2014 Yardsale thread

Had a really good day today despite only buying from 2 sales!


This is a story that reminds everyone to ask for games. I looked around at this sale and after not finding much asked if they had any old game stuff. The husband joked and said, nothing you'd probably be interested in. I responded that I was interested in older NES and Super Nintendo stuff and he was surprised. He told me to come to the back of the garage and he pulled out a complete SNES system. He said it was his ex-wife's and it's been in the garage for years. He said to make him an offer so I offered $5 for it and the How to Train Your Dragon Hiccup set and he took it!


This is by far my favorite and best find this year purely just for me. I pulled up to the sale and started to look around. I saw this stilling upright on a table and took a closer look. It was the complete Far Side collection! It was marked $25 which is fair but I didn't really want to spend that much. I take it up to the front and the lady immediately says she'd take $20 for it and I really debated. I told her I've had all the books at one time and still have a few at home but would it be work have these and getting rid of the others. I offered her $15 and she decided that she would make the deal for a fan of Gary Larson. So... I am VERY excited for this find and already have this on the bookshelf next to the Calvin and Hobbes Collection.

So something pretty terrible happened to me today. I pulled up at a sale and spotted a huge box of ps2 games that were blocked by 2 ladies. So I waited a few minutes till they left to check out the games only to find out that all the games were missing. Also whatever loose games they had were scratched to hell.

:twoguns:  :twoguns:

So something pretty terrible happened to me today. I pulled up at a sale and spotted a huge box of ps2 games that were blocked by 2 ladies. So I waited a few minutes till they left to check out the games only to find out that all the games were missing. Also whatever loose games they had were scratched to hell.

:twoguns: :twoguns:
Obviously you need to learn yard sale etiquette. You're supposed to push women and children out of the way to get to what you want.

Bah - wasn't gonna go out after how craapy yesterday was but saw an ad that listed Simpsons DVDs and other stuff close by so I thought I'd hit a few.

Asked how much DVDs were and the wife says I think like a dollar each. Husband chirps in and says prices are on there. I look on the other side and each one is $8. I almost laughed. It seemed the wife's stuff was all cheap - like 10 cents for plates, 50 cent paper shredder, etc. Husband's stuff was all expensive. $8 dvds, $10 for some gumby figure, $5 for a 2010 Simpsons calender, etc. With those prices I didn't even bother asking about video games. I just wanted to leave.

Few more sales were all busts too. I just about ready for this season to end.

I noticed you use a climate-controlled storage facility. I do the same but I've been having some issues with them.

I started renting from them in late June and since then I've had about 5-6 instances where they would be closed during business hours. I'm not talking about showing up 5 minutes before close and nobody's there, I'm talking showing up at least 45 minutes before and nobody's there. I actually ran into the guy as he was leaving early once. I finally got pissed last weekend and called them to ask if they could send someone to open the doors.

The whole thing has kinda shaken my trust in them. Considering "they're not responsible for any losses", what is to keep them from doing something shady? I currently have at least half my collection there now as I have started pairing things down. There are no other controlled climate storage facilities within reasonable driving distances.

Any suggestions on how to handle this?

Sorry for taking so long to answer you. Yeah I use a storage unit as well, had to when it started to get totally out of hand at home and in my car. MY facility luckily is a 24 hour location, they have passcode for a gate and then a seperate one for the door, so I can come and go as I please. It's a good setup for someone like me that works M-F 8-5, and can't make it to a unit after business hours. They do have an office that has someone there, but they are only there until 5, and then leaves. Unfortunately I don't have the same issues as you, but I would definitelty try to find another place to set your stuff up. No one should deal with nonsense like that. Only other thing I could think of, is maybe get a hold of management, and talk to them about it.

Unfortunately I don't have the same issues as you, but I would definitelty try to find another place to set your stuff up. No one should deal with nonsense like that. Only other thing I could think of, is maybe get a hold of management, and talk to them about it.
The facility owners are the ones leaving early! I work the same hours as you so you could imagine how difficult it is to get into a place with a limited time window, especially when they close early.

