About Cheapy complaining about the lack of a ethernet jack

Yeah, I was kinda surprised about that being a complaint. Sure it gives consumers less options, but wireless is becoming pretty standard, and isn't very expensive at all anymore. Things get phased out. That's how technology progresses. 56k anybody? I loved the fact that all I had to do was plug my Wii in, tell it to search for an AP and I was up. Talk about "ease of use".
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Yeah, I was kinda surprised about that being a complaint. Sure it gives consumers less options, but wireless is becoming pretty standard, and isn't very expensive at all anymore. Things get phased out. That's how technology progresses. 56k anybody? I loved the fact that all I had to do was plug my Wii in, tell it to search for an AP and I was up. Talk about "ease of use".[/QUOTE]
Don't have wireless in my dorm and I don't feel like setting up a router. Wired connections are still better than wireless in several ways so they aren't exactly outdated (stability and security mostly). Just worse if your lazy and care about having a cable on the ground.
Doesn't the Wii only use WEP encryption (Like the DS), and its extremely easy to get around?

No way I'm risking that just to play the Wii online, ecspecially in an apartment complex. I'll just hold out for the adapter.
[quote name='Mattte']Doesn't the Wii only use WEP encryption (Like the DS), and its extremely easy to get around?

No way I'm risking that just to play the Wii online, ecspecially in an apartment complex. I'll just hold out for the adapter.[/quote]

Nope, it offers to use:
Wait, Wii is wireless and that's it?

Wow, even more of a reason to hold off on one, since I don't have wireless and I have no interest in getting it right now.
The lack of a ethernet port is a major oversite, since it's such a small cost and wouldn't really eat into Nintendo's profits.
Plus using cables is much better for online gaming. No extra time needed for encryption/decryption, less latency, and no wireless interference.
I don't use wireless networks and I have no intention of ever doing so in my home. I'll be happy when the adapter comes out, I hope it doesn't cost too much.
Most people are stupid and have no idea what wireless is and don't care to know about it, they just want it to work. Not having a Wired port on the Wii was the most backwards move since Apple made bootcamp. "IT EASY TO USE!"
I've been disappointed Wii doesn't have an Ethernet port too. For all the reasons mentioned I have zero interest in wireless. My home is wired, and faster and more secure than any wireless G (or N) could hope to be. And as a nice side benefit, wired really is plug and play. It's basically as easy as plugging a device into a power outlet.
$25....I guess that's to be expected, but ouch. My wifi connection gets online but won't let me access the store, so I need one.
[quote name='Michaellvortega']Not having a Wired port on the Wii was the most backwards move since Apple made bootcamp. "IT EASY TO USE!"[/QUOTE]

Piss off. Creating BootCamp along with the use of Intel chips is the best move Apple ever made.

But yeah, Wii should have had an ethernet port to begin with. I hate using wireless to play my consoles online. Connection always gets dropped.
[quote name='DrFoo']Don't have wireless in my dorm and I don't feel like setting up a router. Wired connections are still better than wireless in several ways so they aren't exactly outdated (stability and security mostly). Just worse if your lazy and care about having a cable on the ground.[/QUOTE]
Exactly, except.. I feel like setting up a router but it isn't allowed since apparently setting up a router tries to assign IP addresses to every computer in our hall.

So yea.. its a complaint for me as well.
[quote name='norkusa']Piss off. Creating BootCamp along with the use of Intel chips is the best move Apple ever made.

But yeah, Wii should have had an ethernet port to begin with. I hate using wireless to play my consoles online. Connection always gets dropped.[/QUOTE]

The Thing about Apple is instead of giving up on switching people from Windows to Mac, they should have worked harder on getting programs that made people NOT NEED windows. Saying We do this better and we do that better means jack shit when you turn around and say "NEW FEATURE! you can now run windows which we just said was inferior."

CML for a like new macbook.
mmm I got my netgear wireless router for like $10 AR. Also I set it up fine in my dorm even though it's technically not allowed
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I love that it uses WiFi since that connects easily and quickly to my wireless router and eliminates another cord that I'd need.[/QUOTE]

Same here, I'm amazed how much people hate wireless. I mean the system is ultra portable so why have to worry about one more cord when moving it between TVs or whatever. Sure its not as secure but I've never had a problem in the 3 years I've been using it(WI-FI). When I'm submitting sensitive information like accessing my bank account and such I'll use wired but people make it seem as if the minute you use wireless internet everyone will steal your identity and use up all your bandwidth which simply isn't the case.
i love that it's wireless, but i hate that there is no ethernet port. since i'm using my wii in an on-campus apartment, i'm going through the university's isp. if i were to buy a wireless router, i'd have to jump through hoops to register it and wait until they activate it on the network. i shouldn't have to fork out more money anyway, since I already have a switch and plenty of ethernet cables. it's my biggest gripe about the system so far! and i love my wii!

