AMC's The Walking Dead - S3 2nd half starts 02/10/13 9PM ET

[quote name='lokizz']also i predict
lori will be the one to kill shane
. no way theyll let
do it too many people would complain about it.[/QUOTE]

I've never read the comics, so I've learned something new today! Didn't know Shane gets killed. This is one of those things where I don't really care if events from the comic get spoiled for me, I'm more intrigued as to how they'll execute it on the show.

According to the always-trustworthy Wikipedia :)roll:), the next season will start around October 2011, possibly? Isn't that a bit ridiculous?

Will you still care about this show in 10 months?
Will you still care about this show in 10 months?
can't speak for everyone but I will. I think i waited a full year for Misfits to come back and that was only 6 episodes as well. :gleeful sigh: I love that show. Anyway this is what I'm 'complaining' about when I say that six episodes is criminally short for such a good show. It's a little over a month and then you have to wait a year for more. But that's normal right? one season a year. 6 episodes or 13 I wouldn't have expected Season 2 to start until September earliest. I'm just curious were people hoping for season two to start in January or something?

Aside: If ya'll aren't watching Misfits you should be.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']
I've never read the comics, so I've learned something new today! Didn't know Shane gets killed. This is one of those things where I don't really care if events from the comic get spoiled for me, I'm more intrigued as to how they'll execute it on the show.

According to the always-trustworthy Wikipedia :)roll:), the next season will start around October 2011, possibly? Isn't that a bit ridiculous?

Will you still care about this show in 10 months?[/QUOTE]

Isn't one season per year normal for American shows?
[quote name='AlphaPanda']
I've never read the comics, so I've learned something new today! Didn't know Shane gets killed. This is one of those things where I don't really care if events from the comic get spoiled for me, I'm more intrigued as to how they'll execute it on the show.

According to the always-trustworthy Wikipedia :)roll:), the next season will start around October 2011, possibly? Isn't that a bit ridiculous?

Will you still care about this show in 10 months?[/QUOTE]

i agree they should start the new season sooner to wait that long will only cause them to lose viewers since when it comes to new shows out of sight out of mind especially with this first season being so short. a may or june start would be ideal or maybe start it sooner than that so that the finale could be on or around halloween.
[quote name='life.exe']Isn't one season per year normal for American shows?[/QUOTE]

Depends. I think Lost started the whole trend with long breaks in between seasons. I think it's usually slightly less than a year. I think what makes it worse is the fact that the season was only six episodes long.
[quote name='Wolfkin']can't speak for everyone but I will. I think i waited a full year for Misfits to come back and that was only 6 episodes as well. :gleeful sigh: I love that show. Anyway this is what I'm 'complaining' about when I say that six episodes is criminally short for such a good show. It's a little over a month and then you have to wait a year for more. But that's normal right? one season a year. 6 episodes or 13 I wouldn't have expected Season 2 to start until September earliest. I'm just curious were people hoping for season two to start in January or something?

Aside: If ya'll aren't watching Misfits you should be.[/QUOTE]

is it like that old 80s misfits of science show or something completly different? ive gotten into some of the diff shows they have over there ( the inbetweeners, mighty boosh) but i wasnt sure if this one would be good or not.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']Depends. I think Lost started the whole trend with long breaks in between seasons. I think it's usually slightly less than a year. I think what makes it worse is the fact that the season was only six episodes long.[/QUOTE]

Well, yeah. Really, what you have to compare it to is other cable series. Many only have 13 episodes and will have about 8 months of down time between seasons. Even this feels incredibly long, so 10 months for The Walking Dead is going to seem like forever. But with the kind of ratings it pulled in, I would be surprised if even 10 months was long enough to make it lose steam.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']Alright, I have to interject here. First off, this is a DISCUSSION BOARD and this thread is for discussions about the show The Walking Dead. If you like the show, you post about it here. If you don't like the show, you post about it here. This isn't the "Come Here To Ass-Lick The Walking Dead" thread. Posting a negative opinion about the show is NOT trolling. If you like the show, cool, but don't dismiss anyone who has a negative opinion of the show. Lets face it, even if you are in love with this show, it's FAR from perfect. Is it the worst show on TV? No, not even close, but what you have to understand is that there are those of us who love the books and want to see the property handled properly. This show is failing the books and it's bound to piss people off. It's not that that is a bad thing. Other shows stray from their source material, the difference is that those shows knock it out of the park, so it doesn't matter in the end. The Walking Dead, while not a terrible show, does not knock it out of the park, so people will naturally think "the books are better," which in turn will cause people to question why they strayed so far from a working formula. Had the show been better than the books, or even just as good, nobody would even think about it.[/QUOTE]

This... except, my opinion is that the show was terrible :roll:.
10 months wouldn't feel so long off if they gave us more than 6 episodes the first season. But when the show starts gearing up again I'm sure I'll be hyped.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']Depends. I think Lost started the whole trend with long breaks in between seasons. I think it's usually slightly less than a year. I think what makes it worse is the fact that the season was only six episodes long.[/QUOTE]yeah but it's still the same season. Lotta shows have a winter finale only to finish up the same seasonin the new year. But the point is the season is completely over. There's zero reason to expect it to start season 2 in Jan-May.
edit:i miss read what you wrote. my mistake. thought you were saying long breaks in the middle of the season. You meant long breaks between last season and the next. To which I would disagree. TV has long started seasons at the same time every year. Fall is always when most TV shows start up. the 'break between seasons' only varied as different shows have different length seasons. A show like Chuck might have 25 episodes and it seems like a shorter break versus some toon that only has 13 episodes. Both start in September but the break is longer on the shorter show.

