Amazon XBLA Deals: Undertow $5

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I already have all of these games but i'm glad to see others get a great deal like this. Now, hopefully I can find some people to play with or against in Doom 3.
doom for $3 is a kickass deal, and so is pac man championship edition.

undertow is alrigt for $5, the only one id have to think about (if i didnt own all three)
So you can buy these games or exact dollar values, no retarded "Points?" If so, I will hereafter only order my XBLA content from Amazon. They just keep getting better and better. iTunes is dead to me because of Amazon, now so is the Xbox Marketplace.
Do they send a code you enter? You can't pass up Doom for $3, I bought it for $10 and it was worth every penny and more.
Played doom with my cousin this weekend. What a coincidence! It's worth the pick up even if you're turned off by the dated graphics. Doom multi-player feels like how the game was meant to be played!
In for PacMan. Amazon and CAG for the win. What would I do without these 2 sites?

I really hope that this is the beginning of a trend. Microsoft was never aggressive enough with their deals IMO. 20% of Graw 2 DLC? No thanks MS!
[quote name='crunchb3rry']So you can buy these games or exact dollar values, no retarded "Points?" If so, I will hereafter only order my XBLA content from Amazon. They just keep getting better and better. iTunes is dead to me because of Amazon, now so is the Xbox Marketplace.[/quote]

Amazon doesn't sell DLC though, so you'll still need MS Points for that. Here's to hoping Amazon comes through with that in the future.
[quote name='rapsodist']Amazon doesn't sell DLC though, so you'll still need MS Points for that. Here's to hoping Amazon comes through with that in the future.[/quote]

If they do :whee: because it means the end of points and the end of people having to worry about paying Microsoft directly anymore.
I'm loving these Amazon deals! In for Doom, that's about as cheapass as it gets with XBLA games. Wombat talked up Namco collection quite a lot, so that strikes me as a better deal overall than pacman CE, but even then for less than $5 it's a freakin steal!

Good time to be a CAG with a 360 these days.
are these deals becoming a daily thing? If so I will buy every arcade game that goes on sale for at least 50 percent off. I love arcade games. I think I'm sitting at 78 right now.
[quote name='buster90']LOL...I love reading these posts on on deciding on Doom. Its $3 folks less than that of a lunch.[/quote]

You do remember who we are right? You know the name of the site?

We're CHEAP ASS Goddamn Gamers. If i didn't already own Doom in my steam account from one of the massive discounts they had, i'd still have to think a little bit before blowing 3 dollars on this.

To all who bought it, Good on ya. It's a fun little blast from the past that i didn't mind messing around with again on my PC a while back.

I'm lookin forward to seeing Puzzlequest Galtrix, And FF: Crystal Defenders discounted, either as a Gold member deal from XBL itself, or from Amazon (all XBL gold box anyone? we can hope!)
wow what a great deal, I had been wanting pac-man for a while but never had the balls to pick it up at $10. Thanks Flak!
Man, i bought doom for full price when it was released on XBLA. its a heck of a deal at 3.

if somehow castle crashers gets discounted...ill be all over that.
In for Doom! Thanks OP. It was a no brainer for me. Not only because I'm an achievement whore, but it'll bring back so many memories of playing it on my dad's PC back in the day. One of the first PC games I ever played and probably one of the first FPS's. Woot!
[quote name='munkapotamus']You do remember who we are right? You know the name of the site?

We're CHEAP ASS Goddamn Gamers. If i didn't already own Doom in my steam account from one of the massive discounts they had, i'd still have to think a little bit before blowing 3 dollars on this.[/quote]
Spending $3 on Doom is not "blowing" it. You, sir, are crazy, and are trying to spoil our fun. Boo on you.
Splurged on Doom. Not for the PC memories, but rather for the 32X memories. I wonder if I still have those maps I drew out on graph paper...
Pac-Man C.E. is a great game. I haven't played it since grabbing all the achievements, but it made for a really fun couple hours.

Might play it now and then if it was on my HDD instead of on whichever arcade collection disc I bought.
anyone try out undertow.
looks kinda nifty
plus it looks like its got co-op
id grab doom but i think i have it 3 times over by now already...
[quote name='chimpian']anyone try out undertow.
looks kinda nifty
plus it looks like its got co-op
id grab doom but i think i have it 3 times over by now already...[/quote]

I've tried it. They gave it away for free last year. To me, that's about what it's worth. It does have co-op which is nice. It's an average game.
i got undertow for free when they were trying to make up for the live problems
and yeah its a nifty game but i wouldnt pay for it
[quote name='sparkchronic']i got undertow for free when they were trying to make up for the live problems
and yeah its a nifty game but i wouldnt pay for it[/QUOTE]

Bah, you kidding me? It's Battlefield meets sidescroller goodieness. I love it.
Wow, Doom is actually still fun. I bought it for nostalgia, but I'm actually quite enjoying myself. It's a damn good game, even today. I good design is a good design.
[quote name='chimpian']thanks for saving me from makign that mistake:)

much appreciated.[/QUOTE]

You could try the demo. :mrgreen:
Picking up Doom as well.

Pac-Man CE is awesome and worth every penny. You can get it on an Arcade Disc or the new Namco Disc (which also includes Galaga Legions).

Undertow was once free, but if you missed it $5 isn't bad.
shame i already have Pacman CE on the Arcade disc AND the Namco disc. I'd really prefer to have it on my hard drive.

once I found out one of my friends had Doom already, I went for it. Deathmatch is stupidly awesome. I'm assuming everyone else on last night just got it this way.
Maybe Microsoft can step up and get some better deals of the week? Hope this is not just a early promotion to get people to check out Amazon's new digital stuff and they keep em coming out.
[quote name='LoveLost']I bought them all and under some weird misunderstanding I also received Banjo Kazooie for free. I fucking love you Amazon!!!![/quote]

Hmm....any way to duplicate that weird misunderstanding? :D
[quote name='trax']In for Pac-Man CE and Doom. Hoo boy, Amazon is threatening to take a lot of my money if they keep this up.[/quote]

Yeah there's a reason why their the biggest online retailer. I mean look at and Newegg. They are starting to catch on and offer killer deals these days.

[quote name='mrnivek']Maybe Microsoft can step up and get some better deals of the week? Hope this is not just a early promotion to get people to check out Amazon's new digital stuff and they keep em coming out.[/quote]

It's not an early promotion and if it is it's not a hard one to get in on.
[quote name='LoveLost']I bought them all and under some weird misunderstanding I also received Banjo Kazooie for free. I fucking love you Amazon!!!![/quote]

How did you get Banjo-Kazooie free... please share... do want.... for free. Thanks.
[quote name='mrnivek']Maybe Microsoft can step up and get some better deals of the week? Hope this is not just a early promotion to get people to check out Amazon's new digital stuff and they keep em coming out.[/quote]

No kidding. What Amazon has done in a week destroys all of the Microsoft promotions so far. I don't understand why they are so against doing better sales on Microsoft. There are quite a few games I'd buy if they offered a GOOD sale on them. Otherwise, I'll never buy them. So they can have some of my money, or none of it.
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