Amazon PCDD $12.49 Walking Dead ($7.49 after coupon)

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Amazon DVG Deals

Official Representative
4 (100%)
Hi CAGs,

I'll be posting deals we're running on Digital Games (PC/Mac, Free to Play, Sony/Microsoft Points/Subs).

I'm also here to answer questions you might have, get you closer to the developers by hosting Q&As, setting up podcasts, live streaming gameplay etc. If I don't respond to a question you have in thread please send me a PM. These ping my email address and make it more likely that I will see your question and respond more quickly.

FYI. EA Games sold by Amazon will not activate on Steam.

Digital Holiday


The Walking Dead - $12.49 ($7.49 post coupon)


Alice: Madness Returns: The Complete Collection - $11.99 pre coupon (6.99 after coupon) - not Steam
Dragon Age Pack PC - $12.99 pre-coupon ($7.99 after coupon) - not Steam


Need for Speed: The Run - $8.99 ($3.99 after coupon) - not Steam
EA Sports Classic Pack - $8.99 ($3.99 after coupon) - not Steam
Syndicate - $9.99 ($4.99 after coupon) - not Steam
Crysis Maximum Maximum -$17.99 ($12.99 after coupon) - not Steam


Tantalizing THQ Medley - $11.99 pre coupon ($6.99 after coupon) - Steam


Darksiders Franchise Pack - $13.19 before coupon ($8.19 after coupon) - Steam
Saints Row The Third: The Full Package - $12.49 pre coupon ($7.49 after coupon) - Steam


Burning Hot Bundle - $11.99 ($6.99 after coupon)


1. Does the game I'm buying from Amazon Activate on Steam/Origin/Uplay? What DRM does the game use?

There are two places to identify DRM on a digital video game detail page:

At the top of the page, below the title:


In the "Product Description" section:


2. Note on Electronic Arts Games - For the most part, EA games sold on Amazon do not activate on Steam. Most activate on Origin.

3. Note on DRM with limited activations:

Our Policy

4. Sometimes I'll do giveaways.

5. I work with developers and publishers to get fun (or at least what I think is fun) content to share with you all. Here are some examples:

a. Check out the Pax Gameplay videos here: Xcom: Enemy Unknown I played Xcom with Jake, the Creative Director for the game, a few months before the game came out Also, on this page, check out the Q&A, also a community driven event.

b. Check out the interview on this page: Borderlands 2 we did this interview at E3 with Randy Pitchford this year.

c. We've partnered with the ++GoodGames Podcast to feature many of the games we carry. They talk to the developers about the game development process, how the games are conceptualized and managed, all kinds of fun stuff. I'm working on putting together full link list and will update when I have it.

What else do we sell?

Xbox Live Points and Subscriptions:

1600 Microsoft Live Points
4000 Microsoft Live Points
12 Month XBOX Live Subscription
3 Month XBOX Live Subscription]
12 Month + 1 XBOX Live Subscription

PSN+ Subscriptions and PSN Points:

$20 PSN Points
$50 PSN Points
12 Month PSN+ Subscription
3 Month PSN+ Subscription

We also have a Free-2-Play store supported by our GameConnect technology. Gameconnect allows you to link your account with free-2-play and MMO accounts so that you can buy things like in game currency, premium game time/subscriptions, in game items, etc. on using your payment options and have this content delivered directly into your game.

To check out the Free-2-Play games we offer you can visit our storefront here:

Free-2-Play Store
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[quote name='Detruire']Or "This list is subject to change, as we are in constant negotiations with publishers regarding future promotions."

