Alpha Protocol $39.99 NEW X360/PS3 at

[quote name='Scorch']This game is not nearly as bad as everyone is making it out to be. Yes, his gun skills kinda suck initially, but once you upgrade his abilities, it's not so bad. I never had an issue using the pistol or smg.[/QUOTE]

Agreed, invest points into Sabotage and Pistols and you'll never have a problem. Those skills alone solve pretty much every problem reviewers had as sabotage makes the minigames easier and pistols makes shooting more accurate and powerful. I loved the game from start to finish and I really wish it wasn't so short. I'm probably going to play it again in the future.
I'll bite at FREE.... if would ever stock it used and I could grab it as part of the B2G1 with Skate 3 and Red Dead.

but seriously, I'd pay $30 for it.. but I think I will wait a little longer.
I bought it last week at 60! and i am having a shit load of fun with it.

The controls are wonky and the gunplay isnt as solid as most games. But this game has some damn good voice acting, and the choice/morals of this game is insane. BUilding relationships in game are very real feeling and your always unlocking something.

Reviews were very harsh on this game and it didnt deserve it imo. At this price, you should def support Obsidian and get it. :)
[quote name='Big St3ph3n']I bought it last week at 60! and i am having a shit load of fun with it.

The controls are wonky and the gunplay isnt as solid as most games. But this game has some damn good voice acting, and the choice/morals of this game is insane. BUilding relationships in game are very real feeling and your always unlocking something.

Reviews were very harsh on this game and it didnt deserve it imo. At this price, you should def support Obsidian and get it. :)[/QUOTE]

I agree, this is a solid unique RPG
[quote name='bostonfrontier']The fact that SEGA makes it should tell you that the game sucks[/QUOTE]
It's made by Obsidian, just published by SEGA.
[quote name='vlv723']I'll bite when it hits $20. There, I said it.[/QUOTE]

Then again I never had much interest in this game but whatever.

[quote name='bostonfrontier']The fact that SEGA makes it should tell you that the game sucks[/QUOTE]
Learn the difference between publishers & developers, moron.
I completely fail to understand the criticisms levied against this game. In an RPG that involves sorcery or magic, it's completely reasonable and expected to get a few "MISS!" misfires when attempting to attack an enemy. It is, then, still reasonable to expect your "MISS!" misfires to decrease in frequency as you upgrade your attack skill.

This is exactly how Alpha Protocol works. You increase your skill or expertise with a weapon, and - VOILA!!! - you become better with that skill or weapon. You don't start at the bottom as a badass and become an ultra-badass. You start as a loser and become a badass. This is the nature of a good RPG, folks.

The RPG elements of this game (you know, the focus of the game) are amazing. The relationships, the dialogue, the storytelling, the stat building and perk development, it's all so fucking cool. Just don't expect to be able to hack a security professional's home security system when you've only got 3/12ths of your Sabotage skill tree developed. That's what EMPs are for =D
/\ you sir just summed up what i was trying to say.

You have to level to make your guy badass. Most RPG's you start off badass and that's whack. i want to feel like my character is progressing and building relationships is a plus.

Not to mention the background info in this game is crazy. The dossier (intel) helps you open up new quests, ideas, plot points, questions, audio ques. The amount of detail on the littlest things in that regard is awesome. But they did lack on polish and controls. But i will never ever game for graphics, and these aren't that bad. Just not AAA.
Yeah, the one aspect that was rightfully criticized is the glitches. I've only experienced one glitch, and I've almost beaten the game so that means I've played the whole game and only seen one glitch, but it was a doozy: all the face buttons (square, triangle, circle, and X) performed the same functions that the d-pad did (meaning I would get stuck in an endless loop of menu navigation), and L2 (the fire button) stopped functioning all together. I restarted the game, and it still happened, so then I reinstalled and it was still happening. I played other games and my controller was fine. Then I decided to try again the following day and everything worked again, and has worked since. Weird.

Other people I know have had probably a single random weird glitch happen to them throughout their entire playthrough. My friend had one where he would freeze in place and become completely invincible if he used Iron Will (a damage resistance skill) during one play session, but that too resolved itself.