and yes, i've tried wardriving, but unfortunately no one around me has wireless either. i just want to update my firmware and visit the store, and i have to wait till january. lame.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Same here, I'm amazed how much people hate wireless. I mean the system is ultra portable so why have to worry about one more cord when moving it between TVs or whatever. Sure its not as secure but I've never had a problem in the 3 years I've been using it(WI-FI). When I'm submitting sensitive information like accessing my bank account and such I'll use wired but people make it seem as if the minute you use wireless internet everyone will steal your identity and use up all your bandwidth which simply isn't the case.[/QUOTE]

I don't think it's the fact that people hate wireless, it's the fact people on wired set-up's who don't / can't upgrade their whole system to wireless are screwed.

I'm noticing a real trend with the Wii, is that Nintendo gives you one way to do things and if you don't like it, buy an overpriced item.

First the component cables, and now this.
Well, now that I'm not the only one on the WiFi bandwagon, I'll respond. I think it's obvious that NONE of the 3 new consoles are perfect. Yes, Nintendo decided to give us wireless, but purchase an ethernet add-on. Microsoft went the exact opposite route. The PS3 has both, but Sony forgot to make enough machines for people to actually get their hands on, or even sell them at a price that reflects a "game console". We could spend all day bitching about our least favorite things about each system. You can't make everybody happy because people want different things. It just boils down to whether or not you enjoy the system.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Same here, I'm amazed how much people hate wireless. I mean the system is ultra portable so why have to worry about one more cord when moving it between TVs or whatever. Sure its not as secure but I've never had a problem in the 3 years I've been using it(WI-FI).[/QUOTE]
Its just not secure. I would rather take the time to run cable wherever its needed. Plus, there is no gigabit wireless, 802.11g doesn't even stack up to 100mbps ethernet.

Wireless is convenient and has its role, but it doesn't suit my needs.
[quote name='dafoomie']Its just not secure. I would rather take the time to run cable wherever its needed. Plus, there is no gigabit wireless, 802.11g doesn't even stack up to 100mbps ethernet.

Wireless is convenient and has its role, but it doesn't suit my needs.[/QUOTE]

Well its convenient in newer houses that have ethernet jacks in every room but if the device you want to use is 100 ft from your cable modem, its not just inconvenient to use wireless, its completely impractical.
[quote name='Roufuss']I don't think it's the fact that people hate wireless, it's the fact people on wired set-up's who don't / can't upgrade their whole system to wireless are screwed.

I'm noticing a real trend with the Wii, is that Nintendo gives you one way to do things and if you don't like it, buy an overpriced item.

First the component cables, and now this.[/QUOTE]

Its not just Nintendo... Sony seems to be following a similar method.
I think the whole "wireless isn't secure" thing is overblown a little.

I don't see roving bands of computer nerds armed with soda can antennas sitting outside trying to get on my network.

That isn't to say I don't think it is a valid complaint, I just find it a little hilariously exaggerated.
[quote name='Strell']I think the whole "wireless isn't secure" thing is overblown a little.

I don't see roving bands of computer nerds armed with soda can antennas sitting outside trying to get on my network.

That isn't to say I don't think it is a valid complaint, I just find it a little hilariously exaggerated.[/quote]

I'm with you.

I don't have much security on my network, and it really has never been a problem. I don't live in a real dense urban area, and most, if not all of my neighbors are computer illiterate old people. The only thing I have to worry about is someone driving by in a car, and I just checked outside and nobody is parked in front of the house.
[quote name='Strell']I think the whole "wireless isn't secure" thing is overblown a little.

I don't see roving bands of computer nerds armed with soda can antennas sitting outside trying to get on my network.

That isn't to say I don't think it is a valid complaint, I just find it a little hilariously exaggerated.[/QUOTE]

If you leave it unsecured in an apartment building someone will probably piggyback you, if you use the slightest amount of security (WEP) people won't bother and they'll steal off some chump who didn't bother with it.
If someone actually wants to take the time to break into your wireless network, there really isn't much they can do besides going on the Internet. Besides, a Wardriver would much rather connect to an unencrypted network that belongs to a corporation of some sort.