I found one the next town over that has 24 hour access but I'd like to check it out before committing to them. Sucks having to travel that far but it's better than packing stuff into totes, loading them in the truck and traveling across town just to find the doors locked.


Here are the old wrenches I bought from the old man earlier this year in case you were interested (probably not). One is anywhere from the second half of the 1800's to early 1900's stamped "A & B Co." which apparently was American Brake Co. and they made train brakes. The second is stamped "VLCHEK CLEVE.O.USA". This was an automotive wrench from the 20's or 30's. They were $2 each.
Those are awesome. I would like to fill my peg board one day with mostly vintage tools, but they are pretty rare to come by.

The facility owners are the ones leaving early! I work the same hours as you so you could imagine how difficult it is to get into a place with a limited time window, especially when they close early.

I found one the next town over that has 24 hour access but I'd like to check it out before committing to them. Sucks having to travel that far but it's better than packing stuff into totes, loading them in the truck and traveling across town just to find the doors locked.
Wow, thats just crazy, I figured it was a worker leaving earlier,not the damn owners! Yeah with our work schedules I was pretty

much limited to the storage facility that I close, because the others were closed by 6 at the latest. Glad you found one in the next town over at least, sucks you have to travel, but much better then dealing with the nonsense your dealing with now

I had a storage unit once that was broken into.  Whoever broke into it used a hammer and screwdriver or something to push the rail of the rollup door over so they could pull the door off the track.  The storage unit management was TERRIBLE and was acting like I was up to no good.  I bought a house a few months later and the third bedroom became my storage unit. 

I got lucky because I easily had 3-4k in video game stuff in there.  Not much was stolen I think an empty gamecube box and and empty xbox 360 box...only thing I know is gone was my 9/9/99 launch day Dreamcast :cry: and 3 other sealed dreamcasts.  I will never ever again use a storage unit.  If I cant fit it in my house I will just get rid of it instead of paying someone to be irresponsible with my things.  It was a Public Storage, I know probably a bad choice but they were so close.

Had a pretty great weekend for yardsaling! Totally makes up for the suckfest that was last weekend.

After work on Friday I hit up a sale that advertised video games. Apparently there was a dude who came by about 20 minutes earlier and cleaned out a bunch of boxes for $60. I ended up grabbing Dark Souls and Far Cry 3 for MAGFest for $10 then chatted up the seller a bit. Turns out she does clean outs and had a big one on Saturday where there were games, so I'm going to text her today to see if I can pick something up.

Saturday morning started off kind of weak. There was a  semi-annual flea market that's also a community sale that I hit it up early thinking I could snag some deals. It turned out that the only ones that get there that early are the resellers and flea market vendors. I had better luck last year when I went around 9am, since that's when most of the resellers leave and the yard sellers show up.

Next up was a sale that was part of a neighborhood-wide event. They had a huge driveway and garage full of stuff, and near the back I found a few stacks of DS games. They were all empty, and when I asked about them the son said they weren't sure where the games are, but they did give me the empty boxes for free! The boxes are in the first pic below, the top two rows are boxes and manuals and the bottom row is just boxes. I was able to pick up Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness for $1, and when I asked about other Nintendo stuff they pointed out an NES with some boxed games that I got for $7. I left my card, and they said they'd call if they found the games.

A few houses later I saw an N64 controller sticking out of a box and made a beeline for it. I started rummaging and it turned out to be a whole box of N64 controllers, games, and a PS1! I took it over to the seller who said it was her kids' and she was just clearing stuff out. I offered $20 and she accepted, leaving me VERY happy! I left my info with her, hopefully she finds more as she's cleaning out.

Later on I hit another community sale and when I asked about games at one sale the seller brought out a box of NES games that belonged to her son. She wanted to check with him before she sold them, but when he said he didn't care I picked them up for $20. I wasn't sure that I got a terribly good deal at first, but then I looked up the prices for complete Wild Gunman and found that it's going for $50+, so I feel much better now.

And lastly here are pics I stuff I found scattered across the community sales. The PS2 was $3, Animal Crossing was $3, Despicable Me was $1, Family Feud and the XBox games were $2 all together, and the N64 games were $5.