[quote name='lokizz']is it like that old 80s misfits of science show or something completly different? ive gotten into some of the diff shows they have over there ( the inbetweeners, mighty boosh) but i wasnt sure if this one would be good or not.[/QUOTE]Not at all. I'll try not to derail this thread but basically it's
like Heroes (drama; normal people with abilities) only without the suck. Heroes only without any pretext of superheroness (minus the last episode). Bunch of probationary kids get superpowers and hilarity ensues. (extreme hilarity)
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[quote name='Temporaryscars']Depends. I think Lost started the whole trend with long breaks in between seasons. I think it's usually slightly less than a year. I think what makes it worse is the fact that the season was only six episodes long.[/QUOTE]

I don't know about Lost but Season 4 of The Sopranos ended on 12/08/02 the next season didn't premiere until 03/07/04. If I remember correctly it had something to do with James Gandolfini's contract. Another hiatus was Season 5 ended on 06/06/04 and Season 6 premiered on 03/12/06.

I can live with less than a year for The Walking Dead.
You know what really irks me about this show? Two things. One, the zombies look too made up...a little too perfect. You can tell that they're just people wearing a ton of makeup. Two, computerized zombie kills. Did we really need a CG decapitation? That's just lazy film making. Digital blood splatter? Come on. It just makes the whole thing so cheesy.

If you want to see perfect zombie special effects, check out the Night of the Living Dead remake from 1990.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']You know what really irks me about this show? Two things. One, the zombies look too made up...a little too perfect. You can tell that they're just people wearing a ton of makeup. Two, computerized zombie kills. Did we really need a CG decapitation? That's just lazy film making. Digital blood splatter? Come on. It just makes the whole thing so cheesy.

If you want to see perfect zombie special effects, check out the Night of the Living Dead remake from 1990.[/QUOTE]

im with you on that i havent seen a zombie on that show that looked any decent since the one with no legs at the very beginning. every one since has been meh. and i hate the cgi why they cant just do it old school is beyond me i especially hate the cgi head shots.

btw wolfkin you were right about misfits is amazing only 2 episodes in and i figure ill watch it all in a few days.
maybe because I don't watch horror movies but overall I thought they all looked really good. I've been pretty impressed with them.
The effects in the show are borderline old school Sci-Fi channel horrible. The problem with zombie movies/shows and why most will always fail is simple numbers. Zombies are only truly effective if there are at minimal 30 on screen at a time. This poses a problem for most shows because you have to constantly find extras put them in make up etc etc.

Why this show fails as a zombie plot is that fact that there are no zombies in it. Again, no one needs constant zombie action explosion, explosion big explosion. But the fact that the survivors can easy cross the entire god damn state without ever really running into a problem is counter productive. And of course they already have the ability to head shot zombies while running.

Ever since the first 2 episode every zombie they come across is lying on the ground already dead. With maybe 4 walking around which we all know a handful of zombies doesnt gel with the lure of zombies.

Will I care about this show in 10 months? No. But that a good thing, I would have forgotten how bad the story telling is and will probably be excited to go back to it.
I do like how they made the zombies attracted to sounds, kinda makes guns useless unless theres only a few around. Hoping to see more melee weapons used due to this.
See but the problem I have with that is there is always only a few around. They have fired guns a couple times before and it didnt in fact result in attracting zombies. Yes they have stated a couple times that walkers are attracted to noise....but apparently they are hard of hearing because the number only ever goes up by 1 or 2.

They have gone to about 5 different location and none of them have been overrun. Zombies dont migrate so any structure with multiple people in it should have a couple dozen surrounding it.

Ah well, in a week I would have forgotten this entire show.
[quote name='Soodmeg']The problem with zombie movies/shows and why most will always fail is simple numbers. Zombies are only truly effective if there are at minimal 30 on screen at a time. This poses a problem for most shows because you have to constantly find extras put them in make up etc etc.

Why this show fails as a zombie plot is that fact that there are no zombies in it. Again, no one needs constant zombie action explosion, explosion big explosion. But the fact that the survivors can easy cross the entire god damn state without ever really running into a problem is counter productive.[/QUOTE]

your points are valid complaints Soodmeg but the way I see it is like Alien. Basically you can't have 30 zombies on screen all the time. That's too much adrenalin and you're just fighting all the time. It can work for a movie but for a TV show it get to be too much for a drama. You need downtime. That's the difference between zombie movies and WD. WD is a drama it's about what goes on emotionally when you're between fighting. Only time I can recall something like that happening in tv with a constant danger being thrust continually at you was Lost (S2?) with the button they had to push all season and BSG (S1/2?) with the robot fleet constantly popping in and finding the survivors. In Lost most people would agrue that season was terrible. BSG was more action than drama during the chase and that's fine. if you're looking to make an action series.