Taking a few minutes out of your busy schedules (yeah right) to enable encryption on your wireless network isn't going to kill you.
Going wired just isn't an option for me. In this house there is 1 Wii, 1 xbox, 1 desktop, 2 notebooks, 2 DSs, and a PSP all sprawled out across 3 rooms of the house. As far as security goes I am a little pissed the DS only encrypts WEP, but if I need to enter sensitive information I just use a device that's hard-wired into the router.

It would be nice if Nintendo included both, but I'd take wireless over wired any day.

And for that guy that said he couldn't use a router because it would assign IP addresses to everyone... MAC address filtering will fix that. Just input the Wii's MAC address and that'll be the only device that your router will communicate with.
[quote name='Strell']I think the whole "wireless isn't secure" thing is overblown a little.

I don't see roving bands of computer nerds armed with soda can antennas sitting outside trying to get on my network.

That isn't to say I don't think it is a valid complaint, I just find it a little hilariously exaggerated.[/quote]

100% agreed. My favorite is techie nerds saying bullshit like that, but if they really knew the encrypton 802.11 has they shut the hell up. Besides, unless you get so kid in your yard attempting to hack a gibson, they cant even get on your bandwidth without knowing a 26 character random password.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']100% agreed. My favorite is techie nerds saying bullshit like that, but if they really knew the encrypton 802.11 has they shut the hell up. Besides, unless you get so kid in your yard attempting to hack a gibson, they cant even get on your bandwidth without knowing a 26 character random password.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='onacouch']And for that guy that said he couldn't use a router because it would assign IP addresses to everyone... MAC address filtering will fix that. Just input the Wii's MAC address and that'll be the only device that your router will communicate with.[/QUOTE]

that, or turn on encryption. wep or wpa will do, but either way, you won't be assigned an ip if you can't connect to the router in the first place.

as for it not being "secure", if you're talking about wep, that's true. wpa2 is a different story. the only known way to break in is to figure out the passphrase, which is the fault of its creator if broken. but if you're still too paranoid, just get the usb wi-fi connector and be done with it.
The only wireless things I own are the DS Lite and Wii. Both of those are connected through a wireless access point that I bought for something like $10-15 after reading a deal on it here. It hooks straight into my wired router and gives me wireless. It doesn't have a great signal, even 15 feet away through a few walls, so I'm certainly not worried about people in my neighborhood hacking my network, stealing my internets. There is only one other netork in the area, and it's secure and extremely weak, and that's it, so I doubt anyone is seriously going to try anything. And even if they do, I certainly don't care. They aren't getting through my router to my PCs anyway.
The only thing that I was surprised about was that both Cheapy and Wombat did not know that the Wii only included WiFi.

It is just surprising that the person who runs a gaming website is not up-to-date on the features of a new console.
I am glad that it has Wi-Fi and that I don't have to run an ethernet cable to the system, but I am surprised that Nintendo would put this in instead of an ethernet port. I'm sure an ethernet port is a lot cheaper than including wi-fi. Wireless is usually something that people are willing to pay extra for.
Yeah, they're really penny pinching to not include Ehternet. Wifi requires the antennas too which cost more than a physical jack I'd expect.

Standard Ethernet plus optional wifi just makes more sense to me on a console. (or desktop computer, or Tivo, or anything else that sits in one place).
Personally I don't care that there is ethernet or not, I like the Wifi, but I am still scared to use it for updating the console because I am scared the signal might drop or something and I get a bricked console, that said I am still glad they are making an adaptor because I live in a dorm where wifi isn't avaiable.
Hopefully it copies the update to the system first so it won't wreck anything if a network connection is lost while updating it.
[quote name='Strell']I think the whole "wireless isn't secure" thing is overblown a little.

I don't see roving bands of computer nerds armed with soda can antennas sitting outside trying to get on my network.

That isn't to say I don't think it is a valid complaint, I just find it a little hilariously exaggerated.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. These people remind me of my grandmother, who was endlessly convinced that turning on the television let the government watch you via the little camera inside. :roll:

If you live in a dorm or an apartment complex, I can see how you might have a reasonable concern about wifi, but for people in houses (especially older houses like mine, with lathe and plaster walls that don't react well to drilling for cable runs), the convenience and functionality it offers totally outweighs the miniscule security risk. I'm much more concerned about viruses, which could care less if they're traveling over wires or not.

And besides, the Wii already has 3 cables coming out of the back (more once USB devices are enabled). Any way I can eliminate one is a good thing.