What? Forcing us to wait until next week to get get rid of the phantom page? Now there's a legitimate reason to complain. ;)

Can't say that I've really been bothered by non-remappable keyboard/mouse controls, but all these new games with controller support that's non-remappable and Xbox-controller-only? :bomb:[/QUOTE]
I use ESDF for WASD movement due to learning to type via touch typing. Most people think it's pretty silly, but it's what works for me.

and it's annoying when games don't let you remap WASD. I can't stand that configuration.
[quote name='Fluxy']grrr cant wait for the alice pack[/QUOTE]

yuck, i already own alice returns, but not the original, and it doesnt look like you can get separate keys for just the original. so if i want the original, i would have to double dip, if it goes on sale super cheap, worth it i guess
[quote name='MrBonk']I use ESDF for WASD movement due to learning to type via touch typing. Most people think it's pretty silly, but it's what works for me.

and it's annoying when games don't let you remap WASD. I can't stand that configuration.[/QUOTE]

I use ESDF too, thank god there is someone else! For me, it felt completely logical to have your fingers exactly as you would on home row for playing and typing in mutliplayer games. I don't know what the logic for the other method is.
[quote name='Needles-Kane']I use ESDF too, thank god there is someone else! For me, it felt completely logical to have your fingers exactly as you would on home row for playing and typing in mutliplayer games. I don't know what the logic for the other method is.[/QUOTE]
Yeah me neither, I think it has something to do with key placement when you use WASD.

But when you use WASD you can't reach a lot of keys with your index finger. With ESDF I can access pretty much everything on the left side of my keyboard without issue. Plus it feels completely natural since my brain is used to Home row and instinctively finds the braille-like raised notch on the F and knows exactly what to do.

[quote name='pROvIs']I get your point if you don't have an official pad but I'm glad there is a standard. Without it you would get things like press button 12 to run. Where the hell is button 12. Pc gamepads used to suck because of that problem. Some ubi games still do.[/QUOTE]

I agree with this so much. Using gamepads before the 360 standard was terrible. Such a pain in the ass. I'll Take 360 Xinput support anyday.

THOUGH I do think they should support DI and XI in games.
[quote name='dracula']yuck, i already own alice returns, but not the original, and it doesnt look like you can get separate keys for just the original. so if i want the original, i would have to double dip, if it goes on sale super cheap, worth it i guess[/QUOTE]

This. If it's $2.50 after credit I'll bite, but I'm guessing it'll be $5-7.50 after credit.
Sucks how the original Alice is never sold by itself. Because of how often Madness Returns has been on sale everywhere else (Steam, GG, Amazon), most who are interested in the series (like myself) already have Madness Returns.

I'm in the same boat as Suntoast, and I'm guessing we're not the only ones.
Well, I already own both Alice Returns and the Original, but if I didn't, I'd certainly be willing to pay $7.50 for the lot. They're great games. But certainly not just for the original America McGee's Alice alone (which it looks like the position most people are in.)

We all have our 'price points' for certain games, and apparently mine was $2.50 for the Darkness II, because I skipped over it countless times at higher prices.
The Mass Effect Collection (1 and 2) for $10 + coupon would make a great sale.
oh god.. I thought Dark souls deal finishing on 6th January. I was going to buy it after i got my salary today. Cant believe it expired. I was really hoping to play it tonight. :( cant believe i missed it. I bought Logitech a Controller too for this game :(
Tony are your Bringing it back ??
[quote name='Idiotekque']Sucks how the original Alice is never sold by itself. Because of how often Madness Returns has been on sale everywhere else (Steam, GG, Amazon), most who are interested in the series (like myself) already have Madness Returns.

I'm in the same boat as Suntoast, and I'm guessing we're not the only ones.[/QUOTE]

Count me in that camp.
17200+ posts - I'm in! The only really big bundle that I'd be looking for these days would be all the LEGO games for a CAG-level price. I have most of them on PS3 already, but the DVG hoarder in me *wants* such a collection on my PCs. Thanks to Tony & his minions for the great work this season. My backlog has never been so deep and varied. I'll be posting some SteamGifts soon for the dups (Bioshock, Saints Row 3 TFP & Spec Ops most likely) for you good people to claim.