The same way that the Alients are a danger thruout the movie but for most of the movie you don't actually see the creature. You just see 'evidence' of their constant presence. That's how i see the Zombie horde. The horde is the danger and the stragglers are the evidence of the horde's constant presence and ability to find you if you're not careful.

That's why
the campfire attack
was supposed to be such a big deal. I think most of us might argue it didn't work the way it was supposed to but in theory it should have been one of the shark hunters losing an arm to Jaws. An attack that reminds you that if you thought you were safe on the boat.. you're wrong.

Given what we know about the situation I don't find the empty highways all that unbelievable. The zombies are attracted to the smell and sounds of civilization, and they're slow and pretty stationary otherwise. The outbreak has still pretty recently just occurred so it kinda makes sense for them to all still be clumped around the cities. Again
this is where the campfire attacks were supposed to bring in some change. The idea in the books (and in the show I think) was that since there's nothing alive to make sound in the cities and there's no more people to eat. NOW they're starting to spread out from the cities
. Sure maybe a year from now you might expect the zombies to be spread out everywhere but that takes time. (feel free to disagree with me on how much time it would take for that to happen)

I think the zombie films with zeds everywhere tend to have two things I don't think we have in WD zombies. a) the zombies tend to be fast. I think it's pretty clear WD has sloths while Zombieland and Dawn of the dead had cheetahs b) motivation. Don't remember very well since again I don't watch horror films as a general rule but there are some zombies that crave brains. They need the brains to keep together. These WD-types don't really need anything. They attack the living but like HotD if there's nothing around they'll just camp out and shuffle in a circle doing nothing. An entire island of zombies isn't a problem if there's no bait for them and they have no internal motivation to go anywhere.
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I'm just jumping into this discussion on the last page without reading anything prior, but it was clear from the outset this was a show about humanity and relationships merely featuring some zombies, and not about featuring hordes of zombies with weak characters and no plot other than "escape" like a million other zombie movies out there. If you didn't figure that out by episode 1, you wasted your time watching the rest of the series.

Even when they do have the fun action scenes, there's still real human consequences afterward - executing people in hospital hallways, do you bury the dead, who is going to destroy the zombie brains, etc. - all acts that weighs heavily on the very essence of our humanity.

The CDC explosion effect was pretty SyFy Channel bad, but otherwise the makeup, costuming, and everything else has really looked top notch and cinematic compared to most TV series. I'll admit that the whole 'talking to the computer thing' in the final episode wasn't so great (even though that set looked top notch), but that was one episode and obviously won't be occurring again.

As for the zombies' speed, it seems they only move a bit faster with a horde mentality. I don't know how true that is for zombie movies of old, but it sure as shit beats the fully-abled zombies of late. I actually thought the only poorly done zombie part was when one of them picked up a rock or a brick to try to break the store window.
Really? That CG decapitation was laughable. They've been doing those for about 50 years now WITHOUT CG, a decade ago it was perfected and realistic, but now? They're lazy. Why have a special effects guy rig something up when they could just have a programmer make a cartoon? Too bad it looks like shit. Same with the CG blood splatter, how much could a squib possibly cost?
[quote name='kodave']I'm just jumping into this discussion on the last page without reading anything prior, but it was clear from the outset this was a show about humanity and relationships merely featuring some zombies, and not about featuring hordes of zombies with weak characters and no plot other than "escape" like a million other zombie movies out there. If you didn't figure that out by episode 1, you wasted your time watching the rest of the series.[/QUOTE]
Uh, WTF are you talking about? The first episode was nothing BUT trying to escape and survive, making Rick a man on a mission to find his wife and child. He ran into a VERY believable survivor who was protecting his own child after losing their mother. The development was brilliant and created the kind of tension you'd expect from such an event. It was the perfect setup until they ended his quest only an episode and a half later. At that rate, the show should have been over by episode six. There's no struggle, no clear goal, no fucking plot. Showering them with guns and taking the easy way out of every conflict they've run into only tells me they have zero creativity behind the ink.

No, the reason we wasted our time past episode one was because we were teased by such an incredible pilot.
i wonder if the lack in zombie numbers is due to a limited budget because you need numbers to add to the fear of death being everywhere. like someone else mentioned its kind of lame to have the ground covered in dead bodies and only have a few active zombies moving about.

if the bodies on the ground are fake fine but if theyre real people then stand some of those sumbitches up and show people the fear and risk involved in walking around especially in the cites.

how can you be in atlanta and there be so few dead walking around?
Depends on the area. Don't forget the horde that attacked Rick near the tank. This isn't L4D, you don't get waves of zombies every few minutes. Even the ones that attacked the camp weren't that large in number. Just depends on where they are and where the zombies are concentrated.
[quote name='Clak']Depends on the area. Don't forget the horde that attacked Rick near the tank. This isn't L4D, you don't get waves of zombies every few minutes. Even the ones that attacked the camp weren't that large in number. Just depends on where they are and where the zombies are concentrated.[/QUOTE]

if they were in the country id give them a pass on the numbers but they were in the city if youve ever been to atlanta you know how packed that place is and now think if mayne 50% or 75% of them were dead and walking about. the numbers just havent been represented as well as they should have and thats where they should have used cgi even if you only have like 40 or 50 "real" zombies nearby actually interacting with people it can be done.