So yeah, pretty awesome weekend! I've got a few leads I'm following up so, hopefully there will be more to report later!

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Good stuff Mike. If they don't call you back on those DS games and you want to move that Professor Layton case, I've got a cart-only Professor Layton I've been trying to get a case for.

How do you guys find yard sales besides craigslist? Are there any other good websites or methods of finding yard sales? I'm not much of a morning person, but I would like to give it a try sometime soon. Do you guys ever just drive around and look for signs?

I also need to do a yard sale of my own and learn how to advertise it well. I have to get rid of non videogame related stuff so I can make room for videogame related stuff. :D

I've been having great luck lately at Pawn Shops finding excellent PS2, Gamecube, Xbox, and PS1 games for only a buck each. It seems like people are purging their collections lately. I'd like to find some cartridges though for my Retron 5, but I bet they are a lot harder to find than xbox, GC, and PS2.

How do you guys find yard sales besides craigslist? Are there any other good websites or methods of finding yard sales? I'm not much of a morning person, but I would like to give it a try sometime soon. Do you guys ever just drive around and look for signs?

I also need to do a yard sale of my own and learn how to advertise it well. I have to get rid of non videogame related stuff so I can make room for videogame related stuff. :D

I've been having great luck lately at Pawn Shops finding excellent PS2, Gamecube, Xbox, and PS1 games for only a buck each. It seems like people are purging their collections lately. I'd like to find some cartridges though for my Retron 5, but I bet they are a lot harder to find than xbox, GC, and PS2.
Personally, since I live in a rural area, I basically only look at craigslist, and if it doesn't list video games, or at least electronics, I don't bother going, it's not worth driving all over to find nothing to me.

But if you live in a city or suburbs, I've seen people who will drive to the sales that list video games first, some that will follow the same route every weekend looking for signs, and some who just "Freestyle" and drive around randomly looking for signs.

Most of my luck is at the local pawn shops as well, but I have the same problem as you, I have a hell of a time finding anything pre-PS2 era.

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I use craigslist for leads, but you're probably gonna find the best deals by driving, driving, driving. Unless there are specific out-of-the-way sales that I want to visit, I usually have a set path that takes me through about 2 towns. I always avoid taking the same road twice in a day, and I usually prefer residential roads to throughways. It's more work, but that's how it goes these days.

Also, figure out your "turf." I know exactly where I can find games, and exactly where the competition always beats me. That'll save you a lot of hassle in the long run.

Anywho! Onward to my finds. As some of you read earlier, I'm Mike_TV's brother. Figured I might as well start posting some stuff too.

Saturday started off pretty slow. By 9:30 all I had found were some mildewy-smelling Genesis carts for $3 (which I don't have photos of... they need to be cleaned out. Nothing too crazy.) While making my rounds, someone heard me mention Nintendo and said that there was a flea market at my local Moose Lodge that had a "whole bunch of them." Luckily, no one else must've noticed the sale either, because at 10am I was greeted by these fancy fellows:


The elderly man who sold them had more, but as he was asking $80 for the lot and the rest were commons, I grabbed these for $17.50 and went on my merry way.

Next, not a yardsale find per say, but I met up with a dude I met on facebook who was trying to clear some stuff. While there's no Super Metroid, Soul Blazer, or the couple RPGs I still need to fill my collection with, I'm more than happy with this pickup for $40 (not pictured: the SNES, which I believe is a 1chip model, though I haven't opened it up to be sure).



I wish the carts were in a bit better condition, but they should clean up ok. Most of the better titles will be going into my trade/resell pile.

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Thanks for the advice guys. I'm remembering a Blockbuster employee telling me years ago about his friend that drives all around my area buying up all of the retro games. I will probably end up on his turf if he's still around.

I guess even if I end up empty handed on my first outing at least it will be a learning experience where I can figure out the best routes to take. I was driving around last Saturday and Sunday in the late afternoon trying to use up my $5 Gamestop Kongregate coupons and I saw about half a dozen garage sale signs still up. I couldn't help thinking to myself "I should have left the house earlier."

