All In-Store Walmart Deals go HERE. The official YMMV Walmart clearance thread.


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Given the extreme YMMV nature of Walmart deals/clearances, it makes absolutely no sense to make a new thread every time someone finds a new deal at their local Walmart. So, if you happen to find a good deal, save the forum some clutter and post in this thread.

Please include the store location (City, state, etc), as well as the item and price.
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[quote name='TctclMvPhase']COuld you go back and pickup Toy Commander? Ill give you $12 for it shipped.[/QUOTE]

I didn't actually check or verify the price, so I can't say for sure. Also I think the jewel case might have had a crack in it even though it was still sealed. So I can't guarantee that the game disc wouldn't be scratched or worse...cracked.
[quote name='One4Deuce']My local Wal-Mary has sports games on the original XBox still labeled at $49.xx[/QUOTE]

I scanned NBA Live 2002 at Walmart for XBox the other day, it was tagged $51.96, it actually scanned for that price at the scanner. No one is going to pay full MSRP for an 8 year old sports game let alone over MSRP.
[quote name='Scorch']I hate it when people were like "I saw this at my local Wal-Mart!" but they never name the city/state.[/QUOTE]

Well you could just umm...ask?

[quote name='Peroxide']Phantasy Star Online (although you can only play offline now) is an amazing game worth playing on Dreamcast. Granted there are computer, Xbox, Gamecube ports of it.[/QUOTE]

There are tons of people that still play it. Full worldwide private servers have been online for years. You can download the PC game and play it free with all the expansions, or if you are feeling adventurous set up you Gamecube, Xbox, or Dreamcast to hook up with the private servers.

Google SCHTHACK sometime. I haven't picked it up since last summer but PSO is still awesome.
I am currently playing Final Fantasy 9 on my new PS2. I also play my dreamcast often, it is my largest game collection. There are still about 4 or 5 games online for the dreamcast. and Yes Phantasy Star online v1 and v2 are still online for the dreamcast via the private server. You can play with PC players, and GC players, its better than segas server ever was. More content, bugs fixed, more patches.

Anyways I'd love to see some of these and pick them up. Toy Commander is an amazing game, gets pretty tough though!
[quote name='helluvagood']i wonder who actually still plays ps1 and dreamcast games[/QUOTE]

Um, my Dreamcast is still set up right between my 360 and my Wii. There are just so many great games on the Dreamcast.
[quote name='helluvagood']i wonder who actually still plays ps1 and dreamcast games[/QUOTE]

Oh my god. You're seriously paying a game that's more than a year old? Why?! Enjoy those shitty graphics... hur hur hur.

^^That's what you sound like when you say things like that. I'd love to understand the reasoning your brain has come up with for forming that sort of statement...

Are you implying that older games have nothing to offer versus newer titles? If that's the case, then my argument would be that (with the exception of improved graphics) that the reverse is true: newer games have been far, far more homogenized than older games had to be... they have to be, since they're such a financial gamble.

Games like Toy Commander, ILLBLEED, Maken X, and yes, even Shenmue could not be made today. Why? Because they don't adhere to the expectations that publishers (and their marketing departments) have come to expect... just take a look at Brutal Legend, its difficult-to-summarize gameplay and its hugely underwhelming sales, and understand that unique games simply don't have a place in the bigger spectrum of console releases any more.

(That is, unless they are graphical powerhouses, like Heavy Rain... though, the jury is still out on how well that will do.)

On the flip side, the Dreamcast is dripping with completely unique and genuinely fun experiences (as is the PSX... seriously, who calls it the PS1?). There has *yet* to have been a rougue-like released on consoles that is simultaneously as fun and addicting as Phantasy Star Online was on the Dreamcast, and there are still hardcore fighter and shmup gamers who swear by the Dreamcast's offerings.

More importantly than that, isn't it important to know and appreciate the lineage of your hobby? I suppose it's a little like claiming to be a movie buff, but having never seen Star Wars or Casablanca or The Searchers because you think they're just too goddamned old and lack the flash and spectacle of such classics as Terminator: Salvation and Gamer.