id love to see tom savini get involved with the sfx in this show he could work miracles on it.
[quote name='Jodou']At that rate, the show should have been over by episode six. There's no struggle, no clear goal, no fucking plot. Showering them with guns and taking the easy way out of every conflict they've run into only tells me they have zero creativity behind the ink.[/QUOTE]the part I disagree with is that there's no plot. Fine yes they do have a bit too many guns and yes they are a bit trigger happy for people who are essentially lighting signal flares for every zombie in hearing distance. That aside (and I admit that's a big if) you DO have a setting for story telling. It's just not action based; goal-oriented story telling. It doesn't make sense for them to be working towards a cure because they're just every day people. They don't need to run at top speed to escape a chasing horde because the zombies are slow and stupid enough for you to be able to set up a camp (long as you follow the rules). The story comes in with the drama of downtime. If I can make another analogy it becomes like M.A.S.H. A story set in wartime but with a reasonable sense of safety. You're never safe IN a warzone but you aren't always firing at the enemy.

I'm trying not to read too much into what everyone is saying and obviously the show isn't knocking everything they try out of the park, but I really think that the zombies are confusing the issue.
This isn't Buffy where behind the drama every season is about discovering, locating and defeating "the big bad". It's not like Alias where you start the show with an overall goal of taking down Section 6. This is more like Everwood where you have a setup (Renowned doctor moves to small town) and then you just see where things go. The show was never about 'fixing the kid in a Coma' that just happened to be a plot point. This show isn't about escaping the horde like old zombie movies, or curing the horde like new zombie movies, or even a mixture of both like 28 days later. This is just a story about people under pressure. The pressure just happens to be a zombie horde. This is more like "The Riches" (a family of traveling con's takes over the life of a family they accidentally kill) or "Delocated" (a The Office-style documentary comedy about a family living under Witness Protection). No goals, just story, drama and pressure
They don't want an overarching goal. That defeats the purpose. The struggle is just surviving and staying sane. Someone earlier pointed out that it would have been a more interesting dramatic point is Jim really had just cracked
when he was digging the graves, rather than being inspired by some dream

[quote name='lokizz']the numbers just havent been represented as well as they should have and thats where they should have used cgi even if you only have like 40 or 50 "real" zombies nearby actually interacting with people it can be done.[/QUOTE]I guess that would work better. If they were willing to use CG zombies we could get more panning shots of the various hordes that are so close to our survivors and it would help maintain the tension for the viewer.
Is it ever shown or said in the books if the zombies ever just "die" eventually? Say if they haven't been feeding, do they fall apart or anything? Just wondeirng if maybe that could explain the piles of dead ones, if there weren't enough live people left to sustain them.
[quote name='Jodou']Uh, WTF are you talking about? The first episode was nothing BUT trying to escape and survive, making Rick a man on a mission to find his wife and child. He ran into a VERY believable survivor who was protecting his own child after losing their mother. The development was brilliant and created the kind of tension you'd expect from such an event. It was the perfect setup until they ended his quest only an episode and a half later. At that rate, the show should have been over by episode six. There's no struggle, no clear goal, no fucking plot. Showering them with guns and taking the easy way out of every conflict they've run into only tells me they have zero creativity behind the ink.

No, the reason we wasted our time past episode one was because we were teased by such an incredible pilot.[/QUOTE]

Did you miss the beginning where the little girl zombie was shot in the head? Or when Rick goes back to the zombie corpse with no legs? The whole struggle for the African-American gentleman (I forget his name) to shoot his own zombie wife in the head (and later, Rick's constant attempts to contact him every morning at dawn)? Rick shooting the zombie cop in the head even though he was behind a fence (I believe)? Or even the sadness of Rick liberating the horse from its pen only to unknowingly lead it into a horde of hungry zombies, thus making us feel bad for the horse? Its all about the humanity of those decisions. What fucking show were you watching? Yeah it started with a narrow plot premise that was well done, but the show wasn't supposed to be "Rick spends 6 episodes killing hordes until he finds his family." And even if you were "duped" by the first episode, its abundantly clear by the second that this show is bigger than Rick and his personal quest - so why would you keep watching four more episodes after the 2nd episode if you were so disappointed? The show makes no bones about it that its about the ensemble and what each member of the group adds to the story as they try to fit in this overarching theme of zombie apocalypse.

What did you expect for 6 episodes? Rick teaming up with the father and son until Rick finds his family in some kind of suspense action adventure thriller? And then what?

