would like Seattle to get younger talent for at least the outfield and relief pitching. Its working pretty good for their infield.

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That really doesn't matter when you're 8 under .500, 13 behind in the AL West and 10 behind in the Wild Card. Wouldn't you rather flip these future free agents and cherished pieces for prospects or put all your eggs in the basket of making the wild card when you're already 10 games behind?
Ruben Amaro doesn't like what you're saying. He thinks the Phillies are still contenders so we kept Michael Young because logic.

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That really doesn't matter when you're 8 under .500, 13 behind in the AL West and 10 behind in the Wild Card. Wouldn't you rather flip these future free agents and cherished pieces for prospects or put all your eggs in the basket of making the wild card when you're already 10 games behind?
They're hoping 1995 happens again.

bread's done