Grow up, kid... grow up.
jesus zenitrude, well said. I'm not going to argue with you, but it seems as technology progresses, 90% of the masses tend to migrate towards that. Could you ever have imagined in the late 90's that everyone would have an iPod? Well, they do..mothers, sisters, even grandmothers have all embraced new items to come out over the years. Who is to say that gamers can't enjoy the same thing? Just b/c I have a NES doesn't mean I need to feel the need to have it hooked up and use it every once in a while. Especially with the Wii VC, it makes older Ninty systems a moot point. Almost all older games can be gotten free off the web, heck, even some have flash versions where you just go to a website and play.

Its like saying, just b/c I have a computer that works and runs Windows 3.1, does that mean I should use it to check CAG on a daily basis? no...

edit: and besides, as much fun as the older systems and games are, a lot of good ones have been ported over to current gen comp discs or what have you. And I think we can all agree that after 10 minutes of playing say, Ecoo the Dolphin, the nostalgia factor wears off, and the "wtf am I playing this for?" sets in..
I called Wal-mart to see if they had this deal and they laughed me off the phone. I believe the employee got all the copies of Gameday '99 for himself.
I'm playing Phantasy Star Online... online RIGHT NOW.

As mentioned above, SCHTHACK is just *awesome*. I'm playing PSO for the Gamecube online w/ it, but you can play the Dreamcast version, too (or even the PC version). Right now, there's over *400* people playing PSO online w/ it. Totally free!

Dreamcast forever!
[quote name='Smuglittleman']There are just so many great games on the Dreamcast.[/QUOTE]That's why Sega continued to dominate the console market, because it was so awesome and had so many awesome games. Oh wait, I mean the opposite. ;)
[quote name='token2k6']jesus zenitrude, well said. I'm not going to argue with you, but it seems as technology progresses, 90% of the masses tend to migrate towards that. Could you ever have imagined in the late 90's that everyone would have an iPod? Well, they do..mothers, sisters, even grandmothers have all embraced new items to come out over the years. Who is to say that gamers can't enjoy the same thing? Just b/c I have a NES doesn't mean I need to feel the need to have it hooked up and use it every once in a while. Especially with the Wii VC, it makes older Ninty systems a moot point. Almost all older games can be gotten free off the web, heck, even some have flash versions where you just go to a website and play.

Its like saying, just b/c I have a computer that works and runs Windows 3.1, does that mean I should use it to check CAG on a daily basis? no...

edit: and besides, as much fun as the older systems and games are, a lot of good ones have been ported over to current gen comp discs or what have you. And I think we can all agree that after 10 minutes of playing say, Ecoo the Dolphin, the nostalgia factor wears off, and the "wtf am I playing this for?" sets in..[/QUOTE]

Thanks for discussing this civilly... that's a huge rarity on forums nowadays. I know that I use a bit of sarcasm and talk-down-edness in my arguments, but I always try to be more informative than I am insulting... so I applaud you for being adult in your views as well.

And now for something completely different...

The argument you're making here is one more of platform (specifically) and not game created for and within a platform's lifecycle, which is what helluvagood was discussing... that is, his argument was that the games themselves have no more value, not just the "antiquated" consoles they originally appeared on. Your mentioning that titles (such as those from the NES) can be acquired and re-enjoyed (or enjoyed for the first time by a new generation) via services such as the Wii Virtual Console shows that you still have an understanding and appreciation for games that, while lacking in modern aesthetics, still retain a huge fun quotient.

The iPod analogy further exemplifies the platform vs. content differentiation: do you suppose those "mothers and [...] grandmothers" are downloading the latest T-Pain joint onto their iPods? Probably not... instead they're buying older music, which still has value and enjoyment, but digesting that old content through a modern machine. Again, the hardware has updated, but the older content is still viable...

Shit, if you still need further proof, just look how well Final Fantasy VII and VIII (both PSX games) are selling on PSN... clearly people are still interested in older titles, despite their vintage.

That said...

I still have a Dreamcast hooked up. Shit, I still have a Saturn hooked up. Why? Because I can... my television has a zillion ports in the back of it, so why shouldn't I be able to play a Dreamcast or Saturn game at the drop of a hat if I feel the need? The way I look at it, my PS3 handles PS3/PS2/PSX games, and that takes up a single HDMI port... my 360 handles 360/XBOX titles (at least, most of the XBOX titles I'd want to play), and that too takes up a single HDMI port... my Wii handles Wii/GCN games, and that takes up a single component port. That leaves two more HDMI ports (one of which is occupied by digital cable), three component ports, and I-don't-know-how-many S-video and composite ports, as well as a lowly VGA-port.