There isn't anything worthwhile posted on Craigslist in my area this weekend, but maybe it's a little to early to check? I think I hit all of the good keywords: "games" "videogames" "video games" "video game" "nintendo" "sega" "xbox."

I bought a lot of Shell gas cards at Gamestop last week. I noticed that using the gift cards gives the lower "cash price" and if you scan your Winn Dixie card you get another discount. I'm ready to drive. All I have to do is actually get myself awake early ***he says as he writes this post still awake at 4:30am.***

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I usually just pick a community sale or a sale that advertises games, hit it up, then just spend some time driving around and hitting whatever sales I see. Most important thing is to ask everyone about games, as you never know what people might have forgotten.

I have lived here all my life and I can't say I know exactly where to find games and exactly where the competition is. Over here it's totally random. You need to either have Fridays off or be unemployed with a car here to get the good finds though as probably 95% of sales start on Friday here. And I am over hearing that most sales are getting slammed on Fridays with tons of business. Community sales are almost a 100% bust for me on all items as we seem to just have recurring ones here and that means prices are double that of a normal sale and the good stuff has been gone years ago.

A note about the friday sales, that does not mean you won't get anything here because I went to a sale a couple weeks ago where I got like 23 skylanders and a whole bunch of Wii stuff for $10 and this was a well advertised sale that was in the paper and on CL with pictures of what they had. I figured there was nothing left as I pulled up exactly 5 min before the sale was to close and found out they had sold nothing all weekend... You just never know..

Also if they have things you want but they cost too much I recommend returning on the last day of the sale if it's not too much trouble, sometimes people's perspectives totally change when they are faced with packing up a ton of crap that never sold.
I have lived here all my life and I can't say I know exactly where to find games and exactly where the competition is. Over here it's totally random. You need to either have Fridays off or be unemployed with a car here to get the good finds though as probably 95% of sales start on Friday here. And I am over hearing that most sales are getting slammed on Fridays with tons of business. Community sales are almost a 100% bust for me on all items as we seem to just have recurring ones here and that means prices are double that of a normal sale and the good stuff has been gone years ago. A note about the friday sales, that does not mean you won't get anything here because I went to a sale a couple weeks ago where I got like 23 skylanders and a whole bunch of Wii stuff for $10 and this was a well advertised sale that was in the paper and on CL with pictures of what they had. I figured there was nothing left as I pulled up exactly 5 min before the sale was to close and found out they had sold nothing all weekend... You just never know.. Also if they have things you want but they cost too much I recommend returning on the last day of the sale if it's not too much trouble, sometimes people's perspectives totally change when they are faced with packing up a ton of crap that never sold.
The last yardsale I was on a Saturday posted for 9am. Since I was up early, I decided to go there. There was already a guy there at 7am and two people came at 8am. Sadly the guy running the sale wanted $100 for the snes console. We chat abit and said he goes around buying stuff to resell on ebay, flee market ( his brother runs a flee market) and does yard sales to avoid fees unless he thinks he can get more cause people at yardsales try to lowball him. Shoot, he sold a gameboy color for $15 and the sound didnt work.

The last yardsale I was on a Saturday posted for 9am. Since I was up early, I decided to go there. There was already a guy there at 7am and two people came at 8am. Sadly the guy running the sale wanted $100 for the snes console. We chat abit and said he goes around buying stuff to resell on ebay, flee market ( his brother runs a flee market) and does yard sales to avoid fees unless he thinks he can get more cause people at yardsales try to lowball him. Shoot, he sold a gameboy color for $15 and the sound didnt work.
Speaker probably went bad. I bought one in similar condition earlier this year. It's a very easy fix if you have basic soldering skills.

Well I hope he wasnt too shocked that people lowballed him at yardsales.........who asks $100 for a SNES at a freaking yardsale?! Its like the morons on Craigslist, if you want "what it goes for on Ebay" then PUT IT ON EBAY! 