Other shit people bitch about in this game is all because they are taking it to be a shooter. It is not. It is an RPG. Yes, skills have cooldown times. Just like in other RPGs. Yes, skills are difficult or impossible to use if you have not leveled them up. Just like in other RPGs. Yes, it's really all about the dialogue and relationships, and the gameplay plays second fiddle. Just like in other RPGs.
This game is once again a staple of what is expected from Obsidian...

A glitch-fest, poorly designed, artless, badly executed game that will be defended by blind people that will, in turn, blame the publisher for Obsidian's half-assed always. Oh wait...SEGA gave them 4 fucking years to make this atrocity.

The fact is, this game should have released with a $30 more. The proof is in the pudding. Already it's selling for $40 less than 3 weeks after its release.

The game is poor across many levels.

The sad thing is, is that the same developer is making Fallout: New Vegas. Most morons think that most of the devs were involved with the originals to justify their fanboyisms. The fact is that less than 5 people in Obsidian remain from the original Fallout team. That is hardly something to put ANY faith into considering their recent ventures.

As for their Prince, Chris Avellone? He's strayed far....VERY FAR...from his Torment days. Whether it's the people he currently works with, or age, he hasn't hit his past potential by a long shot. Maybe he's a one-hit-wonder. Personally, I think he is not, he just has to leave the dead-weight that is Obsidian so he can reach his potential. Birds of a feather flock together...say they say.
[quote name='SmileyMcSmiles']This game is once again a staple of what is expected from Obsidian...

A glitch-fest, poorly designed, artless, badly executed game that will be defended by blind people that will, in turn, blame the publisher for Obsidian's half-assed always. Oh wait...SEGA gave them 4 fucking years to make this atrocity.

The fact is, this game should have released with a $30 more. The proof is in the pudding. Already it's selling for $40 less than 3 weeks after its release.

The game is poor across many levels.

The sad thing is, is that the same developer is making Fallout: New Vegas. Most morons think that most of the devs were involved with the originals to justify their fanboyisms. The fact is that less than 5 people in Obsidian remain from the original Fallout team. That is hardly something to put ANY faith into considering their recent ventures.

As for their Prince, Chris Avellone? He's strayed far....VERY FAR...from his Torment days. Whether it's the people he currently works with, or age, he hasn't hit his past potential by a long shot. Maybe he's a one-hit-wonder. Personally, I think he is not, he just has to leave the dead-weight that is Obsidian so he can reach his potential. Birds of a feather flock together...say they say.[/QUOTE]

You're going too personal with your assessment of people who like this game. I never played the first Fallouts, or Planescape: Torment, or KOTOR II. I have no vested interest in Obsidian games. I just like spies and I like RPGs that don't use turn-based battle systems, so regardless of who made this game, I like it.

Some people just like things because the thing that they like warrants their affection.

However, I did play Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, developed by Troika Games, and I felt the same way about it: Imperfect action with great stat-building, story and dialogue.

Having said all that, it's worth noting that there are a lot of people on the other side of the fence who hate this game simply because they are opposed to respecting the game's pedigree.
[quote name='SmileyMcSmiles']This game is once again a staple of what is expected from Obsidian...

A glitch-fest, poorly designed, artless, badly executed game that will be defended by blind people that will, in turn, blame the publisher for Obsidian's half-assed always. Oh wait...SEGA gave them 4 fucking years to make this atrocity.

The fact is, this game should have released with a $30 more. The proof is in the pudding. Already it's selling for $40 less than 3 weeks after its release.

The game is poor across many levels.

The sad thing is, is that the same developer is making Fallout: New Vegas. Most morons think that most of the devs were involved with the originals to justify their fanboyisms. The fact is that less than 5 people in Obsidian remain from the original Fallout team. That is hardly something to put ANY faith into considering their recent ventures.

As for their Prince, Chris Avellone? He's strayed far....VERY FAR...from his Torment days. Whether it's the people he currently works with, or age, he hasn't hit his past potential by a long shot. Maybe he's a one-hit-wonder. Personally, I think he is not, he just has to leave the dead-weight that is Obsidian so he can reach his potential. Birds of a feather flock together...say they say.[/QUOTE]

Thank You!
Thoroughly enjoyed the game, got a few play throughs in before throwing it back on Goozex for the 200 point bonus.

Wouldn't pay $60 for it, wouldn't pay $40 either. Saw a couple used copies between $25-33 on eBay the first week it was out and new copies in the sub $40 range even before GS had this price drop, so would be expecting some very cheap copies in the near future.

