4 free XBL Arcades games with purchase of a new 360 console (Works with any vendor)

[quote name='Isles Guru']I just purchased XBox 360. After my XBox Live subscription ends will I still be able to play games that I downloaded?[/QUOTE]

Yes. The catch is that games you "buy" through X-Box Live can only be played on either the original 360 system, or if you're logged in to the Live service on another system (in other words, it requires both that you have an internet connection to play them, and that the service is still running on anything but the original machine).
[quote name='spincut']see, though i still havent actually gotten these supposed tokens, and i dont think anyone else has either.[/quote]
At the top of the site it says that an email will go out on February 17th if you're eligable. I'm gonna need to get my serial # tonight and submit my info.

Thanks OP!
I wonder how people who aren't eligible will find out that's the case. I also wonder how people who know they are eligible but don't hear anything, or are told they aren't, can take up the issue with MS. I get the feeling many people are going to get word they are out of luck, just for the fact that many are signing up that said they aren't eligible, and as far as I know there isn't a way to check that out on MS' part that would not accidentally pass over some that shouldn't be...

Here's hoping MS doesn't drop the ball! :roll:
did everyone that signup get a new xbox live account to register for this promotion? all i ahve is a 1 year+ old xbox live silver account. you think i could just make a new gamertag and get the tokens?
I was never on Live before, but used the same gamertag that I use at XBOX.com. Hopefully, MS is not stupid enough to not tell the difference... :D
while i had a serial number i didnt even have a gamertag at the time, hopefully that wont matter and they send a token code right to your email, but i didnt want to re-enter once i got my tag.......but it's already so vague as it is.
I got an e-mail today...

Thanks for recently registering your new Xbox 360™ to get your free Xbox Live Arcade games. We've discovered a technical issue with our site which may have prevented us from correctly capturing your console serial number and campaign code.
what was it? like the code for the tokens or something? well crap, why wouldnt i get one? i mean, i didnt have a gamertag yet but i entered everything else including my serial number, maybe i should enter again if the deadline is in febuary.
[quote name='spincut']what was it? like the code for the tokens or something? well crap, why wouldnt i get one? i mean, i didnt have a gamertag yet but i entered everything else including my serial number, maybe i should enter again if the deadline is in febuary.[/quote]

The deadline is this Monday. They may not contact you with the vouchers until as late as mid february. I wouldn't worry about it.
you'd think they'd send the emails out all at once though (as it sort of sounds like they just did).

and besides, while i dont want to go and turn the Xbox around to get my S/N again, i did not use a gametag when i last entered, i wonder if that would invalidate my entry, or if entering again with info i know have will not invalidate it.

just out of curiosity, for those that already got emails, you didnt need a gamertag to get it right? i mean, they gave you codes in the email to use right?
[quote name='spincut']i still havent gotten anything....[/quote]

Same here! Wonder if that's good or bad news... ;)
im registering right now and they're asking me for my cell #...i hope they don't send me text messages or something like that cause well i dont have a plan for that :lol:
well i registered again, it didnt stop me, now it says on top that my live id is not associated with a gamertag (which it now is) though) but i couldnt change that.

oh well, maybe this time i'll get emailed something.
SHIT! I didn't realize this was ending Monday.

I just got a new 360, and I could have easily registered a new Gamertag.

Oh well.
What's this about registering a gamertag, the site only asks for your serial number and campaign code. Are they somehow able to see which gamertag is tied to the serial number of the console? Otherwise, this makes no sense...
i dunno but i registered again with a different coupon but the same serial, since when i initially did it i didnt have a gamertag yet and i didnt know if they message the tokens straight to your XBL or email.

so i registered again, although this time it just said in a box that my windows live ID was not associated with a gamertag, at this point this is incorrect but i registered anyway, i guess if it really mattered they wouldnt let you do it (despite them saying they would "verify" to see if the entry was valid later).

still i'm not sure if this will ever happen (at least not for me, i registered once and i still didnt get an email about technical difficulties).
Relax....stay calm.....it's free..... what could you lose.

Read the fine print. They stated you would get your games on or before the middle of Feb (12th-15th)

I can be patient for free.
It is tough but I am still curious which games if any at all they will give us. I haven't purchased any so far so I am really looking forward to trying some out.
As long as they don't pick the games you get, you know, since they would pick what you own already most likely, or at least the ones no one wants... :D

Seriously though, I don't care too much about the wait, but I hope the list of games one can choose is worth the wait. Also, I have to wonder why the long wait? Unless they got way too many registrations, though they always wanted us to wait the month even before this came to be well known, I have no idea why it should take a month to start sending out an email whether we are entitled to the games or not. Heck, you should have been notified if you weren't the moment you signed up, if not within a week or so.

It seems a bit odd, if you ask me! :)
I haven't bought any XBLA games yet because I'm waiting to see which ones MS sends. I have downloaded a bunch of trials, and already know which ones I want- so if I get any of those, thats just gonna be gravy. :)
[quote name='BelieveTheHype']you can download the trial versions if you wanna try them out...[/quote]

You didn't look at the icons in his Gamercard. ;)
I enjoy the Heavy Weapon demo, but haven't bought it yet because I'm waiting for my 4 free games.

One question though: the one that Microsoft advertises is for 2 free Live Arcade games with purchase of 360, then someone (somehow) found a code for 4 free games instead of 2. So do you think the 4 free games deal will go through?
I sure wish they would start sending out the free codes or whatever they are supposed to send. For some reason I think we will all get nothing.
[quote name='pthagonal']I sure wish they would start sending out the free codes or whatever they are supposed to send. For some reason I think we will all get nothing.[/quote]

Dude, they said they will send out the codes between Feb 12th and 15th. It is the 9th. Chill...:cold:

The reason I think they delayed it, is because it ended Jan 15th. If you were on a free 30 day trial, it'd most likely be up by now. I'm sure they want to make sure the codes are going to people that paid for Gold.
I got an email title Xbox Flash Download these favorites and I was like aw man its here! then I read it and it was only an advertisement....
[quote name='nikelecious91']I got an email title Xbox Flash Download these favorites and I was like aw man its here! then I read it and it was only an advertisement....[/QUOTE]

LOL I got that too and thought the same exact thing at first.
bread's done