PS - If you're new, go read the 1st page and/or Tony's sig. Also, learn how to search. This thread would probably be under 5K posts if folks would take that extra minute.
[quote name='pROvIs']I get your point if you don't have an official pad but I'm glad there is a standard. Without it you would get things like press button 12 to run. Where the hell is button 12. Pc gamepads used to suck because of that problem. Some ubi games still do.[/QUOTE]

Coming from someone who has always had a gamepad for the computer, you couldn't be more right about being glad that's there's actually a standard for it. The problem was that everyone had their own design for a controller. Everytime you wanted to use a gamepad it was an remapping ordeal since the default mapping wasn't specifically designed for your gamepad. If you see a Ubi game with that problem it's probably because Ubisoft doesn't really like PC gamers. They think every PC gamer is a pirate.
[quote name='Mooby']Re: Dark Souls. The only people who find it maddeningly/rage-inducing hard are people who simply aren't used to challenging games.
Call it e-peenery if you will but the majority of gamers today are used to games that are rife with quick-time events and little in the way of involved combat short of push A for Awesome until your enemy is dead. Yes, Dark Souls requires a little bit of getting used to the controls but by no means is it anywhere near as difficult as most people make it out to be.
There isn't much of a penalty in the way of death
as you only lose your current souls (combination of xp and currency) and non-inventory humanity (a bit too involved to discuss those mechanics here) -- even then you get a chance to run back and pick them up off the ground to reclaim them so long as you don't die before you get to it.

This! I really don't get what all the omg-hard talk is about, but then again I've been gaming since games were hard and quarters were few. The DS:pTD death penalty less than in Diablo II.

[quote name='Syntax Error']Yeah, I can't be bothered to look up the interview again but the CEO made it pretty clear that he was speaking in terms of catalog size, not sales or revenue. I think he said they carried something like 4,000 titles. Awesome if you're into Euro-Toenail Clipper Simulator 2009.[/QUOTE]

You forget the Euro Bathing Simulator. ^_~

[quote name='Mooby']You'll have to complain a lot more, announce you're putting people on ignore, whine you can't get a dozen AAA games for $5 just because you bought some $0.30 Darksiders 2 DLC for EC coupons, ask about EA games activating on Steam, ask for Bethesda price matches, and allege Tony is favoring certain posters and that Amazon is out to get you.[/QUOTE]

Oh the things I miss by having some people on ignore.... no wait that's why they're on ignore.

[quote name='MysterD']Okay, seriously...

What is it w/ PC controls not being allowed to be reconfigured to certain keys and/or cannot be configured at all?

I'm left-handed - and prefer the cursors (Up, Down, Left, Right)

Sleeping Dogs PC -> Cannot remap movement keys to cursors (Up, Down, Left, Right).
Dead Space 1 PC -> See above.
The Walking Dead -> TWD forces WSAD for movement. Hell, it forces EVERYTHING - as you cannot reconfigure KB/mouse controls.

{SMH and puts in X360 Controller}[/QUOTE]

^_^ nod, I know what you mean. Only my gaming setup has mouse-on-right, but I don't have a dominate hand.

You could have a loadable AutoHotKey scripts for key swapping for differnt games. SD plays really well with the controller. Once you adapt to MaxPayne-bullet-timing most of your shots you won't even reach for the mouse.

[quote name='Detruire']I thought that DirectInput was a standard. Sure different controllers had different button placements, but that isn't a problem if you can rebind the game controls.[/QUOTE]

DirectInput is a standard, and it is superior to the Xinput standard. Xinput only supports the controls on the 360 controller, no more (and the LT/RT are mapped to positive and negative halves of the same axis). DirectInput, while commonly used with PS/Xbox controller layouts supports more buttons and more axes -- which allows for complex flight sim setups and the sort.

[quote name='zillionandnine']That happened to me three times. It's partially the reason I haven't finished episodes 3-5. I don't feel like dealing with that aggravation so. It's frustrating as hell and from the looks of the telltale and steam forums there are a lot of people in the same boat and telltale doesn't seem to care too much (last I checked anyway).

I'll finish the game eventually, but that issue definitely put a sour taste in my mouth.[/QUOTE]

I like to copy all my game saves into my Dropbox folder, and then symlink them to their original location. This gives me two advantages, (1) my game saves are backed up in the cloud and (2) I can roll back my games saves to any change in the last 30 days. This means if the game corrupts my save, I can roll back to an earlier version. This isn't difficult to setup. Looking around Dropboxifier seems to wizard-ize the symlink setup (though using LSE as simply as making an application shortcut.)

