60gb PS3 with free game and remote at Walmart.com $499

[quote name='shoelace1976']Hi Cagers

I just tried to make this purchase and Walmart sent me an e-mail saying my order was canceled. Looks like they may have sold out already.[/QUOTE]

That's strange, I ordered my this morning and it went through - got a tracking number and everything, though it still says processing.

For those wondering about which version of Warhawk it is, my receipt lists it as $51 so I'm guessing it's the headset-bundled version, but I won't know til I get it.
[quote name='Praetorb']hey guys,

first post here but I saw on SD that someone PM'd this deal at CircuitCity and got the free controller they normally give too

here's a link to his receipt

I called my local CC and they said they would honor the PM too


Denied at the Circuit City in Fremont, CA!

I felt like a beggar. It isn't even that good of a deal after tax IMO.

First she was like "Maybe in AZ, but we do things differently in CA." Then she went on to say that they don't pricematch "sets" of items. The receipt did nothing.

I got them to pricematch today at BB in AZ, but they wouldn't give me their free game as well as the WM free game. It at least saved me shipping and having to wait, plus I got Reward points for it.
[quote name='anarchyburger']does anyone have any experience with Walmart's bill me later feature?

I would like to know as well, especially since I would really like to get-in on the deal. So, anyone having (or did have) a good experience, during the monthly payments, using the "Bill Me Later" payment plan? Any advice would be great too. Thanks in advance. :)
Well, I haven't received the actual PS3 yet, but this was in the email that I was just sent five minutes ago:

PlayStation 3 60 GB 1 $427.36

(Warhawk PS3)
Will arrive between Thursday, 11/01/07, and Tuesday, 11/06/07 1 $51.15

Sony Blu Ray DVD Remote PS3
Will arrive between Friday, 11/02/07, and Tuesday, 11/06/07 1 $21.31

Basically you're getting a PS3 for $427.36 plus tax if you return the other stuff.

Here's the current options from Wal-Mart: Either you get a $399 40GB PS3 with Spiderman 3 and no backwards compatibility, a $427 60GB PS3 with no game/movie with full backwards compatibility, or a $499 80GB PS3 with a game and limited backwards compatibility.

I think the $427 PS3 is the best value for now, but YMMV.
I went ahead and ordered one. I want the PS3, have the cash to blow and want BC so this is a good deal. I needed a remote for bluray anyway. I just wish I could have picked it up instead of having to spend $12 for shipping. Its better to get it with a game I actually want than the 80GB version with an average racing game.
[quote name='gsrjedi']I got them to pricematch today at BB in AZ, but they wouldn't give me their free game as well as the WM free game. It at least saved me shipping and having to wait, plus I got Reward points for it.[/QUOTE]
Did you pricematch the 427 that shows up on the invoice then? Got me wondering about the possibilities about pricematching at Circuit City and using the Gamer's gift card. I know it's in the guidelines not to do this with the card, but will the computer take 10% off the system if the cashier scans the card?
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']Did you pricematch the 427 that shows up on the invoice then? Got me wondering about the possibilities about pricematching at Circuit City and using the Gamer's gift card. I know it's in the guidelines not to do this with the card, but will the computer take 10% off the system if the cashier scans the card?[/quote]

No, they price matched the free game and remote. It was basically the same deal as Wal*Mart.com without the shipping and waiting. Though if you're planning on returning the game and remote, WM's the way to go. I ended up picking up Heavenly Sword, and taking it to WM for Ratchet & Clank.
For those that have done this, are they allowing you to return the game with the receipt or is there some pleading going on? Also, is it possible to bypass the shipping and pick it up in store?
[quote name='jaydude84']For those that have done this, are they allowing you to return the game with the receipt or is there some pleading going on? Also, is it possible to bypass the shipping and pick it up in store?[/quote]

When I looked, I didn't see a ship to store option
I just saw that my game and remote have shipped and are expected to be here on Nov. 6. The PS3 still says "Processing". Has anyone actually received everything yet?
[quote name='Silly Burrito']I just saw that my game and remote have shipped and are expected to be here on Nov. 6. The PS3 still says "Processing". Has anyone actually received everything yet?[/QUOTE]