The way I figure it, why not use those ports? Even if I only turn on my Dreamcast a handful of times a year, I like that it's there, and I like the games that it allows me to play... even if my time is overwhelmingly occupied by more modern faire.

But you're right... Ecco has not aged well. I suppose that's what happens when you build a game around a graphics engine and then shoehorn in the gameplay. Graphics don't last in the long run, people, and that's a lesson we can all appreciate.

[quote name='mikejenks']That's why Sega continued to dominate the console market, because it was so awesome and had so many awesome games. Oh wait, I mean the opposite. ;)[/QUOTE]


Oh my god, that's fucking funny! You should be a writer for Jay Leno... he loves really, really obvious humor like that! Oh, and be sure to reference Monica Lewinsky when you're applying... that shit will never get old.
[quote name='helluvagood']i wonder who actually still plays ps1 and dreamcast games[/QUOTE]

personally me and i play them more than current gen consoles.
[quote name='zenintrude'] You should be a writer for Jay Leno... he loves really, really obvious humor like that! [/QUOTE]Which part was obvious? How hard the DC failed?
[quote name='mikejenks']That's why Sega continued to dominate the console market, because it was so awesome and had so many awesome games. Oh wait, I mean the opposite. ;)[/QUOTE]
Are you implying the Dreamcast DOESN'T have several games worth owning and playing?
All my local Walmarts seem to have done a very thorough inventory recently as all sorts of stuff keeps popping up.

I have seen a bunch of GBA games--even better they have put them all in a locked cabinet instead of on in a rack, so I am certain they will sell even faster. Anyone for a crushed but factory wrapped Drill Dozer? PS1 Treasure Planet seems plentiful as well.
[quote name='donssword']Anyone for a crushed but factory wrapped Drill Dozer?[/QUOTE]

All joking aside... Drill Dozer is an absolutely fantastic game. Depending on the price, you should totally pick it up (if you don't have it already, that is)
Fry's in Atlanta has had Final Fantasy Anthology and a couple other PSX games on the shelves for forever.

The Dreamcast's ... interesting library ... to me was the best argument Sega had for becoming a software publisher instead of a hardware manufacturer. Except little of the Dreamcast quirkiness, whether first or third party, made it off of the system. (couple of exceptions; Virtua Fighter 4 Evo was amazing)

Did anyone else stop wearing their shoes indoors after playing Shenmue?
[quote name='pdwayne']If its Toy Commander, go back and buy it NOW! That game is awesome-sauce![/QUOTE]
I second this. I passed it up years ago since it looked like a game for little kids. No, this game is hard as nails and I've yet to play a current gen game that captures the raw "massive area, small scale" this game can pump out. Good 4 player splitscreen, like many DC games. :)
[quote name='mikejenks']That's why Sega continued to dominate the console market, because it was so awesome and had so many awesome games. Oh wait, I mean the opposite. ;)[/QUOTE]

There are many, many reasons why the DC failed in the end, not all of which necessarily are tied to whether its gaming library was good. Sega had a poor reputation coming off the Sega CD fiasco and Saturn. The PS2 was right around the corner and most consumers just didn't give it a chance. What, IMHO, really hurt the DC at the time was EA's decision to not make any games for it. Today, 2K Sports rivals EA's games, but back then, gamers were even more attached to Madden (Madden Zombies, as I call them). That decision very much sealed the deal on the DC.

On a related note, we all know the "better" consoles (by whatever measure) don't necessarily prevail in the end. Just look at the market now. Many gamers don't think the Wii is the "better" gaming machine compared to the gems on 360 or PS3, but look who's winning. Of course, this is debatable but you know what I mean.

The DC had many, many high points (though I admit the controller blows) -- there are still a handful of games on it you just won't find anywhere else (so much Capcom love - Cannon Spike, Project Justice, Tech Romancer ... SNK love in Last Blade II) and the original releases of games we love today (RE: Code Veronica, Space Channel 5 Part II, Power Stone 2, Shenmue II, Mark of the Wolves).