With that said, I just drive around in a circle around town looking for sales and signs. Sometimes I go a few towns over if I decide to hit up the Goodwills as well. If theyre smart enough to put it on CL then theyre probably looking stuff up on Ebay. If its on CL or in the paper and mentions video games I dont even bother because I know someones already gonna be there. 

People ask that here but they will never get that, they would be lucky to get $10 for it. I just take comfort in the fact that I know that people here would never pay something like $100 for a SNES and that 100% of the people who visit a yard sale here do not have $100 in cash to their name let alone to spend at a sale.

I live in an area where people spend hundreds in EBT credit at walmart in a single day but when you ask $10 for something they respond with .. I only have. $1 in cash would you take that.
Well I hope he wasnt too shocked that people lowballed him at yardsales.........who asks $100 for a SNES at a freaking yardsale?! Its like the morons on Craigslist, if you want "what it goes for on Ebay" then PUT IT ON EBAY!

With that said, I just drive around in a circle around town looking for sales and signs. Sometimes I go a few towns over if I decide to hit up the Goodwills as well. If theyre smart enough to put it on CL then theyre probably looking stuff up on Ebay. If its on CL or in the paper and mentions video games I dont even bother because I know someones already gonna be there.
I was thinking the same thing if the craigslist ad mentions videogames, but I wasn't sure if I was being pessimistic. It makes sense if they are smart enough to spend 5 or 10 minutes writing an ad on Craigslist, they might spend 5 or 10 minutes checking eBay.

It's funny you mention Goodwills on your routes. Right now I just got home after hitting up a Goodwill. I ended up with an original xbox and 4 controllers for $22, a Sega Genesis Model 2 with 2 controllers for $15, and some Mario and Disney/Capcom games I've been meaning to add to my collection.
Not Chip and Dale 2 or Ducktales 2. I would shit myself and have a panic attack at the same time if I saw those sitting in a Goodwill

The Goodwill employee said they also have a Sega CD and 32X that connect to the console I bought. I think he set them aside for himself because I couldn't find them. He said something about waiting for them to drop in price, so he could buy them. I could be wrong though.

I was surprised this Goodwill also has a Gameboy SP for $22 and a PSP 3000 for $52. I was tempted to pick those up as well. They are in good shape without scratches. What do you guys think I should do? I have a backlog of PSP UMDs and no PSP to play them on.

The Xbox and Genesis work, but I have to hold the Genesis power cable in the console and put pressure on it for it to stay powered on. Do you guys know any fixes for this? I would have paid $15 just for the two controllers, so it wasn't a total loss. The genesis also came with a free game!

Madden 94 :D/ :D/ :D/

I think it depends, if they don't have prices listed and it was close by I would check it out. Some people just want to get rid of stuff. But if you have other sales to go to where the scores might be better then maybe skip CL ads that say video games. There aren't that many sales here on a weekly basis so if it's on the way I will check it out as long as it's not the house of a known reseller, if it's overpriced crap it's no loss to me to stop for 5 min. I can understand skipping it if your schedule is crowded though.
I use craigslist for leads, but you're probably gonna find the best deals by driving, driving, driving. Unless there are specific out-of-the-way sales that I want to visit, I usually have a set path that takes me through about 2 towns. I always avoid taking the same road twice in a day, and I usually prefer residential roads to throughways. It's more work, but that's how it goes these days.

Also, figure out your "turf." I know exactly where I can find games, and exactly where the competition always beats me. That'll save you a lot of hassle in the long run.

Anywho! Onward to my finds. As some of you read earlier, I'm Mike_TV's brother. Figured I might as well start posting some stuff too.

Saturday started off pretty slow. By 9:30 all I had found were some mildewy-smelling Genesis carts for $3 (which I don't have photos of... they need to be cleaned out. Nothing too crazy.) While making my rounds, someone heard me mention Nintendo and said that there was a flea market at my local Moose Lodge that had a "whole bunch of them." Luckily, no one else must've noticed the sale either, because at 10am I was greeted by these fancy fellows:


The elderly man who sold them had more, but as he was asking $80 for the lot and the rest were commons, I grabbed these for $17.50 and went on my merry way.
Dang you and your Conker! Nice man, Im planning on driving straight home and firing it up one day whenever I can find a copy. I've seen 2 big N64 lots this year...but no Conker :(
Had a decent day today. I didn't run into any of the usual competition. Bought some records, bought some games, found some old stuff. I've been super busy trying to clean organize everything. My week of epic finds is postponed until I can catch up a bit.