Haven't gotten mine, but my PS3 shipped and supposed to be delivered next Wednesday. My order was placed on Tuesday night.
ANybody have any experience of the validity of billmelater at they're site?
I'm just not interested in racking up alot of interest. Never owned a credit card other than my debit. I don't need to being owing alot on the interest. So wondering how billmelater works.
I want a 60gb PS 3 due to the full b/c compability. But I currently caanot afford to shell out 500 bucks and by the time I can the 60gb will be sold out. So was thinking billmelater might be my best opition. As long as I can pay if off before the interests kicks in. So anybody done that at walmart.com before or have any info egarding billmelater?
This is not a good deal at all the 80gig system that comes with motorstorm is the same price so unless thats the only consoles they have than it is not a very good deal
[quote name='bigfred19882000']This is not a good deal at all the 80gig system that comes with motorstorm is the same price so unless thats the only consoles they have than it is not a very good deal[/QUOTE]

This is a great deal because you get to choose a much better game than motorstorm, and the 60gig has superior backwards compatibility than the 80g model. Plus you get a free remote.

If I wasn't strapped for cash I would buy this. Hopefully these will still be available after xmas.
[quote name='element676']ANybody have any experience of the validity of billmelater at they're site?
I'm just not interested in racking up alot of interest. Never owned a credit card other than my debit. I don't need to being owing alot on the interest. So wondering how billmelater works.
I want a 60gb PS 3 due to the full b/c compability. But I currently caanot afford to shell out 500 bucks and by the time I can the 60gb will be sold out. So was thinking billmelater might be my best opition. As long as I can pay if off before the interests kicks in. So anybody done that at walmart.com before or have any info egarding billmelater?

Well, it's 90 days no due payment which is pretty nice if you've got some money coming but don't have enough to spare at the moment.

The billmelater will either have the payment sent to you over mail or e-mail depending on preference and for electronic transfers, you can only make payment through a bank account(no credit card).

I've gone ahead and tried this out myself since I'm a bit strapped for cash atm but since I have a job I'll be able to pay it off in a month or so.

From what I can see it's a pretty good way to go given you have the money to pay it all off around the time the 90 day comes along.

Hope it was of help to you and also thanks to OP for the info.

I picked up warhawk for my game and the stuff should be coming in a week or so.
[quote name='chair_home']Its a deal because the 60 GB has the most backwards compatibility out of all the models, and it is also becoming the rarest.[/QUOTE]

Oh wow. I thought they already took the ones with EE off the market. Im more of a PS3 fan than PS2, but it would still be nice to have......
to those who said that you could return the game and dvd remote for a full refund. I just placed an order and the dvd remote and game say 1 cent next to both.

Anyone know if walmart will exchange games without receipt?
I decided to return Resistance and the remote. One because Resistance is sure to go Greatest Hits $30 at some point and I already have 3 PS3 games, some PS2 games, and blu-ray movies to keep me busy. I also returned the remote because the controller is doing well enough IMO.

They refunded me some of the shipping too which I was surprised about. Ultimately the shipping was just under $7 since I was partially refunded some shipping because of the game and remote. After it was all done I paid about $463 for the PS3, that includes shipping and tax charges. With amazon sold out this is a good deal and it's nice to have a 90 day return policy in case the PS3 breaks between 31-90 days.

Can't remember if mine started at 1 cent or not. I would be surprised if that stayed because the game/remote and PS3 are in different boxes with different packing slips. The game/remote doesn't have a barcode on the packing slip but I was still able to return it. Having them on seperate packing slips with Resistance worth only 1 cent will allow people to return the PS3 and keep the game and remote for free since the game/remote is nowhere listed on the packing slip of the PS3. They will almost surely give some sort of decent value to the game/remote because of this.
[quote name='zerolens']I decided to return Resistance and the remote. One because Resistance is sure to go Greatest Hits $30 at some point and I already have 3 PS3 games, some PS2 games, and blu-ray movies to keep me busy. I also returned the remote because the controller is doing well enough IMO.

They refunded me some of the shipping too which I was surprised about. Ultimately the shipping was just under $7 since I was partially refunded some shipping because of the game and remote. After it was all done I paid about $463 for the PS3, that includes shipping and tax charges. With amazon sold out this is a good deal and it's nice to have a 90 day return policy in case the PS3 breaks between 31-90 days.