Personally didn't have any issue with the gun play (I liked ME1 more than ME2 so perhaps I'm in the minority when it comes to liking this style combat.) More annoying thing about the combat was how broken pistols, stealth or tech trees made the game.

There seemed to be absolutely no reason to use SMG's or shotguns. While SMG's flat out sucked, shotguns while okay at close range didn't hold much reason to use over leveled pistols.

Enemy AI varied too much. From dodging every shot and keeping you locked in a melee fight long enough for his friends to shoot the crap out of you to one by one filing through doors to investigate sounds or dead buddies only to get picked off by explosives or bullets in the face.

Would say it's a solid 6/10, but if you're interested I'd expect it to fall way more.
I am interested, but this is going to be $10 in a month or two. Since I got ME2 for $20 this week, it will tie me over for awhile.
Seems like a good use of one of those $10 GS coupons I have piling up.

I wonder if you can still grab the preorder codes for the game from GS?

[quote name='gunstar808']Seems like a good use of one of those $10 GS coupons I have piling up.

I wonder if you can still grab the preorder codes for the game from GS?


Definitely try asking a local Gamestop, when I worked there we would have stacks of code slips in our 'scwhag' drawer from left overs. Considering how this game was reviewed, I'm sure most Gamestops would have some left.
[quote name='Sharkey1337']Definitely try asking a local Gamestop, when I worked there we would have stacks of code slips in our 'scwhag' drawer from left overs. Considering how this game was reviewed, I'm sure most Gamestops would have some left.[/QUOTE]

Most GS's use the digital codes that print out on your receipt. You can actually finalize a transaction with nothing more than the code SKU, which will result in a free receipt with a code on it. I've printed them for myself and for others before. Just go in and ask them about it. Shouldn't be a problem for them to do it if they know what they are doing.
[quote name='supershammy']You're going too personal with your assessment of people who like this game. I never played the first Fallouts, or Planescape: Torment, or KOTOR II. I have no vested interest in Obsidian games. I just like spies and I like RPGs that don't use turn-based battle systems, so regardless of who made this game, I like it.

Some people just like things because the thing that they like warrants their affection.

However, I did play Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, developed by Troika Games, and I felt the same way about it: Imperfect action with great stat-building, story and dialogue.

Having said all that, it's worth noting that there are a lot of people on the other side of the fence who hate this game simply because they are opposed to respecting the game's pedigree.[/QUOTE]

Vampires was written by Brian Mitsoda...a great writer in this industry who WAS the original writer of Alph Protocol. But apparently circumstances shifted and the game (NOT because of SEGA) made a different turn. So much so, that if someone was intelligent enough, would come to the conclusion to know that Brain Mitsoda HIMSELF made a statement that the current game (Alpha Protocol) is nothing....NOTHING...compared to what his vision vision...both script and gameplay.

The script was taken over by Chris Avellone...and re-done (to the most part) completely. It just butt-hurts people that the guy that was responsible for Torment could also produce such craptastic work as found in AP. You're not alone.

There are such things as one-hit-wonders.

It seems like the blind fans have forgotten things like craftsmanship...quality...innovation...progress...executuon...etc.

Anyone who tried to justify AP seems to lack any backing on any of the points above. And that IS a fact.
Maybe someone can help me out.

I am trying to use my email coupons i got from previous gamers I purchased; yet in the new cart system none of them apply! I tried my two 10's and the 20 and none of them take anything off on anything on the website. What's the deal?
[quote name='SmileyMcSmiles']Vampires was written by Brian Mitsoda...a great writer in this industry who WAS the original writer of Alph Protocol. But apparently circumstances shifted and the game (NOT because of SEGA) made a different turn. So much so, that if someone was intelligent enough, would come to the conclusion to know that Brain Mitsoda HIMSELF made a statement that the current game (Alpha Protocol) is nothing....NOTHING...compared to what his vision vision...both script and gameplay.

The script was taken over by Chris Avellone...and re-done (to the most part) completely. It just butt-hurts people that the guy that was responsible for Torment could also produce such craptastic work as found in AP. You're not alone.

There are such things as one-hit-wonders.

It seems like the blind fans have forgotten things like craftsmanship...quality...innovation...progress...executuon...etc.