1. Install Dropbox. Make an account.
2. Install LSE
3. Locate the folder with your save file. (Googling is usually quickest, "GameX save file location")
4. Move that folder to your Dropbox folder (C:\Users\YourUserName\Dropbox\)
5. Drag the game save folder (which is now in the Dropbox folder) back to it's original location using the right mouse button. On right button release select "Drop here"->"Symbolic Link" from the context menu.

Later when you want to roll back to a previous version, right click on the save file and select "Dropbox"->"View previous versions". That will open a webpage on the dropbox site that allows you to select which version you want to roll back to (e.g. 1 min ago, 3 min ago, 14 min ago, 22 hours ago, etc). Select the version you want and hit the restore button on the web page. Wait 5 seconds for your local file to update, then open you save in the game.

[quote name='fore1337']Is anyone else having problems getting Steam overlay to work with Hotline Miami? [/QUOTE]

It's never worked by default (I think I've heard rumor of adding it as a non-steam game works). I've owned Hotline Miami since November.

[quote name='Idiotekque']Sucks how the original Alice is never sold by itself. Because of how often Madness Returns has been on sale everywhere else (Steam, GG, Amazon), most who are interested in the series (like myself) already have Madness Returns.

I'm in the same boat as Suntoast, and I'm guessing we're not the only ones.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I picked up Madness returns for $4 or $5 iirc in 2012.
how much replayability is in twd?

does the game change drastically whether you choose doug or carley at the end of chapter 1?

[quote name='asheskitty']
Yeah, I picked up Madness returns for $4 or $5 iirc in 2012.[/QUOTE]

I picked it up for $5 at the steam summer sale, it was worth $5, but not much more. buying it again for $7.50-$5 coupon to get the original might be an option, but i can't pay much more than that.
replayability in twd is nonexistent imo.

yea, i mean you can go back and "choose" a different "path," but its all smoke and mirrors.

it does the smoke and mirrors effect pretty damn well though, making you believe your "choices" actually matter.
[quote name='pROvIs']I get your point if you don't have an official pad but I'm glad there is a standard. Without it you would get things like press button 12 to run. Where the hell is button 12. Pc gamepads used to suck because of that problem. Some ubi games still do.[/QUOTE]
There's no legitimate reason (for the majority of games) to not support DirectInput and XInput, while also allowing both to have keys rebound.

[quote name='Das_Regal']Played RE4 that way. Took me a few minutes to get acquainted, but after that it was fine. With newer games the controller I got for that doesn't work unless I run X360CE, which I'm glad that fixes it, but I don't see why they couldn't support Xinput and Directinput given both are very simple API interfaces that are stock. I'd rather have a controller learning curve than an unusable controller.[/QUOTE]
Pretty much exactly how I feel. :)

[quote name='walkonshadows']Maybe you should just use a mouse....[/QUOTE]
Mice aren't very good for platforming or racing. ;)

[quote name='MrBonk']I use ESDF for WASD movement due to learning to type via touch typing. Most people think it's pretty silly, but it's what works for me.

and it's annoying when games don't let you remap WASD. I can't stand that configuration.[/QUOTE]
At least you're not one of the people who uses the arrow keys for movement (and aren't left-handed.)
When is there likely to be more deals coming up?. Bit on Hotline but nothing else yet - have spec ops not interested in Darkness II. Pondering over ME3 & KOA before the deals expire hmmmmm....
[quote name='Idiotekque']Sucks how the original Alice is never sold by itself. Because of how often Madness Returns has been on sale everywhere else (Steam, GG, Amazon), most who are interested in the series (like myself) already have Madness Returns.

I'm in the same boat as Suntoast, and I'm guessing we're not the only ones.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Necrotron']Well, I already own both Alice Returns and the Original, but if I didn't, I'd certainly be willing to pay $7.50 for the lot. They're great games. But certainly not just for the original America McGee's Alice alone (which it looks like the position most people are in.)