I went to a yard sale that had all video games and movies marked for $1. I ended up buying everything in the pictures for $30. The golden pro controller was $2 at a different yard sale.
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Mega Super Bust today.

The first weather report I read online this morning called for light showers in the afternoon on and off starting around noon. I figured we'd be home by around then. Then before my sister and I left, they called for .15 of an inch of rainfall and isolated showers. It was raining very very lightly when we left, so I just put on a thin jacket as it was like 55-60. Dumb move. It kept raining lightly, then would switch to heavy and never really stopped. It must've rained at least 10x as much as that .15" they called for. I was soaked, somewhat cold and while almost all the sales were still going on, there was little and nothing that interested me. I saw a PS3 gun that you put the move inside for .25 but passed as I don't have a PS3 and didn't feel like carrying it home. Guy also had Sports Champions for $3.

Ended up warming up with breakfast at Burger King, then I hit up the Salvation Army and bought a $2.50 Timberland coat and changed out front of the store, lol. Hit up two more sales on the way home, one had games but they were Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings for the PS2 for $3 each and then Fallout: New Vegas for the PS3 for $5. (Not overly bad, but nothing I'm interested in as I have the New Vegas Ultimate for the 360 I got for either $8 or $10).

I did find my dad a Louis Lamour paperback for .25.

The only bright side was stopping at the Dollar General after leaving Salvation Army. They had an absolute crapton of clearanced stuff as apparently they got a new manager. They used to have a shelf marked "LAST CHANCE CLEARANCE" where nothing was actually marked down in price. I got a bag of Jack Link's Sriracha beef jerky that came out to under $1.50.

Today was my first day out in a while. Picked up 4 ps1 games for a buck, including thunder force v and twisted metal 3 and 4. Big score of the day was a sony nex 7 for $15.
I had probably my best day of the season.. spent about $400 in the process. Not much in the way of video games sadly :(. I bought 2 totes full of sealed DVDs for $40, the total value on Amazon is just over $800! I was floored. Also bought a big Dewalt bag with 10 Dewalt cordless power tools for $50. So far they all work, came with 2 chargers, and one battery.

Anyway, passed a yard-sale early in the morning and didn't see it in time to stop on a busy road. It was the right kind of yard sale that looked like it would have stuff I was interested in. Four hours later I stopped at it on my way home. Turns out they had ~20 gamecube games, a ps2 and games, and a PSP that I missed. When I asked if they had any older stuff the woman pointed me to a table with an N64 10 Game storage Drawer. Ok, I though. Then she opened it up and the first thing I saw was a gold cartridge.

$20  (games were marked $2 each, and the drawer was another $2)

N64 10 Game Drawer (in great shape)

Majora's Mask

Pokemon Snap x2

Rayman 2

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater

Pokemon Stadium

Duke Nukem Zero Hour

Excitebike 64

Mario 64

Also got 28 PS2 games for $14, but nothing really of note.

Aside from that I picked up all kinds of things.

Looking at craigslist all week long and no sales ever popped up, just one that has been listed a few weeks now, thought it was kind of weird, but whatever.

So I didn't plan on going out, just for shits n giggles I checked if there were any new sales listed today, and of course 30+ pop up and most of them say listed 3+ days ago, one says PSP and PS3 games, and another has a DS Bundle and N64 Bundle.

I've been looking for a PSP and N64 stuff forever...

fuck  you Craigslist

Looking at craigslist all week long and no sales ever popped up, just one that has been listed a few weeks now, thought it was kind of weird, but whatever.

So I didn't plan on going out, just for shits n giggles I checked if there were any new sales listed today, and of course 30+ pop up and most of them say listed 3+ days ago, one says PSP and PS3 games, and another has a DS Bundle and N64 Bundle.