I think if the season length was longer than 6 episodes we would see more plot points play out and it would be more satisfying, because right now its definitely more like a halfway point rather than a fully contained season. It doesn't seem like we're done with the father and son from the first episode based on Rick trying to radio them every dawn. We haven't even dealt with Shane banging Rick's wife. We haven't dealt with hand-less Merle. And yeah it sucks that we're gonna have to wait a year to even begin to get resolution to those plot points, so I can see why that might annoy some people or think it was half baked. The story is there, it just needs more than 6 episodes to play itself out more fully. And that was probably a risky approach for the show to take considering it could have flopped and been canceled and in the end we'd be left with 6 episodes of an incomplete story. Luckily we're going to get a more complete story... in one year. That aside, I don't think what we saw was bad and it was certainly compelling if you're interested in the humanity side of it. If you're looking for zombie action/adventure/suspense you're going to be disappointed because that only happens every other episode seemingly.
[quote name='Clak']Is it ever shown or said in the books if the zombies ever just "die" eventually? Say if they haven't been feeding, do they fall apart or anything? Just wondeirng if maybe that could explain the piles of dead ones, if there weren't enough live people left to sustain them.[/QUOTE]

they sometimes run into a few who are just lying there seemingly too weak to do much. whether its due to not eating people ( maybe blood acts like oil to keep things moving) or they just finally rot inside to a point where their bodies dont work as well nobody knows.
[quote name='lokizz']if they were in the country id give them a pass on the numbers but they were in the city if youve ever been to atlanta you know how packed that place is and now think if mayne 50% or 75% of them were dead and walking about. the numbers just havent been represented as well as they should have and thats where they should have used cgi even if you only have like 40 or 50 "real" zombies nearby actually interacting with people it can be done.[/QUOTE]

The thing you're assuming here is that the military was completely unsuccessful in fighting back. That's just crazy. Before the world got to the point we see in the show, there must have been a huge war between humans and zombies. That whole time Rick is in the hospital, it must have been complete chaos on the outside. Surely, some of the zombies were destroyed until their numbers simply overwhelmed the human resistance. So, it's not like you're talking about the ENTIRE population being zombies. It makes sense for the numbers to be thinned out some.
Just how long was Rick in a coma for if the entire populous has seemingly become zombies, know what I mean?

I agree there was probably a war fought and all that, but if that's the case, how long has he just been laying there with all the machines off, getting no nutrients?
"How'd he survive the coma" is an old question. we must've had that argument back on the teen pages. I think we can reasonably assume he wasn't in the coma for years. Maybe months. I think it's reasonable also to assume that the time between power out and rick waking was relatively short. Maybe he should've been covered in his own poop but I think it's fair to say he could under an ideal comatose state survive for a fair while.

In a coma you're not moving. You're metabalic needs should be the lowest they could possibly be. If the machines kept his blood levels pretty high (just in case) then once the power gets out he could live for a few weeks and then he'd start to waste. The machines are there in case he goes long term with the coma and to see if anything changes aside from there ya don't really need 'em.
Do you guys understand that Atlanta has roughly 5.4 million fucking people living in or around it? 5.4 MILLION. One of you said that the military might me a answer for the lack of people. Seriously? You think the military took out what? 3 or 4 million people without dropping some type of bomb? Thats absurd. (Also in what? Weeks, Months, Years?) You would have to be stepping over peoples everywhere you went which goes against what the show has been about. The stench alone would bring any normal person to their knees.

(Honestly, I am surprise at the lack of environmental destruction, no looting, no broken windows, no bullet holes or anything)

I think this is a classic case of suspending belief. Some of you are able to suspend large amounts while others can not. The same way I cant believe that I can go to France and see only 10 French people I cant believe that the 9 biggest city in America is void of people and I am not willing to invent a crazy scenario to fill that hole. If you dont have the means to truthfully show Atlanta then you should have based the show in some back ass country town that had only 50 people in it.

Some of you are just able to craft situations that fills in the holes and makes sense. Others look at the holes and simple say, those are holes.

Things like, "The 2nd largest explosion know to man," yet is not able to hurt 2 people 20ft away protect only by sand bangs. (Also wouldnt every zombie in the state hear that and come "running?") The fact they have a infinite amount of gas for multiple cars. The convenience of just having a grenade in your pocket (those also does very little damage) ETC ETC.

There is just a lot of things to swallow in this show. Although I am happy for them for getting the viewers, I think the 5 mill is a result of weak prime time TV in the first place plus the fact that this is the first main streak zombie show. We all love zombies.
Didn't the CDC scientist say that the bomb lights the air on fire or something?

When I was watching that scene, I was wondering why the whole area didn't explode if that bomb was capable of lighting air on fire. Just the CDC building? Air's everywhere! Blow up the whole world! Go bomb, go! Regardless, I like the show and will keep watching, I just hate when there there's holes and there's no explanation, everyone just looks the other way.
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[quote name='AlphaPanda']Didn't the CDC doctor say that the bomb lights the air on fire or something?

When I was watching that scene, I was wondering why the whole area didn't explode if that bomb was capable of lighting air on fire. Just the CDC building? Regardless, I like the show and will keep watching, I just hate when there there's holes and there's no explanation, everyone just looks the other way.[/QUOTE]

Exactly, my pet peeve (and again I work in TV/Film and Production, I deal with wanna be directors all the time who are really pron to doing this) is when scenes are added with no explanation as to why or how such a thing can be true with the only reasoning being that "it would be cool."

Its writing based on convenience and I hate it. Is there a reason he had to say that? No, but they needed to add artificial tension to a scene in which they knew those two had to survive.

Dont be afraid to just let the scene play out.
I wish the bomb blew up blonde women who spend their time sulking about their sister who just got zombified.

That'd be a lot better.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']I wish the bomb blew up blonde women who spend their time sulking about their sister who just got zombified.