[quote name='lebowsky']The only thing that I was surprised about was that both Cheapy and Wombat did not know that the Wii only included WiFi.

It is just surprising that the person who runs a gaming website is not up-to-date on the features of a new console.[/QUOTE]

That surprised me as well. This wasn't exactly covert info.

I could swear I saw a third party USB/ethernet adapter for sale for the Wii at Best Buy right from launch. Was I hallucinating?
Wifi is the greatest thing to happen to computers since the Internet. It's the only reason owning a laptop is worthwhile. And I love that the $250 Wii has it built in, despite it being about 8 inches from my router.

That being said, the lack of an ethernet port is weird. The DS makes sense to be totally wireless, but a home console?
[quote name='Tybee']Agreed. These people remind me of my grandmother, who was endlessly convinced that turning on the television let the government watch you via the little camera inside. :roll:[/quote]

Umm...no, it's nothing like that. Wireless is an actual security risk, not so much with a nonexistant camera. Sure it's not as big of a deal for a lot of people in houses, but it is a consideration.

I could swear I saw a third party USB/ethernet adapter for sale for the Wii at Best Buy right from launch. Was I hallucinating?

Maybe you saw the Nintendo wifi adapter thingee. Nintendo doesn't even sell the Ethernet adapter themselves until January.
[quote name='Roufuss']I don't think it's the fact that people hate wireless, it's the fact people on wired set-up's who don't / can't upgrade their whole system to wireless are screwed.[/QUOTE]

Back when DS Wi-Fi came out I bought a wireless access point for $11. It is a little box that plugs into a wired port on your router and gives you wireless functionality. It works perfectly for the DS and my Wii. It was a nice solution and I didn't have to upgrade my whole system or pay a lot of money for it.
[quote name='Puppy']Umm...no, it's nothing like that. Wireless is an actual security risk, not so much with a nonexistant camera. Sure it's not as big of a deal for a lot of people in houses, but it is a consideration.[/quote]

Fair enough. A more accurate comparison might be my father-in-law, who never uses credit cards in restaurants because he's convinced that servers always write down your CC info when they scan the card. This is something that is possible and does happen, but not with near the prevalence that he ascribes to it. Although he tips for shit, so he probably should be afraid of retribution.

The point is, there's an endless amount of stuff to be paranoid about in this world. At some point you have to compare the actual risk of the thing you fear against the benefit you stand to gain by actually living life.

This life lesson brought to you by Tony Robbins.

Maybe you saw the Nintendo wifi adapter thingee. Nintendo doesn't even sell the Ethernet adapter themselves until January.

No, I have the wifi dongle (used it before I set up a wireless router), so I know what that looks like. This was something else.

EDIT: This may have been it:

[quote name='crystalklear64']It doesn't matter anyway. The USB ports don't even work, correct?[/quote]

They provide power, but they aren't enabled for any devices as far as I know. I'm sure there will be an update right about the time that Nintendo releases the LAN adapter.
[quote name='dafoomie']Its just not secure. I would rather take the time to run cable wherever its needed. Plus, there is no gigabit wireless, 802.11g doesn't even stack up to 100mbps ethernet.

Wireless is convenient and has its role, but it doesn't suit my needs.[/QUOTE]

Do you have a 100Mbps online service in Boston? If you use a 25Mbps speed(above average) cable modem service and a Wireless G router, your router is still faster then your cable service. Unless you transfer files nonstop from computer A to computer B, taking time to run cat5 outlets is a waste of time.
Including wireless instead of an ethernet jack was a smart move on Nintendo's part. Especially since they included WPA this time around.

People are a lot more likely to have Wi-Fi than an ethernet jack near their TV.

I was pretty pissed off when I hooked up my 360 and found out it didn't have wireless built in, in fact. Then to find out MS want's $80+ for a wireless adapter!
[quote name='dafoomie']Its just not secure. I would rather take the time to run cable wherever its needed. Plus, there is no gigabit wireless, 802.11g doesn't even stack up to 100mbps ethernet.

Wireless is convenient and has its role, but it doesn't suit my needs.[/QUOTE]

WPA is secure.
[quote name='Tybee']
The point is, there's an endless amount of stuff to be paranoid about it in this world. At some point you have to compare the actual risk of the thing you fear against the benefit you stand to gain by actually living life.

Well said.

I'm fine with just using WEP (for DS functionality). It's enough to keep the neighbors from mooching.

If I'm unlucky enough to have a hacker within range, so be it. Can't live life worrying about every little thing like that. There's always risks.
bread's done