I've been looking for a PSP and N64 stuff forever...

fuck you Craigslist
Chances are someone would have beaten you to it. I never go for anything on craigslist.
If they were listed 3 days ago and you weren't able to see them, I'd be sure you're changing the date of the sale in the search options. That threw me off the first week of this season when looking on craigslist.

Looking at craigslist all week long and no sales ever popped up, just one that has been listed a few weeks now, thought it was kind of weird, but whatever.

So I didn't plan on going out, just for shits n giggles I checked if there were any new sales listed today, and of course 30+ pop up and most of them say listed 3+ days ago, one says PSP and PS3 games, and another has a DS Bundle and N64 Bundle.

I've been looking for a PSP and N64 stuff forever...

fuck you Craigslist
For whatever reason the local Craiglist will not update the yard sale listings from about 9 PM Friday until about 4 AM Saturday morning. I have to get up earlier to scour the listings to see if anything new popped up.

Well I found a few things.

Not sure how well I did on this Atari lot. 7800 Pro system and a bunch of games. $20.


Also bought a couple vintage working Singer sewing machines for $20 total.

And a Logitech X540 speaker set for $10

Edit: WOW. More games in that bundle that I thought. 88 total. Any rare ones here? I'd assume most of these are pretty common. Noticed there's no power cable for it. They go for around 20 on eBay. Debating if it's worth it.





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Went to a town wide sale today before the rain hit but managed to get some nice items. First was 2 super soakers for $3, dirty but collectible, next was a Bose lifestyle 30 ii system for $50 supposedly the cd part goes in and out but figured the pieces and speakers are well worth the gamble. Then came a lego x-wing set for $15, supposedly all pieces are there and when I got home it seems like a tie interceptor is there as well which is awesome, lastly was all the games were from one sale asking $1 each but they took $20 for the lot.
HA I hate you guys and your finds! I almost decided to just sleep in but I ended up going out for 5 hours since it was my first Saturday morning off in almost 2 months. 

Heard I missed out on a few PS2s and Gamecubes (eh no biggie), and 2 system only NESs. Passed on PS1, PS2, PS3, Xbox, Wii, DS, GBA shovelware and a couple PS1s. "Thats the deal of the day"..........dirty ass Wii with dirty controllers and shovelware for $50. They had the case for Super Smash Bros Brawl marked $5 but no disc or booklet to be found (we checked inside the Wii). Most people said "no we dont have anything like that" or "we do but we still play that". I actually had a few people go inside and double check for once, but no dice! Had one lady say "we dont.....we actually had some guy drive by around 4am when we were setting up and asked about video games".......WHO THE FUUU GOES OUT AT 4AM?!

Good to see a few people had luck today. A few sales near me had games, but it was mostly shovelware, and one super scratched GBA SP (every time I find one of these at a sale it's in terrible condition...it amazes me how little people seem to care about their things). Only stuff I ended up buying were two Wiimotes and Spore Hero for Wii for $6 total. Nothing spectacular, but I've had a dry spell for over a month now so I'm hoping this breaks it.

Well I found a few things.

Not sure how well I did on this Atari lot. 7800 Pro system and a bunch of games. $20.


Also bought a couple vintage working Singer sewing machines for $20 total.

And a Logitech X540 speaker set for $10

Edit: WOW. More games in that bundle that I thought. 88 total. Any rare ones here? I'd assume most of these are pretty common. Noticed there's no power cable for it. They go for around 20 on eBay. Debating if it's worth it.




Motor Psycho is a decent find - one of the more coveted 7800 totles. Most of the other games are relatively common, but worth the money you spent, for sure.

[quote name="Ferrari Racer" post="12091364" timestamp="1410633805"]Chances are someone would have beaten you to it. I never go for anything on craigslist.[/quote]

I usually end up getting it if I can get there before 10am, still went in the afternoon and picked up 3 ps3 games from one, got Arkham Origins; Uncharted GOTY and Madden 09 Anniversary Edition for 10$.

I've missed PSPs at garage sales 4 times now...
bread's done