That'd be a lot better.[/QUOTE]
Heh, I say kill'em all and focus on the black guy and his kid. Loved him in The Prisoner.
[quote name='Soodmeg'](Also wouldnt every zombie in the state hear that and come "running?") The fact they have a infinite amount of gas for multiple cars. The convenience of just having a grenade in your pocket (those also does very little damage) ETC ETC.


im glad you mentioned that because the car thing has been annoying the shit out of me too. they should have stuck with the comic on that end because having them all in the rv would add tension but its easier to believe they could get enough fuel for the one vehicle but for 3?

and the explosion not attracting zombies was annoying as well of course maybe they will follow up on that in the next season.

like you said there are alot of holes in the story overall and i hope they take the time to patch up as many as possible. of course maybe this show isnt really meant for zombie fans could be theyre looking to attract a more general audience.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Do you guys understand that Atlanta has roughly 5.4 million fucking people living in or around it? 5.4 MILLION. One of you said that the military might me a answer for the lack of people. Seriously? You think the military took out what? 3 or 4 million people without dropping some type of bomb? Thats absurd. (Also in what? Weeks, Months, Years?) You would have to be stepping over peoples everywhere you went which goes against what the show has been about. The stench alone would bring any normal person to their knees.

(Honestly, I am surprise at the lack of environmental destruction, no looting, no broken windows, no bullet holes or anything)[/quote]i'll give you the bodies. you guys have made a very valid point that there needs to be either more walkers or more bodies. The CDC was the closest since the hospital to showing the ground littered. I don't think people had time to loot. Maybe in the outskirts but if people were heading to Atlanta that where there wouldn't be looting. As far as other destruction.. again valid point. Bulletholes, more broken windows, ripped open doors etc.

[quote name='Soodmeg']Things like, "The 2nd largest explosion know to man," yet is not able to hurt 2 people 20ft away protect only by sand bangs. (Also wouldnt every zombie in the state hear that and come "running?") The fact they have a infinite amount of gas for multiple cars. The convenience of just having a grenade in your pocket (those also does very little damage) ETC ETC.[/QUOTE]running well yes. I think every zombie within miles would orient themselves towards the explosion now. but a) I've argued they move very slowly so you do have time to make a getaway.. heck actually the whole thing might work as a diversion. All the zombies heading to the fire and you can bob and weave your way past them and b) while i don't particularly agree with this part it's been established that their hearing isn't perfect. one loud noise might have them heading.. say south. but unless more noise occurs they'll come to a stop.
like the stolen car and it's beeping car alarm.

curses. is this the first someone's argued the gas? b/c I've been kinda dreading someone pointing that out. My theory (and this is a weak one) is that at the beginning people packed up and ran away but towards the end people just ran so in theory there are lots of places (gas stations) that are still open. Just gotta walk in and turn it on. And yes that sounds as stupid in my head as it does to you
after all who would stay at a gas station during a zombie out break until it was so bad you just felt like running away
. but since solo zombies aren't too much of a hassle it looks like Zombieland or that scene in Highschool of the Dead.

[quote name='AlphaPanda']Didn't the CDC scientist say that the bomb lights the air on fire or something?[/QUOTE]ok first off I agree with the sentiment. I had this argument with my sister. Basically I said (and this is really apologist of me) that it looked like they only got away with seconds but really it must have been minutes because there's no way if they were as close as it looked that they survived.

BUT to be fair the whole 'lights the air on fire' thing was supposed to be for the sealed chamber. They didn't design the system to burn the air for the entire globe. The fact that it has a vent ruins the foundation of the thing. You can fully call 'head in the sand' on this but I'm going with: they were a lot father away than I thought. I have a bigger problem with a grenade shattering the shatter-proof glass.
The explosion of the CDC compound related to something like changing the air pressure inside of the compound so the air would ignite. I forget the exact explanation but I'm assuming its somewhat scientifically plausible. You already saw it happen on a small scale when the zombie testing lab was internally burned up. All that happened on the final episode was that, but to a much larger scale resulting in the destruction of the entire building. I'm utterly shocked some of you people think the explosion should have burned all the outside air too. Utterly shocked. I don't know if their science is right, but the bottom line is, the method was only supposed to ignite the air inside the compound, not the air of the entire world. It also wasn't supposed to wipe out everything surrounding it, it was supposed to destroy everything inside of it so AIDS or Ebola or zombie-virus couldn't contaminate the surrounding area.

As for everyone whining about the population of Atlanta, you do realize people fled the city or were evacuated from the city, right? When Rick rides into town on the first episode, the outbound traffic lanes are full of hundreds cars and those cars are torched. Surely hundreds of thousands of people escaped on that road prior to the cut off point Rick encounters. And I assume theres more than one highway in and out of Atlanta so there were other routes out we've never seen. Clearly there was some kind of military strike where the government said "enough is enough" with Atlanta and basically tried to set some kind of "containment perimeter" where if you're outside of the perimeter you can keep trying to escape, if you're on the perimeter you're gonna die, and the people left on the inside are just going to become zombies because its a no man's land.

OMG here's another trivial thing to complain about. Everyone knows that in times of disaster and emergency the interstate highway system is designed so that people can flee on both sides of the road. WHY DIDN'T THE PRODUCERS FILL THE OTHER SIDE OF THE HIGHWAY WITH CARS TOO WAH WAH WAH WAH.