Now, if you don't have a DC, would I recommend spending money to get one and its games? Depends on how much disposable income you have. Being on CAG, I would say it's not worth it anymore (given the time you'll need to spend tracking the DC's best titles down -- and the premiums you'll pay), but to those hardcore gamers or those who want to see where some franchises were renewed or born (Soul Calibur, DOA2, House of the Dead, Crazy Taxi, Jet Grind Radio, the 2K sports series), the DC is worth its weight in gold.

Oh, and Toy Commander is awesome. I'm happy I picked that up on word-of-mouth new from CC a loooooong time ago. I have ~30 or so DC games, all spakin' like new (bought them all new). It's a solid library -- though in comparison, my XBX, GCN and PS2 libraries (at 135, 67 and 181) blow it out of the water.
[quote name='romeogbs19']What, IMHO, really hurt the DC at the time was EA's decision to not make any games for it. Today, 2K Sports rivals EA's games, but back then, gamers were even more attached to Madden (Madden Zombies, as I call them). That decision very much sealed the deal on the DC.[/quote]
PS2 hurt more. Sega Sports had better NFL games, not to mention had online gameplay; something Madden wouldn't see until years later.
[quote name='Tsukento']PS2 hurt more. Sega Sports had better NFL games, not to mention had online gameplay; something Madden wouldn't see until years later.[/QUOTE]

I'm not saying the PS2's upcoming arrival was any less damaging for the DC -- but the fact that EA opted to not develop for the DC was pretty much like saying, we don't see any market survival for it.

No console has survived without EA's support. Sure, the PS2 played a big part (duh) but no EA support was the nail in the coffin.
[quote name='helluvagood']i wonder who actually still plays ps1 and dreamcast games[/QUOTE]

I do, for one.

Hell, I still have my Dreamcast and Saturn hooked up, sandwiched between my 360 and PS3.

And, on rare occasions, I even break out the Atari Flashback for a little Combat love. (The original 2600 is a bit of a pain to hook up with today's TVs)
The Dreamcast was a victim of Sony's propaganda....point, end, period.

A CPU called the "Emotion Engine" that was so powerful that Saddam was ordering a bunch so he could use them to guide his long range missiles? Geez, I bet a Dreamcast couldn't do THAT! OH!...and did I mention it can play DVD's?:roll:

Sega got hosed.
[quote name='helluvagood']i wonder who actually still plays ps1 and dreamcast games[/QUOTE]

Haven't played a Dreamcast game in a long time, played a few ps1 games lately... but I'll go even more old school on you, in the past year I've played NES, SNES and Sega Genesis games

Just because its old doesn't mean it isn't good, I still have to break out my Guardian Legend cart once a year for a playthrough
I currently have a 2600, NES, SNES, 64, Genesis, and Dreamcast all hooked up. Some adapters and a switch and you can play anything. Nothing beats 2600 on LCD.
[quote name='Knoxximus']The Dreamcast was a victim of Sony's propaganda....point, end, period.

A CPU called the "Emotion Engine" that was so powerful that Saddam was ordering a bunch so he could use them to guide his long range missiles? Geez, I bet a Dreamcast couldn't do THAT! OH!...and did I mention it can play DVD's?:roll:

Sega got hosed.[/QUOTE]

The Dreamcast also had a huge piracy problem that scared away all the developers. (Damn Windows CE)

...I loved my Dreamcast. It had lots of great games and at the time it had the best looking games.
[quote name='helluvagood']i wonder who actually still plays ps1 and dreamcast games[/QUOTE]
I do about once a month. The 2D Capcom fighting games on the Dreamcast are absolutely Arcade-perfect, and still some of the best around almost a decade later. Granted, some stuff has been released on XBLA and PSN, I see no reason to pay $10 to play Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo when I have it sitting on my shelf already. So it's not online...who gives a shit.

Stuff like FFVII still holds up, regardless of blocky graphics or whatever. As much as I love Call of Duty and several current gen games, some of those PS1 and DC games are some of the best games ever made.
I got both systems, I still show my Sega Saturn some love too with SFA2 and Nights Into Dreams.