Anyone who tried to justify AP seems to lack any backing on any of the points above. And that IS a fact.[/QUOTE]

You did it again, and I don't think you even read what I said that time. I am saying that I like the game outside of the original achievements of those involved, as I have never played any of the games that the people who made this game are typically hailed for.

I just like the game because the game works for me.
So is this the price in-store also or is it just the price online? If it's in-store also, I wonder if KMart has a policy if its cheaper somewhere else in 30 days.
Use GS29 and get 15% off plus free ground shipping (faster than using SAVER for free value shipping).
Last edited by a moderator:
This game totally under my radar somehow. Even after watching half a dozen video reviews address the significant issues it has-I'm still really interested in trying it.

Still, I think I'll wait a bit longer- I have a lot of quality games on the backlog. All the same, thanks for the heads up OP!
Dang, nice find! After the mixed reviews I didn't want to pay $60, but I'll pay $40 (plus my $10 coupon, plus that 15% off coupon?). It still sounds fairly good/interesting to me-much more so than most games that get flawless reviews :lol:

But...which platform? Hmm...

Wish I knew if the new Xbox could accept normal hard drives or not...
[quote name='SmileyMcSmiles']This game is once again a staple of what is expected from Obsidian...

A glitch-fest, poorly designed, artless, badly executed game that will be defended by blind people that will, in turn, blame the publisher for Obsidian's half-assed always. Oh wait...SEGA gave them 4 fucking years to make this atrocity.

I loved AP and have not played a single other game developed by Obsidian. AP is actually a pretty good game, and while your argument seems better developed then the rest of the people on the internet (who hate it because reviewers told them to), it's still flawed. A lot of the people who liked this game aren't saying anything about liking it solely because of Obsidian, they like the game because it's actually a pretty decent game.
I have quite a bit of respect for Obsidian even though I'm not sure I've played a single game from them yet (while they were actually named Obsidian) because their stuff is generally well reviewed, and while it seems like often rushed, still with merit.

I'm really kind of not understanding the hate on this game. Heck, it sounds pretty good from the Giant Bombcast too. They acknowledged the issues, but at the same time it's got really good ideas, some of them executed pretty well apparently, and one of the Giant Bomb guys was actually starting over again.

They were hoping this didn't kill the idea of it either, since the idea of a Mass Effect style spy thing (maybe will less combat than AP1) is fantastic.
[quote name='mitnosi']It's made by Obsidian, just published by SEGA.[/QUOTE]

even worse. obsidian fucks up every franchise they work on, this time they just did it on a new IP. obsidian may be made of people from other prominent rpg conpanies, but by themselves, they cant put out a game worth raving about.

i feel bad for fallout new vegas, fallout is my favorite franchise =[
Lots of their games are supposed to be good. I thought Neverwinter Nights 2 has good reviews...

I wonder if it's true that some manager there really screwed things up for them.
I just think a lot of the flaws for which reviewers marked this game down are the same flaws that are ignored in review scores of Mass Effect 1, which was a glitchfest with incredibly clunky combat controls, a broken inventory system, a broken monetary system, a broken cover system (sound familiar?) and terrible AI. Hell, texture pop-in? If any game is guilty of excessive texture pop-in, ME1 is the biggest offender.

Granted, I did enjoy the game, but it scored 9's and 10's, somehow, across the board. There are so, so many problems with the game, though--a lot of problems that reviewers claim AP has. But the difference is that AP gets 6's. I don't know; say what you will about Obsidian, but I think that the game is incredibly underrated.
[quote name='UberNinjaz']This.

Then again I never had much interest in this game but whatever.

Learn the difference between publishers & developers, moron.[/QUOTE]

You must work for SEGA.......... I apologize for my ignorance, I'm not as smart as you are.... I'm sure you are a genius
FYI-B&M (I assume while the new copies are $39.99) used copies of Alpha Protocol (Xbox 360) are $34.99. Just picked up a copy a few minutes ago as part of the B2G1Free sale (along with Final Fantasy 13 for PS3 and Splinter Cell Conviction for 360). Essentially AP was the free game, but on the receipt it says regular price is $34.99. Just wanted to pass on the word!
I'll bite when they pay me to take it, hur hur hur.

Damn that was fast though. Wasn't this game just released a couple of weeks ago? Biggest flop of the year so far?
bread's done