I am in the same boat, only want the original Alice. If only Amazon can make a promo for those who already bought Madness Returns from them :)
[quote name='gomikeoh']replayability in twd is nonexistent imo.

yea, i mean you can go back and "choose" a different "path," but its all smoke and mirrors.

it does the smoke and mirrors effect pretty damn well though, making you believe your "choices" actually matter.[/QUOTE]

I heard
everyone dies anyway

If that's the case,
did your choices really mean anything?

Still have yet to play it... but I remember reading that spoiler somewhere very recently.
So unless Tony puts up a couple more deals that I can use EC coupons on, this is my data for 2012. I only discovered Amazon (and CAG) this year. Prior to 2012 all my purchases were off Steam.

Transformers: War for Cybertron (Summer Sale)
Total War: Shogun 2 - Fall of the Samurai Collection (Summer Sale)
Batman: AC GOTY (Summer Sale)
Torchlight II (Summer Sale, 1/4 of a 4-pack)
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition (Summer Sale)
The Witcher II: Assassins of Kings (Summer Sale)
Civilization V GOTY Upgrade (Winter Sale)
Civilization V: Korea/Wonders DLC Combo (Winter Sale)

Amazon DVG
NBA 2K12
Red Faction: Armageddon + Path to War DLC
Football Manager 2012
Saints Row the Third (vanilla)
*Prototype Franchise Bundle
*Majesty Franchise Bundle
*THQ Tantalizing Action Pack
*Darksiders Franchise Pack (used THQ coupon)
*Saints Row the Third: The Full Package (Tony got me to double dip in the same year!)
*The WTF Pack (used 2K coupon)
Spec Ops: The Line (used EC coupon)
FIFA 2K13 (used EC coupon)

So I'm clearly a fan the small, focused bundles that Steam seems to be unable to match right now. Thanks for the great deals Tony!

*Assuming that these granted EC coupons, so 2 used, 4 to go!
I still need to finish Mass Effect 2, but I'm tempted to bite on Mass Effect 3 DD for $15 (with the coupon). I'd like to play the multiplayer before it's dead, and the DD version comes with "From Ashes", which is normally $10.
[quote name='Trusty Mutsi']I still need to finish Mass Effect 2, but I'm tempted to bite on Mass Effect 3 DD for $15 (with the coupon). I'd like to play the multiplayer before it's dead, and the DD version comes with "From Ashes", which is normally $10.[/QUOTE]
And I tried to buy the ME3 DLC for a friend, and that's almost impossible (especially when they're in another country). You have to find a place to buy Bioware points (which is clumsy enough) that don't auto credit to your account, in that case, so one can gift the points. I TRIED to buy by friend in the UK the Leviathan DLC, and I had to give up, as I wasn't about to do tests that might give me points I couldn't use (I own every Bioware game on console).

Either way, the ME3 DD is a great deal, as the "From Ashes" DLC is an integral part of the game that NEEDS to accompany any gamer's ME3 journey. Bioware/EA should be ashamed they made it paid DLC, so not everyone experiences it (like my friends that don't have their ps3's online, so buying they CE did them no good, as they couldn't download it).
[quote name='r9800pro']I am in the same boat, only want the original Alice. If only Amazon can make a promo for those who already bought Madness Returns from them :)[/QUOTE]
Same here, but I don't think they'd be able to do that. The best would be selling it solo at a tad bit more than the bundle, I imagine. Here's to hoping, though :).
So, The Secret World is on sale again, and I just bought it. I can confirm that you still get the initiate pack. I'm downloading the game now, it's gonna take a while (probably 10-12 hours), but as soon as I can I'll update on Episode 5.
[quote name='Idiotekque']Sucks how the original Alice is never sold by itself. Because of how often Madness Returns has been on sale everywhere else (Steam, GG, Amazon), most who are interested in the series (like myself) already have Madness Returns.

I'm in the same boat as Suntoast, and I'm guessing we're not the only ones.[/QUOTE]

Same here.
I already own Alice: Madness Returns; all I need is the original American McGee's Alice.
I wish the original Alice was sold ALONE.
[quote name='asheskitty']

^_^ nod, I know what you mean. Only my gaming setup has mouse-on-right, but I don't have a dominate hand.