Where did those people escape to? Who knows. But if Atlanta was zombie-town, they probably kept driving as far away as they could for as long as they could.

Furthermore I think its abundantly clear that plenty of zombies were killed, along with people who were susceptible to becoming zombies, by the military. Wasn't there some kind of air strike in the flash back? It sounds like the military was trying to kill as many zombies as they could before it was deemed a hopeless endeavor and everybody got the fuck out of there. That's why theres so many zombie bodies on the ground.

And as for people wondering why zombies weren't attracted to the CDC explosion - how do we even know that? The fucking building exploded, they got in their cars after the blast, and drove off. For all we know theres 10,000 zombies surrounding the CDC right now.

I mean Christ the amount of whining and complaining over trivial things here is absurd.

Here's a protip: Don't ever watch the television series 24. Jack Bauer never takes potty breaks. HOW IS THAT REALISTIC OVER THE COURSE OF 24 HOURS wiljkdzgSL:dwprjfdlnk;lfds,skfjl;dskljf;is,mkfle;'d., mk/;le'dfv m,bgdrekwpxbf,grl/jew,kxfkdrea;w,xm

How do you people watch anything that requires any amount of suspension of disbelief. Jesus.
[quote name='kodave']The explosion of the CDC compound related to something like changing the air pressure inside of the compound so the air would ignite. I forget the exact explanation but I'm assuming its somewhat scientifically plausible. You already saw it happen on a small scale when the zombie testing lab was internally burned up. All that happened on the final episode was that, but to a much larger scale resulting in the destruction of the entire building. I'm utterly shocked some of you people think the explosion should have burned all the outside air too. Utterly shocked. I don't know if their science is right, but the bottom line is, the method was only supposed to ignite the air inside the compound, not the air of the entire world. It also wasn't supposed to wipe out everything surrounding it, it was supposed to destroy everything inside of it so AIDS or Ebola or zombie-virus couldn't contaminate the surrounding area.

As for everyone whining about the population of Atlanta, you do realize people fled the city or were evacuated from the city, right? When Rick rides into town on the first episode, the outbound traffic lanes are full of hundreds cars and those cars are torched. Surely hundreds of thousands of people escaped on that road prior to the cut off point Rick encounters. And I assume theres more than one highway in and out of Atlanta so there were other routes out we've never seen. Clearly there was some kind of military strike where the government said "enough is enough" with Atlanta and basically tried to set some kind of "containment perimeter" where if you're outside of the perimeter you can keep trying to escape, if you're on the perimeter you're gonna die, and the people left on the inside are just going to become zombies because its a no man's land.

OMG here's another trivial thing to complain about. Everyone knows that in times of disaster and emergency the interstate highway system is designed so that people can flee on both sides of the road. WHY DIDN'T THE PRODUCERS FILL THE OTHER SIDE OF THE HIGHWAY WITH CARS TOO WAH WAH WAH WAH.

Where did those people escape to? Who knows. But if Atlanta was zombie-town, they probably kept driving as far away as they could for as long as they could.

Furthermore I think its abundantly clear that plenty of zombies were killed, along with people who were susceptible to becoming zombies, by the military. Wasn't there some kind of air strike in the flash back? It sounds like the military was trying to kill as many zombies as they could before it was deemed a hopeless endeavor and everybody got the fuck out of there. That's why theres so many zombie bodies on the ground.

And as for people wondering why zombies weren't attracted to the CDC explosion - how do we even know that? The fucking building exploded, they got in their cars after the blast, and drove off. For all we know theres 10,000 zombies surrounding the CDC right now.

I mean Christ the amount of whining and complaining over trivial things here is absurd.

Here's a protip: Don't ever watch the television series 24. Jack Bauer never takes potty breaks. HOW IS THAT REALISTIC OVER THE COURSE OF 24 HOURS wiljkdzgSL:dwprjfdlnk;lfds,skfjl;dskljf;is,mkfle;'d., mk/;le'dfv m,bgdrekwpxbf,grl/jew,kxfkdrea;w,xm

How do you people watch anything that requires any amount of suspension of disbelief. Jesus.[/QUOTE]

actually when the outbreak started and began to worsen many people went to the city because they were told it was protected by the military and there were safe zones and such there. but of course we all know it didnt work so many people were trapped in the city and died.

as the situation gets worse people run off to take care of their own leaving the millions who stayed or arrived to seek safety on their own.

and as you said before the streets are full of dead/stalled cars which goes to show you that when it became impossible to leave in a vehicle many had to leave on foot which would leave you exposed to whats out there.

yeah we all know zombies dont exist so its a lame point to keep waving the its not real flag everytime someone points out a flaw in the shows plot but many of us are very familiar with the whole concept of zombies due to the films, books , games and anime weve seen on the subject and one of the most common things in all is that when the shit hits the fan alot of people run to cities because of the military presence.

and with the cdc being there itd make sense that many more would come hoping a cure could be found.
If it's lame to use "it's not real" as a defense for "every plot hole" in the show, it has to be just as lame to use "it's a discussion forum" as a defense for constantly bitching about every nitpicking little thing that you don't like. I don't understand the logic of spending your time watching something that you're just going to complain about. Why not invest it in something that you truly enjoy and can truly be entertained by? Unless you actually enjoy and are entertained by bitching and pointing out why something is "bad"...what is the point?
Well I gotta say I really like this show and am excited for season 2. I'm also not surprised by the reaction to the show in this thread, when a very highly regarded book/comic series is turned into a TV show/movie the fans of said books get all butt hurt if the translation is different at all. The new material can be really well done and the fans will still hate it no matter how great or faithful it is (see "Watchmen"). I like the show and think it's good, however it isn't "Deadwood" or "The Shield" great IMO. But it's certainly better than people in here make it sound.