DC was the shit, I held out buying for a PS2 for a longgg time. When I first got online with NFL2K1 with dialup, I almost cried
[quote name='romeogbs19']I'm not saying the PS2's upcoming arrival was any less damaging for the DC -- but the fact that EA opted to not develop for the DC was pretty much like saying, we don't see any market survival for it.

No console has survived without EA's support. Sure, the PS2 played a big part (duh) but no EA support was the nail in the coffin.[/QUOTE]
This reminds me of the Beta vs VHS war and how Beta lost because of the pornography industry supported VHS :roll:

i also heard that EA also has decided to op-out from releasing the EA sports games on the ps3..

i am ok with that since nothing of value was lost :lol:
The one WalMart down the line from me had copies of Tony Hawk 2 for N64, a couple Dino Crisis 2's for the PS1 and a couple other really old games up until about a year ago in a big dump bin in their electronics section.
DC has an amazing line up of games (even with it's short lifecycle). It has the highest amazing to shit ratio of any console probably.
The lack of a second stick and the 1GB storage limit on the GD's put kind of a hard limit on the system though.
You have to go to a walmart that has been around for a while, if you have a new supercenter like we have then your not going to find any gems in it. About 5 years ago I bought an IN BOX NES advantage joystick for $5 at my walmart, and they also had brand new boxed 3DO controllers for around 2$ (i didn't get those).

However the walmart that I know about that has been around for a while has nothing but extremely overpriced junk. In fact I would even say its worse than Kmart, whom at least clearances their stuff even if they do still have a lot of older toys hanging around. This walmart still thinks its going to sell toys from 2003 and older at full price. Not to mention the packages are torn, the items are falling out of the packages and some things just don't work anymore.

They have a miuchiz handheld for 29.99 which doesn't even work anymore because the online portion of the game has been shut down and requires the newer miuchiz handheld, which was ironically never sold in the USA because the toy was such a flop. I also saw a vimigo handheld virtual pet for $17 in an extremely tattered package that was obviously a taped together return. After seeing those 2 things I just stopped looking. And yes I scanned some products and they came up those prices in the scanner too.

However I do remember a walmart in Springville NY that had some pretty cool stuff, like a mario paint players guide and a gameboy color players guide for like 50 cents each a few years ago. Needless to say I bought those.
[quote name='helluvagood']i wonder who actually still plays ps1 and dreamcast games[/QUOTE]

What are you like 14?

I dont mean to come off all smug, but the classic game systems are the gems for alot of people. Why do think some of the most valuable games in the world are Saturn, Ps1, DC, etc.

Im only 24 so Im not going to act like Ive been around since Atari. But the nostalgia factor alone along with some of the best games ever created, are still only found on the old systems.

I play my Sega Saturn ( a system people didnt even like during its time) multiple times a year. Panzer Dragoon Saga might still be the Action RPG even though the graphics have aged. Still looks great.

In away, there are so many PS1, n64, dc, ss, nes, genny, you name it games that are more fun to play than 90% of the stuff that comes out today. Even though today graphics are so much better, the voice acting is so much better... the game seem to suck and provide less challenge.

Ill make one example for the sake of running on here... Resident Evil 2/3 vs. Resident Evil 5. Its not even close. RE 1-2-3 were actual survival horror games with challenge, exploration, backtracking. Actual immersion! Resident Evil 5 played like a B movie. It was linear with not a ton of challenge. It was fun but no where near the exploration and challenge that games used to have. Games are simple, take only a couple hours to finish or only are worth playing online these days.

Ah I miss the old days (ya 1998 is old)
[quote name='SaraAB']You have to go to a walmart that has been around for a while, if you have a new supercenter like we have then your not going to find any gems in it. About 5 years ago I bought an IN BOX NES advantage joystick for $5 at my walmart, and they also had brand new boxed 3DO controllers for around 2$ (i didn't get those).

However the walmart that I know about that has been around for a while has nothing but extremely overpriced junk. In fact I would even say its worse than Kmart, whom at least clearances their stuff even if they do still have a lot of older toys hanging around. This walmart still thinks its going to sell toys from 2003 and older at full price. Not to mention the packages are torn, the items are falling out of the packages and some things just don't work anymore.