You could have a loadable AutoHotKey scripts for key swapping for differnt games. SD plays really well with the controller. Once you adapt to MaxPayne-bullet-timing most of your shots you won't even reach for the mouse.

Yeah, I wound-up playing Sleeping Dogs w/ a controller - sure, it played fine w/ that and all. Great game, BTW.

But for shootouts, I'd rather play like I do w/ Mafia series; GTA series; and most of those crime games - I keep my controller nearby on the table, just in case. I swap to my KB/mouse when player is getting out of the car animation is happening for when I'm on foot for shootouts; swap to controller for driving when my character is hopping in the car. For Sleeping Dogs - for fist-to-fist fights - it would have to controller all the way for that part, since it plays a lot like Batman: AA + AC.
[quote name='asheskitty']This! I really don't get what all the omg-hard talk is about, but then again I've been gaming since games were hard and quarters were few. The DS:pTD death penalty less than in Diablo II.[/QUOTE]

The worst part about dying in Dark Souls to me is trudging back through enemies you've already beaten to try to get back to a boss. Usually there's somewhat of a shortcut but it can still be a pain.

Also, if you play the game "blind" (no wiki or guide) it can become very frustrating since you can easily waste souls on useless stats and some key items are very difficult to find on your own. For example, there is no way to know which weapon to level up to use a Boss soul without checking a guide or wasting materials. I do love the game and I'm not saying they should hand us everything on a platter in DS2 but a little more clarification/direction regarding certain game mechanics would be appreciated.
Includes Mass Effect 1, 2, and 3. Over 75 hours of story content, plus Mass Effect 3’s critically acclaimed multiplayer mode.
From Mass Effect Trilogy product description.

Is it true? Im considering on buying it. Does it worth for my $25?
[quote name='bnh']From Mass Effect Trilogy product description.

Is it true? Im considering on buying it. Does it worth for my $25?[/QUOTE]

Depends on how you play, if you just do the storyline and no side missions or anything, I don't think it would be quite 75 hours.

[quote name='jkimrey']There's no way to get ME 3 on Steam, right?[/QUOTE]
Blame EA for making their new games Origin exclusive. Just add a non-steam game shortcut to your Steam and it will give you the Steam overlay
[quote name='bnh']From Mass Effect Trilogy product description.

Is it true? Im considering on buying it. Does it worth for my $25?[/QUOTE]

Each game for me was around 30 hour or so or more for me.
[quote name='bnh']From Mass Effect Trilogy product description.

Is it true? Im considering on buying it. Does it worth for my $25?[/QUOTE]

mass effect trilogy is one of the best gaming experiences ive had over the past 20 years, if you like sci fi, and role play shooters.

it may end up being cheaper, ive seen both one and 2 go on sale for $5 on steam, and part 3 has been under $10 numerous times. still not a bad buy for that 3 pack@ 25
I've never played 3 but even ME fans say to avoid it. I thought ME 1 was one of the promising new RPGs when it came out on 360, and I thought ME2 was pretty mediocre since it took out tons of rpg elements and was basically a cover shooter, and even the story was scaled back from an interesting space opera to whatever you would call the ME2 story

I regret missing out on the ME1 deal on steam would love to replay it on pc
[quote name='Killbomb']The worst part about dying in Dark Souls to me is trudging back through enemies you've already beaten to try to get back to a boss. Usually there's somewhat of a shortcut but it can still be a pain. [/quote]
That's the point - you're NOT supposed to make "mistakes." The penalty for dying is enemies respawn in the entire area.

On the flip side - if you die and lose your Old Souls; get kicked back to last Bonfire (checkpoint); hack off more enemies and get their New Souls; make your way back to where you last died and get your Old Souls back; you'll have your Old Souls + New Souls. It'll be MUCH easier to level-up for battles - and you can actually die purposely if you're secrewed (i.e. No Flasks; don't have the item to send you back to last Bonfire) as a strategy just to actually grind more.