I have read a lot of people complaining about the bad CGI, small # of zombies, ect. I'm pretty sure that season 2 will have a MUCH greater budget than season 1. Did AMC really expect a graphic mature zombie show based on comic books to be a GIANT success? The budget for this will expand greatly next season. And with that will hopefully come better effects, more capable set pieces, ect. I feel like people should give the show a chance through season 2 before they completely shit all over it.

Oh and btw I'm really not surprised at some of the constant bitchers in this thread, the usual suspects on these forums.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']If it's lame to use "it's not real" as a defense for "every plot hole" in the show, it has to be just as lame to use "it's a discussion forum" as a defense for constantly bitching about every nitpicking little thing that you don't like. I don't understand the logic of spending your time watching something that you're just going to complain about. Why not invest it in something that you truly enjoy and can truly be entertained by? Unless you actually enjoy and are entertained by bitching and pointing out why something is "bad"...what is the point?[/QUOTE]

its also lame to complain about people complaining. wouldnt your time be better spent doing something else? not much logic in that either i believe. if you like the show what does it matter if others dont?

The amount of forum rage vs nerd rage in this thread is hilarious. Although I could never figure out what is more absurd. Being all hurt by a tv show or being all hurt by things said about a tv show.

Someone could just as easily "OMG STOP WATCHING THE SHOW," as they can, "OMG STOP READING THE POSTS AND RESPONDING TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM WITH THE SAME 5 WORDS" The constant bitching about a person bitching about a TV show is just as annoying to us as we are to you.

The problem is that one group is attacking the show while the other is simply attacking posters. Attack/Defend the show should be open game but guys you really need to chill out with attacking each other. To be honest, you guys are the ones leaning more towards the trolling side, since after all your only purpose in this thread is to belittle a so called "bitcher." I think the show "defenders" have really done a piss poor job with staying on point (as in the show) although there are some who have done well in having a discussion about the pros and cons and expressing their opinions. And of course some of the "attackers," need to stay more on point themselves as they were trolling also.

Season 2 budget should be larger yes but again MOST people have no real problems with the "action" per say. I think we have made this point several times that no one wants Explosion Explosion Big Explosion. They simply dont want to have to take huge leaps of logic and in essence do most of the work of the directors. Also take note that I have never said that the show must stick to the comic, quite the opposite actually.

Personally my problems with the show have very little to do with things that money could instantly fix. More of the focus of the show.

One last thing, without us "bitchers" as you claim, this thread wouldnt have half as many post and would most likely be buried on the 3rd page by now. The people who have less of a problem with the show have posted very little in regards to actual show. Your 3 words saying you had no problem with the episodes doesnt really spark a heated discussion now does it?

Calm down everybody. Its just a tv show, a forum and a bunch of words on a website.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Do you guys understand that Atlanta has roughly 5.4 million fucking people living in or around it? 5.4 MILLION. One of you said that the military might me a answer for the lack of people. Seriously? You think the military took out what? 3 or 4 million people without dropping some type of bomb? Thats absurd. (Also in what? Weeks, Months, Years?) You would have to be stepping over peoples everywhere you went which goes against what the show has been about. The stench alone would bring any normal person to their knees.

(Honestly, I am surprise at the lack of environmental destruction, no looting, no broken windows, no bullet holes or anything)

I think this is a classic case of suspending belief. Some of you are able to suspend large amounts while others can not. The same way I cant believe that I can go to France and see only 10 French people I cant believe that the 9 biggest city in America is void of people and I am not willing to invent a crazy scenario to fill that hole. If you dont have the means to truthfully show Atlanta then you should have based the show in some back ass country town that had only 50 people in it.

Some of you are just able to craft situations that fills in the holes and makes sense. Others look at the holes and simple say, those are holes.

Things like, "The 2nd largest explosion know to man," yet is not able to hurt 2 people 20ft away protect only by sand bangs. (Also wouldnt every zombie in the state hear that and come "running?") The fact they have a infinite amount of gas for multiple cars. The convenience of just having a grenade in your pocket (those also does very little damage) ETC ETC.

There is just a lot of things to swallow in this show. Although I am happy for them for getting the viewers, I think the 5 mill is a result of weak prime time TV in the first place plus the fact that this is the first main streak zombie show. We all love zombies.[/QUOTE]
It's a show about a zombie apocalypse, you have to suspend your sense of reason to even watch the show. Otherwise you'd be balking at the very premise of the show. If I can accept that zombies are real for the purpose of the show then I can ignore some technicalities too.
bread's done