They have a miuchiz handheld for 29.99 which doesn't even work anymore because the online portion of the game has been shut down and requires the newer miuchiz handheld, which was ironically never sold in the USA because the toy was such a flop. I also saw a vimigo handheld virtual pet for $17 in an extremely tattered package that was obviously a taped together return. After seeing those 2 things I just stopped looking. And yes I scanned some products and they came up those prices in the scanner too.

However I do remember a walmart in Springville NY that had some pretty cool stuff, like a mario paint players guide and a gameboy color players guide for like 50 cents each a few years ago. Needless to say I bought those.[/QUOTE]

Sara I know what youre talking about. The Walmart in Walden still has Eternal Darkness GC, 5 bundles of XBOX KRev with Mic bundles, and a bunch of other stuff like that. Its still there to this day and its still 49.99. Mind boggling.

The Springville one is nice cause stuff lasts out there but only if Im in the Mckinnley area will I forge on down the 219 :)

Hopefully that giant Niagara Falls 24 hour mega beast (which is more parking lot than store) starts to heed some decent finds down the road.
[quote name='xDerekRx']What are you like 14?

I dont mean to come off all smug, but the classic game systems are the gems for alot of people. Why do think some of the most valuable games in the world are Saturn, Ps1, DC, etc.

Im only 24 so Im not going to act like Ive been around since Atari. But the nostalgia factor alone along with some of the best games ever created, are still only found on the old systems.

I play my Sega Saturn ( a system people didnt even like during its time) multiple times a year. Panzer Dragoon Saga might still be the Action RPG even though the graphics have aged. Still looks great.

In away, there are so many PS1, n64, dc, ss, nes, genny, you name it games that are more fun to play than 90% of the stuff that comes out today. Even though today graphics are so much better, the voice acting is so much better... the game seem to suck and provide less challenge.

Ill make one example for the sake of running on here... Resident Evil 2/3 vs. Resident Evil 5. Its not even close. RE 1-2-3 were actual survival horror games with challenge, exploration, backtracking. Actual immersion! Resident Evil 5 played like a B movie. It was linear with not a ton of challenge. It was fun but no where near the exploration and challenge that games used to have. Games are simple, take only a couple hours to finish or only are worth playing online these days.

Ah I miss the old days (ya 1998 is old)[/QUOTE]

I rememeber the good old days when I played Driver/Driver 2 and all of the old Star Wars and Army Men video games I had for the ps1. Good times. I regret taking all but one (Gran Turismo 2) of my ps1 games to GS.
I'm sorry, but this is one of the stupidest threads I have seen on CAG.


[quote name='cRodz']
i also heard that EA also has decided to op-out from releasing the EA sports games on the ps3..

i am ok with that since nothing of value was lost :lol:[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that is definitely not happening.

[quote name='helluvagood']i wonder who actually still plays ps1 and dreamcast games[/QUOTE]

I definitely feel sorry for you not experiencing some of the greatest games in the past 15 years.

[quote name='thebytewasbit']Probably people like the guy I used to work with in which the last console he purchased was a Sega Dreamcast. He also ran Windows 98 up until a couple of years ago in which he started using Linux, thinks it's the bee's knees, & makes games on open source or free software.[/QUOTE]

And you too OP.

[quote name='token2k6']
jesus zenitrude, well said. I'm not going to argue with you, but...

Its like saying, just b/c I have a computer that works and runs Windows 3.1, does that mean I should use it to check CAG on a daily basis? no...

So what exactly is a rebuttal?

Also, that's a pointless example. A video/computer game is not like an operating system, Internet browser, or any type of tool/utility software.

[quote name='mikejenks']That's why Sega continued to dominate the console market, because it was so awesome and had so many awesome games. Oh wait, I mean the opposite. ;)[/QUOTE]

Sega has produced a lot of awesome games, you are just missing out!

And like a lot of people have said earlier, this type of discussion should be in the Deals/Shopping thread, but it has been here since last night and I am experiencing some major cabin fever!!!

But look, I understand a lot of you dissing on the Dreamcast. No one really understands how amazing some of the games are until they actually see them in action.

Case in point:

A couple of months ago, I brought home Typing of the Dead with a Keyboard for the Dreamcast. My roommates thought that was the stupidest thing they had ever seen until they saw me play it. We played that game for about 6 hours straight because it is such a fun, unique, game that you will not be able to find anywhere else except on the Dreamcast.
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