Also, if you play the game "blind" (no wiki or guide) it can become very frustrating since you can easily waste souls on useless stats and some key items are very difficult to find on your own. For example, there is no way to know which weapon to level up to use a Boss soul without checking a guide or wasting materials. I do love the game and I'm not saying they should hand us everything on a platter in DS2 but a little more clarification/direction regarding certain game mechanics would be appreciated.
There's patterns to beating most bosses. They might take numerous deaths to figure out, but it is doable.

Such as, with the Capra Demon...
...Though, the Capra Demon is HELL to get down right, b/c of how that battle begins and the onsalught of dogs and Capra rushing you out the gate can be brutal, if you don't time things right.
1. Since you're being ambushed - RUN and get up to the stairs; then get to the ledge.
2. Battle the dogs while up there (cornering yourself, so they'll come at you one-by-one); get them out the way.
3. Try NOT to take Capra head on. Throw things at him while on the ledge (firebombs, poison knives, etc) - until he comes up those stairs.
4. When he comes up those stairs, drop down below; wait for him to drop down behind you; attack him once; run back up the stairs to ledge; go back to Step 3.
5. If he is ever beneath you do this step - plunging attack! Those do MASSIVE damage. Then run back up the stairs to the ledge; go back to Step 3.
6. He should be dead, if you hit this step 6. Congrats.
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I have a question if I get FIFA13 would I be able to play with Xbox 360 players since its both run by windows live? Could you guys pm me the answer because I will be at work until 3pm and I know that I won't find my post later.

[quote name='Fluxy']I have a question if I get FIFA13 would I be able to play with Xbox 360 players since its both run by windows live? Could you guys pm me the answer because I will be at work until 3pm and I know that I won't find my post later.

FIFA 13 PC doesn't use G4WL.
FIFA 13 PC uses ORIGIN (EA's service).
[quote name='bnh']From Mass Effect Trilogy product description.

Is it true? Im considering on buying it. Does it worth for my $25?[/QUOTE]

After adding everything up (excluding extra DLC), one playthrough of all three games took me 98 hours..

Definitely worth it.
[quote name='PenguinJim']New? It was a KotOR re-skin.[/QUOTE]

KOTOR doesn't play much like the ME series, combat-wise.

ME series plays more like a game w/ a mini-squad in a tactical shooter in real-time.

KOTOR queues up attack and auto-attacks (when you do normally shoot or melee attack); and you sit there and watch the game take turns in psuedo-real-time.
KOTOR doesn't auto-attack, when using Force or tossing grenades.
[quote name='hailey']I've never played 3 but even ME fans say to avoid it. I thought ME 1 was one of the promising new RPGs when it came out on 360, and I thought ME2 was pretty mediocre since it took out tons of rpg elements and was basically a cover shooter, and even the story was scaled back from an interesting space opera to whatever you would call the ME2 story

I regret missing out on the ME1 deal on steam would love to replay it on pc[/QUOTE]

Then they are not true fans of ME. Sure, last 10 minutes or so sucks but the rest of the game is good and worth playing if you have played ME1+ME2.
[quote name='PenguinJim']New? It was a KotOR re-skin.[/QUOTE]

Eh, not really. They were both sci-fi and featured a "morality system" but the similarities pretty much end there. The universes are quite distinct and the Mass Effect trilogy improved quite a bit with each release. There are lots of people who had a very public issue with the very end of the series but to say that the games aren't worth playing is pure folly.

The Mass Effect series was one of the best times I've ever had in front of a monitor/TV with a controller/keyboard/mouse in hand ever. In the 100+ hours I spent in that universe there were rarely slow (such as the scanning sections in ME2) moments and the memorable points were many. It is also a rare game that makes decisions matter and actually tug *hard* on emotions.
[quote name='thesn00ze']Then they are not true fans of ME. Sure, last 10 minutes or so sucks but the rest of the game is good and worth playing if you have played ME1+ME2.[/QUOTE]


ME3 is fantastic, except for the horrendous last 10 minutes.
If you like ME1 and ME2, don't avoid ME3 b/c of the last 10 minutes.
The rest of the game is absolutely fantastic!

