67 year old man 1 thug 0

[quote name='GuilewasNK']Interesting article about where the term "thug" comes from. Really doesn't have to do with anything in particular you said. I just find it interesting.


that thugee shit is crazy man i think peirce brosnan did a movie about it once based on some real shit that was going on.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']I'm talking about the other guy.[/QUOTE]

he sure didnt look 50, but yeah, im pretty sure he did say 50.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']I'm talking about the other guy.[/QUOTE]

EDIT: Uh... I don't think that part was meant to be interpreted literally.
[quote name='mykevermin']^ e.g., thug:

Jon Lovitz is a thug?
This thread is pure comedy. Amazing how many people fail to realize that EBM was the CLEAR victim in all this, and should be applauded for delivering a deserved beat-down.

There are way too many people on public transit lines who feel that they can say whatever they want, act however they want, and nobody will step up to them. In St. Louis, taking the Metro or buses into North St. Louis was asking for trouble... just keep your head down and hope it doesn't get shot off. There are plenty of old folks who face regular hassling merely for being there.

Thankfully, in L.A. the only people who ride public transport are people going to work, and lots of them. The greatest threat on the L.A. Subway is accidentally learning Spanish.
[quote name='The Crotch']Shit! Myke! Don't read the post above this![/QUOTE]

I'm too busy trying to acquire venture capital for my new tv station, "White Entertainment Television," to read posts above yours.
[quote name='mykevermin']I'm too busy trying to acquire venture capital for my new tv station, "White Entertainment Television," to read posts above yours.[/QUOTE]

youre trying to buy CBS?
[quote name='mykevermin']I'm too busy trying to acquire venture capital for my new tv station, "White Entertainment Television," to read posts above yours.[/QUOTE]

To be fair, TNN was the equvialent of that years ago, but they had Rollerjam so I was down with that.

While Beard Man was justified in defending himself IMO, both of those guys kept throwing verbal jabs to each other when they should have just mutually shut the hell up. Ego is more powerful than any emotion though.
Ha. I wonder what that girls real name is, she should eventually appear on something telling her account of the whole thing. I actually didnt get the reference to her for a while because I never watched the end to the video when he said it.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Ha. I wonder what that girls real name is[/QUOTE]
[quote name='JolietJake']Oh lawd have mercy.:lol:[/QUOTE]

Dont get the joke. I cant wonder what the girl real name is?
It's like Affirmative Action.

Anyone who understand the implications of the Hate crime laws, understand that they are strictly unconstitutional.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Dont get the joke. I cant wonder what the girl real name is?[/QUOTE]
That older woman in the video yells that out at one point, at least i think thats what she says, hard to tell.
Really? I thought it was a play on how the black dude pronounce ambulance. Meh, it doesnt matter either way.
[quote name='The Crotch']...


Oh, sorry. I was lighting a cross on my neighbor's lawn. What did I miss?
Is the black dude really a convicted killer/ getting locked up for life or was EMB talkin' Vietnam crazy?
[quote name='musha666']Hopefully the racist recording it gets charged with inciting a hate crime or something. "Pinky", "kick the white guys ass", if you replace those words with certain other words and you would have some black person getting a huge settlement.[/QUOTE]


It's total horseshit that some people think it's ok to do this kind of things to any people at all - I don't give a damn if you feel like you are a minority or that your great grand parents parents were oppressed - no one has a right to act like that - doesn't matter if the guy was old, he was just defending himself. Period.
bread's done