Can't remember if mine started at 1 cent or not. I would be surprised if that stayed because the game/remote and PS3 are in different boxes with different packing slips. The game/remote doesn't have a barcode on the packing slip but I was still able to return it. Having them on seperate packing slips with Resistance worth only 1 cent will allow people to return the PS3 and keep the game and remote for free since the game/remote is nowhere listed on the packing slip of the PS3. They will almost surely give some sort of decent value to the game/remote because of this.[/quote]

the return policy is 31-90 days? Thats nice. Does walmart price adjust? IF the 60gb version is gonna price drop before xmas then this will be an even sweeter deal.
Good luck getting that price drop. I looked around Baton Rouge at CC and BB to see if they had any 60GB systems, and they were sold out. I saw a few at Target, but they don't match prices. I'm beginning to think this is probably the best deal for the 60GB that you're going to see, except for the odd closeout here and there.
I posted one on Slickdeals. This is for the game and remote, and they're showing as $78.97 total.


I'll ask the same questions here:

Now, I'm just wondering if I should keep Warhawk and/or the remote. I've read that Warhawk is a pretty fun game, and I really would like to use an IR remote for the PS3, but I've heard that the current IR solutions are a bit flaky.

If anyone has played Warhawk, is it worth keeping for $51? I already have a bluetooth earpiece for my phone, but I doubt I'll go to my truck each time I want to play online. This version is the one with the headset, so that's essentially a $11 expense if the game can be downloaded for $40.
Crap. Out of stock. I hope not permanently, I really wanted a 60GB but didn't bite because I wasn't sure if I'd need the money for black Friday. Probably shoulda done the bill me later thing.
OMG! I just tried to get the PS3 but it kept saying there was something wrong with the configuration with every game I picked...then it said "out of stock" when I refreshed...damnit >_
Oh no, out of stock?

I got mine in the mail yesterday from Fed-Ex and Walmart padded it like they were shipping me a $5 baseketball or something. The heavy PS3 box was totally floating around inside the large cardboard box with minimal paper padding.

It looked like Fed-Ex tossed it around like a worthless brick, resulting in smashing in multiple corners of the beautiful PS3 box. They must have dropped it at least 2 ft at some point to do that much damage.

So, this morning I called Walmart and arranged for a pickup and replacement. I figured they had extras to replace it with; if it's out of stock, then it looks like I'm screwed and stuck with this one.

I wasn't even going to send in the UPC for the 5 free BD movies so I could keep the box in perfect condition in my closet, along with my perfect Genesis box. But since I'm stuck with a jarred-PS3 that might die prematurely and damaged box, I might as well screw it up even more and cut up the box. :cry:

[quote name='Gamelore']Ah shit, out of stock?

I got mine in the mail yesterday from Fed-Ex and Walmart padded it like they were shipping me a $5 baseketball or something. The heavy PS3 box was totally floating around inside the large cardboard box with minimal paper padding.

Anyway, it looked like Fed-Ex tossed it around like a worthless brick, resulting in smashing in multiple corners of the beautiful PS3 box. They must have dropped it at least 2 ft at some point to do that much damage.

So, this morning I called Walmart and arranged for a pickup and replacement. I figured they had extras to replace it with; if it's out of stock, then it looks like I'm screwed and stuck with this one :(

I wasn't even going to send in the UPC for the 5 free BD movies so I could keep the box in perfect condition in my closet, along with my perfect Genesis box :) But since I'm stuck with a jarred-PS3 that might die prematurely and damaged box, I might as well screw it up even more and cut up the box :\


So you're saying the PS3 itself was damaged or just the box?
I haven't opened it yet, so I don't know if the PS3 works. But anything inside a box that damaged has to have been slammed or dropped pretty hard. It was not padded.

I'm mostly afraid that a couple years from now the laser or hard drive head will be jarred just enough to go out of calibration. And pissed that the box is jacked up.
[quote name='Gamelore']I haven't opened it yet, so I don't know if the PS3 works. But anything inside a box that damaged has to have been slammed or dropped pretty hard. It was not padded.

I'm mostly afraid that a couple years from now the laser or hard drive head will be jarred just enough to go out of calibration. And pissed that the box is jacked up.[/quote]

Ummm...do you collect console boxes or something lol? Just curious. Either way, at least you were able to pick up a 60GB PS3.