Just, when you do take the plunge and do the last mission, read this...
...Just, make sure to shut the game off before you get beamed aboard the ship in the final mission in London. ;)
IMHO, the game falls apart and goes to HELL, once you get on the Ship...

My complaint w/ ME3's ending is...
...there's very little closure to Shepard and his crew's story, if you're looking for some sort of epic-style endings like we've seen in say BG2: TOB game; NWN: Hordes of the Underdark game; or even in the final LOTR: Return of the King movie. That was my real complain about the end. It's very-very abrupt. Sure, you can think about what the game might be alluding to happening (if you've been paying attention to some of the details, throughout the ME1+2 games) and how the ending is very symbolic of something else (i.e. Garden of Eden) - but you'll certainly probably want way more than what BioWare has given you.

Also, there's no real final epic boss battle, either. You don't have a boss battle fight w/ The Illusive Man at the end; or even battle some bad-ass alien at the end.
[quote name='hailey']I've never played 3 but even ME fans say to avoid it. I thought ME 1 was one of the promising new RPGs when it came out on 360, and I thought ME2 was pretty mediocre since it took out tons of rpg elements and was basically a cover shooter, and even the story was scaled back from an interesting space opera to whatever you would call the ME2 story

I regret missing out on the ME1 deal on steam would love to replay it on pc[/QUOTE]

No one is saying don't play ME3. The last 5 minutes or so is a little disappointing, although I haven't played through again with the extended ending yet. The rest of the 30 hour game is great. It really ties in well with the events of the first two games and brings good closure to the stories of your allies.

Also ME2's story has far better character development of your allies and supporting characters than ME1. Most of the RPG aspects are still present in ME2 as well. There are different stats you can divide points between, searching for resources, choosing the party you want to fight with.
[quote name='MysterD']Just, when you do take the plunge and do the last mission, read this...[/QUOTE]

You can read it but there is no reason to follow this advice that I've seen in a ton of places. Play the game all the way through to it's conclusion and make up your own opinions about it. I understand many of the complaints leveled at it. It could have been executed a bit better but there are plenty of folks who enjoyed the ending and took the events that were shown much differently than the annoyed masses.

Play. Enjoy. Think. :cool:
Mass Effect 3 plot overall was full of inconsistencies and lazy writing coupled with lazy level design. Like the part where Shepard takes on a Reaper by strafing left and right, that was so stupid and devoid of imagination.

The whole game felt rushed from the beginning. It's definitely the weakest in the series. Even if the ending was satisfying I still wouldn't rate it higher than the previous titles.
[quote name='Wulfgr']Mass Effect 3 plot overall was full of inconsistencies and lazy writing coupled with lazy level design. Like the part where Shepard takes on a Reaper by strafing left and right, that was so stupid and devoid of imagination. [/QUOTE]

That part was fun. And if there were a bunch of story inconsistencies and bad writing it sure as hell didn't stand out.
[quote name='momouchi']No one is saying don't play ME3. The last 5 minutes or so is a little disappointing, although I haven't played through again with the extended ending yet. The rest of the 30 hour game is great. It really ties in well with the events of the first two games and brings good closure to the stories of your allies.[/quote]
Yeah, I finished ME3 before Extended Ending. Haven't gone back to it.

Also ME2's story has far better character development of your allies and supporting characters than ME1. Most of the RPG aspects are still present in ME2 as well. There are different stats you can divide points between, searching for resources, choosing the party you want to fight with.

I agree w/ ME2 on the characters - since most of the game is about assembling your team and their own personal side-quests, you really get heavily invested w/ these characters. Especially, once the final mission hits.

I think ME2 has one of the best end-game missions that I've ever seen...
...even though ME2 has a terrible end-game boss battle.
I definitely preferred the end-game boss battle in ME1.

ME2 did take out A LOT of the typical RPG conventions found in ME1 (access Inventory while playing; getting new equipment; heavily modified your equipment). Of course, ME2's combat was ridiculously improved over ME1. Some of this upgrading equipment and equipment changing stuff - you namely do on the Normandy ship, before you begin a mission.
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