Do you plan on opening it?

I hope they have more in stock when I check back sometime tonight and/or tomorrow.
If you really want a 60GB the time is now. Once you place your order on walmart.com the order is done I believe, no cancelling. So I think that's it for walmart.com supply unless a lot of people return it online. Any online stores still selling it?

I'm keeping my UPC on the box too since Walmart has a 90 day return policy. Doubt they would take it back if the UPC is clipped off. When it runs out and if there's still time to do the blu-ray deal I might, but I'm not too concerned about the blu-ray discs since I bought 7 movies and they're really the only ones I care about on blu-ray. Don't have HD-DVD but they have even less I want, not much of a movie person though. The 5 free discs are good for people who may want to sell them for some extra cash though. The 90 day return policy is more important to me though.

I've already had 2 bluetooth controller dropouts. Once in the Resistance demo and once on the PS3 main menu media bar thing (XMB I think). This is minor IMO, played a lot of Ninja Gaiden demo, PS2 games, etc. and no drop outs. I can live with this especially if the hardware holds up in the long run.

Wifi seems to work fine. Pretty much on par with the built-in wifi card inside the Intel iMac I have. Set up was very easy with the Apple basestation I have. Read a lot of problems people had connecting to an Apple basestation but I had no problems. Basestation is in another room and getting 80% strength from it from PS3 wifi. Set up only took a few minutes. Have no complaints with the wifi.

No HDMI problems. Have one of those new Sony LCD 32" they sell at Target, Walmart, etc. (M series) with monoprice cable 6ft netjacket and have had no problems.

Everything seems perfect except for bluetooth dropout. May try turning off wifi when not using it to see if it helps the controller. Even if it doesn't it's very minor IMO. Not having severe drop outs like some people have had. And some have had none.
[quote name='zerolens']If you really want a 60GB the time is now. Once you place your order on walmart.com the order is done I believe, no cancelling. So I think that's it for walmart.com supply unless a lot of people return it online. Any online stores still selling it?

I'm keeping my UPC on the box too since Walmart has a 90 day return policy. Doubt they would take it back if the UPC is clipped off. When it runs out and if there's still time to do the blu-ray deal I might, but I'm not too concerned about the blu-ray discs since I bought 7 movies and they're really the only ones I care about on blu-ray. Don't have HD-DVD but they have even less I want, not much of a movie person though. The 5 free discs are good for people who may want to sell them for some extra cash though. The 90 day return policy is more important to me though.

I've already had 2 bluetooth controller dropouts. Once in the Resistance demo and once on the PS3 main menu media bar thing (XMB I think). This is minor IMO, played a lot of Ninja Gaiden demo, PS2 games, etc. and no drop outs. I can live with this especially if the hardware holds up in the long run.

Wifi seems to work fine. Pretty much on par with the built-in wifi card inside the Intel iMac I have. Set up was very easy with the Apple basestation I have. Read a lot of problems people had connecting to an Apple basestation but I had no problems. Basestation is in another room and getting 80% strength from it from PS3 wifi. Set up only took a few minutes. Have no complaints with the wifi.

No HDMI problems. Have one of those new Sony LCD 32" they sell at Target, Walmart, etc. (M series) with monoprice cable 6ft netjacket and have had no problems.

Everything seems perfect except for bluetooth dropout. May try turning off wifi when not using it to see if it helps the controller. Even if it doesn't it's very minor IMO. Not having severe drop outs like some people have had. And some have had none.[/quote]

I saw the 60GB PS3 for sale @ circuitcity.com but I was hoping to get it from walmart.com for the free game and remote.

I don't think they're going to restock again. There could always be a chance since they did yesterday but if not I'll probably bite and get it from circuitcity.com. I already missed out on getting from Amazon >_<

How much is a good HDTV w/o breaking the bank? Also does brand matter? I know I'm gonna need one once I buy a PS3 or 360 (leaning more towards PS3 @ the moment).
My PS3 finally came in today. USPS tracking isn't worth a whole lot..

But, I was surprised that my PS3 hooked up with my DVI/HDMI cable and my optical audio after just a minimal fuss of settings. I'm updating it now and will see if everything works correctly after the update. If so, I've got a bit of demo downloading to do!
bread's done